Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 41 Everyone is here, let’s start the feast (I)

[Protein! ]

A deep voice came from behind, and Jin Dae-jung turned around suddenly.

But before he could stand still, a fist bigger than his head came at him.


Protein used all his strength to hit Jin Dae-jung directly into the wall behind him.

At this time, Jin Dae-jung only felt a tingling sensation all over his body, which should be the feeling of flesh and blood being torn apart.

In addition, there was also a sense of pressure from his internal organs. Jin Dae-jung wanted to look up and check, but found that except for his eyes, he could not move anywhere. Jin Dae-jung wanted to cry but had no tears.

[Damn, what the hell is this? Why the hell am I here? ]

When Jin Dae-jung was confused, protein approached step by step like a Thai pressure, and every step made his face tremble constantly.

[duang! daung! 】

One, two, the protein seemed to think that Kim Dae-jung was very resistant to beating, and it beat Kim Dae-jung like a noodle chef in a noodle shop, beating him thin and flat.

Although it seemed that it should be very painful, Kim Dae-jung did not feel any pain, and what was even more strange was that the perspective was actually the perspective of a third party.

It seemed that the protein was floating in the air, watching the protein punch the "Kim Dae-jung" in the wall one punch after another.

Kim Dae-jung was a little confused, but he began to have time to recall what happened before.

[By the way, didn't I go to find Se-ri? ]

"Se-ri? Se-rixi? Se-ri?"

Kim Dae-jung screamed hard, but found that he could not make any sound at all.

When he tried to speak, the protein on his face had already hit him hard.

Protein held up Kim Dae-jung's body. Kim Dae-jung, who had endured countless blows, was limp all over, like a rubber man, totally out of human form.

Protein called out "Protein" with satisfaction, then opened its bloody mouth and threw Kim Dae-jung into its mouth.

"No," Kim Dae-jung finally shouted when he was swallowed.

"Huff, huh, huh," Kim Dae-jung gasped as he opened his eyes.

He turned his head and saw Park Se-ri beside him. Park Se-ri was sleeping very deeply, and Kim Dae-jung's panting did not affect Park Se-ri's sleep at all.

Because Park Se-ri was sleeping half prone, her penis just rested on Kim Dae-jung's Adam's apple, which might be the reason why he couldn't shout out in his dream.

[It turned out to be a dream, I said, damn, dreams are really the opposite. 】

Kim Dae-jung put Park Se-ri's arm back into the quilt, tucked the quilt for her, and kissed Park Se-ri on the cheek when he approached her.

He lay down again, with one hand propped up behind his head, and recalled the protein in his dream.

[Protein is really haunting, we have to find a way to get rid of this guy in advance, otherwise, it will only become more and more difficult to deal with. 】

Since being with Park Se-ri, Kim Dae-jung's work and rest have finally returned to normal. It may also be because he is too tired. He didn't wake up until Park Se-ri pushed him awake.

"Well," Kim Dae-jung forced one eye open and nodded: "I'll get up right away, you go wash up first."

"Okay," Park Se-ri got up and dressed, ready to go to the bathroom to wash up.

Kim Dae-jung sat up and said to Park Se-ri seriously: "Se-ri, remember my words. When you hear the word protein from now on, don't look back. Just run. Don't stop. Do you understand?"

"Eh? Oppa, is protein a new buzzword? Why haven't I heard of it?" Park Se-ri smiled and avoided Kim Dae-jung's magic.

"Remember it."

"Okay. I'll go wash up first, and you should get up quickly. Don't let Eun-yu make fun of you again."

After the two finished washing up, they ate the bread left over from yesterday. The sun climbed out from behind, and the sunlight poured into the room without reservation. Everything seemed so harmonious.

Watching Park Se-ri happily biting the bread, Kim Dae-jung's bad mood due to nightmares was also improved by a large margin.

Park Se-ri extended her right hand, and Kim Dae-jung handed the tissue beside her to Park Se-ri. The two of them were like an old married couple.

"By the way, Se-ri, we will have a new colleague coming today, so I'll say hello to you in advance."

"Who is it? And will your room be full?"

"It's a bit crowded, but we can still make some space if we squeeze in. As for the person, you've heard of him, but you haven't seen him. Let me tell you a story first, and you'll know later."

After breakfast, Kim Dae-jung and Park Se-ri walked towards Room 1502. After getting along with Park Se-ri, they now really feel like they are at work. Room 1502 is the office, and Room 1411 is the residence.

Entering 1502, Li Enyou has come over. She said with a bad face: "Now you two don't even play the scene, just come here together."

Park Se-ri smiled a little embarrassedly, while Jin Dazhong picked his ears and replied casually: "I haven't settled the account with you for forcing me to drink."

"What do you mean by forcing you to drink? You are willing to admit defeat. If you don't want to tell the truth, you have to drink. This is the rule of the game."

Jin Dazhong pointed at Li Enyou with his finger, and after a long while, he said: "You wait for me."

Faced with the threat, Li Enyou didn't care at all: "Azaxi, you two didn't arrive until 8:05, shouldn't you be deducted money?"

"Take a hammer, is there anyone who deducts money for himself?"

"Now I am the only one who bears the co-authorship. The system is set for me alone, and I alone need to abide by the working hours." Li Eunyou complained unconvinced.

"That's right, but there is a new member coming today. You have seen it too. The rules are set for you two. You don't have to be unbalanced or open."


At around 8:50, almost 9 o'clock, the new member finally arrived.

[Ding dong! 】

"Li Eunyou, open the door and first confirm who is coming?"

Li Enyou curled her lips, but her body obeyed. She walked to the video phone and looked at the woman on the video phone. She turned back and reported: "Is she the woman who lives in 1510?"

"That's right, it's her. Open the door."

After opening the door of 1502, Yoon Ji-soo saw the details in the room. There were two girls and one boy. In addition to Kim Dae-jung, there was a little girl who had a relationship with each other before, and there was also a very beautiful girl.

She was the first to speak: "Hello."

When Jin Dazhong saw Yin Jixiu coming, he stood up with a smile and welcomed her in. He introduced to the two girls: "This is Yin Zhixiu. Our company now has another bass player. Let us welcome Miss Yin Zhixiu to join. "

【Papa! 】

Li Eunyou didn't give Kim Dae Jung any face, and didn't even act perfunctory.

Kim Dae-jung introduced Park Se-ri and Lee Eun-you to Yoon Ji-soo respectively, and they got to know each other for the first time.

Seeing how embarrassed he was, Jin Dazhong suggested: "Does anyone want to eat ice cream? I'll treat you."

"I want chocolate flavor." Li Enyou replied, not polite at all.

"I want chocolates too," Park Se Ri looked at Kim Dae Jung's eyes and replied with a smile.

"Then I want chocolate flavor too," Yoon Ji Soo replied with a shrug.

"Well, I also want chocolate flavor." Jin Dazhong also asked and answered himself.

The four people looked at each other in an awkward manner. In the end, everyone focused their eyes on Li Enyou. After all, she was the maknae, and it was normal for her to do errands.

Li Enyou pointed at himself and asked: "You don't want me to buy it for you, don't even think about it!"

"Then let's go to the store downstairs to pick. You can also choose your favorite flavor."

So the four of them took the elevator down to the first floor and walked towards the Green Home Supermarket.

Before we entered the supermarket, we heard a man scolding: "You lose money, why don't you take the pure water out of the refrigerator?"

"But all the residents in the apartment like to drink frozen drinks?"

“Is there no electricity bill for frozen purified water?”

"You lose money."

"Ah, ah..."

He could hear that the boss was beating 놛's wife again. Jin Dazhong quickly walked into the supermarket and said to the boss: "Bring me a bottle of pure water, frozen. I don't want the non-frozen one."

"Look," Jin Shanying pointed at Jin Daezhong and said timidly.

"You lose money, what are you looking at? Why don't you go and entertain the guests?"

In the end, Kim Dae Jung and Park Se Ri chose pumpkin flavored ice cream, Yoon Ji Soo chose chocolate flavored ice cream, and Lee Eun Yoo chose original flavored ice cream.

After a few days of getting along, the relationship between Park Se Ri, Yoon Ji Soo and Lee Eun Yoo was no longer so deadlocked, and everything developed as normal.

Sunday, August 5, was sunny.

After 꺘꽭’s investigation, Byun Sangyu finally determined the location of Cui Dazai.

In Room 802, Cui Dazai opened the door and prepared to go out, only to find a man standing at the door that he didn't want to see at all, Byun Sangyu.

When he wanted to close the door, it was already too late. Bian Shangyu had already blocked the door with his feet.

Then Byun Sang-wook knocked down Choi with one punch. The latter was lying on the bed laughing and tried to resist, but was hit hard by Byun Sang-wook and lost consciousness.

Twenty minutes later, Cui Dazai regained consciousness. Seeing that he was tied up, he was not afraid at all. He smiled and begged for mercy: "Do you want money? I keep all my money in the room inside, and there are still valuables." All my jewelry is in the cabinet in the back room, and it’s all for you, as long as you don’t hurt me.”

"Choi 뀫zae, where is the girl?"

"What girl, what are you talking about? I'll give you all the money, as long as you don't hurt me?"

Cui Zairuo patiently dealt with Shang Yu, not worrying about his own safety at all.

After all, Bian Shangyu is already a man now. As long as this person is not a lunatic, 늀 should not even think about hurting 놛 in this legal society, but still want to escape. Therefore, 놛 is also very interested in playing with Bian Shangyu.

Bian Shangyu picked up Cui Dazai and didn't ask the question a second time. He hit Cui Dazai in the face with his big, thick palm. The latter staggered and fluttered like a bug. superior,

Cui Dazai spat out the blood in his mouth and smiled strangely, thinking: "I seem to have captured your life gate."

Byun Sangyu watched Cui Dazai half-kneeling and was about to get up. He went up and kicked Dazai down to the ground again.

Because it was Cui Dazai who was hit on the back of his head, the huge impact made Cui Dazai completely lose consciousness.

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