Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 34 My one-day girlfriends are all monsters (Part 2)

Looking at Park Ri's embarrassed look, Jin Dae-jung smiled and shook his head, strode forward, and picked up Park Ri.

"Meow!" A cat cried, and a cat appeared in Jin Dae-jung's sight.

"Whose cat is this?"

Hanging her hands on Jin Dae-jung's neck, Park Ri burst into tears and laughed, and replied: "Except for the room number, I didn't lie to you. I really have a cat, and it's called Katie."

[Katie, this name seems a bit familiar? Could it be...]

[Kitty? Hey, Park Ri's Korean pronunciation is a bit outrageous. ]

Carrying Park Ri into the room and gently putting her on the bedside, Jin Dae-jung took out the medicine box in the corner, wiped Park Ri's knees with iodine, and after a simple disinfection, he put a Band-Aid on the wound.

"Be a little more careful next time." Jin Dazhong asked.


He opened the freezer of the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Samdo water frozen into ice cubes, and handed it to Park Li.

"Apply ice first, and see if it hurts tomorrow. If it still hurts tomorrow, go to the hospital."

[Or go downstairs, it seems! Medicine should be omnipotent. ]


Park Li's tearful expression was very cute, which made Jin Dazhong feel that he was very reliable and full of confidence.

[The future team will be in pairs, I can't be the only one eating dog food, which is not good for my health. ]

"Come on, wipe it off, your face is all stained."

Taking the wet cloth from Jin Dazhong's hand, Park Li wiped off the tears on her face and forced a smile.

Watching Park Ri playing with her pet cat, Kim Dae-jung sat on a chair and asked with a smile, "Which floor and room do you live in?"

"Actually, I live on the 14th floor, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed you."

"No wonder," Kim Dae-jung nodded.

If we count from yesterday, the two of them have only known each other for a day. Sometimes fate is so unpredictable, this is probably because they are so close.

"I live in 1411."

"1411, it's next to Yoon Ji-soo downstairs."

"What?" Kim Dae-jung shouted and confirmed again, "You live in 1411?"

He pointed at the cat under Park Ri's feet and asked, "You also have a cat, live in 1411?"

"Yeah, not bad." Park Ri, confused by Kim Dae-jung's performance, nodded gently.

In a moment of sadness and joy, Jin Dazhong fell heavily on the chair, slid sideways, and slid the chair to the refrigerator, with his back to Park Li.

[Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. ]

[Who the hell did I offend? It's okay to get a scumbag woman's physique, but what the hell is this monster physique? ]

Jin Dazhong grabbed his hair and kept cursing the gods and Buddhas in his heart. He looked back at Park Li from time to time.

[Isn't it the monster who ate the cat when he was hungry? Originally, he thought it was the woman who was too poor to eat, but he never thought it was the diet. ]

In anger, Jin Dazhong laughed, rubbing his hands on his body, speechless.

[Dong Dong Dong! ]

Jin Dazhong used Wing Chun boxing to hit the refrigerator door, punching the flesh, and the pain was excruciating.

[Hiss! It hurts! 】

"Kim Dae-jung," Park Ri stood up with the help of the coffee table and walked towards Kim Dae-jung.

She really didn't understand why a person who was fine just now suddenly became crazy.

"Kim Dae-jung? What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine. I just think that sometimes abstinence is not a bad thing. At least the six senses are pure."

Kim Dae-jung stared at Park Ri's face. He couldn't accept it. Such a young and beautiful face turned into a rotten and evil monster, eating raw meat and drinking blood. There was really no beauty to speak of.

He grabbed Park Li's arms and said in a serious tone: "Li Xi..."

"Well," Park Li swallowed twice nervously and said shyly: "I'm not ready yet, you..."

Shaking Park Li's body, Kim Dae-jung interrupted Park Li's chatter: "Listen to me, Li Xi..."

"I'll buy you whatever you want to eat, but you must not go on a diet, understand?"

"Well, eh?"

Facing Kim Dae-jung's words, Park Li couldn't help thinking: "Is this how boys confess?"

"Well, I know."

"That's good, remember that you don't want to debut anymore, you can eat whatever you want and vomit, understand?"

"Well, I know."

[What else can I do, can I leave her alone, I just hope that she will not become a monster after this incident. It's been more than 15 days since August 15, which means that Park Li's fate should be changed by me. I can't let her emotions fluctuate greatly, so as to avoid new changes. 】

"Li Xi, this world is indeed terrible, but there are still many people who love you and many people who are worthy of your love. Remember, never be kind to the world and love it."

Faced with Jin Dazhong's admonition, Park Li nodded and replied, "I know."

"Come on, I'll help you downstairs."

With the help of Jin Dazhong, they took the elevator back to the 14th floor and entered Park Li's home.

Park Li's home is much warmer than Jin Dazhong's home, with pink elements everywhere.

[It seems that the previous one is also pink. 】

Jin Dazhong shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts in his mind. After all, that memory was too terrifying, and no one wanted to experience it for the second time.

"Lixi, please take a good rest at home today."

"I'll come over to see you tomorrow morning. I'll buy you whatever you like to eat."

"Well, bread would be good. In the past, because of the diet, I couldn't even eat bread."

[Alas, I can’t even eat bread. This is how people live. So what if I make a debut? It’s not just a bargaining chip for the upper class. 】

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll come over tomorrow. You won't see me off anymore. Goodbye."


Alone in the room, Pu Li smiled unexpectedly and said to Katie: "How is it? Isn't he very warm?"

Now Park Lee has given up on becoming famous and debuting. She is ready to fall in love and play the role of a girlfriend.

"It's good to be like this now. At least you can eat what you like. Why didn't I meet Kim Dae Jung earlier?"

After Jin Daezhong returned to the 15th floor, he lay on the bedside as if tired.

[Not only am I the most pitiable time traveler, I am also the most pitiful boyfriend. My girlfriends today are all monsters. 】

If he hadn't been afraid of breaking up these couples, causing irreparable damage and being unable to unite the team, he wouldn't have paid attention to so many things.

Without Park Yuri, Byun Sang-wook would not have been cured. Without Lee Eun-you, Cha Hyun-soo would easily drift away from everyone. Without Yoon Ji Soo, the great hero Jung Jae Hun would be so pitiful.

{This chapter is in a hurry and will be revised tomorrow. Sorry! }

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