When Jin Dazhong was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, he heard the doorbell ringing, so he stuffed the mobile phone into his trouser pocket, got up from the bed and walked to the entrance.

놛 turned on the video phone on the wall, only to find that there was no one at the door. Jin Dazhong couldn't help but frown, and the atmosphere became a little weird.

This prank technique is probably not something Li Eunyou can do with his current character, so someone must have rang the doorbell.

He touched his cell phone and prepared to call Li Enyou to ask if she was home safe. However, before pressing the dial button, Jin Dazhong thought twice and finally gave up on calling.

놛 turned around and walked back into the house. He looked around the room and found that there were too few tools that could be used to make weapons.

There are two sets of scalpels in the medicine box in the inner corner, which I bought when I left the medicine market. However, the scalpels have other uses, and they are not used for this.

The other tool, the utility knife, is too short. It is more than enough to cut express packaging bags, but it is a bit ridiculous to use it for self-defense.

This made 놛 secretly regret his slacking off in the past two days. When Jin Dazhong had free time in the past two or three days, he ate, drank and had fun with Li Eunyou. When he was busy, he really didn't start preparing cold weapons.

After all, things like knives and sticks are not difficult to prepare. There is no need to prepare so early, but it is easy to make people who come to your home feel uneasy.

But even without the weapon at his disposal, 놛껩 couldn't just sit back and watch strange things happen outside. After all, Li Eunyou had just been away for a while.

[I remember that Green Home should not have turned into a monster at this time. 】

So Jin Dazhong brought a Bluetooth headset and dialed a customer service number at random.

There was no hissing sound coming from the earphones. After the call was connected, a standard robotic voice came through.

With the utility knife between his teeth, 께 carefully opened the door.

The entire corridor was empty, no Yoon Ji Soo was at home, and the entire 15th floor seemed unusually quiet.

Jin Dazhong took two more steps towards the elevator. When he passed the corner, a figure suddenly walked up from the stairs.

"I'll go!"

The woman who came was startled by the heavily armed Jin DaZhong, covered her mouth and screamed.

Well-dressed and good-looking, she is the fox-eyed girl that I have been seeing recently.

Jin Dazhong quickly tore off the headphones and hung them around his neck. While putting the utility knife in his pocket, he explained to the woman: "Don't get me wrong, this is for self-defense. I thought a bad guy came into the apartment."

놛 pointed diagonally backward and continued to explain: "I heard the doorbell ring just now, but when 눕 came, there was no one outside the door. I wonder, sister 께, if you saw anyone strange when you were walking up the stairs. "

【We are really destined! 】

Although he had met her two or three times, Jin Dazhong still didn't know the name of the girl with fox eyes across from him.

"No," the fox-eyed woman shook her head, pointed at Jin Dazhong and said, "But if you want to talk about a strange person, there is indeed one."

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Hello, I am Jin Dazhong from Room 1502." Jin Dazhong took the initiative to extend his right hand and said hello.

The fox-eyed woman stretched out her right hand, gently shook Jin Dae Jung's right hand and said, "Park Se Ri, room 1511?"

【1511? Yoon Ji Soo's neighbor. 】

"Hello, Park Se Rixi."

[Except for the aunt who lost her daughter, there are no self-produced monsters on the 15th floor. In this way, she should be like Kim Dae Jung. Either she finished the plot before it started, or she went downstairs in advance and has been following him ever since. The survivors of 놛 stayed on the first floor. 】

Jin Daezhong asked in a polite tone: "Park Se Rixi, don't you have to work at this time?"

Park Se-ri grabbed her right arm with her left hand, kicked her left foot carelessly, and replied in a low voice: "I don't have a job."

"Are you unemployed?"

After listening to Kim Dae-jung's words, Park Se-ri shook her head, lowered her head and began to sob.

[Crying and making trouble? 】

Jin Dazhong saw that the girl was sad, so he politely suggested: "Would you like to sit at my house and talk to me slowly?"

Seeing that Piao Shili did not show the expected rejection, but nodded, this made Jin Daxin a little surprised.

[Am I not expressing my meaning clearly enough? 】

Although he was slandering in his heart, 놛 still took Piao Shili towards his room and comforted him: "It's not a big deal to have no job. Just relax, maybe you can find 누 in two days, or tomorrow the world will be gone." If it’s destroyed, find a hammer job.”

"Boss and 997, go to hell!"

【Pfft! 】

"Jin Dazhongxi, how can you be so comforting?"

Hearing Kim Dae-jung's joke, Park Se-ri burst into tears and laughed, slender fingers pursed her lips and smiled.

"Just laugh, don't let negative emotions take over your body and mind, it's very dangerous!"

[I’m talking about me, I don’t want to face an unknown monster. 】

[Crack! 】

Jin DaZhong opened the door and took Piao ShiLi into the room of this golden bachelor.

What I don’t know is that Park Se-ri has been busy in the draft, and her daily life is filled with dieting, training, and drafting.

Since she left her family and lived alone after graduating from high school, the distinction between seasons and years has become blurred, and several years have passed unknowingly while living apart from society.

This was the first time Piao Shili entered a boy's room and the first time she was alone with a boy.

As she walked inside, she looked around cautiously. This scene was very different from what she expected. Although it was not as cozy as her room, it was clean and tidy enough. Even the floor was piled with drinks and fast food. A bit much.

Jin Dazhong saw that Park Se-ri was walking very slowly, because she was a little nervous and didn't know where to sit, so he said, "I'm sorry, there is only one chair at home. Just sit down, I'll sit by the bed."

Facing Kim Dae-jung's proposal, Park Se-ri, who lacked experience in interacting with the opposite sex, didn't know how to respond, so she bowed her head slightly to thank her and sat down on the computer chair.

[In addition to the cold weapon, the chair matter should be implemented as soon as possible! 】

Jin Dazhong turned on the air freshener and opened the curtains slightly, then sat on the bedside and explained, "Girls can't tan."

This is completely different from how 놛 treated Li Enyou before. It seems that in 놛's heart, Li Enyou is not a girl.

놛 picked up a tissue from the low table and handed it to Park Se-ri and asked, "Sister Park Se-ri, would you like to tell me what happened to you? Maybe I can help you."

After Park Se-ri calmed down, she told her story intermittently about how she had been participating in trainee activities since high school, and had been participating in the draft after graduation, but had always failed.

[Are all trainees so naive? Just talk. 】

For Park Se-ri, the most difficult thing is not the constant ups and downs between success and failure, but the disapproval of her family and the unspoken rules of the talent show company. These two aspects are what hit her the most. .

[No wonder he has such a good figure, he turned out to be a trainee. 】

Kim Dae-jung enlightened Park Se-ri: "Not only in South Korea, when I went to China to study (when I was still Chen Weiming), waves of talent shows began to take off in China, and the Internet celebrity manufacturing industry was in the ascendant. "

"The glamor of these industries attracts thousands of young Chinese men and women, but you have to know that there are still only a few who can succeed in the end."

"But I can really do something for you." Kim Dae Jung said confidently as he watched Park Se Ri crying so hard.

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