When Kim Yoo-woo was struggling to convince Lee Eun-woo to enter Room 1409, a bad girl carrying a bass and a suitcase came to the vicinity of Green Home.

Yoon Ji-soo looked at the map on her phone in disbelief. She walked along the way, suspicious of people.

"There is such a remote apartment in Seoul. If it weren't for the cheap price, I wouldn't come!"

With pigtails, different-colored hair, earrings, a guitar bag on her back, and a cigarette in her mouth, Yoon Ji-soo might be a punk girl playing music at this time, but in the eyes of others, she is a complete bad girl.

But apart from these features, Yoon Ji-soo has a beautiful face, and with a pair of long legs, the whole person looks like an alternative charm.

After registering her personal information in the security room, Yoon Ji-soo took the elevator to the 15th floor.

Her room was just on the elevator side. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw the direction of the elevator. Yoon Ji-soo was pushing her suitcase towards Room 1510.

When she passed the door of Room 1509, she saw a man and a woman sweeping the room.

The man, who seemed to be her brother, was very excited when he saw Yoon Ji-soo. He ran out of the room and greeted Yoon Ji-soo enthusiastically.



With the idea that she would be a neighbor in the future, Yoon Ji-soo apologized in advance: "I'm sorry in advance. I may be very noisy in the future. Please forgive me."

As she said that, she pointed to the bass behind her.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Kim Ji-soo replied with a grin.

[Anyway, I don't live on this side! The person you really want to make noise with hasn't moved in yet! ]

Looking at such a good-talking neighbor, Yoon Ji-soo was a little disappointed because Green Home was weaker than expected.

After Lee Eun-woo took Kim Yoo-woo back to the house to clean up, Yoon Ji-soo also went into her room.

"Azashi, you just looked at that Ajumma and thought it was a little strange. So you like this type?"

"No, I like the queen!"

Faced with misunderstanding, Kim Yoo-woo refused righteously.

"The reason I'm happy is that someone lives next door, so my food and drinks won't be stolen silently."

Listening to Kim Yoo-woo's disloyal words, Lee Eun-woo curled his lips in disbelief.

In Room 1510, Yoon Ji-soo looked at the empty room and thought of the senior who took her on the trip.

That senior was so talented and optimistic, but he hanged himself in despair last month.

People are so fucked up!

She had been advising others to be optimistic and hopeful, but in the end, she ran away first.

Thinking of this, Yoon Ji-soo slapped her face and secretly said to herself: "Come on, let's do it!"

Because she was busy, the morning passed quickly.

Because Kim Kim had to go out to get medicine in the afternoon, she paid Lee Eun-woo's salary in advance.

According to the previous agreement, Kim Kim paid 64,000 yuan to Lee Eun-hyuk's account at double the hourly wage.

Facing Lee Eun-woo's dissatisfaction, Kim Kim Kim said that she didn't have so much cash on hand, and she would definitely withdraw some cash next time and hand it to Lee Eun-woo in person.

Definitely next time!

Looking at Lee Eun-woo's back as he left, Kim Kim Kim smiled obscenely.

[I was still planning to get to know your brother! How could you go out to withdraw cash when you have nothing to do! Naive! 】

"Yes, you go downstairs first, I'll go downstairs to pick you up." Yoon Ji-soo was on the phone, went out, bowed her head and greeted Kim Kim, and hurried to the elevator.

It was close to lunch time at this time, and the elevator in the apartment was relatively empty, and soon reached the top floor.

After Yoon Ji-soo entered the elevator, she pressed the "1" floor and prepared to take the elevator down.

At the moment the elevator door closed, Kim Kim Kim, who had just returned home to get her wallet and ID card, blocked the elevator door with her hand. Seeing this, Yoon Ji-soo quickly pressed the arrow key facing away.

"Thank you!"

Kim Kim thanked Yoon Ji-soo. Looking at this beautiful girl, Kim Kim Kim was in a surprisingly good mood until he smelled a strong smell of cigarettes, which completely destroyed the little ripple in his heart.

【Compared to Lee Eun-woo's iron tower cat, Yoon Ji-soo's cigarette smell seemed a bit strong! But why do all the girls in this apartment like to smoke? 】

"It's okay."

After Yoon Ji-soo noticed Kim 꺶꿗's expression, she felt a little depressed and stopped talking.

Yoon Ji-soo is a strong woman. Since she noticed that she was disgusted with him, she would naturally stay away from him.

"Is it the moving company?"


Yoon Ji-soo looked around awkwardly, wanting to escape from this place as soon as possible, but the elevator did not obey her wishes, so she insisted on going down slowly according to her wishes.

"We will be neighbors from now on, and I hope we can take care of each other in the future!"

Kim 꺶꿗 stretched out her right hand without thinking, trying to help Yoon Ji-soo resolve the embarrassment.

But in the face of Kim 꺶꿗's goodwill, Yoon Ji-soo put her hands in her trouser pockets and explained, "My hands are full of cigarettes..."

Seeing Yoon Ji-soo's obvious refusal, Kim 꺶꿗 felt speechless as if she had lifted her head and hit her feet.

[I'm so lucky to buy you anesthetics! Haha! Woman!]

But he still kindly reminded: "I heard that the incidence of acute appendicitis in our country has been increasing in recent years. We young people must pay attention to our health and eat on time."

"If you have unexplained abdominal pain, you still have to go to the hospital for a check-up, otherwise it will really kill you if it hurts."

Faced with Kim 꺶꿗's inexplicable, Yoon Ji-soo responded with an awkward smile, but what she thought in her heart was "Is this person a psychopath?"

After the elevator arrived at the first floor, she ran out of the elevator in a panic.

Kim 꺶꿗 looked at Yoon Ji-soo's back and sighed secretly.

Because of Yoon Ji-soo's sudden onset of appendicitis, a series of serious casualties occurred.

First, she had a sudden onset of appendicitis, and she didn't hold the bat, which awakened the monster in the underground garage. The swordsman was also injured, and he lost the duel with the chainsaw maniac and made a heroic farewell.

Secondly, it creates a demand for the team. When they were riding out, Cha Hyun-soo and his humanoid weapon encountered protein. If Xu Yijing hadn't arrived in time, it would have been another casualty.

So there are supplies, food, water, and anesthetics and other medicines.

[I'm almost a nanny in this apartment, specializing in solving problems for people! ]

After Jin Xiaoxiao left Green Home and got on a taxi to the subway station, his phone rang.

Because he didn't have many acquaintances in this world, when the stranger didn't call, Jin Xiaoxiao didn't feel disgusted as before, but instead had a sense of expectation.

[It's definitely not the parents, could it be a girlfriend? 】

"Hello, is this Jin 꺶꿗xi?"

Hearing the standard tone of question and answer from the other side, Jin 꺶꿗 asked back with some disappointment: "Yes, who are you?"

"Hello, I am the customer service of Hana Bank. We have observed that the balance of your account has changed a lot recently. Is it you who did it?"

[Are Korean bank services always so considerate? ]

"Yes, it's me. What's the problem?"

"No problem, we just called to confirm."

"Oh, that's fine, I'm hanging up!"

"Wait a minute!" Hearing that Jin 꺶꿗 was about to hang up the phone, the customer service lady of the bank suddenly became excited.

"Jin 꺶꿗xi, our bank has a promotion for applying for a credit card recently. Why don't you come and get one? There is no limit on the amount."

[Haha! I knew there is no free greeting in the world! 】

"No, it's too troublesome. I don't like going out!"

Kim Wo-woo looked at the taxi driver staring at the rearview mirror, and quickly made a silent gesture, and then continued to tease the lady on the phone: "I have social phobia!"

"Sorry, Mr. Kim, but we can send someone to provide door-to-door service!" The customer service lady of the bank suggested in a flattering tone.

Faced with someone who was so determined to give him money, Kim Wo-woo replied helplessly: "Well, okay, but don't let too many people come!"

"Okay, then tomorrow?"


When hanging up the phone, Kim Wo-woo came up with a strange idea: "I like flesh color!"

[Alas, the life of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. 】

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