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Chapter 12: Nan Xiangyuan faked his death?

When it was time to get off, Jin Dazhong stayed in the room obediently because he still had doubts about returning.

[While I still have some memory, I will first write down the monsters I can think of and make corresponding response plans. Otherwise, even if I encounter a monster like a "repeater", I will be powerless! 】

Thinking of this, Jin Dazhong muttered to himself and wrote down the monsters he thought of on paper.

[1. Long-tongued monster: The first killer, killed a soldier, a student, and also absorbed the corpse of a scumbag. The final result was probably eaten by protein. 】

"Because this guy has been kept out of the apartment, the danger index is temporarily set at two stars."

[2. Cat-eating woman: She ate her own cat, frightened the male protagonist, Yoon Ji-soo, spilled blood on Li Eun-you's face, and was destroyed by the 그-shaped weapon 그道. 】

"The threat index is tentatively set at one and a half stars."

[3. Lotus Root Monster: Half of its head was cut off by the Sword Master, its first motto is "I see it", its hearing is sensitive, its vision is completely lost, and it attacks with tentacles. 】

"Threat index: three and a half stars."

[4. Rapid Monster: Uses kinetic energy to attack, simple-minded, harassing in the early stage, and dormant in the garage in the later stage. 】

"Threat index: two and a half stars."

[5. Spider monster: Likes to hang 그, weave various webs, or likes to store 껙food, and has the impression of being temporarily without food. 】

"Threat index: two and a half stars."

[6. Tentacle monster: I didn’t catch my son, blamed myself, liked to keep a diary, died nursing my sister and the strange master. 】

"Threat index: two stars."

[7. Voyeurism: The neck is extended infinitely to peek at him, which is extremely disgusting, but he does not take the initiative to attack. 】

"Threat Index: One star."

[8. Transparent body: Detailed, likes children, does not actively attack 그, and even protects the male protagonist. In the end, he is burned to death by panicked residents, resulting in the male protagonist's mental stability. 】

"Threat index: none; help index: three stars."

[9. Protein: bad-tempered, leader among monsters, likes smiling faces, can evolve; likes food: 그, animals, monsters; hates words: skinny monkey; 껙head motto: "protein";]

"Threat index: five stars; this guy needs to be dealt with in advance."

[10. Zheng Yiming: Psychotic, madman, the executioner who caused the collapse of the male protagonist's team, directly killing the nursing sister and Byun Shangyu, the key defense targets. 】

"Threat index: infinite."

[11. Security guard: I have accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction with the residents during my daily work. When I mutated, I closed all the doors of the apartment and wanted to kill all the residents, which directly killed Zheng Zaixian. 】

"Threat index: two stars."

After finishing writing from memory, Jin Dazhong checked it again and said to himself: "That's about it. I will add more when I think of it later."

"The next days will be really dangerous!"

In the mountainous area north of Seoul, Base No. 2 of the National Special Affairs Group.

In a soundproof office, Liu Zaihe, the No. 2 official of the National Special Affairs Group, was interrogating Li Mingxiu.

Li Mingxiu was one of the persons in charge of the No. 2 Base Laboratory. At the moment, it seemed that he had made some mistake and was beaten to a pulp.

"Professor Li, you would think that you and Minami Aihara's secret has not been discovered."

Liu Zaihe sat on the chair and smiled at Li Mingxiu: "Your student Nan Xiangyuan faked his death in the first place because I helped him finish it. Otherwise, he would have been an ordinary person and would have left such obvious traces. He has long been discovered by government agencies.”

Seeing the surprise in Li Mingxiu's eyes, Liu Zaihe stood up with satisfaction, walked to Li Mingxiu's side, squatted down, and then said: "Kuo, you secretly examined him. The results of so many days of experiments, It was all done under my nose.”

"Who knew you would let it go at this critical moment? You don't think I exist."

As he spoke, Liu Zaihe stuffed a pistol into Li Mingxiu's mouth and threatened: "Professor Li, if you tell me where Nam Sang-won is, I will let you go. Otherwise, your family will be destroyed today." Got a pension.”

"Which one is more important is your students or your family? Think about it carefully."

After Liu Zaihe finished speaking, he stood up and threw the pistol on the table. He sat leaning against the table, quietly waiting for Li Mingxiu's answer.

"Liu Zaihe, what is your intention in doing this?"

"놚Knowing that monster transformation is controlled by 놊녦, what's the purpose of secretly condoning my research?"

"It's okay to tell you. Kim Hye-ri just has a more prominent family than mine. How can she, a woman, sit in the position of team leader?"

At this time, Liu Zaihe was in a bit of a crazy state. He said fiercely: "I accept that since monster transformation can be used for intervention control, then if I have such a monster army in my hand, who would dare to resist me?"

Li Mingxiu, who was frightened by Liu Zaihe's idea, said angrily: "You madman, I will tell you."

"It seems that you have made your choice. Unfortunately, there were another casualty in the research team today. Professor Li Mingxiu died in the line of duty. Alas, this is the loss of our No. 2 base."


【Bang! 】

"Team leader?" A soldier wanted to step out and stop him, but it was too late.

"Why do you want to die in the line of duty?"

The soldier who was pointed at the gun was a little frightened. He quickly explained: "Professor Li is dead, so our clues are gone."

"Nam Sang-won, if he can hide forever, there will definitely be a time when he will contact his fiancée. When that time comes, send someone to guard around his fiancée, and we will just wait and see."

"Also send out a field team to start searching the vicinity of the base to see if we can find any traces."


In the forest north of Base No. 2, a man in protective clothing fled in a panic. He was Seo Yi-kyung's fiancé, Nam Sang-won.

After Nam Sang-won came into contact with the monster disease, he slowly unveiled the veil of monsterization.

In the pursuit of medical truth, he found that he also had similar characteristics, with constant nosebleeds. As his health deteriorated, Nam Sang-won had to contact his university teacher, Lee Myung-soo.

Li Mingxiu happened to need a monster sample at the time, so he secretly told Nan Xiangyuan what he knew and the existence of the National Special Affairs Processing Group.

Nan Xiangyuan considered for two days, and after leaving a warning to the citizens, he decided to sacrifice himself and explore the truth of monsterization with Li Mingxiu.

In order to prevent him from having an accident during the experiment, Nan Xiangyuan created a fake death scene, hoping that Xu Yijing could forget him temporarily.

With the help of Li Mingxiu, Nan Xiangyuan secretly appeared in the ranks of recruiting new members of the research group, and the two secretly studied the characteristics and principles of monsterization.

But what they didn't expect was that the reason why the two of them were able to get through all the way was because their every move fell into the eyes of the deputy team leader Liu Zaihe, which was the result of Liu Zaihe's secret connivance.

On the third day of Nan Xiangyuan's symptoms, that is, the fifth day he entered the laboratory, Nan Xiangyuan felt a sense of fatigue.

At this time, Nam Sang-won seemed to have a unique drowsiness symptom. After discussing for a while, the two decided to suspend the research and let Nam Sang-won leave the experimental base and enter the no-disease zone in the north.

Wait for Nam Sang-won to spend five days before continuing the research.

Unexpectedly, their unauthorized actions angered Liu Jae-hyuk, who had been secretly monitoring them. When the tracking team members lost track, Liu Jae-hyuk could also vent his anger on Li Mingxiu.

Nam Sang-won seemed to sense something. He glanced at the base, held back his tears, and walked north again.

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