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Chapter 10 Most happy people are similar

Nursing Park Yuri fed the medicine to 깊Anji Seop, and then 꺗 brought the water cup to the latter's mouth. Anji Seop was like a baby, obediently accepting 깊Park Yuri's caring care.

Anji Seop was a veteran who participated in the Liberation War. The difficult combat environment caused him to accumulate a lot of ailments. Therefore, after the founding of Korea, he retired from the army in the name of recuperating.

After the soldiers who had experienced the war retired from the army, they were partly withdrawn and out of tune with society.

Anji Xie is no exception. Despite receiving a generous consolation payment every year, he still lives in an old community like Green Home.

After entering the Jubilee Year, because Anji Xie was old, the government assigned him a quota of nursing staff. However, the old man was not easy to take care of and had a weird temper. The nursing staff sent him did not last more than two months. .

Until Park Yuri's appearance, the situation improved.

Park Yuri is like An Jixie's daughter, taking good care of him.

Faced with Park Yuri's hard-working care, An Jixie gradually accepted her existence.

After a few years, Anji Xie, who was childless, once again felt a sense of family companionship. It can be said that Park Yuri's appearance greatly relieved Anji Xie's loneliness.

Anji Xie's temperament has gradually become more cheerful, and he can joke with Park Yuri from time to time, which was unimaginable before.

Anji Seop even likes all kinds of exciting sports, and motorcycles are his favorite. However, as Anji Seop gets older, these activities are ruthlessly banned by Park Yuri without exception.

Facing the childish Anji Xie, Park Yuri said angrily: "Old man, your life span has just been increased!"

"Yuri, you are not young. You hang around me every day. When can you marry me?" Anji Xie took off his glasses and asked Park Yuri.

"I love children very much!"

Faced with Anji Seob's "urge to marry", Park Yuri on the opposite side seemed to be very excited. She kept breathing heavily, while holding her neck tightly with one hand.


Anji Xie couldn't help but change his face when he saw Park Yuri's appearance. He quickly ran to Park Yuri's side: "Where is your medicine? Take a few sips."

Seeing Park Yuri holding the spray bottle in his pocket, Anji Xie took it over, held it to his ear and gently swung it. There was no sound of water at all. Not to mention, Park Yuri forgot to replenish the medicine.

He quickly opened the drawer next to him, took out two bottles of Vandelin quantitative spray, removed the cover, and brought it to Park Yuli's mouth: "I don't know who is taking care of whom? How can you forget yourself as a nurse? Where’s the medicine?”

Pu Youli took a sip of the spray and felt alive. She smiled bitterly and said: "Old man, how could anyone like a sick guy like me..."

"Even a bad old man like me likes you. How can you not like such a beautiful girl?"

"I just said you can let me go to the motorcycle race, and I will find a few handsome young men for you."

Pu Yuli smiled and said: "No, old 그 family!"

"At such a good age, you should stay with me, an old man." Anji Xie said a little childishly.

1210. In the small room, there are an adult and two children crowded.

Looking at the two children sneaking over, Jin Liang smiled happily.

"Xiuying, you are the eldest daughter in the family. You must take good care of your younger brother in the future, do you understand?"

"I know, dad." Jin Xiuying put the fried chicken in the box and replied seriously.

"Yes," Jin Yangming nodded, and said to his youngest son: "Yingxiu, you are the eldest son in the family, you have to protect your sister, do you understand?"

What can a 뀖궝-year-old child know? All he knows is that fried chicken is delicious. Jin Yingxiu was holding a fried chicken drumstick in one hand and his mouth was full. At this time, all he could see was fried chicken drumsticks.

After hearing Jin Liang's question, he thought for a moment and nodded.

Jin Liang looked at the siblings with a satisfied smile on his face.

After Jin Xiuying finished eating the fried chicken legs in her hands, she wiped her hands and asked Jin Liang: "Dad, mom is very busy during the week and has to work on weekends. Can I, Yingxiu, come over next weekend?" you?"

Looking at Jin Xiuying's expectant eyes, Jin Liang couldn't bear to let the child down, so Jin Liang nodded with difficulty.

Since he lost his job, he has lived with his wife. In order to ensure that her children can receive good care, Jin Liang moved to a green home.

He is unemployed at this age, and it is almost impossible for him to enter the company.

Therefore, Jin Liang could only work part-time jobs to make ends meet. Weekend time was very precious to him, so he relied on working for other people on weekends to earn some living expenses for his children.

But looking at the expectant eyes of the children, Jin Liang just rejected 깊 weekend plans and chose 깊놌 to spend time with the children. He squeezed a smile and said: "You should also eat more, Xiuying, don't always think about giving everything to your brother. "If it's not enough, daddy will call you again."

After leaving from the 15th floor, Li Enyou took a few pieces of clothes and took the elevator downstairs to return home.

After Li Enyou entered the door, the smile on his face disappeared instantly. She pretended not to see Li Eunhyuk, who was reading at the desk, and prepared to enter her room directly.

Leng Bu굜눓 heard the sentence "Where are you going? How did you get the black stains on your body?"

"Where did the clothes in your hand come from?"

Li Eunhyuk pointed at the new T-shirt in his sister's hand, stood up and asked.

Li Enyou replied nonchalantly: "I caught a rich uncle."

"Be honest with me." Li Eunhyuk's tone was cold and cold.

Since this combined family lost its two pillars, the relationship between the brother and sister has quickly become tense.

After all, Li Enhyuk is just a student who has just grown up, so he has no experience in taking care of her.

Without support from his parents, he had no choice but to drop out of medical school to support his younger sister's studies. From being the envied kid of other children, he was reduced to an undergrad doing odd jobs everywhere.

Even so, Li Eunhyuk did not give up his dream. At that time, he was busy working and taking time to read and study on his own, hoping that he would still have the opportunity to pick up a scalpel.

Being able to make Li Enyou go to school and learn ballet in a down-to-earth manner is enough to keep Li Enhyuk busy, but he has no time to understand the little girl's rebellion, so the relationship between the two becomes worse and worse.

"If I tell you, will our lives change in any way? My life is not your business."

After saying that, Li Enyou walked into her room angrily and closed the door hard.

Li Eunhyuk walked to the door of Li Eunyou's room, raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, when he saw the sign "Lee Eunhyuk is prohibited from entering" hanging on the door.

Li Enhyuk had no choice but to put his hand down gently: "I have cooked the rice. Come and eat. If you leave home for more than a day, I will go to the police station to report missing..."

After hearing Li Enhyuk's "threat", Li Enyou, who was leaning against the door panel, her face softened a lot, and she threw a few pieces of clothes in her hand on the bed.

As a younger sister, Li Eunyou has her own separate room. Although the space in the room is small, it still has many facilities that a girl should have.

Facing the dressing mirror, Li Enyou put on new clothes. Then she put her hands around her mouth and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately it doesn't taste good, otherwise he would say something."

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