Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 111 Goodbye Bian Shangyu

An Jixie knew in her heart that for Park Yuri, the belief in rescuing the injured had penetrated deep into her bones and became her instinct.

Moreover, the man with burns on his face had saved their lives before and was seriously injured for this, which made Park Yuri treat this man more patiently.

The three of them walked from the stairwell on the sixth floor to the first floor step by step.

The stairs between the fifth and fourth floors are safe.

The stairs between the fourth and third floors are safe.

In the nursery on the first floor, Kim Dae-jung put the clothes wrapped with food on the ground. Similarly, Jung Jae-hun and Cha Hyun-soo put simple bags filled with food on the ground.

The food and pure water revealed in the simple bags made others feel relieved.

Jin Dazhong said to Sun Hui: "Let's share the food with everyone. We were worried that it would take too long to go upstairs, so we collected some food on the second floor first."

"Well, is there no one alive on the second floor?"

Sun Hui saw that only Jin Dazhong and the other three returned to the first floor, so she asked.

Zheng Zaixian replied: "Some people gave their lives to God in despair, while more people were killed by well-known monsters."

Listening to the tragic scene upstairs cast a shadow over the survivors who had hope in their hearts.

Che Zhenyu saw that the atmosphere in the nursery was gloomy, so she stood up and walked to a bundle. She took out the pure water inside and handed it to several women one by one.

"We have to hold on to hope to survive, just like our Minzhu. I believe that as long as we help each other, we will be able to get through this difficulty."

After giving the water to Sun Hui and others, she opened another bag, took out three bottles of pure water, and handed them to Jin Daezhong, Zheng Zaixian, and Cha Xianxiu one by one: "Thank you for your hard work, you three. You should pay attention to yourselves." body."

"Thank you." Jin Dazhong nodded and thanked.

"By the way, remember to send some food to Li Xiuxiong and Li Eunhyuk in the management office, as well as Xu Yijing, if you can meet her."


Zheng Zaixian sat next to Yoon Jixiu and took out a small bag of ice cream from his pocket: "Here you go."

"When did you become so careful?"

Yoon Ji-soo took the bag of chocolate, tore open the package and threw all the chocolate into her mouth.

"Dazhong said you like sweets, so he asked me to leave a bag of chocolate for you."

"I'm just telling you when did you realize it? It turned out that Kim Dae Jung asked you to do it." Yin Jixiu curled her lips and said.

Zheng Zaixian adjusted his glasses and replied: "Yes, Da Jung only made a proposal to me, and I found it for you."

"Is it sweet? Do you like it?"


In the stairwell on the first floor, the security door banged.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of others. In the stage of assisting defense, Kim Dae Jung and Zheng Zai Xian rushed over.

After splitting with Jin Seok-hyun, the two assigned basic tasks. Li Eun-hyuk led people to check the surveillance video, and Jin Seok-hyun sent people to handle the two entrances.

If a monster is encountered, the two parties will have to work together to defend themselves against the enemy.

"Hey, you guys go get some alcohol or other inducing devices, and we'll deal with the monster with our bare hands." Jin Dazhong said to the Big Eater Jin Bingri.

Seeing that Jin Bingri was still hesitant, he threatened sternly: "The monster is coming, we all have to finish playing..."

"I understand." Jin Bingri turned around and ran towards his eldest brother Jin Seokhyeon's supermarket.

[Bang bang bang! 】

The handle of the security door kept turning. Jin Dazhong shouted several times towards the security door. No one inside responded, and his heart sank deeper and deeper.

Finally, under the strong push, the security door opened weakly, and everyone retreated for a distance.

At this time, a man in a floral shirt walked out. He was a tall man of 1.85 meters and an imposing figure. He took two steps in and asked in a unique low voice: "Are you watching the fun?"

"Bian Shangyu?" Jin Dazhong put away the short mace and asked Bian Shangyu: "Are you injured?"

Byun Sang-wook didn't answer. After he walked out of the stairs, Park Yu-ri and An Ji-seop followed closely.

Seeing the combination of these two people, Jinda Center was overjoyed, 녦 considered 놆 had been waiting for you two.

Qi Anjixie held the crossbow and asked with a smile: "Do you welcome us?"

Seeing the old man's proud and scornful expression, Jin Da Zhong smiled and said, "Old man, which floor did you come down from?"

"Sixth floor, pass by. Are you the only survivors in the entire apartment?"

"Of course, the survivors upstairs haven't come down yet, you are the first batch of survivors to come over."

Jin Dazhong said to a man from the Jin Shixian camp: "Close the security door first, and then place some flammable equipment near the security door. After all, it is necessary to kill the monster."

He turned to the new members An Jixie and Park Yuri and said, "Please follow me."

After entering the nursery, An Jixie told Kim Dae Jung how they dealt with the two monsters.

Listening to An Jixie's words, Jin Daezhong completely crossed out the long-hand monster in his mind, but he still had doubts about whether the muscle monster was dead.

After all, only monsters that are completely burned to death will lose the ability to resurrect. In the original drama, the monster 녦놆 fell from the 굛th floor. It was not dead at that time, not to mention that 놆 was only six floors high.

"You stay here first and wait until we gather enough survivors." Kim Dae-jung suggested.

Skin care expert Liu Zaihuan looked at Park Yu-ri and asked, "Who are you going with?"

"What do you mean?" Park Yu-ri asked in confusion.

"You have to stay with us, and you have to stay with Kim Dae-jung and the others."

Kim Dae-jung nodded and said after hearing what Liu Zaihuan said, "Because if we stay together, we definitely need a person who can take charge of the affairs, so there are two people who are in charge now, one is me, and the other is Kim Seok-hyun, the owner of the supermarket."

He looked at Bian Sang-yu and continued, "The people on my right are standing with me, and the people at the door are all in the same breath with Kim Seok-hyun."

An Ji-seop looked at the group of women and children in front of him, and then glanced at Park Yu-ri, as if thinking of his past, he sighed, "Sure enough, people are very quiet, and once they are comfortable, they think about getting more power."

Although the people on Kim Seok-hyun's side looked like strong laborers, and the people on Kim Dae-jung's side were young people, he still chose to join Kim Dae-jung's camp with Park Yu-ri.

Because he believed what Kim Dae-jung said, the more people there are, the more people need to be in charge. Compared with Kim Dae-jung who was assigned and arranged tasks in front of the door, the supermarket owner Kim Seok-hyun seemed to be a bit "down to business".

Bian Sang-wook saw that Park Yu-ri and the other person had solved the ownership problem. He was about to go out with his condom, but was stopped by Kim Dae-jung.

"Bian Sang-wook, wait a minute, let's eat something and go upstairs together later."

Bian Sang-wook nodded, sat back in the corner in a daze, and Park Yu-ri put a piece of food in front of him.

Against the sunlight, Bian Sang-wook seemed to feel a new beauty.

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