While Jin DaZhong and the other five were cleaning up debris near the iron rolling door, Xu Yijing received a call.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone screen - "Husband", Xu Yijing covered her mouth excitedly and answered the call immediately.

"Brother Aihara?" Xu Yijing asked excitedly.

She waited anxiously for a reply, but there was no sound coming from the other end of the phone. Xu Yijing checked the call status on her phone again.

The phone screen was still beating, and the timer told her that the person on the other side should still be there. She put the phone to her ear again, quietly waiting for the other person to reply.

"Who are you?"

A familiar male voice came from the other end of the phone.


【Zizzizi! 】

Before Xu Yijing could reply, a strong noise came from the mobile phone, and the mobile phone lost signal again.

"Brother Aihara, brother Aihara?" Xu Yijing shouted into the phone a few more times without giving up.

Although there is no way to contact the person opposite, Xu Yijing is very happy knowing that 놛 is still alive.

Putting the phone against his chest, Xu Yijing said to himself: "I knew you were still alive."

She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. Since Minami Xiangyuan disappeared one month ago, she has never given up looking for Minami Xiangyuan, and even voluntarily resigned from her position as a firefighter for this reason.

Of course, the leader of the fire station must not be so ruthless, so he just approved a long vacation for her.

Xu Yijing was pacing in the corridor. Now she had regained her composure and began to think about the content of the precious phone call just now.

"It's true that the voice is Brother Aihara, but why does the tone sound so strange? And why is there a 'sizzling' noise coming from the phone?"

Before the iron rolling door of the apartment was opened, Jin Dazhong saw two drones flying to the door, and his heart trembled.

After receiving help from 놅, 놛 smiled and shouted: "Open the door."

【Zhila! 】

The iron rolling door slowly rose. Since it was closed on the evening of the 15th, the door of the Green Home was opened again.

Kim Dae-jung and Cha Hyun-soo nodded goodbye to Yoon Ji-soo, and each of them took a stun gun and walked out.

"Are you afraid?" After walking down the steps, Jin Dazhong asked Cha Xianxiu softly.

Cha Xianxiu nodded: "Yes."

Looking at the building materials piled up at the gate, Jin Dazhong said: "It's useless to be afraid. You know it. It's just the two of us (mainly you). As long as the injury is not too serious, we can heal on our own. No more."

Listening to Kim Dae Jung's words, Cha Xianxiu stood up straight and froze on the spot. After all, he didn't expect that Kim Dae Jung was actually a monster.

"Don't look at me like this. We can wait until we get back to say anything. Although it is difficult for us to die, we are not afraid of pain. And if we are injured, it will take time to recover. Don't be careless."

"Yes." Cha Xianxiu bent down again and carefully checked the surrounding situation.

【Bang! 】

The long-tongued monster Tongue knocked down a low-flying drone, and no one knew who the drone was who died first.

Kim Dae-jung was enjoying himself and said with a smile: "Who do you think this drone is? Is it Seri or Eunyou?"


Cha Xianxiu stared nervously at the long tongue sticking out. At this time, he felt that his mouth was extremely dry and he could only hold the homemade stun gun tightly in his hand.

"Brother, what did you say?" Cha Xianxiu was extremely nervous and unknowingly changed his name to Jin Daezhong.

Just when Jin DaZhong thought there was only one monster to deal with, an idea appeared.

A girl wearing shabby clothes ran towards the apartment.

She was covered in filth. After seeing someone in the distance, she cried and ran while shouting: "Help me, help me."

Although he could understand the fear of ordinary people when facing monsters alone, Jin Daezhong couldn't help but cursed secretly: "Holy crap!"

The high school girl's lung-splitting screams startled a group of monsters sleeping in the dark.

Monsters holding chainsaws and crawling monsters emerged from their hiding places.

All kinds of monsters, maybe six or seven, appeared one after another in the female high school students. At this time, Park Minzhu shouted louder.

"Help me, help me!"

Originally, 놛 and Cha Xianxiu were able to deal with a long-tongued monster with ease.

After the female high school student called for help by "adding to the chaos", the difficulty of rescue instantly soared.

Not only is it difficult to save her, but whether Kim Dae Jung and Cha Hyun Soo can go back smoothly has also become a problem.

At this time, Jin DaZhong also learned how remarkable it was for those who successfully rescued people who fell into the water and those who were on the shore.

At this distance, as long as 놛 and Cha Hyun-soo turn around and run, they can definitely retreat with their whole bodies, but this is not the path Kim Dae-jung chose.

"Fight it."

Jin Daezhong shouted, holding a stun gun, and ran in the direction of the female high school student. Cha Xianxiu gritted his teeth and followed.

In front of the iron rolling door, Yin Zhixiu picked up the homemade short mace in her hand and was about to rush out when Zheng Zaixian held her back.

"What are you doing? I'm going to save Jin Dazhong."

Zheng Zaixian flicked the blade and replied: "Zhixiu, I'm in front. To deal with these monsters, my sword is more suitable than your iron rod."

"Yeah." Yin Zhixiu nodded.

Kim Dae-jung had already fought with the insect monster on the right side of the road. Cha Xianxiu protected the left side in time, and Park Min-joo was successfully picked up.

Kim Dae Jung stabbed the monster in front of him while shouting: "Park Min Joo? Pay attention to safety and follow us."

【Zizzizi! 】

Under the stun gun, the insect monster quickly lost its life and became a candle in the wind, temporarily losing its threat.

Cha Xianxiu also killed another worker holding a chainsaw, but taking advantage of this gap, several other monsters chased him from behind and approached the three of them.

Kim Dae-jung looked back at Yoon Ji-soo and Jung Jae-hyun, who were temporarily trapped by the long-tongued monster, and shouted: "Female student, you run first, hurry up."

When Park Minzhu heard what Jin Daezhong said, she immediately ran quickly towards the iron rolling door.

On the rooftop of the apartment, looking at the screen on her phone, Park Se-ri flew the drone in her hand to a piranha-shaped monster, attracting its attention.

At the same time, Li Eunyou's new drone also completed its startup and flew again.

In front of the iron rolling door of the apartment, Lee Eun Hyuk and Lee Soo Woong stretched out half of their bodies to take Park Min Joo back to the apartment.

After two days and three nights of escaping, she successfully returned home. Park Min-joo threw herself into Cha Jin-ok's arms and cried bitterly: "Mom! I thought I would never see you again."

"It's okay, kid, you'll be fine when you get back." Che Zhenyu comforted her daughter, stroking her back.

She smoothed her daughter's messy hair and said, "Just come back. You will have to thank the benefactors who saved you later."

"Yeah." Park Minzhu wiped her tears, knowing that it was not the time to cry yet.

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