Sweep the World

Chapter 950: : The real sand and blood

"Kill all without pardon!"

"Things you can't take, burn them!"

"After the seizure is registered, it will be handed over to the heavy battalion. No items unrelated to combat are allowed to be carried on the body!"

On the grassland, under the blue sky and white clouds, just experienced a killing. novel.

The people of the Western Regions rushed to charge on horseback and rushed into a tribe of Shujie people, fighting with the rebellious Shujie people with full enthusiasm.

The Han army of the Western Regions Protected Mansion went round and chased the fast-running Shujie people, while the Hans conscripted stayed outside the tribe to intercept the Shujie people who broke out in twos and threes.

The Shujie tribe of about two thousand people disappeared into the long river of history within two hours. Those who resisted were either killed or captured, and those who did not resist would become part of the spoils of war.

Fang Lun wiped the blade with a rag, put the sword in the scabbard, and watched the tribe rising into the sky with wisps of black smoke. There was no fluctuation in his heart.

"This tribe is so poor!" Wang Mian looked depressed: "There are fewer horses, cattle, and sheep than expected, and there is no camel."

The Shujie people are still in the semi-bronze age, and the valuable things are herding animals. If you want to count something, it is the population that can be used as slaves.

This is the fourth Shujie tribe they have wiped out along the way. The first three actually didn't get satisfactory trophies. The harvest is less than imagined and it is naturally unhappy.


It's still early, and there may be enough time to hit the next target in a hurry.

Fang Lun and Wang Mian were selected into the Left Army. They first hid in Taohuai for nearly a month. They waited for the Right Army to successfully attract the attention of the Hunets before leaving Taohuai and rushed in at lightning speed. The Hunnites lent an area for the Shujie people to inhabit and multiply.

They have penetrated into the enemy’s territory for about one hundred and thirty miles. There are eight formations similar to their two-three-thousand-man brigade. They are each interspersed to eliminate the Shujie tribes along the way, and do not pursue the enemies they will encounter along the way. All the army was wiped out, not to capture more spoils, but to enter the territory of the Hunets as quickly as possible.

"I haven't registered yet..."

"Can you be missing something like this? Go over and gather!"

Even though Abati is reluctant to give up, he still wants to put down his spoils. He really didn't doubt that the spoils would be swallowed, but wondered how can he tell who is who if he doesn't register carefully, and how to divide the profits later?

The Han people are generous...or that the Western Regions Protectorate is generous and friendly, which has been recognized by the Western Regions Suihu. It is precisely because of the loyalty and acknowledgment shown by the Western Regions Duhufu that they embarked on an expedition to Hunite with enthusiasm for the Han army. .

The team set off again, leaving a heavy team to pick up the spoils. They will be transported to the rear for statistics and storage. As for whether the people who should be given the spoils will come back, it does not matter. Even if the owner of the spoils does not come back alive, the Western Regions will protect them. The government will also deliver the spoils of profit sharing to their families.

The Western Regions Protectorate is the highest institution of the Han Empire in the Western Regions. It is still a department integrating military affairs and administration. Although it is adhering to the policy of “reduction of employment”, it upholds a good reputation and uses wealth to lure the Westerners to sell their lives for the Han army. It is always wiser to be consumed than to completely wipe out the Western Regions.

About twenty miles west of the boundary where they are located is a Gobi area.

The width of the Gobi should be about 30 miles. It is not suitable for grazing because of the lack of water and grass, but it will pass by when it travels between east and west.

When approaching the Gobi area, the troops would stop by a river to replenish and store water.

Waiting for Fang Lun to come by the river, what he saw was a scene after the killing.

"The rangers come first." Wang Mian didn't know who he was asking for the news, and flaunted to Fang Lun: "A hundred rangers took a thousand Wusun servants and killed one of them like melons and vegetables. Over a thousand people, none of them ran away."

"Huh?" Fang Lun asked unexpectedly, "There are no prisoners left?"

Wang Mian looked at the idiot and said, "Do you have eyes to see the heavy party following?"

It's no wonder that I saw so many dead bodies but didn't see the prisoners alive.

The people of the Western Regions were instructed to bury the corpse, and they were also surprised, surprised how there was a young woman's corpse.

"It's a pity." Abati looked at a girl with a pale face and stared at him: "She was still young, but she died here."

"Her clothes are well dressed." Zeku actually stretched out his hand and squeezed the girl's chest: "It didn't take long to die, it's still soft."

After death, the body's blood will stop circulating, the muscle activity will disappear, and it will become rigid after about an hour, and the skin color will also turn blue.

The people of the Western Regions do not say that the dead are the greatest. If the time and place were not right, Zeku would not exclude doing something "while it's hot".

"I mean, don't you kill young women?" Abati pointed to the corpse that was thrown into the pit: "This time they don't even have a chance to become slaves."

Zeku turned his head and glanced at the people frolicking and eating not far away, and recognized the existence of the Wusun people: "As far as I know, the Han army will not kill the elderly, women, and children when they are forced to do so."

Abati recalled it carefully. Hearing or seeing it with his own eyes seemed to be the case.

The Han army did not take the initiative to kill the elderly, women, and children when they were not threatened. It was the servant army and the followers of all ethnic groups who did this kind of thing.

Saying hypocrisy or everything is good, the Han army does not do those things in order not to become a beast army. In fact, the most important thing is that someone can do it for you, or if you really do it yourself, you should do it even if you have an order to exclude Han soldiers.

"Cross here, go forward..." Su Ren pointed to the west: "It takes at least fifty miles to get water replenishment again."

A group of officers gathered together, they had talked for a while, and while gathering intelligence with each other, they finally confirmed their respective marching routes.

"There are three thousand camels in the team. They will be arranged at the back and walk with the water transport convoy." Yang Su is the commander of this unit, commanding five thousand soldiers and ten thousand soldiers with the rank of school lieutenant. Han Xiaoguo and five to six thousand Western Regions followed Hu: "The old rule is that a small number of people bring Xiaoguo and Suihu to kill in front. After passing the Gobi area, you know what to do."

The officers all responded solemnly: "No!"

The team that filled the water bags first started. One person brought at least three water bags. In addition to the main mount, there was at least one auxiliary horse for the transfer.

The Hunets were attracted by the right-wing army, and the military power in the territory was empty. They came here to kill and destroy, and what they pursue is speed.

The Gobi is a place full of mud and sand, as if the whole world except for the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, only the earthy yellow on the ground is left.

In such a place, a gust of wind can roll up a piece of dust, and sometimes a spinning tornado can be seen.

"It's hard to find the withered tree branches in this place." Fang Lun is no stranger to the Gobi. The north of their village is the Gobi: "It's more desolate than ours."

What the Gobi has in common with the desert is that it is difficult to see green plants. The difference is that the Gobi at least has soil, but the desert is full of sand.

There were no crowds in the Gobi area of ​​thirty miles away. They encountered some caravans or teams on the way. Usually those teams found them and started to flee, and then they separated teams to pursue them.

"Hurry up!" Li Bing's mouth and nose were covered with cloth, his mouth would not be filled with sand and dust, and his voice would inevitably be muffled: "Resolve them and go back and meet immediately."

The teams that found the Han army ran away. They didn’t know that the Han army was hostile at first. It was no matter where they were in the Western Regions or the Gobi. It is difficult for different teams to coexist peacefully when encountering each other, even if there is no first time. Just do it, and then will definitely monitor each other and wait for the opportunity to start.

There are at least two to three thousand people in each unit of the Han army, one person is at least two horses, and no supplies are carried.

For caravans or teams, they see that kind of team is the most terrifying. Usually it is the horse thieves cruising in the Gobi. The army is no better than the horse thieves. It is foolish not to escape. .

Li Bing led more than five hundred people to pursue a business brigade of about two hundred people. He was the first to see blood when he wielded his weapon. He cut off a head with a clean knife, and the neck of a headless corpse riding on horseback. The Ministry spewed a stream of blood before it fell down.

"Surrender, we surrender."

"The goods are yours!"

"Don't kill me, my family will pay the ransom!"

The Han people listened to some pronunciations of "jiligulu". The people of the Western Regions might be able to understand it at random, but as lackeys, they have never had any right to speak.

This group of businessmen found that no matter how they could escape, they couldn't escape, and then stopped by themselves. They were driven to gather together, and they kept "kissing" and looked at the unknown armed that surrounded themselves with longing eyes.

Li Bing went around on horseback, mainly to identify who they were and to be able to distinguish some of them.

"There are Persians and Asan." Li Bing kept scanning the Persians, watching them yelling fiercely, and said blankly, "Let's work."

The most important thing is that there are no Han people who are surrounded, and it will not be a problem at all where the rest are from.

The people from the Western Regions who were ordered rushed up with cheers. For them, it didn't matter who they killed. It was the key to be able to kill and count the credit. One head represented five hundred five baht.

The Han Empire and the Sassanids are allies, shouldn't even the Persians be killed? Not to mention how much the Han Empire cares about its ally with Sassanian. Anyone who will hinder or threaten military operations, when necessary, even the Han will not tolerate the slightest benevolence, but with the current strength of the Han Empire, usually Don't be so embarrassed that you need to kill the same clan to achieve any goal.

"Furs, cloths, and some miscellaneous things."

"Leave a staff member to count."

The animal power will be collected and taken away, and the corpse will be discarded in place.

At the same time, in addition to some valuable trophies that are easy to carry will be taken away, or the goods will be left in place.

The trophies will not be taken away but will be counted. The main reason is that the people of the Western Regions cannot be allowed to work in vain. In order to avoid the trouble caused by the goods, the Western Regions Protectorate will not be short of such a little money. Naturally, the profit will be divided later.

"Do they really make strict statistics on how much we should divide?" Zeku's body was ups and downs as the horse galloped, but his head couldn't help but keep looking back: "Are there any bad rumors?"

Abati is also looking at the rear, but the difference between him and Zeku is that he knows that even if the Han people are fooling around, what can they do except a few complaints? Everything is not to be pinned on the noble character of the Han people.

The corpses and goods left in place, the Gobi will soon let most of the corpses and goods disappear on the surface, and all traces of the killing will disappear in less than a day. Someone will find them buried under the sand in a long time. Bones.

"Isn't the relationship between the Persians and the Hunites very tense?" Wang Mian always has too much curiosity: "Why are there Persians in the territory of the Hunite?"

"When will the relationship between the Han and the grassland tribes not be tense?" Fang Lun said sullenly, "When will there be a shortage of Han Chinese for business on the grassland."

Wang Mian realized that he had indeed asked a very silly question, and smirked.

The Han army entering the Gobi area did not encounter too many non-local teams, but they would hunt down one team if they found one.

Not only will they do so in the Gobi area, they will pass through the Gobi area to a populated area, and they will bring killing and destruction along the way.

The history of the Hunets is not long. They should have formed a unified force 30 to 40 years ago. Their relationship with the Persian Sassanids has been tense for a long time, but their relationship with the Gidorian dynasty is very friendly.

According to some Persians, the Hunets are a new tribe with a multi-ethnic fusion, mainly composed of Yue-like people, and there are also a considerable number of Huns and Guishuang people.

According to the Persians, the Hunets were a brave and wary tribe, and their fighting style was also extremely tenacious.

"These guys are fierce!" Fang Lun said with some fear: "The blade got stuck in the collarbone and was almost stabbed."

They were in a small village that was captured~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the people from the Western Regions did some dirty and tiring work, while the Han army and Xiaoguo took the time to rest.

In this village of only 300 people, it was easy for them to kill in. The killing was not difficult at the beginning. It is probably because the Hunets found out that they would be slaughtered in the village, and all men, women, and children began to work hard.

"Hunnites are indeed different from those of the Western Regions." Wang Mian's expression was not so good: "Two of my followers died."

Hui's face is not good, it's not that he died of sadness, but that Wang Mian went back to pay two pensions.

Fang Lun didn't know what to say. He just knew that his side had suffered nearly a hundred casualties and that 27 people had fallen forever on this strange land.

War is definitely going to kill people, even Wang Mian is too mighty, or he will die and just two follow suits.

Wang Mian smiled as if crying: "My brother-in-law is dead."

"..." Fang Lun comforted: "You still have seven brother-in-laws."

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