Unexpectedly, the Hein Empire would one day put aside its arrogant attitude as the world's equalizer and say the word "cooperation" to other countries.

The Great Master has a complicated heart.

But even if you want to cooperate, why would you use the evil eye of the evil god to enchant me...


Don't talk about cooperation.

When was Laita's situation not so precarious that she could not protect herself?

The Grand Master said softly: "Unfortunately, Rhine, Laita is not as powerful as you think."

Rhine: "The battle between Laita and the Ya-god has lasted for thousands of years. You are the most battle-hardened nation in the entire world, but... all your power has been restrained by the Ya-god."

Rhine said lightly:

"As Da Da said, Leta today cannot be Hein's comrade-in-arms. You still have hidden dangers that have not been resolved, and you do not have enough energy to face future threats."

That's it……

The Grand Master smiled bitterly.

Laita is the last elven kingdom on earth and the last prey of the sub-gods.

This country is always being watched and coveted by countless sub-gods. In fact, such a huge empire may be devoured and torn apart by sub-gods at any time, leaving only a dead and scorched earth.

Although the elves of Laita have been fighting against the Ya-god for thousands of years, almost no elves of any era can be said to have truly defeated the Ya-god and gained peace.

The Grand Master asked helplessly: "Since you know Laita so well, why do you need to discuss cooperation with us..."

Hearing this, Rhine made a proposal that shocked the Grand Master.

Rhine: "But I can help you deal with the threat of Yashen,"


The great mentor was stunned, and then she shook her head repeatedly: "No! This is impossible..."

The Grand Master frowned and said: "Don't make such a joke, Rhine Hein. Laita has lived under the hands of the Ya God for thousands of years and has never been free of threats. Even if you Hein's demigods intervene, Impossible...absolutely impossible..."

Rhine smiled and said softly:

"You really have no reason to believe me, and I can understand it. So, Grand Master, how about we wait until we have solved the black disaster problem that no one has been able to solve for thousands of years, and then we can talk about Yashen?"

Rhine's words were calm and calm, and his words and deeds gave the Grand Master the illusion that everything in the world seemed to be in his calculations.


The Grand Master suddenly realized that the man in front of him was definitely an ordinary person.

He has broken too many impossibilities and continues to create miracles...

He killed the ancient dragon and defeated the Queen of the Nether Realm.

And now,

He also wants to find the entrance to the mysterious lair and go to the origin of black evil that has not been explored for thousands of years...


He even had the confidence to defeat the Yashen and grant the people of Leta a peace they could not even dream of.

The Grand Instructor looked at Lain, her mood was a little dazed.

She suddenly figured something out.

Although this man is just a mortal, he has...

Ah, yes...

That is exactly what it is - divinity.

At that moment, the Grand Master suddenly realized why Lain Hein always attracted her attention deeply...

That's because of Rhine's temperament.

The Grand Master has always had this vague feeling.

What this young man, who looked to be less than twenty years old, said and did was inexplicably and subtly different from ordinary people.

It was an indescribable feeling of vicissitudes of life, as if one had seen through the mortal world and experienced thousands of sails. Under the calm eyes, there was suffering and desolation that others could not imagine.

It seems that his soul has long transcended the mortal body and been forged into a cold superior like a god.

As the sub-gods said...perhaps the charm of the evil dragon was never the main reason why the Grand Master was obsessed with Rhine.

Some things are so shameful that the Grand Master is unwilling to admit them even in his heart.


But sometimes, the Grand Master would feel that the reason why Rhine was so special in her heart was because he allowed the Grand Master, a lonely woman who stood at the top of the world, to discover... a strong man who could conquer her.

Can he... really solve the threat of Yashen?

He can really end the thousand-year disaster in Laita and help the elves reconcile with their gods, even if...it just means that they don't invade each other, and the wells and rivers don't infringe...

Of course, according to Rhine, solving the problem of Yashen is just to face a more dangerous disaster.


If in the future, I can walk with such a trustworthy man... the Grand Master will feel much more relaxed.

"Great Master."

Rhine asked: "Does this explanation of mine satisfy you?"

The Grand Master sighed: "I can't say I'm satisfied, and I have nothing to say. After all, as you said, everything has to wait until we solve the Heihe problem, right?"

Rhine smiled: "That's right, so now..."


The Great Master's heart trembled: "You, what else do you want to do?"

Rhine's voice became gentle and affectionate: "Electra, I have something else to say to you..."

The Great Instructor's eyes evaded: "No, you don't need to say anything... That's it for today..."

However, Rhine did not obey the Grand Master's arrangements.

He didn't speak, just walked towards the Great Master silently.

This is an extremely dangerous move.

After all, there is still a deadly mithril barrier between Rhine and the Grand Master!

However, Rhine turned a blind eye to this. He walked towards the Grand Master calmly and ran straight into the mithril wall that was cutting the air crazily.

This is an invisible confrontation.

And the great mentor was defeated by Rhine again...

The Grand Master's heart couldn't help but tremble because of some indescribable emotion. Finally, she took the initiative to surrender, lifted the mithril barrier, and let Lain come to her side...

Rhine stood in front of the great mentor. He stood so close that his body was almost touching the great mentor.

The Grand Master was like a frightened little animal. Facing Rhine, she felt an inexplicable cowardice in her heart. She stood stiffly in place, not daring to make any unnecessary moves...

The man in front of her was her teacher, Leta's hope... and the first male who made her feel in awe.

The Grand Master asked weakly with a trembling voice: "Rhine Hein, what are you going to do?"

"Electra, I haven't finished answering your question yet."

"Getting close to you and gaining your trust is indeed to lay the foundation for future cooperation with Leta."

"But I'm not here just to cooperate with Leta. After all, according to what you said, I have no reason to get close to you or even humiliate you, right?"

The great mentor had already guessed what Lain wanted to say, and her body started to get hot unconsciously: "Don't say any more...I..."

"I come here for some personal reasons."

After saying that, Rhine suddenly opened his arms to the Grand Master.


Rhine hugged the Grand Master tightly in his arms, being tough and not allowing resistance.

The Grand Master's body was already weak at this moment. This elf demigod who was tens of millions of times more powerful than Rhine was like a weak girl, unable to resist Rhine's attack.

For the first time in her life, Lyta's Grand Master Electra Lucia was embraced by a man.

That's a wonderful feeling,

The Grand Master was forced to nestle in the young man's arms. She could smell Rhine's scent and even clearly feel Rhine's heartbeat and pulse.

Rhine's heartbeat was steady and her pulse was normal.

This shows that he is very calm now, which is completely different from the great mentor who was already in chaos.

This made the Grand Master even more humiliatingly aware that in the confrontation with Rhine, she had always been the one being played.

But the scary thing is...

She actually... couldn't hate this humiliating feeling of being inferior to others.

In this devastating defeat, Rhine, as the winner, made the final judgment on the fate of the Grand Master.

That was a declaration that made the Grand Master's heart almost melt.

"I'm sorry, Electra Lucia, I've been having a very offensive thought in my mind."

Rhine leaned against the great mentor's ear and whispered:

"I want to possess you."

The Grand Master's heart trembled. She couldn't believe that one day, someone would say such blasphemous words in front of her.


Is this what Rhine has been aiming for all along?

It turned out that Rhine was not just teasing her mercilessly.

Does Lain really... want her? !

This surprised the Grand Master, and even turned out to be a bit of a surprise.

However, even so, the Grand Master naturally cannot agree to such an absurd request.

She is Leta’s great mentor of white light, she is Electra Lucia, she has her own unshakable position...

With the last of his rationality, the Grand Master bit his lip and said with difficulty: "Rhine... give up..."

Yet she knew.

She was unable to make any resistance.

Her refusal would probably have no effect.

However, even so, the pride in her heart forced her to reject Rhine's confession. This was her last dignity.

Rhine: "Really?"

Rhine: "Well, I respect your decision, Electra Lucia."

Rhine did not hesitate at all. After being rejected, he immediately let go of the Grand Master. After politely expressing his apology to the Grand Master, he turned and left.

The ambiguous atmosphere came to an abrupt end.

The Grand Master felt as if someone had suddenly poured cold water on him while he was falling asleep.

She woke up suddenly.



In the blink of an eye, that warm embrace had left her, without any reluctance, simply gone away.

Only the great mentor was left standing there stupidly.


Chapter 97 The opportunity for the awakening of the strongest goddess in the Netherland

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