Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 96 A few days later, the strength of the 14th level creature! (5700 words)

As a life form unique to the swamp, the Cyclops has the breath of the Swamp God imprinted in his soul.

Although he is not as good as the Vine Fairy and the Green Grass Granny, who are the lives created by the Swamp God, he is also the most loyal follower of the Swamp God.

Every time the Swamp God revives and rebuilds the sect and the army, there must be the Cyclops, and these behemoths have countless legends in the swamp.

After subduing the Cyclops, Lear did not plan to stay too long and immediately prepared to evacuate.

The information of the Cyclops was somewhat explosive, and the Grand Duke of the Abyss hidden behind the Dark Naga was even more of a heavy pressure.

It is not suitable to have a head-on conflict with the Dark Naga now.

At this moment, Hagus approached with a Dark Naga whose belly was half opened by an axe and whose internal organs were flowing out.

"Master, he is still alive!"

Lear looked at the other party's miserable appearance and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He is still alive even after being like this?

Concentrating his mind and sensing, there is indeed a very weak breath of life, but not much, and it will be cold in two minutes later.

The mind moved slightly.

The power surged in his body, and the energy of the magnificent life enveloped the other party.

Swamp Gift!

The life breath of the dark naga stabilized a little bit instantly.

Lear did not stop, and cast the Swamp Gift one after another.

The other party gradually stabilized from the state of dying.

Seeing this, Hags rudely stuffed the internal organs back into its body, and its wounds began to heal in a weak state.

However, it was too seriously injured, and it was still unclear whether it could survive.

Seeing this, Lear immediately thought of the Scarlet Queen Bee. I wonder if I can use the Scarlet Carrion Land to transform the other party? !

He immediately became interested.

After confirming that there were no other survivors, he did not stay for long, and took the army around for a circle and returned to the territory.

Bain, who was a little worried, immediately relaxed after seeing Lear, but then his eyes were attracted by the fierce and terrifying figure behind him.

Gulp~ swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said tremblingly.

"Sir, is this a Cyclops?!!"

With a height of 6 meters, ordinary people are like children who have just learned to crawl in front of it. They need to look up high to see its face clearly.

The oppressive feeling brought by that size makes it difficult for people to breathe.

Lear nodded.

Although the goal today was not completed, there was an extra gain of the Cyclops.

"This giant will become a member of the City of Wisdom."

"He will stay in the territory to recuperate for the next few days. If you need to do anything, just command him to do it."

The Cyclops nodded repeatedly.

"That's right. If you need me to do anything, the direct order is the supreme will of my god!"

Bane's heart trembled, and he looked at Lear again.

For so long, he has already felt Lear's extraordinaryness, especially the majestic and sacred pressure that cannot be violated and touched.

Every time it makes him almost crazy.

Although Lear has never admitted it, he has already regarded him as the son of God or the incarnation of the gods walking on earth.

But Lear didn't make it public, and he didn't say much, so he could only keep his emotions in his chest.

Lear asked Bane to arrange the Cyclops, and he took the severely injured dark naga to the scarlet rotten flesh land.

After placing it on the flesh and blood land, his eyes were slightly fixed.

Scarlet power surged out from the earth and instantly engulfed the dark naga.

The seriously injured naga couldn't resist at all.

With a low groan, the flesh and blood seemed to be splashed with sulfuric acid, and began to corrode with a sizzle, revealing the white bones.

The breath began to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a burnt candle.

Soon it reached the critical point.

The breath suddenly extinguished.

But the next second after it died completely, the scarlet energy suddenly gathered in its heart.


The breath of life was like ignited gasoline, and it suddenly surged.

The flesh and blood that had just melted began to grow again, and it became bloody.

The dark breath gradually turned into the breath of the dead. When all the flesh and blood grew, the dark naga suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of blood-red eyes filled with cold silence, without any breath of life.

Looking directly at it, it was as if looking at a walking corpse.

Slowly standing up, the snake body stood upright on the ground, and the snake tail arched to support the upper body.

The 3-meter height gave people a sense of uprightness and majesty, and the breath on the body was gray and palpitating.

It was like a corpse buried in a grave for a long time just crawled out.

The gray snake skin spots on the body were smeared with large patches of blood.

It gave people a great visual impact.

From the appearance alone, there was a kind of hideous and terrible taboo creature.

Li Er's eyes became extremely hot at this moment, and the corners of his mouth were raised high.

Hahaha. Success! !

It really turned into a life similar to the scarlet queen bee! !

Scarlet carrion land, awesome!

This success not only means that he can take this Naga, but also means that similar operations can be repeated in the future!

Forcefully suppressing the ups and downs in his heart, he looked at it intently, and the attribute panel appeared in his mind.

Corrupted Naga

[Level]: Level 12

[Talent]: 4 stars

[Racial Talent]: Superb combat skills, born with master-level combat skills, and a keen sense of combat.

[Dead Soul Power]: 3000 points

[Skill]: Soul Severing (3 stars) Attach the power of the dead to the weapon, directly cut off the enemy's soul.

Unyielding (3 stars) The time affected by control skills is reduced by 80%.

Super Agility (3 stars) The body has super agility.

Super Strength (3 stars) The body contains fierce power, beyond the limit of ordinary life.

Tough Body (3 stars) Endless endurance, never exhausted.

[Evaluation]: A semi-undead life with super combat talent.

After reading its attributes, Li Er was amazed.

What a fierce warrior!

The power of the Cold-Blooded Cavalry is the direct superposition of attributes, but the attributes of the Corrupted Naga are not so direct, all of which increase its own strength.

But with the unique racial talent, its combat effectiveness is not worse than that of the Cold-Blooded Cavalry!

The two are different types of soldiers. The Cold-Blooded Cavalry is a heavy-armored warrior who prefers to charge head-on.

The Corrupted Naga is a skill-based warrior. After the opponent's formation is torn apart, it is time for them to start slaughtering.

Very suitable for fighting with the Cold-Blooded Cavalry.

The birth of the Corrupted Naga directly made Lear's interest in the Dark Naga soar.

If he could capture it and turn all the Dark Nagas into Corrupted Nagas.

The power in his hands would usher in a new wave of enhancement.

I have to declare that woman, you have successfully attracted my attention.

He took the Corrupted Naga back to the territory and let it guard the City Hall with the Flesh Slaughterer, and then he fell asleep.

The undead do not need to rest.

The next day, August 26, Lear quietly led the army out hunting, and let the Cyclops recover in the territory.

It was a day without much ups and downs.

On the morning of the 27th, he led people to capture the bison herd that the intelligence suggested.

A full 150 heads!

The shoulder height of these bison reached 2.5 meters, each of them was big and strong, and weighed more than 3 tons.

The two hook-like horns seemed to be made of iron, reflecting the metallic luster.

More than a dozen wetland lizardmen who cooperated in the capture were knocked over.

But in the end, they were still forced back to their territory.

The bison in this world are not only bigger than the cows on Earth, but also fiercer and several times stronger.

Lear tried to let them pull sleds, and they rushed through the fields like a small whirlwind.

The Delsa people who were driving the cows were pulled by the cows and ran wildly, like kites, and their feathers could take off if they were longer.

An acre of land was plowed in a short while, and the chaotic scene like a battle made Lear laugh and cry.

In the end, three sleds were added to slow down the speed of the bison, but the efficiency was even better.

Lear sighed after seeing the back.

No wonder no one in this world studies any machinery. The small tillers on Earth are completely inferior to this bison.

And it doesn't need much maintenance, just take it outside to feed grass, and it can give birth to calves if it is fed well.

With this energy, why not raise a few more cows? Why try to climb the technology?

After these 150 vigorous living forces joined, the speed of various constructions in Weilu City has reached a new level.

Especially in the matter of reclaiming farmland, pulling the plow and running wildly on the wasteland swamp, it won't take long for a flat area to appear.

In addition, it is also very useful for pulling goods and moving things.

It's just that the cows are a bit stubborn, but after Li Er put on the nose rings, the cows' temper was also controlled.

Interestingly, there is no such thing as nose rings in this world. After this thing was made, the Delsa people who were leading the bison to run around in the wild were amazed.

For a long time in the future, taking bison to reclaim wasteland will become a popular job.

It's really worry-free. As long as you wave the whip, these guys can easily plow the fields.

Even if you get familiar with some bison, you can sleep on their backs.

The task is completed after waking up from a sleep. Who wouldn't be happy about such a good thing?

But it is not without cost to drive these manic laborers - the consumption of food suddenly skyrocketed.

However, at this time, the colorful moss showed its value.

These plants can grow rapidly as long as there is fertilizer. With the supply of feces from three-tailed pigs, bison, and thousands of people in the city of Wei Lu, they can get fresh moss every day.

The three-tailed pigs love to eat, and the bison also like this kind of plant with high energy.

Seeing this, Lear directly ordered the construction of garbage treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants in advance.

The main cleaning tool for these two buildings is colorful moss.

After the garbage is classified, the colorful moss is directly spread. It will absorb all the nutrients and turn them into a pile of harmless slag in a short time.

There are no chemical products in this world. Clothes are made of linen and cotton. They will rot in a short time if buried underground. They are also nutrients.

It can be easily absorbed by the colorful moss.

Sewage is even simpler. Several sewers were dug and vines were woven into water pipes to collect daily wastewater to the muddy ground covered with colorful moss.

The sewage was purified before it flowed through.

After such an operation, the domestic garbage and sewage of Wei Lu City not only did not pollute and have a great impact on the surrounding environment.

Instead, it continuously provided nutrients for the growth of colorful moss.

The obtained colorful moss was used to feed bison and three-tailed pigs, forming a positive biological cycle.

It truly achieved zero carbon emissions, and environmental protection organizations would cry when they saw it.

On the 28th, the hunt continued.

The Dark Naga has stimulated him a little. These days, he plans to focus on strengthening the cold-blooded cavalry before talking about other things.

With a gun in hand, he is not panicked. Without an army, he can't walk straight.

The second cold-blooded cavalry cultivated a few days ago also joined the battle sequence today.

At the same time, Li Er used the hunting results of the previous two days to cultivate the third cold-blooded cavalry team.

Today, his goal is to clean up the area 15 kilometers away from the east.

As the city of Wei Lu grows, the area near the territory has been cleaned several times.

Not to mention the wild monster strongholds, even ordinary wild beasts are few and far between.

The hunting area can only be extended outward.

He started hunting when it was light, and returned to the territory only when the moon was high.

→ The gathering place of monsters in the east is very dense. At the end of the day, the bubble beast was filled with 50 bubble corpses.

Enough to cultivate two teams of cold-blooded cavalry!

In this way, the number of cold-blooded cavalry being cultivated has reached 3 teams, and two have joined the battle sequence.

The strength is changing every day.

After three busy days, the time came to the 29th - today's time is quite critical.

A group of night elves being hunted by the Wild Blood Bandits will pass through the silt swamp and the city of Wei Lu on the 29th. (2 stars)

Although the value of this information is not very high, there are two key points - night elves and Wild Blood Bandits.

Wild Blood Bandits are a group that wanders in the wilderness and makes a living by plundering.

Barbarians are their main members, especially like to plunder human territories and caravans. Wherever they pass, there is always no grass.

It is the lord who established a territory in the wilderness, and it is a terrifying existence.

According to incomplete statistics, one-third of the pioneering lords were killed by the Wild Blood Bandits.

The intelligence does not show the specific time, which means that danger may come at any time.

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, and he does not want any accidents to happen at this time.

The residents who entered the busy state did not pay attention to the waves of the outside world and completed their work seriously.

Li Er spread the scarlet wasps early, covering a 10-kilometer radius around.

If there is any movement, he can receive the news immediately.

Scarlet wasps are not big in size, resting in the grass and treetops. They are small targets and do not attract too much attention.

They are excellent for monitoring.

At noon, Li Er, who was sitting next to the fish pond drinking tea and feeding fish, looked up and looked forward.

The next moment, buzzing~

The scarlet queen bee flapped its wings and flew over.

"Master, the target is found!"

He immediately perked up.

Finally here!

"Which direction?"

"Those night elves coming from the north have entered stealth mode and are using the shadows of plants to avoid tracking."

"From a normal perspective, the other party is completely invisible."

Using shadows to sneak?

Li Er's eyes moved slightly.

"How many are they?"

"Currently, it is roughly estimated that there are less than two squadrons, and the specific number needs further confirmation."

"Don't alert the enemy, let them come by themselves."


The scarlet queen bee immediately gave orders.

Then every few minutes, there will be news about where the other party has gone.

The specific route was firmly under control.

One hour later.

A group of female night elves, who were lurking in the shadows and whose figures were completely invisible, quietly approached the City of Wispy.

Pointed ears, high noses, translucent skin, and almost perfect appearance, with a kind of soul-stirring beauty, without any flaws.

Wearing a black cloak, his eyes were dark and deep.

Each of them held a gray-brown hardwood longbow engraved with elven runes, and several quivers on his back, half of which had been shot empty.

The leading night elf looked at the City of Wispy, looking at the City Hall with some surprise.

"In the swamp, there is actually such a territory!"

"Look at their buildings. They are all woven with vines!"

The natural affinity with plants is the instinct of all elves.

In their eyes, the vigorous vitality of the City Hall is like a blazing fire in the dark night, so dazzling and eye-catching.

An elf behind him said with some shock.

"Does the plant building of Lord Isani have spirituality?!"

"God bless you!"

"This is incredible!"

This made all the night elves widen their eyes and look at the city hall with great surprise.

Spiritual plants almost do not exist in the underground world.

That dark and barren land cannot grow such treasures.

After confirming, everyone became agitated.

"Can Lord Isani take this building back underground?"

"If we can get it, it won't take long before our strength will be greatly improved!"

Elf talent - close to plants, can use the life essence of plants to enhance their own strength.

The legendary capital of the elves is completely composed of plants, and it is not just a legend.

"And not only that building, but other buildings in this territory are also composed of vines."

The night elf became more and more excited.

"If we can occupy this territory, it won't take long before we can fight back underground!"

"Take back our occupied land!"

All the night elves were inspired by this sentence, and their eyes were full of desire.

"Don't be reckless! The lord who built this territory must be very strong. Don't underestimate him!"

The leading night elf, Isani, had a deep look in her eyes.

"My Lord, we still have the Heart of Darkness! As long as we can activate that building with its power, it can be comparable to a level 14 creature!"

The night elf who spoke said unwillingly.

"No matter how powerful the enemy is, we can fight our way out!"

"Those dirty barbarians behind us are all lambs to be slaughtered!"


The night elf leader Isani was still a little hesitant.

But in an instant, the companion behind her continued.

"We have no choice, my Lord, do you still expect to find a plant with more vitality than that building?!"

"Or are you fantasizing about going back underground?"

"Do you think our current strength can take back the occupied land?"

"How long do you think we can survive wandering on the surface?"

The cold words hit Isani's heart like a hammer.

Grit her teeth.

"If that's the case, let's give it a try!!"

Her tone was a bit firm.

"Stay alert and sneak in through the weak point."

"After approaching the building, immediately activate it with the Heart of Darkness!"

"The enemy's guards are only wetland lizardmen, so the danger is not great. As long as we can activate this building, we will not be afraid even if the enemy's army returns!"

Feeling the gushing breath of life, her eyes were extremely hot.

Is there no crisis? No, she knew better than anyone the danger of venturing into an unfamiliar territory.

It looks safe on the surface, but who knows what is hidden in the other party's territory.

But is there any choice?

Continue to exile in the wilderness, being chased like a dog by those dirty barbarians?

How long can such a day last?

The pride of the elves made her unable to tolerate this situation to continue.

Even if she died, she couldn't be so embarrassed anymore!

Lear, who was drinking tea, suddenly looked a little subtle.

He couldn't understand what those night elves were doing. Why did they inexplicably start to sneak into the City of Wisdom?

Fortunately, he had given instructions before, and there were not many residents in the territory.

There was no need to worry about any major losses.

Moreover, there was no wealth in the territory, and the precious treasures were hidden underground by the swamp tree people.

What do these guys want to do?

Unable to figure out the other party's purpose, Li Er did not alert the enemy, and silently watched the dark moon elves use shadows to flexibly bypass the residents, approach the city hall, and then all went in.

His face instantly became strange.

This is even more outrageous than walking into a trap.

How dare they enter the city hall? !

This brain is too good.

At this moment, rumble~

Suddenly, a dull loud noise came from the ground.

I saw that the city hall, which was rooted in the ground, had countless thick roots suddenly rising from the ground.

Large cracks appeared around, and the soil splashed all over the sky.

At the same time, a group of surprised voices resounded through the sky.

"Hahaha, we succeeded!"

"Praise my God!!"

"The activated vine building actually reached the strength of level 14 life!!"

Seeing this, Li Er suddenly laughed with relief.

Luckily, these guys are not crazy, but it seems like they are almost?

They want to take away his city hall right under his nose.

They treat him like a human being.

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