Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 87: Awakening of Divine Life, Powerful Spiritual Enlightenment (4700 words)

After reading the attributes of Hagus, Lear's heart trembled and his eyes became extremely hot.

3 3-star skills, 5 special professional skills, and blood up to 12,000 points! !

The second talent is body control.

He has absolute control over his body and can mobilize the muscle strength of his whole body and perform micro-operations.

Paired with the regeneration talent, it is mixed with a set of skills.

Its combat effectiveness is off the charts.

In comparison, General Disease Fly, who was also at level 12, only had 3,500 health points.

Although the opponent is powerful, it is nothing compared to Hagus!

No wonder he was favored by the will of the demigod and his head was beheaded!

Fierce, too fierce! !

This is the top combat power after transferring to a cold-blooded cavalry, increasing one's own potential, activating the second talent, and improving several times!

With this transformation, Hagas has reached the peak of his 3-star potential and has become the most powerful combat force in Weilu City.

I have an extra trump card in my hand!


But when he came to his senses, he felt a little worried about happiness.

The cold-blooded cavalry is powerful, but it requires too many resources to cultivate.

Haggoth's transformation was based on devouring hundreds of corpses.

After thinking about it, he asked Haggis.

"Does an ordinary cold-blooded cavalry consume the same amount of money as you?"

The level 12 hero shook his head.

"Master, about a hundred corpses of ordinary cold-blooded cavalry can cultivate the power I control. It is stronger than others, so it requires more."

As a heroic unit, his transformation is naturally unmatched by ordinary wetland lizardmen.

Lear's mood calmed down a little.

That's okay, otherwise I would be very busy.

But compared to the combat effectiveness of the cold-blooded cavalry, it seems that this price is nothing.

While the two were talking, Bain, the swamp hero, was approaching in a hurry.

"Master, all the corpses have been carried to the swamp tree people. Do they need to be eaten by the flesh and blood slaughterer immediately?"

Lear said solemnly.

"I'll be there right away."

After seeing the combat effectiveness of General Plague Fly, he had a new understanding of the role of high-end combat effectiveness.

The divine beings need to wake up as soon as possible. Two months later, they will face an even more ferocious and powerful flying dragon.

That is a terrifying life of level 16, ten times and a hundred times more powerful than General Disease Fly!

Before, he had thought about using the army to surround and kill them, but after this battle, he had given up this idea.

It is impossible for a flying dragon to fight a positional battle with them.

Even if all the wetland lizardmen were transformed into cold-blooded cavalry, it would be too much.

Arriving at the Swamp Tree Man, more than two thousand corpses were piled into several hills.

The corpses of these level 6 soldiers contain extremely abundant flesh and blood energy.

This harvest was more than the previous days of hunting combined.

The headless flesh and blood slaughterer lay quietly on the ground, like an abyssal beast that had never awakened.

As soon as I got a little closer, I immediately felt the pressure that penetrated into the soul of the other party.

Lear waved his hand and asked the swamp tree men to carry the corpse and place it next to the flesh and blood slaughterer.

The next moment the body landed on the ground, a faint scarlet energy emitted from the other party's body, covering it.

The flesh and blood quickly dried up and shattered, turning into dregs all over the floor.

If a corpse is thrown into it, it will be devoured in the blink of an eye.

Like adding firewood to the stove.

The aura emitted by the flesh and blood slaughterer gradually increased with the addition of nutrients, and the scarlet energy gradually deepened.

Soon these more than two thousand corpses were devoured.

The aura of the Flesh Slayer surged to the critical point.

Lear could clearly sense that the other party was just one step away from waking up.

My heart also became excited.

Turning around, he looked at the last corpse, General Plague Fly.

He waved his hand and asked the wetland lizard man on the side to carry the body and throw it into the range covered by scarlet energy.

Then he seemed to think of something, and with a thought, he took out the 3-star treasure he had just obtained - the eyeball of the evil god.

Move forward with an attitude of trying.

But as soon as he got closer, a strong suction force came and sucked the eyeballs away.

You can see the evil eyeballs falling into the ice and snow like red-hot steel balls, directly integrating into the body of the flesh and blood slaughterer.

At this moment, a crisp sound of shattering glass resounded in my ears.

The opponent's momentum suddenly increased, and an unspeakable evil aura covered the sky at this moment.

The silver moonlight instantly became dim.

It was like an extremely evil thing crawled out of the abyss.

Lying on the ground, without a head, a terrifying and strange life was stitched together, and its body trembled violently.

He stood up slowly! !

At this moment, everyone around them felt creepy and their spines ran cold.

He stared at the flesh and blood slaughterer with wide eyes.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the evil thing slowly turned around and faced Lear.

Lear could clearly feel the Flesh Slayer looking at him.

Even if it doesn't have a head! !

That invisible gaze was like the bloody sun hanging high in the sky, so hot and crazy.

"My lord!"

A hoarse, muffled thunder and somewhat ethereal unique sound sounded from all around.

Then, the half-murloc god used his own divine power to glue the head, swallowing up a ray of divine life, and knelt down on one knee in the most humble manner.

Salute to him.

No head. Can you still speak?

The wetland lizardmen around were sweating coldly. They really learned a lot today.

Li Er looked directly at this terrible life.

The other party's neck was like the stem of a melon when it was picked, bare and covered with large blood scabs.

It gave people a creepy visual impact.

Such a life, not to mention its combat power, would cause great fear just by appearing in front of ordinary people.

"Do you have a name?"

"Ladina, the real name I got when I was born."

Li Er nodded.

He took a deep breath and opened its attribute panel.

But he was a little dumb, because it still showed that there were no specific attributes in the transformation.

"You haven't completed the transformation yet?"

"My Lord, the eyeball you gave me contains another unique power. I need about a day to devour it."

The flesh and blood slaughterer spoke fluently and normally, as if he was communicating with a normal person.

Li Er noticed this and asked directly.

"Have you obtained the inheritance of knowledge?"

"Master. I have a lot of memories of half-fish people."

Li Er understood it.

The other party is condensed from the flesh and blood of the half-fishman, and with the addition of divine life, this kind of creature cannot be deduced by common sense.

"Does it still need flesh and blood?"

Ladina shook her bare neck.

"Digesting this eyeball is more important to me."

She said with a bit of excitement in her voice.

"The breath of the demigod left in the eyeball is very unique. I may be able to use it to devour its power."

Lear's eyes lit up.

Is there such a thing?

A demigod is a demigod after all. The other party was born from divinity, so it seems that it is not incomprehensible.

At the moment, he didn't say much and waved his hand to let the other party digest it well.

However, he also told him not to be greedy for merit. If he can devour the power of the Lord of Foul and Flies, he should devour it. If he can't devour it, don't force it.

It's not a good thing to provoke the other party to jump over the wall.

The flesh and blood slaughterer immediately responded, and then lay down under the swamp tree man again, and fell asleep again.

But this time, the other party will wake up.

Lear was in a very good mood.

Hagus completed his transformation, and the divine life awakened. There were many good things today.

In total, the Lord of Foul and Flies gave him a wave of heads.

If they could wake up earlier, the fierce General of Plague Flies would have to wait for slaughter.

The momentum of the Flesh and Blood Slaughterer was even stronger and more ferocious than Hagus.

After all, this was a divine life, and the starting point of its birth was already an end point that ordinary life could hardly reach in a lifetime.

After the spoils were digested, this sudden attack was completely over.

The loss was not small, but the harvest was also rich.

It was a small profit.

Lear did not stay for long and returned to the tent to rest.

The next day, in the early morning, the sun revealed a ray of light, illuminating the clouds in the sky with colorful colors.

The crowd gathered in front of the city hall early.

At this time, in the open space, dozens of coffins woven with vines were quietly placed on the ground.

The crowd was silent.

The funeral of a hero. This is the second time.

Compared with the last time, the residents were more touched this time.

They were looking at the corpses scattered all over the ground and the tragic scene of the fallen wetland lizard warriors.

They even helped to collect many corpses.

The heroes who sacrificed died for them.

Only by participating in it personally can you more intuitively understand the heavy meaning of this sentence.

These victims stood in the front line of the enemy's charge.

Without these warriors, last night would have been a battle royale.

Now they will die!

Li Er came to the crowd silently, glanced around, and his tone was calm and solemn.

"People of the City of Dew, you should all know that the enemy attacked the territory last night"

"Those dirty and disgusting monsters want to destroy our territory, occupy our food, and gnaw our flesh and blood!"

His tone gradually became higher.

"But our warriors worked together to annihilate them!"

"We protected the territory and won the final victory!"

"But at the same time, we also paid a heavy price."

"Do you see the coffins in front of you? Each one is a hero who sacrificed last night to protect the territory and each of us!"

"Remember these heroes, they died for us!"

"They will never be forgotten, and they will never be ignored."

"The Tomb of Heroes will be their home, and the Hall of Heroes will have their names and legends to sing praises."

"They are role models for all of us!"

"There is no peace and tranquility, danger is everywhere, and it is our warriors who bear it all for us!"

"All the glory belongs to them, they died great and glorious!"

"Raise the spirit!"

The voice with strong motivation fell, and everyone felt a flame burning in their chest.

The cohesion of the territory is soaring.

The wetland lizard warrior immediately lifted the coffin of his companion and set off for the Tomb of Heroes.

Lear carried the coffin and walked, while the swamp witches scattered white flowers in front of him, singing sad but hopeful songs.

The atmosphere was solemn and dignified.

The crowd, who had never experienced it before, finally felt why people always said that sacrificing for the territory would be an honor.

The lord carried the coffin.

All the residents sent him off. What an honor!

After the burial, Lear buried the first shovel of soil with his own hands again.

Then the group mourned for three minutes.

After all this was done, when the crowd dispersed, the emotions in their hearts lingered for a long time.

The barbarians were even more emotional at this moment.

Last time, they were just spectators, but this time was different-they also participated in this bloody battle last night.

And two of their companions died on the front line of fighting the enemy!

Today, what made them unable to calm down for a long time was that the two dead barbarians also received the same treatment and honor!

Even if this is not the territory of the barbarians, even if they are not even residents of this territory.

However, in the face of such glory, the fire in their chests still burned high.

Sacrificing for this territory is not something unacceptable, but a great honor!

When walking, the waist became particularly straight.

When the crowd dispersed, the barbarian leader Azaken suddenly saw the wetland lizardman leader who arrived in the territory two days ago and expressed doubts about the city of ​​dew.

Stride forward, stop the other party, and speak in a low tone.

"Do you know now?"

The beginning and end of the sentence made the wetland lizardman leader silent.

After a long time, he held his chest and bowed to him.

"I apologize to you."

"I underestimated our territory, and even more underestimated the master's mind."

He fought near the barbarians last night and saw with his own eyes how two barbarians died in battle.

Brave warriors deserve all respect.

And today, the courtesy received by the sacrificed warriors far exceeded his imagination. He thought that it was a great fortune for the dead warriors to find a cemetery to bury.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a grand and solemn funeral, and everyone's name would be engraved in the Hall of Valor in the future!

That's the Hall of Valor!

In order to commend and encourage their believers, the gods built the Hall of Valor to bury the heroic souls. After death, the devout believers will enter it and be resurrected.

The human empire also imitated the gods to build the Hall of Valor to praise and engrave those heroes who have made great contributions.

Known to everyone.

Entering the Hall of Valor is definitely the highest praise and honor for a warrior.

No one can refuse.

Azaken's face eased.

The tone was a bit complicated.

"We. You are honored to be the Lord's subordinates."

He patted the other party's shoulder and turned away.

He was not a member of the city of Wei Lu, he still had his own territory.

But after more than half a month of getting along, he had developed a strong sense of belonging to this territory.

If it weren't for the sense of responsibility to strengthen the barbarians and build the first territory of the barbarians, he might have already offered his loyalty to the owner of this territory.

Some people may be born leaders who make people follow them willingly.

The hero's funeral ended, and the crowd began to get busy.

Death is the most common thing in the wilderness and does not affect people's lives.

Soon, Lear got another good news that there was new progress from the Green Grass Granny.

He immediately came to the area where the mutant pitcher plants were planted with great interest.

At this moment, 9 old and frail figures with reed hair were busy in the field.

What surprised him was that the pitcher plants that were planted just two days ago had grown to thigh height at this moment.

And it was shaking its head in a rather magical way?

The scene of dozens of thigh-high pitcher plants shaking their heads in the field was quite interesting.

Seeing him approach, Grandma Green Grass immediately saluted.

"Father God."

"What are you doing?"

The leading Grandma Green Grass said softly.

"Father God, these pitcher plants are very suitable for giving spirituality. We have given them some spirituality."

Pointing to the spirit, Grandma Green Grass's talent - can give plants spirituality, and can communicate with plants with spirituality.

Lear became interested.

He opened the properties of the pitcher plant and took a look.

It was found that its level was upgraded from 1 star to 2 stars, and it also had a new feature -

[Endowed with unique spirituality, possessing a certain amount of wisdom, can actively absorb nutrients to accelerate its own growth, and can accelerate the secretion of nectar. ]

In just a moment, it became a 2-star magic plant? !

Lear was quite incredible.

And what's interesting is that after the other party gained spirituality, it can actively absorb nutrients to grow, and can also accelerate the secretion of nectar.

Before, it was passive absorption, but now it can be actively absorbed. No wonder it grows so fast.

Looking carefully, I found that it has only been a short time, and these pitcher plants have grown a little bit.

This spiritual talent is quite powerful.

At this rate, it won’t be long before the pitcher plants can produce nectar?

Li Er’s thoughts became excited.

In the future, these pitcher plants will surely reproduce seedlings when they grow up.

At that time, if we continue to expand the scale of planting, won’t we have a stable source of sugar?

Sugar is a strategic resource in modern times. In this world without a sugar industry, it can almost be called a luxury.

If a large-scale sugar industry can be built, it will be a continuous source of wealth, much more valuable than gold and silver mines.

If the territory wants to develop in the future, it must trade with foreign countries. And the city of Wei Lu has nothing to show for foreign trade now. If it is done, it will be a specialty!

A treasure that can be exchanged for a large number of resources!

Looking at Granny Green Grass, full of praise.

"Well done!!"

“We will try to make the pitcher plants grow up as quickly as possible and reproduce them. We can start building our sugar industry from now on.”

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