Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 85: Territory attacked, demigod creation plague flies (5200 words)

Chapter 85: Territory attacked, demigod creation-disease fly (5200 words)

Soon, all the Green Grass Grannies came out from among the reeds, and all nine of them were very similar in appearance.

The long reed hair growing on the head is also quite eye-catching.

After several people saluted Lear with tears in their eyes, they looked at the vine fairy lovingly, doting on these little guys flying around them.

The joy in my heart almost overflowed from my chest.

They finally found an organization.

The great Father God has awakened, and the Swamp Tribe will surely regain its former glory.

Praise the swamp!

After Lear made sure that the Grannies of Green Grass had nothing to carry, he set off directly back to the territory without waiting any longer.

But the journey home was much more relaxing than when we came.

The goal has been achieved, the next step is how to digest the harvest and let these unique lives contribute to the city of Weilu.

Lear did not return from the original route, but deviated slightly and led his army to search an area he had never set foot on before.

The results were obvious. When we returned to the territory at night, we captured more than two hundred wild monster corpses.

As Weilu City becomes more and more powerful, the scope of its activities is also rapidly increasing.

The wild monsters near the territory have been greatly reduced, and it is foreseeable that in the near future, there will be only one voice in the entire swamp.

It will not be easy to hunt as easily as today. If we leave the swamp and go to the wilderness, the round trip may take three to five days.

This is something that must be faced as territory expands.

The most comfortable thing is to steadily develop the farm. When the number of three-tailed pigs raised increases, there will be no need to work so hard.

As soon as he returned to the territory, Bain, the chief political officer, jogged up to meet him.

"Good night, my lord"

Lear nodded and said solemnly.

"Is Haggis awake?"

"My lord, you are still sleeping. It is expected that the transformation will not be completed until the early morning."

The tone was somewhat emotional and happy.

Once it wakes up, Weilu City will have a powerful fighting force.

Under the leadership of adults, the territory changes every day, which is really amazing.

Lear nodded slightly and ignored the topic.

He stretched out his hand to signal to Granny Green Grass beside him, gave a brief introduction, and then said.

"Place them in place and let Granny Green Grass go see the pitcher plants, colorful moss and fishtail plants tomorrow."

"In the future, these plants in the territory can be managed by them."

Nepenthes and colorful moss are both 1-star, and fishtail plants are just ordinary plants. If the quality can be improved, it will be a great thing for the territory.

He was full of expectations for the unique life in this swamp.

Bain only realized after hearing the introduction that these were the legendary Green Grass Grannies who managed the magic garden for the Swamp God.

The excitement and joy were palpable.

"You guys please come with me"

Grandma Green Grass has appeared in many legends in the swamp, and almost all the swamp beings with inheritance have heard of their name.

He immediately took a few people down with great interest.

Seeing this, Lear let the army disperse to rest, and he took the Bubble Beast that contained the corpse to Haggoth, who was still transforming.

Five teams of wetland lizard warriors are closely guarding the surrounding area to prevent outsiders from disturbing them.

The blood essence placed next to him in the morning only had some residue left.

The auras on Haggas and the Velociraptor Lizard have gradually stabilized and no longer fluctuate so strongly.

It seems that the corpses in their hands are of no use for the time being. Their transformation has entered the second half of the process, and it is not just more flesh and blood that can have the effect.

But just in case, hundreds of corpses were left behind, and the rest were used by Bubblemon to feed the Flesh Slaughterer.

As more and more flesh and blood are devoured, the time for the divine life to awaken is gradually approaching.

The night became darker and darker, and the air gradually became quieter. No more hustle and bustle during the day.

The sky was covered by heavy dark clouds, the moon did not shine, and everything was dark.

Lear did not go to rest, but waited silently by Hagus' side.

He could feel that the other party's aura had begun to revive, as if a dragon egg was about to hatch.

Time flies, early morning, late at night.

A ray of moonlight penetrated through the gap in the clouds in the sky and fell on the swamp.

Let everything around be covered with silver gauze.

ah! ! !

Suddenly, a shrill scream woke up Weilu City.

The sleeping crowd suddenly opened their eyes, sat up subconsciously, and turned their heads to look around.

What sound?

Immediately afterwards, a second roar sounded.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Everyone's scalp tightened immediately, their sleepiness disappeared instantly, and they stood up suddenly and looked outside the territory.

The wetland lizard warrior was the first to react, showing a ferocious murderous intent and rushing directly in the direction of the sound.

Lear's heart also jumped at this moment, and he stood up suddenly and strode forward.

The two-headed ogre chieftain Aite happened to be on the way.


Lear's tone was serious.

"You immediately organize the army to defend, don't mess up!"

He said and looked at Bain, who was running in a hurry.

"You lead all the residents into City Hall."

"Let the vine fairy blend into the city hall, seal the space, and prevent enemies from entering."

After a series of baptisms of blood and fire, Lear is no longer what he used to be, giving orders decisively and calmly.

Seeing the backbone like this, the restlessness in the hearts of the two heroes was instantly calmed down, and Bain immediately went down to organize people and evacuate the residents.

The two-headed ogre chieftain turned around and gathered the wetland lizard warriors who were rushing in.

In this short time, the roar of fighting in front became more and more intense.

Li Er brought the wetland lizard warriors who had gathered around him to the south of the territory.

At this moment, countless monsters are swarming in the grass area on the edge.

Those monsters are about 1.5 meters long, and the four pairs of wings behind them are frantically flapping, raising waves of air.

But because of their weight, they can only fly at a low altitude of more than one meter.

The body is the body of a fly, and the head is also like a fly, but the mouth is full of sharp fangs.

There are four pale human arms on the body.

The scorpion-like hooks are bent towards the ground under the abdomen, and the hideous tail stinger reflects the dark light.

The momentum is evil and weird, like a dark monster born from a pile of corpses.

There are dense thumb-sized flies around it.

It looks weird and terrifying, making people's scalps numb.

There are so many of them, and there are more than a thousand at a glance.

And there is no telling how many are hidden behind the bushes!

Several alert wetland lizardmen in front were directly overwhelmed by the opponent.

They are coming fiercely.

Plague flies

[Level]: Level 6

[Potential]: 2 stars

[Racial talent]: Spreading plague, carrying deadly bacteria on the body, after attacking the enemy, the enemy can be corroded by the plague.

[Skills]: Death Bite (1 star) The teeth are sharp, gnawing the enemy can tear flesh and bones.

Armor-piercing stinger (2 stars) The tail sting is very sharp and can easily penetrate the enemy's armor defense.

[Evaluation]: The evil demigod-the lord of stench and flies cultivated a type of soldier, cruel and tyrannical.

Lear's face became extremely solemn.

The plague fly is that demigod? ! !

The intelligence refreshed this time shows the location of the other party's believers, and he has included them in the elimination list.

But he didn't expect that the other party would come to him so quickly!

"Line up, form a formation!"

There were six squadrons of wetland lizardmen gathered!

These fearless warriors formed an unshakable line of defense at the edge of the territory.

Amber eyes stared at these monsters coldly.

Roar! !

A terrifying scream suddenly came from the bushes behind the plague fly.

The wetland lizardman warrior only felt in his mind that a dark monster crawled out of the abyss, covered with festering flesh and surrounded by countless disgusting flies, staring coldly.

The next moment, the other party seemed to tear through the space.

They could even smell the disgusting rotten smell on the other party.

For a moment, the momentum suddenly dropped, and the formation began to shake.

Li Er sensed something was wrong and his eyes turned cold.

A demigod, you want to suppress my army?

The divine power in his body emits a faint blue light, and endless divine power surges out instantly, forcibly dispelling the pressure.

The army suddenly recovered, and then their eyes became colder and more brutal.

Anger is accumulating, damn bastard!


Realizing that the pressure of the demigod is ineffective, a soul-stirring scream came from behind the plague fly again.

It was like a charge horn.

The dense plague flies buzzed and flapped their wings fiercely, and their hideous bodies attacked fiercely.

Looking around, it was dark, like a huge wave hitting a reef.

Once the front line cannot be resisted, the entire territory will be flattened in an instant.

There is death and no life!


The two-headed ogre chieftain At stood in the front, holding his giant mace tightly and roaring wildly.

The blue veins on his neck were bulging at this moment.

At the moment when the plague flies approached, the muscles on his body were like springs compressed to the extreme, and they exploded instantly.

Whoosh~ The huge mace swung, making the air explode.

It hit the enemy in front hard.

Crack~ Bang~

The bones broke directly, and the flesh and blood exploded.

The three plague flies in front were like watermelons hit by baseballs, with green blood and mucus scattered all over the ground.

They were blown up alive!

Buzz buzz buzz~

The two sides merged instantly.

A fight of blood and flesh.

The wetland lizardman warriors holding steel knives rushed to the front line. The level 7 level and fully armed central armor gave them enough advantages.

A wetland lizardman warrior swung the steel knife and chopped it down fiercely. The plague fly in front flapped its wings fiercely to avoid the attack.

But the wetland lizardman warrior rushed up with a grin and hit the opponent.

The opponent's body trembled, and the flight slowed down. At this moment, the claws swung.

Puff~ It penetrated the flesh and blood, deep into the chest.

Then it twisted it hard inside.

Green mucus splashed wildly.

The plague fly felt pain and screamed like glass scratching an iron door.

It bit the arm of the wetland lizardman fiercely, and the terrifying force directly made tiny teeth marks appear on the armor.

It pierced directly.

The wetland lizardman warrior roared and drew his sword to chop horizontally.


Directly cut off its head.

Let the green mucus splash all over, but it didn't hesitate for a second and pounced on the second one.

A plague fly pounced on a wetland lizardman in the chaos, and its tail sting puff~ pierced fiercely.

The wetland lizardman who was not wearing armor was immediately torn in the abdomen.

But after being injured, his brutal nature was aroused.

In a rage, he held the head of the plague fly with one hand and swung the other hand violently.

The sharp claws directly pierced through the head.

After struggling for a few times, the monster suddenly stiffened.

He killed the opponent forcefully, but the blood was still flowing out of the wound in his abdomen.

Feeling that his condition was rapidly declining, the wetland lizardman felt a little cold in his heart.

With this kind of injury, he would die on the battlefield.

But in a blink of an eye, he became even crazier.

Even if he died, he would drag a few people into hell with him! !

He roared and rushed forward.

But just as he was fighting with the next plague fly, he suddenly felt a warm energy surge into his body.

The wound on his abdomen was healing at an exaggerated speed.

At the same time, the poison attached to the plague fly was also forcibly suppressed.

What is this?

In doubt, he burst out with a stronger force, exchanged his life for his life, and killed the enemy in front of him again, then turned his head and took a look.

Through the gaps in the crowd, a towering figure with extraordinary heroic spirit and deep eyes like the starry sky was watching the battlefield.

His eyes were full of encouragement and appreciation.

Overlord? !

He knows healing? !

The newly joined wetland lizardman was shocked. He had never been treated like this when he was wandering and fighting in the wilderness in the past.

Feeling his strength recovering quickly, he turned around and roared.

This time was even crazier than before.

Because there was no one behind him anymore, he also had someone to back him up!

Although Li Er did not participate in the front-line battle, his role was irreplaceable.

Once the front line was damaged, he would cast the Swamp Gift as soon as possible.

After the level was upgraded, his magic power had soared to 1200 points, and he could cast it forty times continuously.

And after level 7, the magic power recovery speed was also improved, and it could recover more than 300 points per minute.

Enough for him to cast the Swamp Gift ten times.

In this way, he single-handedly nursed back a large number of severely injured or even dying wetland lizardmen.

He forcibly supported the entire front line.

At the same time, the bubble beasts and swamp banshees in the rear gathered and rushed over.

The bubble beasts took action first, blowing bubbles one by one, compressing the air crazily to form bubble bombs.

Then they drew a long arc in the air and fell down.


It suddenly exploded in the center of the enemy.

The air wave was fierce, lifting a large piece of soil.

The plague flies had strong vitality, and the bubbles could not directly kill them.

However, under the interference of the explosion, their formation and offensive rhythm were interrupted.

Allowing the wetland lizardman warriors to deal with it more calmly.

The swamp banshee beside him began to hum softly.

The powerful temptation confused the plague flies on the battlefield for a moment, but they broke free in a breath and started a crazy fight again.

They were shrouded by the will of the demigods and had extremely high resistance to the singing of the swamp banshees.

The level 7 swamp banshee couldn't break through the demigod's barrier.

Seeing this, Li Er immediately said.

"Mar, aim at the area where the battle is fierce, concentrate your magic power, and let them fall into illusions at the critical moment"

Upon hearing this, the swamp banshee immediately changed her fighting style. Once she found that the plague flies were attacking fiercely in certain areas, she immediately hummed.

After narrowing the range, the opponent's sluggishness extended to two breaths.

Although it was also short, it was enough for the wetland lizardman to complete the reversal.

On the battlefield, a pause of a blink of an eye can be fatal!

At this moment, the anger, unwillingness, cruelty, madness and other emotions attached to the battle also surged towards the swamp banshee like a tide.

Although it was not as clear and easy to digest as when performing a drama, it was still full of them because of the large number.

The breath on her body was rising rapidly.

After the battle entered a white-hot stage, the number of plague flies that could not be estimated at all was still pouring out densely from the bushes behind.

Too many.

The human wave tactics were used to the extreme at this moment.

Buzz buzz buzz~

At this moment, a more terrifying sound of flapping wings sounded in the sky.

The fiercely attacking plague flies looked up and saw an endless black frenzy swarming in the sky.

The fist-sized muddy wasps with ferocious stingers finally arrived at the battlefield.

More than 60,000 of them formed a terrible insect tide.

In mid-air, they were like arrows, stabbing madly.

Swish swish swish~


Flying at high speed, the ten-centimeter-long stinger like a steel needle pierced into the body of the plague fly.

These monsters, which also have stingers, can secrete highly toxic substances and carry germs, do not have the characteristics of wetland lizardmen being immune to pain.

The highly toxic substances pierced into the body, and the pain deep into the soul exploded, as if someone was using a blender to twist the flesh and blood in the body.

The pain made the plague flies scream wildly, swinging their stingers violently, and biting with their mouths.

They wanted to launch a counterattack.

Although the swamp wasps were high in level, they were thin in health and small in size. Once attacked, they would die instantly.

The number of casualties increased instantly.

However, due to the large number, these casualties could not affect the scale of the insect tide at all.

The plague flies had no suitable means to deal with them. Facing these high-speed flying lives, they could only rage helplessly.

The most fatal thing was that the wetland lizardmen warriors in front of them would not let them deal with the swamp wasps.

They launched a more ferocious attack.

The plague flies were defeated step by step.

Under the joint efforts of the Swamp Wasp, the Wetland Lizardman, the Bubble Beast, and the Swamp Banshee.

These dark soldiers cultivated by the demigods who suddenly launched an attack were quickly cleared.

The battlefield was like a high-speed meat grinder, killing all the opponents.

These insects were really cruel and crazy. Even if they were completely defeated in the end, they still charged forward.

There was no fear in their eyes.

The number of plague flies dropped rapidly to less than a hundred.

Just when Li Er was about to completely annihilate the opponent, a third scream came from behind him.

"Insects, the immortal will of my god is not something you can disobey. You all deserve to die!"

The dull and crazy voice penetrated into my mind. I couldn't understand the other party's language, but I could directly understand its meaning.


The four or five wetland lizardmen near the bushes in front were suddenly hit by a huge force.

Like a stone hit by a stick, the body flew out twenty or thirty meters and fell heavily to the ground.

Bang~ A large piece of mud and flesh splashed.

Looking carefully, blood was flowing from all seven orifices, and breathing suddenly stopped.

Li Er turned his head to look.

A terrifying monster with a height of more than three and a half meters, flapping its wings like a fly frantically, and making itself twenty centimeters above the ground appeared in front of him.

The body was walking upright, but twisted and weird, with large pieces of rotten flesh on the body, covered with flies.

Four pale arms tightly grasped a giant double-edged battle axe, and the body was burning with light green energy.

The head was the head of a fly, and the scarlet compound eyes were crazy and cruel.

General of Plague Flies

Level: 12, Potential: 3 stars, Racial Talent:. Qi and Blood: 3500

Hero Talent - Carrion Frenzy, after being injured, can quickly devour carrion to recover.

Skill: Heavy Strike Kill (3 stars) Burst all power to directly execute the enemy, causing three times damage to enemies smaller than itself.

My God's Will (3 stars) can summon the will of the demigods to descend, greatly improving combat effectiveness.

Star Crusher (3 stars) slashes out a 20-meter-long blade of blood and qi, crushing all enemies.

Evaluation: A powerful hero cultivated by the Lord of Foul and Flies.

This is a level 12 hero in full bloom, without any suppression, with 3 3-star skills.

That's not all, the opponent also wears a black magic ring shining with majestic energy on his head.

Ring of the Dead

Level: 2 stars

Features: 1. A special magic ring that seals 10,000 souls. When attacking, it can create a soul-piercing scream to the enemy.

2. The power of annihilation, the attack comes with the power of annihilation, which can make the enemy's flesh and blood fester directly.

Not only is his own ability fierce, but there are also magic equipment!

Li Er's eyes became extremely solemn.

This enemy is too strong.

At this moment, the two-headed ogre chieftain At stared fiercely at the fierce plague fly general with two heads.

His eyes were filled with fierce fighting spirit. His transformation had reached a critical moment.

If he could kill this fierce enemy, he would be able to take that crucial step.

For the city of Wei Lu, for the master, for revenge!


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