After Li Er calmed down his excitement, he immediately said.

"Let's go and catch some small lizards and try to cultivate them first."

"Yes, Lord!"

Haggs immediately responded and followed Li Er out of the tent with great interest.

First, take out a corpse from the hunting today, and then come to the muddy land in the east of the territory.

This wetland lizard hero placed the corpse on the ground, and his eyes became serious.

He stretched out his right hand, and the sharp claws of his left hand directly cut blood marks on the palm of his hand.

The scarlet blood dripped directly down.

But halfway down, it seemed to lose gravity and floated in the air.

The surrounding magic power began to flow into it, and the blood twisted for a while, forming mysterious inscriptions.

Those inscriptions slowly merged into the corpse below, and the flesh and blood on it instantly rotted.

A unique fishy smell emanated and drifted down the wind.

The smell gradually faded after escaping for more than 20 kilometers.

Seeing this, Hagus retracted his hand, and the scar on his palm recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He looked at Lear with burning eyes.

"Master, just wait a moment, and the small lizards living in the swamp will be attracted."

Lear nodded and waited patiently with the other party.

Ten minutes later, a small lizard that was as long as a palm, black and yellow, and had a row of barbs on its back came rustling from another patch of grass.

When it saw the rotting corpse on the ground, it seemed to be confused and rushed over madly, climbed up and started to eat it.

Seeing this, Lear immediately became interested.

Is this the small lizard that can transform into a swift and fierce lizard?

However, this size is too small.

Looking at it intently, the other party's attribute panel appeared in his mind.

Swamp Lizard

[Level]: Level 1

[Potential]: Half Star

[Racial Talent]: Sensitive Sense of Smell

[Evaluation]: Common reptiles in swamps.

This attribute is so ordinary that it can't be more ordinary. I won't even take a second look when I see it on the road.

To train such a small guy into a mount that can be ridden. Interesting.

"What should I do next?"

"Feed, feed a lot."

Haggs looked at the little lizards that drilled into the corpse to eat, with strong excitement in his eyes.

"The runes I engraved with blood have unique power. As long as they eat, they can activate the dormant ancient blood in their bodies."

"They will be extremely eager for blood and food."

"As long as there is enough food, they can grow quickly and eventually reach a shoulder height of three meters!"

These are the most proud arms of the lizardmen!

Three meters?

Li Er was also a little amazed.

But the problem now is that the three-tailed pig has not been raised yet, and the flesh and blood needed by the other party can only be obtained by hunting for the time being.

The development time is too short, and many things have not been established yet, which is also unavoidable.

When dusk came, Haggs used this corpse to lure hundreds of small swamp lizards.

After the corpses were eaten to the point where there was little left, Li Er immediately had people take these palm-sized lizards back to the territory and lock them up.

When there is enough food, they can start to cultivate.

Looking at the little lizards crawling in the bamboo cage, Li Er looked at the hero beside him.

"Hagus, can you change your job to a cold-blooded cavalryman?"

Hagus said in a deep voice.

"Master, of course you can."

Li Er nodded.

"Then I will provide blood and flesh to cultivate a swift and fierce lizard for your job change."

First confirm how much blood and flesh are needed to cultivate a cold-blooded cavalry alone before making plans.

Hagus's eyes were excited.

"Thank you for your reward!"

Li Er waved his hand, and without any nonsense, he asked people to bring twenty corpses.

"These are all for the little lizards to devour Hagus, you record the specific consumption required for cultivation."

"I need accurate data!"


After Hagus agreed, he looked at the hundreds of little lizards.

After scanning a few circles, he finally chose the most ferocious and sturdy one.

Then he picked up the other one separately, cut his palm again, and let the blood drip.

The little lizard sensed the smell of blood, opened his mouth and drank all the blood happily.

After a while, Hagus picked up the little lizard and placed it on the corpses piled into a small hill.

"During the cultivation of the swift lizard, you need to feed the little lizard with your own blood once a day."

"It doesn't need to be much, but you must let the other party eat it."

"In this way, after the other party matures, there will be no barrier between the soul and it."

"This process. We call it bloody sacrifice."

While he was explaining, the little lizard had already started to feast.

The mouth bit the flesh and blood frantically, then raised its head and shook it a few times to adjust the position, and swallowed it directly into the stomach.

Gulp~ Gulp~

Under Lear's gaze, in just half an hour, such a small thing actually ate one-fifth of the body of the swamp hippopotamus.

The opponent is only as long as a palm.

After swallowing a large amount of blood and flesh, the opponent's body length doubled directly, growing to two palms.

The growth rate is exaggerated.

But it will take some time to grow to the three-meter shoulder height mentioned by Hagus.

Lear observed for a while and confirmed that its condition was stable, so he did not stay here for long.

Let Hagus observe here.

He turned and came to the swamp tree man area.

There were many corpses piled up on the grass, all of which were obtained from hunting today.

Li Er was not vague and fed them all to the flesh and blood butcher.

The sleeping divine life exuded a familiar scarlet light, and devoured all the corpses in the blink of an eye.

Then it conveyed the emotions of hunger and desire for food.

This bit of flesh and blood energy was far from meeting the other party's needs.

Li Er comforted it for a while before leaving.

It is necessary to increase the intensity of hunting and wake the other party up as soon as possible.

The sky gradually darkened, and at night, the newly joined wetland lizardmen enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

There were freshly killed fish, wild boars hunted before, and enough staple food.

After the wetland lizardmen had a rare full meal, they looked at the lively territory and felt inexplicably touched.

How long have they not been so relaxed?

On the road of exile, they were always worried about the dangers around them, but when they came to the city of Wei Lu, it seemed that they were safe all of a sudden.

Although this territory still seemed very simple.

But its strength should not be underestimated.

The swamp wasps flying overhead can easily destroy them.

A dinner quietly gave these wandering wetland lizardmen a sense of belonging, and their faces looking at the people around them were no longer so stiff.

Lear looked at the lively territory and was in a good mood. He called Bain, who had been busy all day.

"Lord Yean, what do you want?"

Lear gestured to the crowded crowd sitting together.

"Bain, the daily meals of the wetland lizardmen warriors will be separated from others from tomorrow."

"Our army should be managed separately."

The total number of wetland lizardmen, Delsa people, and swamp people has exceeded the 1,000 mark.

It seems a bit chaotic to arrange them uniformly as before.

The city of Wei Lu has reached a certain scale, and it must be gradually refined.

And the warriors also need better food supply.

Bain immediately agreed.

But he hesitated.

"Sir, I have been feeling a little exhausted recently. Can you add more people to handle government affairs?"

With more people, the difficulty of management will increase exponentially.

Bain now starts working from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning until everyone goes to bed.

He needs to take care of everything, including food, clothing, and daily expenses.

He is really too busy.

After thinking for a moment, Lear's tone became serious.

"Bain, I now appoint you as the Chief Government Officer of Wei Lu City, and you will be responsible for setting up the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"You will select 30 government staff members to be responsible for daily government affairs."

"After selecting the personnel, I will personally appoint them."

"Report to me if you need to add more staff in the future."

After pausing for a moment, Lear continued.

"At the same time, you will also set up the Ministry of Agriculture Management, which will be responsible for managing farmland, fish ponds, pig farms, and all other agricultural matters."

"You can choose the candidate for the Chief Agricultural Officer and report to me for confirmation."

With the development of Wei Lu City, these relevant government departments must be established.

In the future, agriculture, trade, internal affairs and other key matters need to be handed over to the corresponding departments for management.

He only needs to be responsible for controlling the general direction.

The current management system is not even rough, it is still a sketch.

It can only be done bit by bit.

The advantage is that he controls everything. Once any problem is encountered, he can make timely adjustments, and he is not afraid of making mistakes.

But if these departments are established, the current population is still not enough

From the perspective of managers alone, the base of selection is too small, and it is difficult to find high-level talents.

Still need to work hard.

Bain, who received the order, left with excitement and excitement.

He can feel that once the system is established, the city of Wei Lu will usher in a leapfrog development! !

There will be a territory with a complete administrative system here.

Everything will be different!

At night, the territory gradually quieted down.

Lear, who was not used to going to bed early, was going to see the dragon blood red fish. On the way, he suddenly found that the swamp banshee was rehearsing near the vine fairy.

With the light emitted by the vine fairy like a small light bulb, he watched with interest for a while.

The more he watched, the more he was impressed by the talent of these banshees.

Not only did they completely learn the half-baked acting skills he learned from watching variety shows, but they also learned from them.

It had only been a short time since they started rehearsing, but they had already mastered the essence of acting.

They laughed, scolded, and changed their faces faster than anything else.

He watched with great interest from the side. How could ordinary people who had never seen the baptism of information withstand such a performance?

However, there were problems. The emotional fluctuations were not enough. The performances of sadness and happiness were a bit strong.

After watching for a while, he simply went on stage to guide them himself.

The swamp banshees were also eager to learn. They took whatever Lear said and absorbed nutrients crazily.

By the early hours of the morning, their acting skills had improved again, and in the end they almost achieved the best effect he wanted.

Lear was amazed. These banshees were simply born actors.

In addition to what he taught, the lines and so on were designed by the three of them themselves.

But the design was perfect. Although it was different from the original version, the effect was very outstanding.

This was Lear's last attempt to get them to add their own singing, without them using their own singing. Then, he was instantly fascinated.

I felt lost until the end, and was still immersed in the plot of Romeo and Juliet dying together.

After I recovered, I looked at the three swamp sirens with great excitement.

"Good, very good!"

"You will be arranged to have your first performance tomorrow night."

It is time for the people of this world to feel the shock of Earth culture!

More importantly, once the swamp sirens know how to perform drama and are trained.

Then the role will be even greater.

In the future, they can perform not only love, but also praise heroes, declare the policies of the City of Dew, and even spread the belief in our God!

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