Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 72 Romeo and Juliet, the God who harvests emotions

After the matter was settled, Lear asked everyone around him to go down and rest. After thinking for a while, he called the Swamp Banshees.

Looking at these banshees who were as soft and tender as human girls, with good figures and temperament, his eyes were deep.

Although the level of the Swamp Banshees was only level 3, they had shown a good effect in several battles.

And if the opponent wanted to increase his level, he needed to devour emotions.

This was very interesting.

Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, and desire were all food.

Therefore, the Swamp Banshees often seduce intelligent life with songs, let their emotions fluctuate greatly, and then kill the enemy.

Human fear is the easiest to arouse, and the emotions when dying are the most intense, and they are also the sweetest food.

After becoming a member of the City of Dew, they obviously couldn't do this.

No one could stand their residents being killed every now and then.


The three Swamp Banshees who were born not long ago looked at Lear with some curiosity, not knowing why they were called alone.

Lear said slowly.

"Which emotion do you devour to grow the fastest?"

"Master, any emotion is fine. The more intense, the better."

"There are already hundreds of people in the City of Wispy Dew."

"If these people's emotions fluctuate violently, can they be your food?"

"Of course they are enough."

The Swamp Fairy said hesitantly.

"But generally speaking, fear is the easiest to create."

Based on their observations over the past few days.

The City of Wispy Dew is obviously not a normal city where nobles enslave residents and make everyone live in fear.

On the contrary, people live very comfortably here and are very motivated to work.

But if you don't create fear, how can you cause big emotional fluctuations?

Joy? There are not so many happy things.

Other emotions are not easy to arouse. Only fear can be easily obtained by scaring people.

Lear nodded.

"That's it."

"Do you know Romeo and Juliet?"

The Swamp Fairies were a little puzzled and shook their heads together.

Lear said meaningfully.

"That's it. This is a play, and to create emotions, you don't necessarily need to create fear."

"Happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy can be expressed through the play, making everyone's emotions fluctuate continuously for several hours."

"Even after the play, there can still be intense emotional fluctuations."

"At that time, the emotions you can swallow will be endless."

"And it is sustainable"

Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare's classic play, which has been passed down for hundreds of years without fading.

Its background setting is somewhat similar to the culture of the main plane of Noel, and it can be used with a little adaptation.

What else can provoke emotions more than a play that can make people cry and laugh?

After doing this beginning well, there will be more that can be adapted and put on the stage for everyone to enjoy.

In this world with poor spiritual activities, the cultures in Lear's mind can be easily crushed by just taking out some of them.

Real version, culture invades the other world.

More importantly, cultivate the swamp banshee first.

When he is proficient in the future, it will be easy for him to promote some content.

God needs to be preached

"This is the story"

Lear slowly narrated this long-standing love story.

He had seen this play, and because of the actress's super high appearance, he had a deep memory of it.

The story was told in a gentle and pleasant way.

The swamp sirens were attracted, and when they heard the last part of the plot - when the messenger passed the news of Juliet's fake death to Romeo, he accidentally delayed and did not pass the news.

As a result, Romeo mistakenly believed that Juliet was dead. In grief, he came to Juliet who was pretending to be dead, kissed his lover desperately, and drank poison and died.

Juliet, who woke up from the fake death, found that her lover had died for her. She was heartbroken and used a long sword to kill herself and followed her lover.

It led to a pair of true love, but because of various misunderstandings and family pressure and destruction, they finally died of love.

After listening to this, several swamp sirens had red eyes and tears in their eyes.

"Master, this story is so heartbreaking. Is there really such a passionate person?"

"Can we really interpret this story?"

"So touching."

Lear couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

Sure enough, even a girl from another world couldn't stand this deep love.

Slowly said.

"This is natural."

"The story outline is here, but it's just the foundation. You need to rehearse it."

"Casting, costumes, props, lines, lighting, stage effects, this is a systematic project."

"You can ask Bain to cooperate and rehearse the story perfectly."

"This is just the beginning. The most important thing for you is to find out what you need. There will be more dramas waiting for you to perform in the future."

The swamp banshee has a trump card that can directly seduce people's souls, and can cheat directly.

Even if you don't prepare anything, you only need to seduce with singing to make the crowd's emotions fluctuate.

Of course, the best is still to do both.

The swamp banshee is born to do this.

That is to say, there is no live broadcast in this world, otherwise the top brother on the list would press the recharge button to make smoke.

After the swamp banshee left happily, Li Er also returned to the tent and had a comfortable sleep.

The next day, August 16, when he woke up in the morning, Li Er opened the intelligence system and took a look.

The food of the dragon blood red fish, the fishtail grass, has been obtained, and the colorful moss for feeding the three-tailed pig has also been cultivated.

After enslaving the mosquito queen, the blood essence necessary for the mud hornet to extend its life is no longer a problem.

There are still two pieces of information left to be completed: the divinity controlled by the dark naga, and the passing of the wetland lizardman tomorrow.

In addition, the smelly giant monster mentioned in the previous intelligence has also appeared yesterday.

There is also the ancient ruins discovered by the half-fish man, which has not been explored in time.

The information about the dark naga is the most valuable, but correspondingly, the opponent is also the most difficult.

The passing of the wetland lizardman will have to wait until tomorrow. While thinking, his eyes quickly locked on the smelly giant monster and the half-fish man ruins.

Today, we will capture this smelly giant monster gathering point first, and wait until the mud queen bee and the two-headed ogre chief have completed their transformation, and then deal with the dark naga.

It's better to go to this high-level wild monster map when you are sure of your chances.

After a simple wash, I just walked out of the tent and found that the Swamp Banshee was rehearsing not far away.

The residents who had just woken up looked at me curiously.

Apart from anything else, just the Banshee with such a high appearance standing in front of me can give people a pleasing feeling.

Li Er looked at the somewhat stiff movements and smiled.

He went up to personally guide them and taught them all the acting skills he learned from variety shows.

The Swamp Banshee is really talented in acting. He didn't understand it very well, but she learned it as soon as she learned it.

And she acted vividly without any trace of acting.

He gave her a thumbs up.

Banshee is Banshee, awesome!

After a short relaxation, let them stop for the time being, and then began to gather the army for hunting.

10 teams of wetland lizardmen warriors, 8 bubble beasts, 3 Swamp Banshees, plus two heroes, Haggs and the two-headed ogre chieftain.

In addition, except for leaving 10,000 swamp wasps to continue building nests, the remaining 50,000 were all taken away.

They set out directly to the north and headed straight for the stinking giant monster.

There was no conversation along the way, and the journey of nearly two hours passed quietly.

They arrived at the location of the stinking giant monster again.

As soon as they approached this area, they smelled a very strong stench.

It was like a dead fish fermenting in the dark for half a month, giving people a strong and pungent impact.

Li Er frowned.

With a thought, he let the swamp wasps fly to the ground vegetation temporarily and wait.

He took Bubble Beast and two heroes and quietly moved forward.

After pushing aside the grass, the view suddenly became empty.

In the void, a building was floating and sinking.

It could be barely seen that it was a dilapidated building, but the specific shape could not be distinguished.

The surrounding space was like a water curtain, rippling.

The ruins building really appeared!

Under the building, hundreds of tall and majestic monsters were passing through the space back and forth, entering the hazy ruins.

They were over three and a half meters tall, with a single horn on their heads, and their mouths were open like petals, full of sharp teeth.

They were covered in animal skins, with large areas of skin exposed and dense hair.

They had no weapons in their hands, but they could intuitively feel the power brought by their huge bodies.

But what made Lear frown was not the ferocity of these beasts, but the stench in the air that had soared several times at this moment.

My eyes were a little uncomfortable, and I felt a bit like I was smoked by smoke.


Several bubble beasts around me vomited directly after smelling the smell.

It was so disgusting.

How could there be such a stinky guy in this world?

Lear's magic power surged, and he isolated the breath of the outside world, and his face recovered a little.

He looked at it intently, and the attributes of those terrifying monsters appeared in his mind.

Smelly Giant

[Level]: Level 9

[Potential]: 2 stars

[Racial Talent]: Smelly body odor, with extremely foul body odor, life that smells it will fall into nausea, retching, and fatigue, and its combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

[Skills]: Fist Bomb (2 stars), Bad Breath Spray (2 stars), Black Mud Skin (2 stars)

[Evaluation]: Monsters with extremely unique smells, perhaps, no one is willing to fight them.

2 star potential, level 9 life, and it's so disgusting.

Li Er frowned.

Looking back, fortunately, the muddy wasps did not react to its stench.

His eyes gradually became cold and unambiguous.

Turning his head to look at the little cute thing beside him.

"All bubble beasts use bubble bombs to attack and disrupt the formation of the stinky giants."

"Swamp Banshee, when the bubble bombs are ready, immediately use your singing to confuse the stinky giants and let them let down their guard."

Then he moved his mind and covered all the muddy wasps.

"After the explosion, attack immediately!"

"Don't leave any alive!"

The swamp wasps in the back immediately perked up and waited for the horn to sound.

The bubble beast began to blow bubbles.


The bubbles quickly grew larger, reaching a diameter of three meters!

With sufficient preparation, each bubble beast controlled five bubbles!

At the same time, the swamp banshee opened her mouth slightly, and a melodious song came out.

The next moment, forty giant bubbles with a diameter of three meters were fired like cannonballs.

They flew directly towards the smelly giant monster.


The violent explosion caused a surging air wave, which directly blew away the gathered and stabbed stinking giant monsters.

At this moment.

"Insect swarm. Attack!"

Buzz buzz buzz~

The swamp wasps that had risen again were like arrows, madly passing through the grass and stabbing straight down.

The stinking giant monster was first dazed, and then the surroundings exploded. In the confusion, before he could figure out what happened, he saw the sky darken.

Then the swarm of bees attacked!

He immediately felt the severe pain brought by the bee venom!

The defense of the swamp wasp is very low, and even ordinary people can be killed by one foot.

But with a highly toxic, 10-centimeter-long tail stinger, it is a weapon that no one dares to underestimate!


During the high-speed flight, the tail stinger on the curved abdomen directly cut through the skin of the stinking giant monster and pierced into the body.

Some stingers opened long cuts on its skin.

The highly toxic venom corroded the nerves crazily.

At this moment, the stinking giant monster on the ground was directly swallowed by the swarm of bees.

As if sensing something, the stinking giant monsters in the ruins also rushed out frantically.

But in front of the scourge-like bee swarm, all this seemed to be a decoration!

At the same time! The wetland lizardman warriors, led by Hagus and the two-headed ogre chieftain, also launched an attack.

Holding steel knives and wearing heavy armor, the heroes acted as pioneers.

The formation was already in chaos, and the companions were strangled by the swamp wasps, so the stinking giants could not organize a decent counterattack.

The wetland lizardmen had no advantage in height and were also behind in level.

But with the singing of the swamp banshees and the offensive of the swamp wasps, these warriors who were not afraid of pain quickly made achievements.

A wetland lizardman warrior rushed to the stinking giant monster, suddenly lowered his body, and chopped the steel knife directly on the opponent's knee.


Blood exploded, and the huge body staggered and fell to the ground.

Just after struggling to get up, the two lizardman warriors behind him had already jumped up.

The steel knife chopped down fiercely.

Puff~ A huge scar appeared on the neck, breaking in half.

The blood vessels were torn, blood gushed out, and shot out more than ten meters high.

Buzz buzz buzz~

The blood instantly stimulated the dense swamp wasps.

The flying speed increased again.

The three parties joined forces to strangle.

The smelly giant monster on the field fell quickly.

Under the power, this surprise attack and siege battle almost showed an overwhelming advantage.

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