Tall trees were broken in the middle, and the slanting treetops were inserted horizontally into the soil.

The bodies of the bloody giant mosquitoes and the muddy wasps were scattered everywhere.

Large pieces of pitcher plants were torn into pieces, and the air was filled with the smell of blood, soil, and moss.

Lear looked at the messy scene in front of him, his eyes slightly fixed.

He didn't expect that the mosquito queen who inhaled the black-spotted bloodworm powder would burst out with such exaggerated destructive power.

Like a sharp sword, it crushed everything around it into mud while flying at high speed.

It raged for twenty minutes before stopping.

Fortunately, the bubble beast took away the muddy queen bee with bubbles at the first time.

Otherwise, the muddy queen bee, who used herself as bait to force the mosquito queen into the trap, would be torn to pieces at the first time.

The level 13 hero was too cruel.

This was still the result of taking advantage of information and making sufficient preparations in advance.

Otherwise, if they use force, they may not win even if they sacrifice all the swamp wasps.

When the mosquito queen was rampant, the flesh and blood giant mosquitoes, which were seriously injured, scattered without command.

They ran away directly.

The relationship between the flesh and blood giant mosquito and the mosquito queen is far less close than that between the swamp wasps and the queen bee.

The two-headed ogre chieftain, a fierce hero who is nearly three meters tall, has broken and torn all the wings and hairy limbs of the mosquito queen.

At this moment, the mosquito queen's body is constantly oozing blood and collapsed on the ground, exhaling more than inhaling.

Li Er used healing magic to stabilize the opponent's life breath.

Until this moment, he still couldn't see the specific attributes of the mosquito queen.

Calming down his mood, the remaining power of the gods tried to dissipate, but he felt a wave of palpitations as soon as he came into contact with the mosquito queen.

A strong sense of crisis rose in his heart.

His soul could no longer withstand such high-intensity slavery.

He took a long breath and retracted his mental power.

Turned his head to look at the bubble beast beside him.

"Bobo, imprison the mosquito queen and transport her back."

For now, we can only imprison her and talk about it later.

He said and took another look at the messy surroundings.

"All the corpses on the battlefield should be packed and taken away."

The fight between the swamp wasp and the flesh-and-blood giant mosquito resulted in a large number of casualties, and these corpses are nutrients.

Wait for the bubble beasts to take action.

Lear entered the habitat of the flesh-and-blood giant mosquito with some curiosity.

A lot of the two-meter-high pitcher plants around were destroyed in the battle. At this moment, it was empty and there was no host.

He turned his head and looked around, and slowly came to the front of the giant pitcher plant where the mosquito queen lived.

The height of nearly four meters is quite exaggerated.

After getting closer, you can feel the oppression brought by the size of the body.

Waving his hand, he asked the two-headed ogre chieftain beside him to lie on the tree next to him to see what was hidden inside.

This level 11 hero climbed the tree in three or two steps, looked up, and his eyes were a little strange.

"Master, there is only some nectar in it."


"Get some out and have a look."

The two-headed ogre chieftain found a clean stick, leaned forward and picked some out from the pitcher plants.

He turned over and came to Lear.

Lear immediately smelled a sweet smell similar to honey, which made people hungry.

He looked at it carefully, and its properties quietly emerged in his mind.

Nepenthe nectar

[Level]: 1 star

[Features]: Excellent taste, rich in sugar, can be drunk directly.

[Evaluation]: Nectar secreted by mutant pitcher plants, used to attract insects to enter and kill.

Lear's eyes lit up.

These pitcher plants can actually secrete such good things? !

He immediately became interested.

Let the two-headed ogre chieftain try it first.

At was also unambiguous, picked up the stick covered with nectar, put it to his mouth, and tasted it gently.

His amber eyes widened instantly, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Master, the taste of this nectar is also great!!"

"It's not as sweet as honey, but it has a strong floral fragrance. It's perfect after you take a sip!"

He said and took another sip.

He kept praising.

Learn also got interested. He found a wooden stick and probed inside again, picking some out.

Looking at it carefully in front of his eyes, the nectar was like flowing yellow amber, with a lot of tiny bubbles in it, and no impurities were seen.

You can smell the floral fragrance when you get close.

Tasting it gently, the taste seemed to be brewed with hundreds of kinds of nectar, and it was delicious.

Learn's eyes lit up.

What a good thing!

There is no sugar-making crop like sugarcane in this world. The main source is honey.

For ordinary people, sugar is a luxury. In Loran City, only nobles can enjoy it frequently.

If the pitcher plant can be moved back to the territory for planting, wouldn't it be a constant source of sugar? !

He became excited and looked at the pitcher plant itself.

Mutated Nepenthes

Magic Plant

[Level]: 1 Star

[Features]: It can grow quickly with sufficient water and can secrete unique nectar.

[Evaluation]: A plant that has mutated after being eroded by magic.

One-star magic plant? !

Li Er laughed out loud, this time he found a treasure!

He turned around and looked at the two-meter-tall Nepenthes beside him, but there was no such effect.

The attribute panel only showed Nepenthes.

So, these two-meter-tall plants are normal? Nearly four meters tall is considered a mutation?

Lear's mouth twitched. The fantasy world really can't be inferred by common sense.

Still unwilling to give up, he asked the two-headed ogre chief to find a few ordinary pitcher plants.

The nectar secreted by these pitcher plants has a rotten and fishy smell, with only a faint sweetness.

It is completely incomparable with the mutant pitcher plants.

Seeing this, he could only focus on the mutant pitcher plants again.

But the problem is that the vines of this plant are dozens of meters around, the height of the pitcher plant is nearly four meters, and it is extremely difficult to transplant it back to the territory after taking root in the ground.

While thinking, he began to check around the pitcher plant.

After a while, he suddenly saw something and hurriedly bent down to pull a few times in the soil on the ground.

At the root of the pitcher plant, a mini seedling that had just emerged appeared in sight.

The mutant pitcher plant is obviously a plant that directly splits into seedlings, not a fruit seed hatching.

Li Er was overjoyed and waved his hand to let the two-headed ogre chieftain dig up the soil with him to search.

After ten minutes or so, the soil around was searched.

A total of 30 seedlings were found! !

Li Er's face was full of smiles.

This is a genuine magic plant, and the nectar secreted is so delicious.

If it can be planted in the territory, then the city of Wei Lu will undoubtedly have another specialty.

This unexpected harvest made him feel very comfortable.

After searching the area again and failing to find more things, Li Er stopped.

He asked someone to put all the nectar in the pitcher plant back, but because the mosquito queen ate it, only 20 kilograms of nectar were obtained.

At this moment, the bubble beast just collected the corpse.

He did not stay any longer and returned to the territory with the army.

The muddy wasps were still flying overhead to protect.

Seeing that the bee colony was much smaller than before, Li Er's joy faded a little.

This time, the attack on the Mosquito Queen cost all the 3-star alchemy potion - black-spotted bloodworm powder, which consumed all the materials accumulated during this period.

In addition, more than 30,000 of the 90,000 swamp wasps were killed in the battle just now, sacrificing one-third of them.

The Swamp Queen was seriously injured and dying. He cast the Swamp Gift dozens of times in a row to barely stabilize the opponent's life.

But at this moment, he was still in a coma, and the Swamp Gift was no longer effective.

Li Er could feel that this battle had put the opponent into a deeper sleep.

Or it would take a long time to wake up.

The only benefit was that after the Queen Bee fell asleep, his control over the Swamp Wasps went up a few levels.

He could directly use mental power to control these brutal killing machines.

All in all, the losses in this battle were still within an acceptable range.

The main target - the Mosquito Queen has been captured.

This is the key to the survival of the Swamp Wasps.

There is no need to worry about their lifespan in the future.

The set goal was achieved, the loss was not more than expected, and a mutant pitcher plant that can produce nectar was obtained.

All in all, it was a small profit.

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