The moment Lear walked out of the black market and left the ninth block, the intelligence system in his mind suddenly moved.

[You have completed 6-star intelligence - obtained the key item - Swamp Godhead]

[Triggered three additional related intelligences. Note: Each time you complete 4-star intelligence or above, you can trigger additional related intelligences]

[1. Dropping blood on the crystal ball can allow the Godhead to completely integrate into the soul. Note: When integrating into the Godhead, you will fall asleep for 10 hours, so please pay attention to your own safety. ]

[2. Tomorrow morning, the territory of the pioneer lord will be allocated. You can choose the silt swamp as your territory. There is a part of the swamp authority hidden in it. Controlling this part of authority can greatly increase the power of the Godhead. ]

[3. The second area of ​​the slave market, the thirteenth shop, the thirteenth shop, the Dragon Fang Chamber of Commerce, will sell two squadrons of wetland lizardmen tomorrow afternoon, the level is: 6th level primary knight, the wetland lizardmen are brutal by nature, the slave traders can no longer tolerate this, and they need to get rid of them quickly. They can be bought at a price far below the market price. After buying this batch of slaves, they can use the swamp godhood to directly subdue these swamp creatures as the initial army to open up the territory. ]

Lier looked at the refreshed information in his mind with surprise.

Completing the information above 4 stars, can also trigger additional related information?

This is absolutely amazing!

Look carefully.

The first one is about the information on controlling authority.

After controlling the godhood, you will fall asleep for 10 hours. This key information made him certain.

He also made extra preparations. Now that he has accurate information, he doesn't have to be so nervous.

The second point is that choosing the silt swamp as the territory also hides a part of the swamp authority!

He was moved.

This information is worth at least five stars!

Godhead is the carrier of the power of the gods, while authority is the concrete manifestation of the power of the gods.

Getting the godhead is like getting a container with nothing in it, and authority is the water that fills the container.

If you only have the godhead but no authority, you cannot exert the power of the gods.

If you only have authority but no godhead, you cannot control authority.

Both are indispensable.

The selection of the territory tomorrow will be done by many pioneering lords together, and they must not let others get ahead.

He is determined to take the silt swamp.

In the excitement, he looked at the last one-

There are level 6 wetland lizard slaves in the slave market, and the other party will sell them at a price far below the market price, and the godhead can be used to completely subdue these lives.

This information is not as valuable as the swamp authority, but it is also not cheap.

Now he only has a few dozen gold coins in his hand.

Becoming a pioneer lord, the empire will support some materials, but the most fundamental thing is to prepare it yourself.

Moreover, not to mention that those pioneering materials may be allocated and embezzled at any time

He can't even get together the most basic pioneering team now.

Two squadrons, that is 200 people, and they are level 6 beginner knights!

This force is nothing for the huge city of Loran, but it is very good for ordinary pioneering lords.

The normal price of a level 6 beginner knight is at least hundreds of gold coins.

This news made him see the possibility of paying the full price.

If not, then go to Jiebei, cough cough, Her Highness Philena, and borrow some more.

Everyone is so familiar with each other, it shouldn’t be difficult to borrow some. Right?

The additional refreshed information has no value, but it is very important.

"Go to the central square, Rose House."

The driver immediately became respectful when he heard the name.

"Sir, please."

Rose House is the top hotel in Loran City, where all kinds of nobles stay.

The most ordinary room costs as much as 1 gold coin a day.

It is said that there are also high-end suites, and each day of stay requires 10 gold coins.

10 gold coins!

He worked hard for a year, but he could only earn 6 gold coins.

Even if you work hard for a year without eating or drinking, you can't afford to stay for a night.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped in front of a spacious and elegant building.

The colorful floating glass is dazzling, and the exquisite reliefs on the wall are obviously the work of a master.

The pure white angel statues stand on both sides of the gate, exuding a faint sacred majesty. The priests of the sect have engraved magic on them, which can distinguish evil lives such as demons and vampires.

On the wide lawn, clusters of roses are in full bloom, full of vitality.

The staff in uniform greeted and sent off respectfully, all of which showed their luxury.

Lear got off the car, and was greeted by the doorman. He entered calmly and passed through the luxurious and spacious hall.

Stepping on the elevator built by the dwarves, he slowly went up to the 10th floor. After telling the staff in the corridor who were waiting for orders at any time that he was going to rest and not to be disturbed, and hanging up the do not disturb wooden sign, he entered the house.

Lock the door and draw the curtains.

After taking off the cloak, Lear breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing the news about the sale of the lava fruit saplings and blue crystal grass, he came to live in the Rose House.

This most luxurious hotel in Loran City is owned by Philena, the Flower of the North. The Grand Duke's Mansion is about a kilometer away in front.

The guard force in this area is more than ten times that of other areas.

The Rose House is definitely one of the safest areas in Loran City.

The Ninth District is too chaotic. There was no choice before, but at this moment, with an infinite future, it is stupid to put oneself in an uncertain and harsh environment.

Place the three items on the table.

Lear ignored the other two items and stared at the crystal ball with stubborn stains.

His emotions gradually rose.

He took another look at the two pieces of information before and after——

[This is the broken godhead of the swamp god. You can control this part of the swamp godhead by dripping blood on the crystal. ]

[Dropping blood on the crystal ball can make the godhead completely integrated into the soul. When it is integrated into the godhead, you will fall asleep for 10 hours. ]

Bite your index finger and drip blood on the crystal ball in pain.

The blood fell into the crystal ball.

It was as if a switch was pressed, and the light was shining.

The dim room was as bright as day.

A strange energy began to surge.

The energy did not radiate, but circulated around the crystal ball.

The blood was like a fuse, guiding the energy to surge in.

Lear only felt a surging, sacred, majestic, and starry energy suddenly infused into his body.

His soul was also cleansed at this moment.

The energy was so overwhelming that it fell into a deep sleep after reaching a certain limit.

The crystal ball was like a sun that never stopped, continuously infusing energy.

Sacred, majestic, and untouchable

It lasted for five hours before slowly subsiding.

Finally, the crystal ball completely extinguished, fell from his hand, and fell on the bed.

There was no more energy flowing in the room.

At this moment, no one knew that Lear's soul was undergoing an amazing transformation.

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