Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 61 Huge harvest, big fortune (thanks to my friends for the first order)

Excited, Lear wanted to laugh three times.

With a high spirit, he immediately ordered the bubble beasts beside him to save the swamp wasps.

These are all his subordinates.

The transformation between enemies and ourselves is always so rapid.

The bubble beasts around him immediately took action.

First, extinguish the smoke still burning in the bubble, and then Bobo took the lead and blew out huge bubbles.

After the bubble rose to a certain height, it expanded rapidly.



A huge air wave swept in all directions, blowing away the surrounding smoke.

Lear took advantage of this time to release his mental power, leaving the breath of the residents of the City of Dew in the soul of the swamp queen.

Swamp people, wetland lizardmen, and Delsa people were all branded by him, and the breath was hidden in their minds, which was not a difficult task.

Those swamp wasps flying on the edge of the sky, not eroded by the smoke, and in a state of restlessness saw the smoke dissipate.

Immediately whistled down and launched an attack.

But halfway through the flight, the momentum softened and began to rise again.

Strange, how come they are all our own people.

Seeing this, Lear felt even better.

Turning his head and looking at the swamp queen wasp that was constantly wriggling on the ground, he felt a little distressed.

He immediately asked Bubble Beast to return to the original route to get water, and asked the wetland lizardmen waiting behind to come to support.

Not long after, Hagus rushed over with the wetland lizardmen warriors.

Looking at the dense swamp wasps all over the ground, his scalp tingled.

He was a little relieved.

Fortunately, the adults have extraordinary means. If they really had a head-on conflict with these insects, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even if he had ten times more people, I'm afraid they would just be sent to eat.


Lear turned his head and looked at the wetland lizardman hero, his smile not diminishing.

"Let our warriors go to the surrounding area to be on guard. The swamp wasps are no longer a threat."

Today's harvest can be said to be full.

The smile on his face couldn't be dispelled.

Not long after, several little cute guys controlled bubbles filled with clean water and floated back.

Immediately controlled the bubbles to enter the dense mud swamp wasps.

The bubbles slowly fell down, magically wrapping up all the struggling mud swamp wasps on the ground.

The bubbles were not damaged, let alone leaking.

After being soaked in clean water, the unconscious mud swamp wasps slowly woke up, and from time to time they gurgled and spit out bubbles with smoke in the water.

When their life breath stabilized, the water flow in the bubbles surged, and these wasps were directly expelled from the bubbles and fell wetly to the ground.

But looking around, half of them were in a state of stiffness and no longer moved. Obviously, they died because of excessive smoke inhalation.

Eight bubble beasts, each of them controlled three large bubbles.

One bubble can clean thousands of them.

Under the high-speed and convenient soaking, all the mud swamp wasps on the ground were soaked in a short while.

But the thick smoke mixed with dragon feces was too fierce for the swamp wasps.

After the detoxification, the number of swamp wasps still alive on the field was less than half.

Li Er had no time to care about these things at this time. His eyes were fixed on the swamp queen bee, who had been soaking in the clear water for a long time and still had no reaction.

He was a little nervous.

This was the treasure that was going to kill him. Ordinary swamp wasps would die, and if they were gone, they could be cultivated again. The queen bee couldn't be in any trouble at all.

Sensing that the other party's life breath had not fluctuated too much, he moved his mind and the magic seed was running.

The swamp gift was released.

After the powerful healing spell poured in, the other party's breath stabilized a little.

But the injury was too serious and there was no obvious effect.

Seeing that the healing spell was effective, Li Er smashed it 20 times in a row.

Finally, four or five minutes after the other swamp wasps woke up, the swamp queen twitched a few times.

A string of bubbles with smoke came out of her mouth.

The breath of life rose rapidly, and gradually woke up.

Li Er's mood was bright instantly.




The bubble burst, and the swamp queen bee fell smoothly to the ground.

Slowly stood up, flapping its wings hummingly~, and the water vapor on its body evaporated directly.

This ferocious queen bee seemed to have noticed something at this time, and slowly turned her head to look at Li Er.

It was stunned at first, and then stepped forward with kindness.

Mental power surged out.


A soft voice sounded in his mind, compared with the previous cold and fierce voice full of murderous intent, it was completely two people.

Li Er smiled happily.

This is his own people.

"I have imprinted the breath of the subordinates of the City of Dew in your mind, don't let the swamp wasps attack them."


Although the queen bee could not speak, there was no obstacle to normal communication with the other party.

While thinking, Li Er saw the corpses of swamp wasps all over the ground.

"Gather all the swamp wasps and count their approximate number."

The queen swamp bee did not hesitate, raised her head, and let out a low hiss.

The extremely penetrating sound instantly resounded around.

The swamp wasps, whose condition had recovered a lot, immediately flapped their wings and began to slowly rise into the air.

The ones that were originally in the distance also gathered in the large group.

In the blink of an eye, the sky seemed to be covered by a black cloth and gradually dimmed.

Looking up, all I could see were the ferocious figures of the swamp wasps.

A wingspan of 30 cm, a body the size of a fist, and a black tail stinger that was more than 10 cm long.

Ferocious and ferocious.

Especially the stinger, if you get stabbed, it will hurt you so much that you will fly to the sky.

And these wasps are at level 5!!

Who can he go to for justice? !

The arc of Lear's mouth was harder to suppress than AK.

Soon, the Queen of the Swamp gave a rough estimate of the number. The original number of the Swamp Wasps was over 200,000, and more than half of them were killed, leaving only 90,000.

Looking at the Queen of the Swamp reporting seriously, Lear's heart trembled.

90,000? Only left?

These are 90,000 level 5 Swamp Wasps!

They are not some random cats and dogs that can be manipulated at will! !

And even if they are 90,000 ordinary wasps, they can kill people!

This number is too exaggerated!

If they attack at the same time

He can already imagine the desperate expression of the enemy when he sees the swamp wasps that cover the sky and the sun.

After this battle, the power in Lear's hands has grown explosively! !

If he had controlled the Swamp Wasp when facing the Half-Malloc before, he would have been able to defeat them with one hand!

And from then on, he no longer had to worry about the several forces near the City of Dew that threatened him.

This time, it was a real transformation.

It was awesome!

Lear took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down his excitement.

"Do you have a name?"

The Swamp Queen was stunned for a moment, and hesitantly transmitted her mental power.


Lear repeated it twice and nodded.

"Akania, I heard before that the Swamp Queen has the power to improve people's potential"

This is the goal of this hunt. It's just that I accidentally enslaved the Swamp Wasp.

The Swamp Queen responded immediately.

"Yes, when there is enough food, we will use the excess energy to secrete propolis."

"When propolis dries, it will form a unique blood-colored crystal, which has extremely huge energy."

"It is the reserve food we leave for ourselves."

"But blood-colored crystals are extremely difficult to brew. If you need them, you have to wait for a month."

Lier felt relieved.

When enslaving the swamp queen bee, what he was most worried about was the matter of improving his potential.

If you can only get your talent by killing the other party, it is undoubtedly killing the chicken to get the eggs.

But fortunately, he did not fall into such a dilemma.

Now Akaniya only needs to breed for another month, and he can get the treasure that he has been thinking about and can activate his talent.

This is a win-win situation.

He won twice by himself.


If there are a few more waves, getting rich is not a dream.

More importantly, the price paid for enslaving the swamp wasps this time is only the newly collected black dragon broadleaf grass and the dragon feces purchased at a low price before.

Compared to the harvest, the cost is negligible!

"Blood crystal, how long can you breed it?"

Akaniya thought for a moment and said.

"Normally, it takes half a year to a year. If there is enough food, it can be shortened to three months."

Lear felt more and more comfortable.

This is not a one-time thing. As long as he keeps Akaniya in the future, he can continue to get queen bee crystals.

So happy.

After the brief conversation, Lear immediately asked Bubble Beast to collect all the dead swamp wasps.

These insects are all level 5 life.

Even if the energy contained in their flesh and blood is not as good as that of normal-sized life such as humans and barbarians, it is still very considerable under the huge number.

The flesh and blood slaughterer with divinity is still waiting for him to feed it.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, Lear looked at the giant tree where the swamp wasps lived.

There was still half of the wasp nest hanging on it. There were no swamp wasps coming in and out, and it looked a little dilapidated.

It was a bit of a pity.

If the nest can be moved back, the swamp wasps will have a place to settle down.

The swamp queen noticed Lear's gaze and responded immediately.

"Master, if you need us to move the nest, we can dismantle the nest and rebuild it."

"It only takes three to five days."

Building a nest is the natural instinct of wasps. Even if there is nothing, they can build it quickly.

Lear's eyes lit up.

Good, good! !

Not only did you put yourself in, but you also gave me an extra house, right?

So sensible, I appreciate it!

It would be great if all swamp life was like this.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps approached quickly from a distance, and two wetland lizardmen rushed to Lear panting.

He said in a hurry.

"Master, the two-headed ogres are heading towards the city of Dew. They have discovered our territory."

Two-headed ogres?

Lear turned his head and glanced at the dense swamp wasps in the sky.

His face was very strange.

There are about 70 or 80 monsters, and their levels are as high as 10.

The opponent's location is only about ten kilometers away from the city of Wei Lu.

He didn't have enough power before, and he hadn't been able to eliminate this threat.

Now he has taken the initiative to provoke

"Akania, bring all the swamp wasps"

Have you seen the swarm of natural disasters? Let you see the world today. The two-headed ogre's cubs!

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