Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 56 Sir, I want to be a hero

The sun sets late.

When it was completely dark, Lear and his party of several hundred people returned to their territory.

Bain, the swamp hero, immediately came forward.

His eyes were full of surprise as he looked at the Delsa man who was carrying a large bunch of roots on his back.

"My lord, who are these Delsa people?"

Lear said softly.

"They are new members of the City of Dew."

"You arrange for people to arrange accommodation for them."

Bain's face showed huge surprise.

A new member of the City of Dew? !

so much? !

"Sir, how many are these Delsa people?"

Lear held out his five fingers.

"Over 500!"

Bain grinned and laughed.

Great, great! !

500 people!

The work at hand has been done! !

Hahaha! !

The labor shortage has not been a headache these days.

Without people, no work can be carried out.

It’s great to have so much more labor force at once.

Moreover, the Delsa people are famous for being docile and obedient, and their timid and cowardly character is even worse than that of the swamp people.

When he arranges it, there will be absolutely no resistance!

"I'll make arrangements right away!"

He said excitedly and planned to turn around and go down.

Lear waved his hand to stop him.

Signaling to the troops behind him, his tone became lowered.

"In this battle, the wetland lizard warriors sacrificed 6 teams."

The smile on Bain's face suddenly froze, and his eyes became serious.

6 teams? !

This is definitely an unprecedented and heavy loss for Weilu City, which does not have a strong military force.

The tone was a little dry and unbelievable.

"Are those half-murlocs so powerful?"

Lear shook his head.

"Ordinary half-murlocs can level with one hand, but this time is different."

"That is?"

Bain was a little confused. Who else could cause so much damage if he wasn't a half-murloc?

"The half-murloc god"

Lear said slowly.

"The long-dead half-murloc god has awakened and is in direct conflict with us."

Bain's heart trembled.

The half-murloc god? ! !

He swallowed subconsciously, his lips trembling.

"The goddess is on top."

God, this is a majestic existence that mortals cannot spy on or imagine.

They only exist in myths and legends, and as long as the other party shows up, it can be attributed to a miracle!

Such an ultimate life, even if it has fallen for millions of years, can possess supreme power as long as it wakes up.

It is simply not something that ordinary people can match!

We only lost 6 teams in the conflict with God. How lucky we are!

"Blessed by the swamp god, fortunately you are back!"

Bain was terrified.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to this newly established territory if something happened to Lear.

He said hesitantly.

"Sir, what about the half-murloc god?"

Lear motioned to the transforming flesh and blood slaughterer contained in the bubble.

He said slowly.

"The remaining soul of the half-murloc god has been destroyed by me."

"I got a ray of divinity from it and integrated it into this flesh and blood slaughterer."

"As long as you continue to water it with flesh and blood from now on, there is a chance that you will be able to give birth to a divine life."

Bain stared blankly at the flesh and blood slaughterer and said tremblingly.

"You, you destroyed the remaining soul of the half-murloc god. And you also extracted the god's divinity?!"

Is it even possible to give birth to a divine life in the future? !

He just felt that he had heard some myths that he couldn't believe!

That is God! !

Even if he has just woken up after sleeping for countless years, he is still a god!

Mortals who want to kill gods exist only in myths.

Now, it appears alive in front of you? ! !

When his eyes looked at Lear, he had turned into an almost irrational fanaticism.

This is their master, the master who leads them to open up territory in the wilderness! !

Praise the goddess! !

He exchanged several small groups of wetland lizardmen for a divine life and strangled the remaining soul of the god.

What kind of loss is this?

This damn thing is exchanging rubble for gold mountains and weeds for mithril! !

Lear nodded, but there was not much joy on his face at the moment.

He turned to look at the dead wetland lizard man.

"These dead warriors are the heroes of my Weilu City."

"You plan an area and mark it as the Tomb of Heroes. All soldiers who died in the future will be buried in the Tomb of Heroes."

"When the City Hall is completed, we will also build the Hall of Valor to remember all the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the City of Dew."

"In the future, even if the God of Death refuses to accept them, their souls can still be stored in the Hall of Valor and be respected and worshiped by the residents of Weilu City forever."

Bain's body trembled, and his eyes changed again.

He said in a hoarse voice.

"grown ups."

I wanted to say something, but found that any words were feeble.

As far as he knew, only the royal family of the human empire would build the Hall of Valor.

But those who can remember it are all top figures with great reputations.

How could an ordinary warrior be qualified to enter the Hall of Valor? !

But now, as long as you sacrifice for the city of Weilu, you will be remembered.

What an honor this is for a warrior! !

From now on, sacrifice will be glorious and great!

It is conceivable that in time the city of Weilu will have the most powerful, crazy, and ferocious warriors!

Bain went down to make arrangements with excitement.

This swamp hero has become the current chief government official.

Basically, all the big and small government affairs are arranged by him.

But he is careful, down-to-earth, strong in execution, and also trusted by Lear.

The body of the wetland lizard warrior was placed in the corner of the territory, and Lear decided to bury it tomorrow morning.

After discussion, the location of the Tomb of the Heroes was determined to be 3 kilometers away from the east of the City of Weirdo.

There is a dry and flat area here.

At the same time, a backup plan was also left, allowing the vine fairy to plant vines first.

In the future, when the territory expands, the Tomb of the Heroes can also be moved out with vines.

The Delsa people were placed next to the swamp people.

There are no houses built in the territory, so the so-called resettlement can only allow them to rest in the open space.

For the rest, everything will be discussed after the city hall is built.

The Delsa people have nothing to say. The characters of these lives are too cowardly, unless they are killed directly.

Otherwise, as long as they can still live and have food to eat, they can accept their fate calmly.

The strong dominate fate, the weak obey fate, whether strong or weak, they all have their own way of survival.

The roots and rhizomes carried by the Delsa people were gathered together and piled into a small hill.

The rations for more than 500 people for a month are not small.

But if there are no more, we can continue to dig in that area, so there is no need to worry.

These lives are easy to feed.

It was late at night after all this work, and Li Er also felt a little tired. He encountered too many things today.

After a simple wash, he prepared to patrol the territory and rest.

Coming to the west of ←, the large bubble controlled by the bubble beast was still filtering the clear water.

Under the starry sky, the water ripples, and the ripples of broken stars appear.

The breeze blew, cool and comfortable.

Walked over and touched the little head of the bubble beast, and praised it.

Leaving a little guy who was grinning happily.

Walking to the north of ↑, the fish farm came into view.

There is also a bubble beast guarding here to prevent accidents in the fish pond.

This area is divided into several fish ponds, and the 2-star dragon blood red fish swims in them like an elf in the water.

The blood-red body is particularly eye-catching.

The long beard beside the corner of the mouth is like the dragon's beard of a giant dragon.

It is almost as long as the body.

When swimming, it is indescribably elegant and unrestrained.

In the past two days, bread, insects, internal organs, grass, wild fruits. Almost all foods have been tried, but the dragon blood red fish has not yet opened its mouth to eat.

The matter of raising still needs to be slowly figured out.

Turning back to the center, the vine fairy is still pulling the power of the starry sky to speed up the growth of the starry sky vines.

These little guys are like small light bulbs, and the light they emit illuminates the surrounding dozens of meters.

Combined with the starlight of the starry sky vines, it gives people a hazy and beautiful feeling.

I didn't disturb them. I watched for a while and prepared to go back to rest.

But as soon as I moved my feet, I saw a strange picture in my peripheral vision.

Under another starry sky vine, a slightly thin swamp man, with the help of the light emitted by the vine fairy, was holding a yellowed book made of sheepskin and reading it intently.

His serious expression was like a devout believer worshiping his god.

Who is this?

He stepped forward with some curiosity and came to the other side. Only then did he realize that this was not the swamp man who was bewitched by the swamp witch?


The voice woke up the young swamp man who was immersed in it.

The other party looked up suddenly, and when he saw that the person coming was Lear, his face was full of respect and enthusiasm.

He quickly stood up, held his chest and bowed.

"Good night, sir."

"Good night."

Lear nodded slightly.

"Why are you still reading here so late?"

Hanno was slightly stunned, and a little nervously grasped the book in his hand, and whispered.

"Sir, I want to be a hero."

Become a hero?

Lear said with interest.

"It's not that easy to be a hero. Why do you suddenly have this idea?"

Hanno raised his head and looked at him seriously.

"Because Lord Bain said that I am too weak now. Only by becoming a hero can I help you."

Lear was stunned and stared at the young swamp man.

He felt a little complicated.

Hanno saw that he didn't speak, and his tone became a little depressed.

"I borrowed this book from Lord Bain after asking for a long time, but I was too stupid and didn't understand it after reading it for a long time."

"They all laughed at me for dreaming and said that I would never be a hero in my life."

"But sir, who can't know if you don't try."

After speaking, he looked at Lear again and found that his expression was subtle. He still didn't speak and subconsciously lowered his head.

He felt more and more depressed.

Sir, I'm afraid you think so too. He is a swamp man who is nothing. He can't stop the singing of the banshee and can't understand the book. How can he become a hero?

He felt a little bitter in his mouth, touched his chest again and saluted, then turned around silently and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a deep voice sounded.

"Look up."

The young swampman paused, subconsciously looked up, and saw a pair of dark, deep, and extremely serious eyes.

"Hano, effort is like pouring water into a narrow-mouthed water bottle. The effect will not be seen in a short time, but the water bottle will gradually become heavier. Until one day, you will find that your water bottle is heavier than a mountain."

"Everyone's efforts will not be in vain. Those who give up halfway will not be able to enjoy the sweetness in the end."

"Also, don't let cheap ridicule become your stumbling block."

"Other people's ridicule is just a vent of inner inferiority and incompetence, because they are not as good as you and can't grow up as hard as you do, so they have to suppress you through ridicule and make you as incompetent and mediocre as them."

His shoulder was patted heavily, and the swamp man could feel the power transmitted by the other party.

The surging power.

"Hanno, I believe in you, and I look forward to the day when you become a hero."

The young swamp man looked at the encouraging eyes, and his eyes gradually became red.

He nodded heavily!

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