Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 54 Dark Naga? More than 500 laborers are about to be added

These beings called Delsa people have extremely strong legs in the lower body, which are twice as big as those of ordinary people.

They look strong and powerful.

They have wide webbed feet, which can easily walk in the swamp.

Their upper body is covered with thick gray feathers, like a falcon.

Their heads are normal human heads.

They are somewhat similar to the legendary eagle-like people.

Delsa people

[Level]: Level 1

[Potential]: Half a star (Level cap: Level 3)

[Racial talent]: Strong and powerful, born strong and powerful.

[Skills]: Super endurance (1 star) Possessing super endurance, the physical recovery speed is greatly improved.

[Evaluation]: Delsa people are strong, but timid by nature. Even ordinary farmers can drive them away with dung forks.

Potential - half a star?

Lear felt that he had learned something new.

I thought 1 star potential was the lowest, but I didn't expect there was still half a star potential.

This race is also quite good.

However, their talents and skills are interesting. They are strong and powerful, with great endurance, and they are timid and cowardly, which is somewhat similar to the swamp people.

"Wake them up and ask where they come from."

The wetland lizardman stepped forward and slapped them with two big mouths.

The moment the Delsa people on the ground woke up, they saw dozens of heavily armored lizardmen warriors looking at them indifferently.

An unconcealable fear rose.

One of them sizzled and felt a warm feeling coming from his pants, and a large amount of water appeared.

"Respected and kind sir, I beg you not to kill us! We have no hostility or threat to you."

His legs trembled, and his tone was filled with unspeakable fear, as if he was scared to death.

This cowardly look made the wetland lizardmen warriors frown.

As warriors, they despise this kind of weak and lowly life the most.

If they die, they should die with their heads held high, dying on the way to the charge.

Beg for mercy? Humph, dig out their hearts, chop off their heads, and it's impossible for them to appear!

"What is your relationship with the Slime Clan?"

Hearing the question, the Delsa man who didn't pee his pants said hurriedly.

"We surrendered to the adults of the Slime Clan last month."

The status of the half-fish people in the swamp has always been at the bottom of the food chain.

These Delsa people actually surrendered to the other side?

This. Turtle looking at mung beans?

"What is your purpose here?"

The Delsa people said weakly.

"Respected sir, we are here to pass on news and tribute food to the adults of the Slime Clan."

"Pass on news?"

"Yes, we have found the traces of the Cyclops that the adults of the Slime Clan asked us to find."

Lear became interested.


"Why did the Slime Clan ask you to find the Cyclops?"

The Cyclops is a life unique to the swamp. It has some blood of ancient giants and its body size is almost six meters above.

It is as high as a two-story building, and it is like a small mountain in front of ordinary people.

Strong physique, with extraordinary strength.

It was once even a heavy weapon used by the Swamp Tribe to attack the city.

The average level is over 12, very fierce.

It has appeared in many legends.

However, with the decline of the Swamp Tribe, the number has been greatly reduced.

The Delsa hesitated.

"I accidentally heard the chief say that the half-fish man found an ancient ruins."

"And the magic circle engraved on the gate of the ruins has lost its power. It can't be opened and can only be pushed open with pure force."

"In the swamp, only the 6-meter-tall Cyclops has such power."

"The adults of the slime clan seem to have a way to enslave the other party."

Li Er nodded.

A genuine god, even if only a trace of residual soul is left, has extraordinary means.

Enslaving a level 12 life is not surprising.

"Where is the Cyclops?"

"They seem to have been recruited by the dark naga."

Dark naga again?

Li Er raised his eyebrows slightly.

The Delsa saw his doubts and said in a trembling voice.

"Not far from us, there is a valley shrouded in darkness all day long, where a group of cruel dark nagas live."

"These dark nagas are led by a powerful naga hero"

"Those naga recruited us some time ago but were saved by the adults of the slime clan."

Lear's eyes narrowed slightly.

"How strong are they?"

"Not sure, we can't investigate further."

The Delsa man's voice trembled when he said this.

"They are shrouded in darkness, making it impossible to see their true appearance."

"People who approach them will be devoured directly."

"That naga hero likes to devour souls to maintain his beauty."

Gulp, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his tone became more and more fearful.

"No one can get close to them. No one!"

"If it weren't for the adults of the slime clan, we might have been wiped out."

"That cyclops, I don't know why he hooked up with the dark naga."

Are those dark nagas so strong?

Lear thought for a while.

He keenly felt that there must be something hidden in it.

After coming to his senses, he took out the magic map.

His mental power surged out, and the sludge swamp area on the map instantly enlarged and appeared in front of the Delsa people.

He clicked on the glowing point in the middle.

"This is where we are. This is the direction where the sun rises."

"Where are those dark nagas?"

Looking at such a magical map, the feathered Delsa people were amazed.

If they had such a map, they would not have encountered so many dangers.

Looked at the map carefully, then looked at the sun in the sky, compared the two, determined the direction, and tried to click on the map.

"Probably here"

Lear roughly estimated that it was only more than ten kilometers away from where they were.

The swamp has complex terrain, and it may be another world two or three kilometers away.

And the ecology is unique, with many creatures, it is easy to support a small tribe.

After asking for a while, the Delsa people also knew a little about the dark nagas and did not provide more valuable information.

Put away the map and change the subject.

"How many people do you have?"

"More than 500."

"More than 500?!"

It was just a casual question, but I didn't expect so many.

The Delsa people said with guilt.

"Yes, sir. There would have been more people, but there are too many dangers outside."

As the bottom of the food chain, these beings with only half a star of potential have a very difficult time surviving in the swamp.

"How far is your gathering place from here?"

"In that direction. An hour away."

One hour. Very close.

Lear looked at the Delsa people as if he was looking at some treasure.

If there were thirty or fifty people, it would be fine, but 500 people would be fatal. What is the city of Wei Lu lacking now?


If all these 500 Delsa people could be enslaved, the most urgent problem could be solved directly!

The strange look made the two Delsa people feel a little guilty for some reason, and they lowered their heads quickly. They were afraid that they would be dragged out and chopped by this human sir if he was unhappy.

Lear waved his hand to let Hagus take care of the two people, and let them lead the way after the wetland lizardmen finished searching.

He took another look at the flesh and blood slaughterer who was wrapped in bubbles and fell into a deep sleep.

Although the price paid this time was not small, the gains were even more significant.

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