Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 49: News about the ruins

After waving his hand to let all the swamp people leave, the sleeping half-merman was thrown in front of Hags.

Lear looked at the half-merman who was sticky and smelly, and turned to look at the swamp banshee beside him.

"Wake him up and ask him questions."

The swamp banshee immediately nodded in response, humming softly.

The elegant voice made people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The unconscious half-merman slowly woke up.

He stared at the swamp banshee with a greedy look on his face.

He ignored the fierce eyes of the surrounding warriors, as if there was only the swamp banshee around.

"Master, I have bewitched its soul. You can ask directly if you have any questions."

The soft and crisp voice of the swamp banshee was like tickling people's hearts, which sounded very comfortable.

Lear nodded and stared at the half-merman.

"How strong are your companions?"

The half-merman said stupidly.

"The levels are all level 5. The chieftain obtained a magic crystal in the ruins, and the level was raised to level 10."

Magic crystal?

Lier thought of the process of Haggs' transformation into a hero.

This is a good thing.

His interest was raised a little.

"Have you opened the ruins?"

"No, the chieftain said that this was obtained by the great Father God outside the ruins."

The voice of the half-fish man was stiff and a little dull.

Father God?

"The God of Half-fish Man?"


"The God of Half-fish Man has fallen millions of years ago. Can you still hear his guidance?"

"The Father God has never fallen, but has fallen into a deep sleep. The Father God has been guiding us all the time!"

The face showed the unique piety of believers.

Lier raised his eyebrows slightly.

The fanaticism of believers has always been like this.

But this also needs extra attention, lest the legendary thing of God's resurrection really happens.

In this fantasy world, anything can happen.

After asking a few more questions, the context gradually became clear.

A few days ago, the fishman suddenly discovered an ancient ruin. Although he has not found a way to enter yet, he has also gained a lot of benefits outside.

This fishman is of low status and has been on guard outside. He does not know more specific information.

After getting the key information he wanted, Li Er casually mentioned it.

"Are there any other dangerous things around here?"

The fishman's face was a little resentful.

"Twenty kilometers away from us, there is a group of dark nagas. Those lowly lives have always wanted to enslave us."

Dark nagas? !

Li Er was a little surprised. This was another additional information.

"The number of those dark nagas is enough for two squadrons, and the level has reached level 9."

"We originally had thousands of people!"

"But last month, the dark nagas attacked us. More than half of us were killed or injured!"

After saying that, he muttered unwillingly.

"When my god returns again and the great fishman rises, we must enslave all those damn dark nagas!"

Li Er continued to interrogate the news about the dark nagas in depth, but he did not get any valuable information.

The other party just muttered about revenge, wanting the merman god to bring down divine punishment, etc.

While thinking, he waved his hand to the lizardmen and asked them to take it back for further interrogation.

So far, the episode caused by the disappearance of the swamp man has come to an end.

This sudden incident has brought him a lot of gains - the swamp banshee with beautiful singing voice and the main force of the spiritual civilization construction of the future Wei Lu City.

Although it is just a newborn, its potential has reached 3 stars, and the upper limit of the level is 12.

Moreover, the other party feeds on emotions and does not need to be fed.

Judging from the encounter just now, the other party still has great potential to be tapped.

Secondly, the information about the merman gathering place and ancient ruins in the south was known.

Finally, the information about the dark naga was obtained.

All in all, it was a small profit.

Li Er, who was in a good mood, did not stay in this pool for too long, and returned directly to the territory with the swamp banshee.

Informed Bain of the reason for the disappearance of the swamp man.

Bain heard the news and looked at the beautiful and gorgeous swamp banshees.

His face was also a little exciting.

Looking at Hanno who returned with the team, he was not polite and criticized him harshly.

There is nothing to say about the young people's unstable minds and being seduced, but the people who should be lost cannot escape.

After the young swamp people left, Bain glanced at the swamp banshees and hesitated.

"My lord, how should they be settled?"

Lear smiled.

"The rise of a city cannot satisfy the residents with only material life."

"I heard that in the capital of the elves, you can hear the wonderful singing of the elves every day."

"Since the elves can do it, why can't my city of Wei Lu?"

He looked at Bain meaningfully.

"Swamp banshees are not just used for singing."

"In the future, they will also be the main force of singing, praising and chanting the city of Wei Lu."

"It will even be a flag of our territory."

According to his idea, these swamp banshees may become a trump card of the city of Wei Lu.

Of course, how to develop in the future still needs careful operation.

The territory is just starting out, and everything needs to be done slowly.

Bain's face showed some thoughtfulness.

But there is no native of the fantasy world baptized by modern information to explore the deep meaning.

I just felt vaguely that I had grasped something, but I couldn't figure it out.

Can the Swamp Banshee represent the City of Wispy Dew and become a banner?

There were some doubts in my heart, but they were suppressed in an instant. It didn't matter if he couldn't figure it out. The key was that this matter was proposed by the adults.

He only needed to absolutely execute the adults' will!

The adults' vision was far from what he could match.

After the communication, Bain left with thoughts.

As the construction of the territory gradually got on track, there were more and more government affairs, and he was too busy all day long.

But just after walking a short distance, a thin young figure appeared in sight.

The other party's lips were pale and looked a little weak.


Bain sighed.

"Are you okay?"

The young swamp man shook his head, staring at him with algae-green pupils, and said seriously.

"Lord Bain, I'm fine. I came to you to know how to repay the lord."

This made Bain a little funny.

"Want to repay the adults? Try to grow up. You are not even a hero now, why do you think so much?"

They, the swamp people, are too small in this land full of dangers.

As a hero, he dared not say how he could help the adults.

He patted the other's shoulder and planned to leave.

"Lord Bain, how can you become a hero?"

Bain looked at the slightly thin swamp boy and smiled.

"That requires a lot of hardship."

Halfway through, looking at the other's serious eyes, his tone was a bit complicated.

"This process took me ten years."

Although the tone was calm, it was very sad.

It is not so simple to become a hero. No one knows what he has paid to take this step. Outsiders may not care.

Ordinary swamp people want to stand out. If they don't have enough talent, background, and family background, they must have the determination to fight to the death!

If you are not cruel to yourself, why should you stand out? !

Bain's eyes are dim.

"Go back. You can't bear the hardship."

He turned and left.

He couldn't even resist the temptation of the banshee. How could he complete these difficult exercises with such a weak will? !

But the next moment, plop~ the thin boy knelt on one knee, his eyes showing unshakable determination.

"Lord Bain, the Lord saved me!"

"Only by becoming a hero can I give the Lord greater help."

"I hope to be a hero. I am ready."

He said word by word.

"Even if I sacrifice my life for this!"

Bain turned back suddenly.

The boy kneeling on the ground was like a weed destroyed by the wind. It was already dilapidated, but it was still stubbornly rooted in the earth.

After watching in silence for a long time, Bain turned around again.

The boy's heart trembled when he saw this.

Watching the other person's figure gradually disappear, the light in his eyes did not dissipate, but became brighter and hotter.

If no one helps me, then I will help myself!

I will not stop here, never!

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