Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 42 Promoted to 2 stars, full of rewards

The second ambush, Lear laid out more calmly.

Hagus took up his knife and went away, returned, entered the circle, raided, and hunted.

A series of steps killed the swamp poison frog without any chance to fight back.

Several waves of ambushes were carried out smoothly.

But after the fourth time, the swamp poison frogs saw that their number was almost reduced by half, and suddenly woke up.

Their vigilance reached the extreme.

No matter how Hagus teased them, they were not tempted again.

When Hagus returned to report, Lear fell into deep thought when he saw that the evolution of the wetland lizardmen had reached 99%.

Only the last wave was left to increase the potential of the wetland lizardmen of these 15 teams to 2 stars.

It didn't need the corpses of two more teams of swamp poison frogs!

Increasing the potential by 1 star would double the combat effectiveness.

At this time, the number of the opponent was only over 100. The numerical advantage had been eliminated.

His eyes flashed with a dangerous aura and gradually became sharp.



"Concentrate your strengths and hunt down some of the poison frogs in the swamp. I want their bodies!"

Hagus's eyes immediately became ferocious.

"As you wish! None of these poison frogs can escape!"

After running around for a few times, the hero had a strong desire to become stronger.

If he could be stronger, the master wouldn't have to be so cautious!

After all, they are still not strong enough and need to take into account casualties!

Five fingers clenched into fists!

If you don't come out, then I will just flatten you.

Wetland lizardmen will never let the master down!

Under Lear's will, the army gathered quickly.

Not long after, Hagus appeared in front of the poison frogs in the swamp again.

Roaring in a low voice, he actually rushed towards the poison frogs alone.

Seeing this, these swamp monsters were stunned at first, and then furious.

So this damn lizardman is just one person?

It's okay to provoke them so many times just now, but now he dares to despise them so much!

Looking for death!

Immediately opened the huge mouth, venom spurted out crazily.

The range was more than 30 meters!

When Hagus attracted the attention of most of the swamp poison frogs, the grass on the left and right sides was suddenly lifted.


The armored wetland lizardmen warriors with ferocious eyes rushed over like wild wolves.

The distance of dozens of meters was crossed in an instant!

The swamp poison frogs were startled and hurriedly turned around, spitting venom from their mouths.

But at the beginning, they were attracted by Hagus, and at this moment, less than one-third of them spit out venom.

They were divided on both sides, far from forming intensive killing.


Several wetland lizardmen corroded by the corrosive venom did not say a word, and with ferocious expressions, they accelerated their speed and killed into the swamp poison frogs.

Injury for injury, life for life.

These swamp creatures are the most fearless warriors!


A wetland lizardman was directly pierced through the abdomen by the tongue of the swamp poison frog, and the solid armor was torn apart.

Blood gushed out like a spring.

But he still roared and swung the steel knife without changing his face.


He chopped down hard and cut off half of the opponent's shoulder.


The swamp poison frog screamed hysterically, and the severe pain directly devoured the soul.

Pain is a natural gift of life, and it is necessary to avoid danger.

But pain is also the most vulnerable and fatal weakness of life!!

The pain made the swamp poison frog lose the power and opportunity to fight back.

, the wetland lizard warrior swung his claws and scratched his neck.

The aorta was torn and the blood burst.

The body of the swamp poison frog staggered and fell to the ground in the thick blood.

The wetland lizard warrior kept walking and roared towards the second target.

That crazy posture also infected Lear behind him.

This is his warrior, a pure warrior, fighting for him, and facing death for him! !

No one can trample on you!

Magic power was running, and the swamp gifts burst out among the wetland lizardmen.

Powerful healing skills were the strongest shield at this moment.

Li Er was supporting them in the most direct way!

Wherever the battle was the most intense, Li Er's healing skills would focus on that area, using his greatest ability to ensure that there would be no deaths!

Collision and fighting, every blow was to the bone!

Under his powerful treatment, dozens of wetland lizardmen warriors were slightly injured, and seventeen or eighteen were seriously injured, but there was no death!

The life-for-life assault also killed more than three teams of the opponent!

Seeing this, Li Er decisively mobilized the swamp godhood suppressed in the magic seed.

A mysterious, dark, and sacred breath surged out.

Enveloping the body of the swamp poison frog.

Waves of life energy were extracted and integrated into the wetland lizardmen beside him.

These fierce warriors immediately felt the power in their bodies soaring.

Deep in the blood, some dormant, ancient power slowly awakened.

The 1.7-meter-tall body gradually grew taller, and the already bulging muscles on the body expanded even more.

It stopped growing when it reached 1.8 meters.

Its claws exuded a cold light, as sharp as a knife, and its thick tail waved, making a whirring sound through the air.

Its amber eyes were ferocious and violent.

Its bloody mouth opened slightly, and the sharp thorns like daggers made people feel cold.


2-star potential!

Wetland Lizardman

[Level]: Primary Knight (Level 7)

[Potential]: 2 stars (Level cap: Level 9)

[Racial Talent]: Amphibious life, the lung structure of wetland lizardmen is special, and they can hold their breath for a long time and take short breaths underwater.

[Skill]: Hard Scale Armor (2 stars, passive) Scale armor has steel-like defense, reducing 15% of the damage received.

Brutal (2 stars) When receiving damage or launching an attack, it will enter the brutal state, become extremely brutal, fearless of pain, and fight the enemy to death, and all attributes will be increased by 20%.

[Equipment]: Standard Armor (1 star)

[Evaluation]: Fierce swamp life.

Potential has been increased to 2 stars, and the level cap has increased from level 6 to level 9!

More importantly, both skills have been increased from 1 star to 2 stars, and the attributes have been significantly improved.

Hard Scale Armor-added the feature of 15% damage reduction.

Brutal-added the feature of entering the brutal state and increasing all attributes by 20%.

The overall combat effectiveness has skyrocketed!

The most intuitive manifestation is-

The swamp poison frog, which originally had a slight advantage in one-on-one battles on the battlefield, was instantly overwhelmed by pressure.

The situation that was still in a stalemate collapsed directly.

The wetland lizardman rushed into the swamp poison frog frantically. The opponent's tongue, which could pierce the body, penetrated the armor at this moment, but was blocked by the scales.

Unable to break the defense!

And with its surging power, it could even cut the swamp poison frog alive with a single swing!

Those seriously injured wetland lizardmen recovered quickly after their life potential was improved.

Coupled with Lear's treatment, they crawled back alive in front of the god of death!

Rejoin the battle.

The number of swamp poison frogs was gradually compressed and decreased rapidly.

This scene was like a chessboard, where the opponent's chess pieces were eaten one by one.

But Lear could rely on powerful skills to keep his chess pieces.

Haggs also killed frantically, killing more than two or three teams of swamp poison frogs by himself!

This wetland lizardman once again showed his power as a hero.

After a series of encirclements and suppressions, the overall situation was determined!

Although the swamp poison frogs were furious and kept resisting, it was no longer effective.


The last swamp poison frog was beheaded, and this difficult battle finally came to an end.

At this moment, the wetland lizard warriors, covered in blood, stood on the corpses.

Looking around, there were no more enemies.

His temperament was indescribably solemn and cruel.

Ordinary people would feel weak in their legs and swallowed by nightmares if they looked at him.

Seeing this, Li Er's eyes were inexplicably dazed.

This was the warrior he had cultivated with 2-star potential and reached level 7!

No one could stop them!


He felt a sense of accomplishment.

The only pity was that the broken godhead he controlled could only increase its potential to 2 stars.

If he wanted to continue to improve, he had to control the authority first.

But where the authority was was still unknown.

Looking around, he could feel the kindness and joy of the entire swamp towards him.

He could also feel that what he needed was in the swamp, but he could not find the entrance and push open the misty door.

It seemed that he needed some additional opportunity to trigger

He calmed down, waved his hand, and gathered the army again.

He ignored the corpses and debris all over the ground and looked towards the territory.

These wetland lizardmen warriors took turns to go to the battlefield, and the evolution level of the five teams of wetland lizardmen stationed in the territory had reached the critical point of 95%.

This harvest can also cultivate the remaining five teams.

Li Er smiled a little.

This wave of hunting is comfortable.

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