Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 37 Chief Water Plant Executive

26 bubble beasts created 26 super-large bubbles with a diameter of 3 meters and began to filter frantically.

In an instant, one-third of the bubbles were filled with clean water. The high efficiency surprised Lear.

At this speed, the clean water created by one bubble beast can supply the current Wei Lu City.

After the bubbles were half filled with clean water, they gradually sank into the swamp, and then a magical scene appeared-

These bubbles were connected together to form an elliptical super-large bubble.

This big bubble separated the silt outside and filtered the clean water at an even more exaggerated speed. In a moment, an elliptical clean water source was formed.

The depth reached 5 meters, the width exceeded 10 meters, and the length reached an astonishing 50 meters!

The bubbles merged into the water and became completely invisible. Even with magic perception, it was impossible to find their location.

Looking around, you can only see a clear elliptical canal in the silt.

And right next to it, the turbid and smelly silt water was still flowing slowly, forming a sharp contrast between the two.

What a treasure!

Lear was in a good mood as he looked at these super fierce little guys.

He stepped forward, squatted down, and tried to explore downwards with his hands.

He could feel a slight coolness when his hands passed through the bubbles, but there was no obstruction.

He picked up the clear water and drank it gently.

A sweet and cool taste entered his mouth, and the whole person became energetic.

After filtering through the bubbles, it felt like drinking mountain spring water.

Compared with the stinky and unpleasant swamp water before, it was a world of difference.

Bain on the side drank a few sips and was so excited that he could hardly swallow it.

He said excitedly.

"My Lord. This, this is so wonderful!"

He did not expect that the problem that made him so anxious would be solved in such a peculiar way!

Lear smiled, looked at the bubble beast, and praised it generously.

"Great job!"

"You are the pride of the city of Dew!"

He praised these little guys fiercely.

Finally asked.

"How long can a bubble of this size last?"

Looking at the little fat dragons that were chirping again, he glanced around and pointed to one of the bubble beasts that looked more calm.

"You say it!"

The bubble beast that was named immediately raised his little head and received a lot of envious looks.

"Master, if it is only used to filter clean water, it does not consume much magic power. I can maintain it by myself!"

"Before, everyone took turns to maintain the bubble. Each person was responsible for a month."

One person can maintain it?

Lier was quite surprised.

No wonder such a large area of ​​water near the hill is clear and transparent.

These little guys are really treasures.

Based on the filtration efficiency of this big bubble, it is enough to maintain the daily consumption of the city of micro-dew, and even several times the population is enough!

"In the future, one person will be on duty every day to maintain the bubble here."

He added another sentence.

"I will build a water plant in the city of micro-dew. Whoever is on duty here in the future will be the CEO of the water plant, and other bubble beasts will be responsible for assisting."

All the bubble beasts' eyes lit up when they heard this.

The CEO of the water plant sounds very powerful, and it can also get other bubble beasts to assist, just like kindergarten children getting a little red flower, the enthusiasm is instantly improved.

"Master, I can keep it going. They were lazy before and I took care of the bubbles for three months alone!"

"I also want to be the CEO of the water plant"


Li Er laughed as he watched a group of little guys start to act like a spoiled child.

"Who was your boss before?"

A group of bubble beasts subconsciously looked at the figure that Li Er had just named.

He immediately understood.

"From now on, you will be the executive director of the water plant, responsible for arranging everyone's shifts, whether it's 1 day or 3 days, it's up to you to arrange it."

As soon as the voice fell, the difference was immediately seen. The bubble beast showed a little joy on his face, but still nodded calmly.

"Yes, master, I will arrange them."

"What's your name?"

"Master, I gave myself a name. Bobo."

The little guy showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Li Er touched his head encouragingly, it was soft, like plasticine.

"This name is nice, Bobo, you will be in charge of the other bubble beasts from now on."

"Yes, Master!"

Bobo raised his head and replied.

Li Er suddenly seemed to have thought of something and asked curiously.

"Why do you usually maintain such a big bubble?"

The clear water near the hill is several times larger than the area here.

For drinking alone, you don't need so much.

Bobo responded.

"Master, fish is our food. Fish raised in clear water taste better."

"That's our fish pond."

Good guy, fish pond?

So those fish are all raised by you?

Li Er immediately thought of the fifth piece of information refreshed this time - 3-star value, dragon blood red fish!

He said with interest.

"I plan to build a fish farm around the city of Wei Lu. Where do you think is more suitable?"

Bobo stretched his little head to look around, and finally pointed to the direction of the starry sky vines in the north.

"Master, the water flows down from above, it's better to be above."

"The clean water we purify can also cover the entire area."

Lier nodded.

"very good."

"Can you catch fish?"

Bobo immediately became interested.

He patted his chest with his chubby little paws.

"Of course~"

“Our bubbles can trap the fish directly!”

Fish is their food.

The smile on Lear's face grew.

Turning to look at Bain.

"↓Is there any progress in the area to the south?"

Before setting off today, I informed Bain of the news about the dragon blood red fish and asked him to send people to investigate first.

"Sir, the depth of that water reaches seven or eight meters, and there is still thick silt at the bottom. We couldn't find anything. The fishing net is ineffective."

Lear was not surprised. A treasure worth three stars would not be that simple.

"Bobo, early tomorrow morning, you take 10 of your companions with me to go hunting, and the others stay in the territory to maintain the blisters."

"Bain, you are responsible for arranging their daily life."

After some more communication, the sky was getting dark.

The army dispersed, and the swampmen began to light a fire and cook.

We hunted two swamp wild boars today, and we can enjoy a sumptuous pig-killing feast in the evening.

Fortunately, there is Noah's rice, otherwise this amount of food would not be enough for these 300 people.

Night falls.

The starry sky is twinkling, and the vine fairy begins her daily work. She grows up quickly and lets the power of starlight feed the starry sky vines, making these 2-star magic plants grow very fast.

The barbarians who had had dinner were suddenly attracted and came to the central area curiously.

Immediately, I saw that the vine building, which was originally quite rough and only had a rough frame, was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gradually weaving together, they vaguely form the appearance of a building.

My heart was trembling with fear.

After watching it for more than an hour, Akenza calculated with trembling heart that at this construction speed

In this blank territory, it won't take long for a large splendid building to be built.

Is what the human lord said true? !

Will we be able to start business relations with them in two months? !

Human beings are unfathomable, unfathomable.

The next morning, August 11, Lear woke up and as usual checked the construction progress of the government affairs hall in Weilu City.

Although it is huge, due to the unrestricted efforts of the Vine Fairy, one-third of the construction progress has been completed.

Perhaps there are still 10 days before his first building can be initially completed.

And based on the characteristics of this building, it can be continuously expanded on this basis.

The potential is endless.

After a simple wash, he immediately summoned the army, took 10 Bubble Beasts, and went to the south to capture the Dragon Blood Red Fish.

The 10-kilometer journey is neither far nor close, but if there are no mistakes along the way, we won't be able to return until noon.

When preparing to set off, he was surprised to find that the attitude of the barbarians had changed dramatically.

Before, there was helplessness in the vigilance, but now, everyone's face is full of longing, and their eyes are full of kindness and respect when they look at him.

Motivation has been greatly improved.

After chatting for a while, I realized that the other party seemed to particularly admire the fast-growing vine buildings.

After understanding what he meant, Lear smiled, patted Akenza, the barbarian leader, on the shoulder, and said nothing more.

Where are you now?

With him here, Weilu City will still make the entire wilderness tremble in the future!

Gather your mind and set out to fish——

[5. ↓In the mud pool 10 kilometers south of ↓, there lives a group of dragon blood red fish. The meat is extremely delicious, without spines and bones. (3 stars)]

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