Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 35 Additional Information

"Hisham clan?"

"How many tribesmen do you have? Have you also established a territory in the swamp?"

The barbarian leader was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Lear to ask this question. He hesitated and said slowly.

"Humans, we have established a territory with thousands of barbarians. It is only three or four days away from the swamp."

Then he said another harsh word.

"If you kill my people, the Hisham clan, I will definitely take revenge on you!"

Lear was not interested in his threats, but the territory he spoke of made him thoughtful.

Barbarian territory for thousands of people?

For a giant city like Loland City, it was inconspicuous, but for barbarians who were used to being scattered, this scale was not small.

More importantly, this is a wilderness, a wilderness far away from human civilization.

At this moment, the intelligence system suddenly flashed a new message.

[The first wild tribe, the Hisham clan, came to visit and sought to open trade, which triggered an additional piece of information-the chief of the Hisham clan gained extraordinary wisdom and prepared to unite the barbarians into a rope. Build your own barbarian main city in the wilderness, so you are looking to expand trade with the outside world. The other party occupies a unique mine that is rich in gold and various rare ores. If you carry out trade with it, you will not only gain the friendship of the barbarians, but also A lot of rare ores can be obtained. 】

Lear, who was thinking, saw the information and his eyes lit up.

These barbarians actually mean it!

The thoughts in my heart immediately changed.

While he was silent, the barbarian suddenly discovered that the wetland lizardmen were surrounding him from all directions.

Surround them.

Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers stared at them indifferently, and the pressure instantly exploded.

The barbarian leader gritted his teeth.

"Human! What do you want?!"

Look at this, I can't be kind today.

Lear withdrew his mind, looked directly at the other party, and said slowly.

"I am very interested in your Shahim clan. My territory has just been established. Maybe I can establish trade relations with you."

Make friends at a distance and attack at close range.

Trade is always the best way to prosper a territory.

Without the intelligence system prompting, Weilu City would definitely have to start trade with the outside world.

The barbarian leader was obviously a little stunned. Establishing trade?

With some hesitation and caution.

"Human, are you really willing to open trade with us?"

The current appearance does not seem like the state to talk about such a thing.

Lear nodded.

"Now that your lives are in my hands, what good will it do me to deceive you?"


The barbarian leader was speechless.

Lear continued without waiting for the other party to speak.

"The prerequisite for opening up trade is that everyone gets what they need. My swamp is rich in products and there is no shortage of anything. I need to know what you can provide and what you need."

Although the information has hints, the questions that should be asked cannot be omitted.

These words made the barbarian leader a little more serious.

"We need a lot of food and salt. We can exchange it for gold, ore or slaves."

He added another sentence.

"It's okay if you can provide weapons, armor and iron tools."

These supplies are basically necessities that are lacking in the wilderness.

In this jungle where the jungle is full of predators, the human lifestyle is too luxurious for life in the wilderness.

That requires a sufficiently stable environment, and what is lacking most here is stability.

For example, hunting and gathering are the most common ways to obtain food. Hunting is the main method, but hunting is not stable and carries a high risk of casualties.

It is very difficult to maintain a huge force just by hunting.

In a barbarian territory like this, the daily food needed by thousands of people is a huge burden.

There are extremely practical reasons why most races in the wilderness are unable to establish territories and develop city-states.

Lear's eyes moved slightly.

gold? slave? He thought of the ore trade during the Age of Discovery in the Middle Ages on Earth.

Exchanging glass beads for precious stones is a real huge profit.

If this barbarian territory has this potential, it will be a huge benefit to Weilu City.

Nod slowly.

"What you say is true or false needs to be verified. Please follow me to the territory and live there for two months."

"When I'm done with this period of time, I will go to the Shahim clan with you to talk about opening up trade."

The other barbarians were a little restless, and their eyes were filled with anger.

But the leading savage waved the crowd down.

"Sir, I promise you."

"But if your will changes, I beg you to let my companions go."

We are fighting for the sword and we are fighting for the flesh. If we fight to the death now, our death will be in vain.

Judging from the other party's attitude, it seems that he is really interested in opening commerce. Even if there is only a one-tenth chance, he is willing to bet!

The will of the Chief must be carried out.

That's the light of their savages!

His eyes became firm.

He turned to look at his companions behind him and scolded him in barbarian language.

Then the restlessness disappeared.

Seeing this, Lear nodded slowly.

"As long as you don't do anything detrimental to me, my promise will be fulfilled."

Although the words were plain, all barbarians could hear the unquestionable determination.

The leading barbarian breathed a sigh of relief, raised his chest and lowered his head, saluting with respect.

"My lord, Akenza, I send you my regards."

Lear nodded slightly.

"Say hello to you, Lear."

Sensing that several people had completely lost their hostility and threat, they signaled to the wetland lizard warriors behind them.

"Akenza, we still have to go hunting and clean up the dangers around the territory. We cannot return to the territory for the time being."

"Please temporarily join my army and obey the unified command and dispatch."

ah? Is this human lord so trusting of them?

The barbarian leader was a little stunned.

He nodded with some complicated emotions.

In the dangerous wilderness, without unified command, it would be an absolute disaster to encounter the enemy.

Lear, who possesses divine status, is far beyond their imagination. As long as there is even the slightest bit of hostility, he can respond immediately.

He seems to be tolerant, but everyone is under his control.

The barbarians didn't know this. They just thought that Lear was true to his words, and they had some respect in their hearts.

Lear is also unequivocal, giving the barbarian a sequence alone.

At the same time, a touch of wetland restored the two captured lizard warriors and the barbarian.

This made the eyes of several barbarians change again.

In a battle, with such a mage who can heal, the chance of survival will definitely skyrocket.

It's a pity that there are too few mages. There are thousands of barbarians in their clan, but there are only two mages. And they don't know how to heal.

Lear also asked specifically about the identity of the unconscious barbarian.

There was a bit of a misunderstanding. The other person was Akenza's younger brother. He was bitten by a venomous snake before. After the toxin was removed, he has been in a coma.

It would be better now to just revive him. This also made the barbarian's attitude towards Lear significantly improve.

The army continued to move forward, and three teams of wetland lizardmen formed two groups and began to explore a larger area.

After these two days of fighting, the upgrade progress of the wetland lizardmen has increased to 95%.

All it takes is a new battle to meet the upgrade requirements.

But the battle I wanted today has never been encountered. I walked forward for two hours without encountering a swamp monster.

There were quite a few animals on the road, but when they sensed the approach of the large army, they fled from a distance.

Relying on the hunting instinct of the wetland lizard people, in the end they only killed a few swamp boars for extra meals at night, but they did not quench their thirst at all.

Lear also felt helpless and had to expand the search scope.

After walking forward for more than half an hour, the lizard man in front sent back a message - the destination was found!

When Lear arrived at the front, he saw a small hill standing on the swamp, covering an area of ​​several hundred meters and exceeding 30 meters in height.

There are dense vines growing on the hills.

These vines are common plants in swamps and look green and full of life.

Surprisingly, where the vines took root at the foot of the hill, the muddy water that should have been murky is now crystal clear.

You can see many dark blue fish swimming in the water.

There are even more than a dozen big fish over two meters tall.

Seeing the crowd approaching, the big fish swung their tails and entered the natural hiding place formed by the roots of the vines.

A hundred meters away from the hill, the slowly flowing silt water still smelled bad.

There was a huge contrast between the two.

Lear was in a good mood when he saw this scene.

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