Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 18: Haggs' Transformation

Bringing Hagus, the ferocious lizardman, to the room, Lear took out the black ore he bought from the black market, his voice serious.

"There is an energy core of an ancient demon beast hidden in it. Although most of it has disappeared due to the passage of time."

"But it can still transform your bloodline."

"Hagus, are you willing to be the sharp blade in my hand?"

The heart of this wetland lizardman trembled.

Transformed into a hero? !

The hottest madness appeared in the amber eyes.

He knelt down suddenly with his head against the ground.

He said crazily with the most humble attitude.

"My Lord! I am willing to be your sharp blade and dedicate my soul to you!"

"Wherever you look, that is what I do!!"

Becoming stronger is the nature of all life.

Becoming a hero is the lifelong dream of most people. At this moment, the opportunity that countless days and nights fantasize about is in front of him!

Lear nodded slowly.

After letting him stand up, he handed him the stone in his hand.

Hagus did not hesitate and squeezed it hard. Crack~ A large crack appeared on the stone, and then it broke with a crack.

In the rubble, a thumb-sized object with a faint red fluorescence appeared in sight.

Vigorous energy emanated from the body, as if holding a small sun!

"Eat it and complete the transformation."

Hagus took a deep breath, suppressed his inner excitement, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The next moment, a fierce and brutal breath suddenly burst out of his body.

The whole person's face began to twist.

The body softened and fell directly to the ground, and the throat let out a beast-like low roar.

The whole body began to twitch uncontrollably.

It was like being tortured by extremely terrible torture.

It looked chilling.

Li Er took another look at the information——

The 22nd stall selling ore at the entrance of the black market, the stall owner's ore hides an ancient magic beast crystal core. Although most of the energy has been lost, it is still extraordinary. It can be fed to the strongest wetland lizardman-Haggs, so that his bloodline can evolve. Other lizardmen cannot bear the pain of transformation.

Simple tips, extraordinary accuracy.

How can you taste the sweetest fruit without going through hardships?

Silently waiting, looking at the increasingly twisted and hideous face, Li Er couldn't imagine what kind of pain the other party would have to endure.

This is a life that is almost immune to pain and cannot be suppressed by the ring of slavery.

This process lasted for a full three hours!

In the continuous transformation, Haggs's body size is growing visibly.

His height has increased from 1.7 meters to 1.85 meters, and his momentum is as aggressive as a beast.

Even if he crawls on the ground and trembles, he still gives people a sense of fierceness and brutality.

Another hour later, Hagus, who had completed his promotion, slowly woke up.

He stood up slowly, his 1.85-meter body was like a bloated balloon, and his dwarf armor was bulging high with muscles.

The solid muscles could not even be covered by the armor.

The lizardman's head was ugly and ferocious, with blood swollen in his mouth and fangs like knives, and his amber eyes were full of aggression.

The ten-centimeter-long claws flashed coldly, like a dagger.

Ordinary armor could not block its sharpness.

He strode to Lear, knelt on one knee, and lowered his head.

"My Lord. From now on, I will be your sword and cut off all thorns for you!"

Hagus felt the power surging in his body and was so excited that he could not control himself.

He stepped into a higher level and became a hero! !

This is a scene that he would dream of countless nights.

Now, the dream has come true!

And this is all given to him by the great master! !

Greatness needs no words.

Li Er's mouth curled up slightly.

This is his first real hero. Although life heroes like Bain are not insignificant, in battle, Hags can kill a hundred or a thousand Bains alone!

Staring at the kneeling wetland lizardman hero in front of him, the other party's new attribute panel emerged in his mind.


[Level]: Intermediate Knight (Level 7)

[Potential]: 2 stars (Level Cap: Level 9)

[Racial Talent]: Amphibious life, with unique lung organs, can hold breath for a long time and take short breaths underwater.

[Hero Talent]: Regeneration, the body with unique power has the ability to regenerate, and can consume blood and qi to recover quickly after being injured, and can also grow again after limbs are broken.

[Blood]: 1000 points

[Skill]: Scale Armor (2 stars, passive) Scale Armor has steel-like defense, and the damage received is reduced by 30%.

Cruelty (2 stars) When receiving damage or launching an attack, it will become extremely cruel, and all attributes will be increased by 30%. It is not afraid of pain and will fight the enemy to death.

Crazy Blood (2 stars) After tasting the taste of blood, the size increases by 20% and the strength increases by 40%.

[Equipment]: None

[Evaluation]: Fierce swamp life.

Li Er's eyes flashed.

After the transformation was completed, the strength increased dramatically!

The potential increased from 1 star to 2 stars, the level cap reached level 9, and the original level 6 was also raised to level 7.

At the same time, a powerful hero talent was awakened-


After being hurt, you can consume blood to recover, and even regenerate broken limbs!

This is definitely a reborn skill!

In the battle, the lizard man, who was already ferocious and fearless of pain, gained the ability to recover quickly. The figure of the Hulk appeared in his mind.

Isn't this the youth version of the little Hulk in the fantasy world?

And Haggs's new attribute - Qi and blood, is a unique attribute of the Knight Path.

You must become a hero before you can wake up.

Qi and blood can strengthen skills and cause additional damage.

It is a sign of high-level combat power!

Only with Qi and blood can you be called a true hero.

However, in contrast, the mage. Has magic power from the beginning.

This is why the mage is called the Mage Master. The Knight Path requires something that only heroes can have, and the mage apprentice can get it.

Haggs's original two 1-star skills have all been upgraded to 2 stars, and the attributes have been greatly improved.

And he also got a new skill - crazy blood, which is also very fierce.

In summary, Haggs, who was promoted to a hero, has soared a lot in single-soldier combat power.

Now, he can fight two or three teams of wetland lizardmen alone.

This is the hero unit.

The infinitely charming hero unit!

The same is true for heroes like Bain who only become vassals. The strong can decide fate.

"Get up and go back to restrain your companions. Tomorrow morning, we will set off for the territory."

"That will be the future home of all of us."

Haggs took a deep breath and lowered his head.

"As you wish."

The moment Haggs left the room, the intelligence system quietly appeared.

[You have cultivated a hero unit and obtained an additional intelligence-in the silt swamp, there is a magical plant: white flower longleaf grass, which contains unique energy. After Haggs swallows it, its potential will be increased to 3 stars. ]

Li Er was stunned at first, and after reading the new information, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

This is also possible? !

There is even follow-up information! !

Hundred flowers longleaf grass can increase Haggs' potential from 2 stars to 3 stars.

Although a 2-star hero is considered good, the upper limit of the level is only 9 levels!

Upgrading to 3 stars, it is a truly high-level hero.

The most intuitive thing is that the level cap can be raised to level 12!

The overall combat power increase is not as simple as one plus one.


And with the support of the intelligence system, it may not be impossible to train Hags to be the top hero in the future!

At this moment, Hags strode back to the side yard of the Rose House.

Sensing his breath, the wetland lizardmen showed some doubts. After carefully sensing, they immediately became agitated.

The breath of a hero on Lord Hags? ! !

After they confirmed with Hags, there was an uproar.

The eyes became hot and crazy.

What did the Lord reward Lord Hags? Why did he transform into a hero in just a few hours? ! !

Swamp God!

Is the Lord sent by God to save them? !

Bane saw this scene and his face was full of disbelief.

Only he knew how many difficulties and hardships he had experienced to become a hero. I didn't expect that a hero unit could be obtained by reward? !

For a moment, Lear suddenly became mysterious in his heart.

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