Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 148 Return to the Territory, Hall of Heroes

No wonder people always say that the wilderness is full of dangers. If ordinary pioneering lords build territories in it, they will die.

After experiencing a series of events, Lear has a direct understanding of this statement.

Ordinary wilderness monsters are okay, but the dangerous ones are the forces that have their own bases in the wilderness.

Every one of those he encountered has a strong background.

Even if you dig a little deeper, most of them can be related to gods.

Even if there is no god as a backer, they must have their own killer.

Just like the barbarian chieftain in front of him-Bettina.

There is an ancient soul hidden in her body. Once it explodes, it can kill a demigod!

How crazy is this? !

The extraordinary is already at the top of this world, and mortals can't touch it at all. Now any one who appears can have the means to deal with the existence above the extraordinary.

Sure enough, the world with a long history cannot be underestimated. The foundation is too deep.

I don’t know how many batches of gods have been replaced, and no one knows where the big guys or big guys’ small accounts are hidden.

Li Er looked deeply at the wild figure like a cheetah or a wolf.

Now it seems that the other party is still in the stage of recovering strength.

He has not reached his former height.

He looked at the second piece of information again. The ruins mentioned by Bettina are not simple. Only life above level 16 can survive.

This is not an ordinary danger, no wonder the other party would invite him.

After calming down, he said slowly.

"Ms. Bettina, I am also curious about the ruins. But I am busy with work at the moment, so I need to postpone it for a while."

"If I can finish it early, I will explore with you before the ruins are closed."

In three months, from level 11 to level 16, if you say it out, outsiders will only think it is a fairy tale.

What a joke? If the level is so easy to improve, then there won't be so few high-level combat power.

However, after having complete authority, these difficulties are not impossible.

Bettina sensed the sincerity in Li Er's tone, and her eyes also eased.

"It was my recklessness. If you can make it in time, we can talk about it later."

It is normal for the other party to be busy with affairs since he was able to build a powerful territory from scratch in just a few months.

Now the Hisham clan has only more than 10,000 people, and the daily government affairs have already given her a headache.

Lier nodded.

Changing the subject, he said.

"This time, at the request of Azaken, I also brought some armor produced in the City of Weirdo."

He looked at the leader of the barbarians.

"Azaken, go to Bubble Beast to get it."

"Yes, sir!"

The sturdy barbarian immediately turned around and left. A moment later, he returned with a dozen warriors carrying sets of armor.

Bettina looked at it with interest. The metallic luster was also very textured in the slightly dim hall.

He walked up and lifted a corner, rubbed it carefully, and exclaimed in admiration after a moment.

"Superior forging technology!"


"Sir Lear, how many armors can you provide for trading?"

The armor of the barbarians is cast according to normal humans.

2-star level, the forging difficulty is several levels lower than the armor of the spider woman - the volume is not the same concept.

Now that the blacksmith shop has skilled workers, it can produce in large quantities.

After a little hesitation, he said slowly.

"Our current production orders are full. If the Hisham clan needs it, it will have to wait until after December."

"At that time, the city of Wei Lu can provide 2,000 sets of armor as an initial trade."

The current production capacity is limited, the Night Shadow Clan needs to be supplied first, and he also needs to make a batch to open up the market in Lolan City.

The territory of the barbarians is not so important, so let's put it aside for now.

After two days, bring the thousands of big-eared people obtained from the Night Shadow Clan back to the territory, and then you can expand the production capacity for the second time.

Maybe it can be produced earlier.

Bettina nodded happily.

"That's great, we can accept it. Then, what about food?"

"Does your territory have any extra food for sale?"

Although there are no powerful enemies threatening the Hisham clan.

But with more than 10,000 people, they need a lot of food to fill their stomachs every day.

Relying on hunting alone, they have almost cleared out the large group of wild beasts within dozens of kilometers around.

Further away, the safety is reduced sharply, and ordinary barbarians dare not go deep.

The main source of food is the rhizome of a plant, which can be ground into powder and steamed with water for consumption.

The energy it can provide is no less than that of ordinary wheat.

But even so, the Hisham clan is now somewhat unsustainable.

Every time they go out to find food, they have to go dozens of kilometers away, which is a waste of time.

And the barbarians' control over farming is primitive and wild.

They have reclaimed a lot of land, but have not been able to produce any decent food.

In addition, they are constantly absorbing new barbarians, and now the tribe has begun to enter a state of deficit.

This is why she is in a hurry to open a trade channel.

If you want to build the main city of the barbarians, population is the most basic resource, and you can't give it up.

The days that are already stretched to the limit are even more difficult.

If this continues, perhaps in a year or two, the entire territory will not be able to hold on.

But since it is a main city, it must have a fixed location.

We can’t eat all the food here, so why don’t we just move to another place?

So aren't these walls and buildings in vain? According to the way of wandering in the past, I will never even think about building a main city in this life.

In that chaotic period in ancient times, she was a wandering lone wolf because she had no power to rely on, and was killed by the enemy at the critical moment of her final promotion.

In this life, she must let the barbarians rise and have their own power!

This situation must not continue!

His eyes were extremely firm.

Lear sensed the subtle changes in the other party's mood and felt a little emotional.

If he had not arrived in the swamp, he would have firmly developed agriculture and made Weilu City self-sufficient in food.

Now I am afraid that I will be like the other party, begging to buy food with a bit of caution.

"Ms. Bettina, since the barbarians are our friends, we must support them."

"Although the food in Weilu City is not much, I am willing to use some of it to trade with the Hisham clan."

"Thank you for your kindness and generosity. The Hisham clan will remember it in our hearts! Barbarians never forget the friendship of friends."

"There is no need to be so polite. I will send someone to discuss the specific transaction price tomorrow. By the way, there are some barbarians in Weilu City who have stayed for a long time. It is time to send them home."

"In addition, you can assign Azaken to be stationed in Weilu City to act as a trade representative, so that we can communicate in a timely manner in the future."

"Your Excellency has thought carefully, let's move on."

After Li Er had an in-depth communication with the boss with short hair, a ladylike tone and sharp eyes for a while, he saw the sky gradually dimming from the corner of his eye.

"Ms. Bettina, today's conversation is over for now. I have to return to the territory."

"Tomorrow, the first batch of food will arrive at the Hisham clan."

"I will also bring back the remaining barbarians."

"In the future, I hope our friendship will last forever."

The value of the Hisham clan is much lower than that of the Yeying clan, but they can't bear the ancient soul hidden in this barbarian chief.

Once it breaks out, it can kill a demigod!

Moreover, he was also very interested in the ruins.

Plant a hook first and come back later.

Bettina nodded slightly, staring at him with those aggressive eyes.

"In that case, there's no need to save much. I look forward to your caravan arriving tomorrow."

Both parties were decisive people. After a few words of greeting, they stopped staying. Lear turned and left the rough hall.

Back to the square.

Under the nervous gazes of the surrounding barbarians, he waved his hand and took off with the big devil and the bubble beast.

The next moment, a dozen huge falcons flew from all directions, leading them away from the Hisham clan.

In the hall.

After hearing the news from her subordinates that Lear and his party had flown out of the city, Bettina couldn't help but look at Azaken.

"Is Lord Lear's territory really as extraordinary as you say?"

Although he was generous with his words of praise just now, Lear was a little vague in many places.

The new senior officials of the Hisham clan who came around were also curious and looked at each other with burning eyes.

Azaken's face showed some complexity and he spoke in a low tone.

"Lord Chief, the real Weilu City is more extraordinary than what I said."

"Lord Lear, you really built a powerful territory in just over 3 months!"

"Residents live and work in peace and contentment, agricultural products are abundant, and industry is expanding rapidly."

"The army is strong, with heavy cavalry, swarms of man-eating bees flying in the sky, as well as naga, demons, and night elves."

"The heroes are even more powerful. The six big demons who came this time are only part of them!"

The more he spoke, the more excited his tone became.

"And did you know, Lord Chief? In the City of Weilu, all knowledge is free!!"

"Lord Lear sent the Swamp Banshee to spread knowledge to the residents every night. Everyone can attend the lectures and learn. I repeat, everyone can learn, even slaves who have just joined the City of Dew!!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that in the current Weilu City, except for the newcomers who have only joined in the past half month, there are no illiterate residents. Almost all residents can write hundreds or thousands of common characters and can read most of them. of books.”

"And the food in Weilu City is now filled with several granaries, and the territory is still reclaiming more land for planting. There is no need to worry about food at all."

"In the swamp, mud and water are mixed, and it is almost impossible to find clean spring water. But the life that has just transported the cargo ore can filter the clean water and provide a clean and delicious water source for the entire territory."

"There is also a large-scale breeding of three-tailed pigs, and the breeding area has been expanded to hundreds of acres of fish farms."

Azaken continued to talk until his mouth went dry, and then he vented some of the long-suppressed emotions in his heart.

Who can understand him?

I witnessed the establishment of such a magnificent territory from scratch and personally participated in most of its deeds.

But all this can only be kept in my heart. Now that I see my own people, I finally have someone to talk to.

At first, the surrounding Hisham clan were skeptical and even a little disdainful, but when they heard what happened, their faces became increasingly ugly, and finally they fell into silence completely.

Hearing the other party say this, how come the territory they have managed for several years is not as good as the one that the human lord has managed for a few months? !

Before, they were quite proud of their barbarian main city, but now after comparing it, they just feel that everything is wrong.

Abundant food, strong and sharp armor and weapons, a strong army, high-level heroes, and a large number of knowledgeable residents. This is the territory they dream of, right?

Bettina noticed that the crowd was somewhat disintegrating and took a deep breath.

Lord Lear, you have given me a difficult problem.

After calming down, he swept his aggressive eyes around, forcing everyone to subconsciously turn their heads to the side.

The voice of not allowing disobedience slowly sounded.

"Every race has its own opportunities. What we can do is to seize what we have now, rather than doubt, be discouraged, or retreat."

"Since the other party is better, then we will learn from them. Even if we can't do as well as they do, we will become better."

"Remember, we are doing something that has never been done before - building our barbarian main city in the wilderness!"

"Since we are pioneers, we must face all kinds of difficulties!"

"We are pioneers, so we must wade through these thorns!"

"Raise your head and keep fighting!"

Simple words with strong fighting spirit are like a tonic, which immediately injects energy into everyone.

One by one, they are refreshed and look at Bettina. Her wild figure is like the head wolf leading them to hunt, ferocious and full of charm!

This is their chieftain, their leader!

Without the other party, the barbarians are still wandering in the wilderness, and it is impossible for them to own this magnificent city that they never dared to think of before!

The other party will definitely lead the barbarians to glory!

Everyone beat their chests with their right hands, with a firm tone.

"The barbarians will surely rise!!"

When Lear returned to the City of Wisdom, the moon was already high in the sky.

The clanging sound of forging still echoed over the territory.

Looking back, the blacksmith shop was still brightly lit.

He did not hesitate and landed directly in the yard of the blacksmith shop with the bubble beast.

Then unloaded!

Two hundred bubbles, thousands of tons of ore.

It poured into the yard like thunder.

Instantly, a mountain of ore appeared, splashing dust all over the sky.

Ore is a stone that has not been smelted, and it does not need to be carefully preserved. It can be piled anywhere.

Hearing the noise, a large group of people curiously poked their heads out of the doors and windows of the five buildings of the blacksmith shop.

Seeing this pile of ore, they were a little surprised.

Wow, such a high mountain, how many weapons can be forged? !

Soon, Bain, who was inspecting the blacksmith shop, and Brin, the leader of the Fry people, came together.

After seeing Li Er, he saluted with great surprise.

"Good night, sir"

After Brin stood up, he immediately looked at the piles of ore, and after a slight perception, his eyes were full of color.

"This concentration of magic power is definitely 4-star ore!"

"Sir, this, this is too much!!"

How can 4-star ore be piled up by the mountain!

Compared with the previous Abyss Magic Iron and Scarlet Magic Iron, this is a real ore mountain.

Li Er smiled.

"This is just the beginning, there will be more in the future."

He looked at Bain.

"I have established relations with the Night Shadow Clan and the Barbarian Tribe, the Hisham Clan."

"Early tomorrow morning, you send Brando, the president of the White Crow Chamber of Commerce, to the two territories again."

"Trading with the Hisham Clan requires food, so have someone prepare it in advance."

"The Night Shadow Clan doesn't lack anything, so we can send them the weapons after they are forged. I have already talked to their priests, and the thousand big-eared slaves in their territory have also been sent to us, and we will bring them back tomorrow."

"Send all the bubble beasts to pick them up and don't waste time on the road."

"I will let the big demon and the scarlet wasp escort to ensure safety."

Today's outing was fruitful, and we established direct contact with the two territories.

The next trade can be carried out normally.

What restricts him now is not the outside, but the productivity constraints of the blacksmith shop.

Thinking of this, he looked at Brin.

Now he only has about 30 Frey people, it would be great if he could get 300. He will go to Loran City at the end of the month to see if he can buy some Frey slaves.

He likes these lives so much.

The swamp hero responded with a happy face.

"I will arrange it later."

After saying that, he seemed to have thought of something, his face became a little solemn, and he said softly.

"My lord, the Hall of Valor has been built and can be officially opened tomorrow."

"In addition, the criteria for judging the medal of honor have also been improved. We have selected the first batch of people to be awarded the medal, and we need your confirmation."

Lear's face was a little subtle again. After building for so long, it was finally completed.

The Hall of Valor is a place to worship and commemorate the fallen soldiers.

In the future, the key battles of the city of Wei Lu will be engraved in it for the residents to admire.

Those heroes who sacrificed will also leave their names with these battles.

This is definitely an important building to unite people's hearts and morale.

Who doesn't want to leave their names behind after their sacrifice to be admired by future generations and make their descendants proud?

"Tomorrow morning, the Hall of Heroes will be officially opened. At the same time, the awarding ceremony will be held in front of the Hall of Heroes."

"And give a hero badge to every soldier who sacrifices for the territory."

"This medal is unique and can only be obtained by fallen soldiers. If there are people at home, this medal will be awarded to their relatives."

As buildings are completed one by one, systems are improved one by one.

The empty territory is gradually being filled. (End of this chapter)

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