Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 144 Night Shadow Clan

After reading the intelligence, Li Er was in a very good mood.

He immediately stood up and called the big demons, and directly handed the task to them.

Let these high-level heroes bring back the man-eating vines, thumb white-bellied snakes, and fog grass.

Now that the power in his hands is strong, there is no need to wait until daytime to act.

A 15th-level big demon with 4-star potential is an absolute high-level force in the wilderness.

And they are proficient in space power, so they can retreat calmly even if they encounter any unpredictable dangers.

The big demon only needs to rest for one or two hours a week to maintain his condition. After receiving the order, he immediately took the bubble beast and set off directly.

This made the bubble beast, who loves to sleep late, grumble a little aggrieved.

As magical life forms, these chubby little guys don’t need to use sleep to restore their strength. They just like to sleep.

Li Er fell asleep after a brief explanation.

October 15th, early morning.

He woke up from his sleep, washed up, and just went down from the top floor to the city hall, he saw several big demons and bubble beasts waiting.

Li Er immediately became alert and looked at it intently.

Several huge bubbles were floating in the air. The five bubbles on the far left contained dozens of thorny vines that were still wriggling.

You can clearly feel their vigorous breath of life.

The two on the far right were covered with blue-gray backs and pure white bellies. They were only the length of a thumb and looked more like small snakes like insects.

Thumb-shaped white-bellied snakes!

The big demon took them back!

Li Er looked at it with great interest.

The attribute panel appeared in his mind.

Man-eating vines

[Level]: 2 stars

[Features]: Strangling, after finding prey, it will quickly gather branches to strangle.

Carnivorous, swallowing flesh and blood can gain growth.

Root cutting, as long as the roots are still there, it will not die, and the vines can grow quickly after being cut off.

[Evaluation]: Unique life in the swamp.

Thumb White-bellied Snake

[Level]: 2 stars

[Features]: Highly toxic, fangs contain nerve poison, biting the enemy can directly destroy its nerves.

Bounce, after the body is arched, it can bounce up to 20 meters high.

[Evaluation]: The fangs contain ferocious venom, which can easily kill hundreds of people.

Man-eating vines and thumb white-bellied snakes are both 2-star life forms.

Each has its own strengths.

Lear was quite satisfied.

This death zone on the edge of the swamp, there will soon be two more deadly killers?

And whether it is man-eating vines or thumb-sized venomous snakes, they are very confusing and easy to hide.

Looking at the life that is still struggling in the bubble.

Lear's eyes moved slightly, and the majestic aura in his body escaped, and the divine power rolled into the bubble.

In a moment, these lives were branded by him, and they had no ability to resist.

Tomorrow, they can be placed in a selected area and cultivated vigorously.

Judging from the current situation, it is obviously unrealistic to want to arrange the death zone in the entire sludge swamp in a short period of time.

The best way is to focus on cultivating seeds in one area first, and then extend it in other directions after it is formed.

Just after finishing here, a big demon next to him handed over a half-meter-tall wild grass with broad leaves, a faint grassy scent, and branches as thick as a thumb.

Thick fog grass

[Level]: 3 stars

[Features]: 1. Surrounded by fog, attracting magic power from all around, creating a thick fog area.

2. Lost, the thick fog has the characteristic of disorientation, and the perception will be greatly reduced when entering it.

3. Growing in groups, planted together with other thick fog grasses, the effect of the thick fog created will be greatly improved.

[Evaluation]: Behind every thick fog, there are hidden secrets.

3 stars-thick fog grass!

Lear's interest was immediately raised.

This is a good thing.

There are 3 characteristics, each of which is very useful.

If it can be planted on a large scale, then the thick fog swamp he envisioned will have a place.

The mist grass I got from the half-fish man before has the effect of making people crazy. If it is mixed with it and planted, it can make people crazy and lose their way.

This fucking doesn't need any extra things to make people crazy.

Lear thought of that picture and felt quite comfortable.

But the premise is that it needs a certain scale.

At present, this one plant can't play any role.

But isn't it a coincidence? The green grass grandma is used to cultivate plant life.

And it is a swamp exclusive created by the swamp god.

In a high mood, he immediately asked someone to call Bain.

When the swamp hero arrived, he immediately informed the other party of the characteristics of these items, and finally said.

"Let's build a forbidden area first, put these poisonous insects and poisonous grasses in it, and then gradually expand in other directions after they are cultivated and mature."

"Let the green grass grandma cooperate with the action."

Bain was also very excited when he saw these good things. After responding, he couldn't wait to go down and make arrangements.

Lear looked at the other party's hurried back and felt a little touched. This guy is really a perfect executor.

Every order he issued was almost 100% executed by the other party.

The growth of the City of Wisdom is inseparable from Bain's efforts.

After finishing his work here, Lear went straight to the blacksmith shop.

Yesterday he had ordered to go out today, so the equipment he wanted to take away had already been prepared.

The spider demon was waiting at the door early.

Seeing Lear, he immediately smiled brightly and strode forward to salute respectfully.

"Good day, Lord Lear, greetings to you."

Lear nodded slightly, and when he looked over, he found that this creature with a spider body in the lower half and a human body in the upper half was now wearing a set of black armor.

The metal with a cold light covered it from head to toe.

It looked like an elite.

Obviously, this was a masterpiece of the blacksmith shop.

Lear nodded with satisfaction.

It was so good to be a Frey man even though it was a temporary rush job.

He looked at the armor with a little curiosity.

Spider Armor (Spider Banshee Exclusive)

[Level]: 2 stars

[Features]: 1. Strong, defense increased by 50%, and damage reduced by 20%.

2. Light and heavy, the armor fits the wearer completely, and the wearer only needs to bear half of the weight. At the same time, the armor inscription can also be activated to increase the weight of the armor by 50%.

[Evaluation]: Armor specially forged for the Spider Banshee.

Compared with the heavy rock armor, its properties are very ordinary, and there is no comparison.

He looked down on it, but for the life in the wilderness, it is definitely a high-end product!

The first attribute alone - reducing the damage received by 20%, and the armor increasing the defense by 50% can be called a magic weapon.

In the battle, if the level difference between the two sides is not big, wearing this armor will definitely be a crushing victory!

Li Er looked at the Spider Banshee's impatient eyes and smiled.

"We will set off immediately. I am also very curious about your Night Shadow Clan."

"Don't worry, we will not let you down!"

The Spider Banshee vowed.

The armor on her body made her feel confident.

This time back, it must be a great achievement.

This is a full set of armor. How precious is it in the wilderness? !

With these armors, they no longer have to worry about the monsters in the space rift.

This is a treasure for the territory to settle down!

Li Er nodded, and without saying much, he summoned the big demon and bubble beast.

This time, he brought a total of 6 big demons and 20 bubble beasts.

In addition to the barbarian leader Azaken.

At that time, he will also visit the barbarian tribe.

The Night Shadow Clan is 400 kilometers away from the swamp, and it will take a lot of time to bring ground troops.

Only the flying army can return tonight.

30 sets of spider armor were transported to the bubbles, with 3-star weapons suitable for them.

At the same time, 30 sets of armor that ordinary humans can wear were also brought to trade with the barbarians.

After loading, Li Er was not vague.

With a slight movement of his mind, a faint mist emanated from the cloak behind him.

The whole person flew in the air.

The bubble beast spit out bubbles, sat in it, and floated with the people and goods.

The big demon is the most direct, and it can rise to the sky by flapping its wings.

Seeing this, Li Er waved his hand and led the team to fly out of the swamp.

Watching the scenery below gradually retreat, he felt a little heroic.

Flying feels completely different from traveling on the surface.

What humans have been extremely eager for for millions of years, he can do it easily at this moment.

The charm of the fantasy world.

A 400-kilometer journey is definitely not short in the wilderness. If you walk, ten days is considered a normal speed.

Flying does not have so many restrictions and can be free.

The bubble beast controls the bubble. The flying speed is not fast, but it can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour.

So by noon, it has flown nearly 400 kilometers away from the swamp.

There are many wilderness monsters on the way, but Li Er did not plan to hunt, and left in a flash.

Finally, when the sun became hot, the spider banshee riding the bubble was shocked and pointed to a towering forest hundreds of meters ahead.

"My lord, the Night Shadow Clan is in the depths of the forest. We are here!"

The tone was full of excitement.

This time he did not disappoint the high priest's expectations and completed the task perfectly!

Once the trade is successfully carried out, the Night Shadow Clan will be able to calm the crisis.

This is a matter of life and death.

After flying for several hours, Lear was a little tired.

He nodded and waved his hand to let the army descend.

A group of people landed on the ground.

In front of them was a forest of about 20 meters high, standing unevenly on the ground.

Standing on the edge, you can see large white spider webs between the tree trunks.

Densely packed, as if pulled randomly with hemp rope, giving a strong visual impact.

Even the most nervous people would not dare to step into it when seeing this scene.

The spider demon's eyes rose a little kind.

Raised his head.


A low hissing sound came from his mouth.

The sound was extremely penetrating and instantly entered the forest.

In a moment, the same sound came from the depths of the forest.

The spider demon was overjoyed and whispered softly.

"Sir, please wait a moment, someone will come to greet you soon."

Not long after, there was a rustling sound of footsteps and friction.

There was a lot of movement in the deep forest.

From a distance, you can see a large area of ​​trees shaking.

Lear watched it all silently.

The shaking gradually approached, and a large spider web in front was lifted up.

A giant spider with a height of 5 meters appeared in sight.

This spider did not have the upper body of a human, it was simply an enlarged version of a spider.

Hideous mouthparts, thick limbs, and needle-like hair all over the body.

This is a ferocious and terrifying monster.

Appearing in the territory of the pioneer lord will definitely cause panic and riots.

But what is surprising is that there is a saddle behind this giant spider for riding.

Lear was amazed.

Using spiders as mounts? !


After the first giant spider appeared, a dozen smaller giant spiders and hundreds of spider banshees followed.

The giant spider stopped at the edge of the abyss, and the spider banshee approached.

The leading spider banshee was delighted when she saw the spider banshee beside Lear and the equipment in the bubble of the bubble beast.

There was a sizzling sound in her mouth.

The spider banshee beside her also made a sound to talk to it.

After a while, the leader of the spider banshee strode forward, her forelimbs bent to the ground, her right hand on her chest, and saluted with a respectful gesture.

"Respected Lord Li Er, the Night Shadow Clan welcomes you."

"Please take the black-spotted spider to our base."

Lier glanced at the leader, who was level 12 and a 3-star hero.

It was a good existence.

At the same time, he did not sense any malice in the other party.

On the contrary, he was mostly curious.

He was also a little curious about riding a spider, nodded, and responded.

He turned over and sat on the back of the big spider in the front.

The Bubble Beast and the Big Demon also had arrangements, each sitting on a slightly smaller black-spotted spider.

After sitting firmly, the army immediately turned around and entered the forest.

Lier saw clearly that the spider banshee behind him spit out spider silk from her abdomen again, sealing the dense forest again.

This is a natural barrier.

He thought about whether to ask them for some small poisonous spiders and then put them on the edge of the swamp.

Spiders and swamps seem to be more perfect.

The environment in the dense forest is quiet, but the spider webs everywhere ruin the viewing experience.

But for the spider banshees, this place is obviously more comfortable.

After walking for about two hours, after passing through an area covered with spider webs, the view in front of them suddenly opened up.

In front of them was a wide grassland, covering a kilometer.

Ten giant trees with a height of more than 100 meters took root on it.

The crowns of the giant trees extended and covered everything around.

What was even more amazing was that these 10 giant trees were woven together by a huge spider web.

At this moment, on the spider web, spider banshees climbed back and forth on the spider silk.

Above the treetops, it was completely a spider nest.

This was an aerial city built on a spider web with a big tree as its foundation.

Standing below and looking up, it gave people a very strong visual impact.

The barbarian sitting behind another black-spotted spider had his legs weak at this moment.

He could imagine how spectacular the scene would be once these monsters launched an attack.

Compared to the territories of these spider-like people, the barbarians simply couldn't look at them.

Sensing the arrival of outsiders, the spider banshees in the air stopped one by one and looked down.

Seeing the figure behind the giant spider, they showed curiosity.

Who is this, the human that the priest said?

At this moment, a group of spider banshees came from under the big tree in front.

The pattern on the body of the leader was faintly silver, giving people an inexplicable sense of nobility.

When the other party approached, hundreds of spider banshees on the side held their chests and bowed their heads.


In the Night Shadow Clan, the priest is in charge of all affairs of the territory.

Most other spider tribes are the same.

The pale silver spider priest strode forward and looked at Li Er at the first time.

There was a bit of astonishment on his face, and then there was a panic on his old face.

He knelt down suddenly on the ground.

He lowered his head, and his posture was extremely humble.

"Your Majesty, Fel Night Shadow, welcome to your arrival."

Lear narrowed his eyes.

What did this old spider notice?

"It seems that I underestimated you, Lord Fel."

As soon as the words came out, the other party's body trembled violently.

He lowered his head more and more.

"Your Majesty, I only rely on some lowly blood to get a glimpse of you."

"I dare not blaspheme you."

The spider banshees around were all looking at this scene in astonishment.

Although they have always heard the priest say that the territory in the swamp is extraordinary and can bring them great changes.

But they didn't expect that the priest they respected, who had led the Night Shadow clan to glory countless times, would be so humble when he saw the controller of that force. (End of this chapter)

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