Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 134: The Naga King awakens, and new forces join

Lear left the blacksmith shop with full expectations.

When he was about to go back to rest, he suddenly heard a cheer from outside.

He turned his head curiously and found that it was the Swamp Banshee who had finished her class and began to clean up the stage for a new round of drama performances.

Although the Swamp Banshee has been upgraded to the maximum level 12, reaching the potential upper limit of 3 stars.

But for the emotional harvest of performing dramas, she still enjoys it.

She has to perform once every one or two days.

And with her unique immersive singing, she can always give the residents below a perfect viewing experience.

Interestingly, after several attempts, the Swamp Banshee will intentionally or unintentionally dilute the residents' previous memories of the drama in her singing.

As a result, every time, the residents seem to be watching the performance for the first time.

Still maintain a high level of curiosity and enthusiasm.

However, this time is different from the past. Tonight is the first original drama.

The birth of a hero.

The main plot is that an outsider accidentally became a member of the City of Wispy Dew. From the beginning, he did not recognize the territory and even wanted to escape at any time.

Unexpectedly, by some strange coincidence, he became a soldier.

On the way, he fell in love with a beautiful and pure girl.

After going through all kinds of difficulties, he not only transformed into a heroic unit, but also became the backbone of the army.

In the end, he perfectly married the beauty and had a happy ending.

The content was expanded a lot by the Swamp Banshee, and it can be called a flesh-and-blood story.

Many of them are about praising the territory and the lord.

At the same time, it also mixes a lot of difficulties encountered in the construction of the territory and the sacrifice of the army.

Although the arrangement time is not long, there are no loopholes, and it is close to life, which instantly pulls the crowd into the state.

I read it with relish.

Even the proud night elves are completely immersed in it.

The mood fluctuates with the various encounters of the protagonist.

This story is very exciting, and there are many propaganda contents in it. Anyone who finishes reading it will have a strong liking and sense of belonging to the City of Witness.

The effect of this kind of culture will not forcibly change people's ideas, but the subtle changes are more thorough and silent.

Cultural victory!

After watching for a while, Lear suddenly seemed to sense something and was refreshed.

He immediately summoned the big devil and asked him to send him to the pig farm.

After landing, he did not hesitate and moved his mind.

A burst of scarlet emanated from all around.

The land was covered with flesh and blood, and the smell of blood was pungent. The scarlet rotten meat land reappeared under the starry sky.

Lear stepped into it and his eyes immediately locked on a large group of figures in the central area.

The Naga and the Naga King, who were eroded by the scarlet power, had completed the last step of transformation at this moment.

Looking intently, hundreds of three-meter-tall corrupted Nagas stood tall.

The blood-red eyes were cold and dead, staring at each other, without feeling any breath of life, like a statue.

The snake tail of the lower body arched up, supporting the upper body, and the waist was straight and majestic.

Large patches of blood spots were irregularly distributed on the snake body, giving people a strong visual stimulation.

The muscles of the four arms were bulging high, as if they were made of metal, filled with an unspeakable sense of power, and could burst out a fatal attack at any time.

No need for action, just a glance from a distance, you can feel the ferocity and brutality of these lives.

The 12th-level high-level soldiers are definitely not weak.

If the cold-blooded cavalry did not wear the heavy armor of the rock, with an almost overwhelming advantage in equipment, the previous battle would never be so easy.

Li Er slightly sensed that the number of corrupted Nagas reached 320.

This is definitely a force that cannot be underestimated.

But the most eye-catching is the figure in the central area, which exudes a violent aura.

The king of Naga!

3.5 meters tall, a head taller than the ordinary corrupted Naga.

The momentum on his body is even more fierce.

This is the king of Naga, even without the crown, it still makes people tremble.

Li Er can clearly feel the changes in the other party at this moment.

Half-undead life.

There is no breath of normal life.

Instead, the energy of the dead lingers around his body.

It feels even more terrifying.

A level 15 hero, two months ago, this level was still unimaginable to him.

Not to mention slavery, even if he saw him from a very far distance, he would flee immediately, for fear that the other party would find out.

In Loran City, a hero of this level is at least the deputy commander of a 10,000-man army.

A well-deserved big shot.

But now, he grabbed a handful of them, and it seemed that he had no sense of preciousness at all.

Li Er tasted the taste and felt a little emotional.

Perhaps, this is the feeling of getting rich?

The Naga King sensed Li Er's breath and immediately moved closer.

When he was ten meters away, he immediately lowered his head and supported his chest.

"Great Lord, Dodoru, your humble servant salutes you!"

Li Er came back to his senses, stared at this level 15 Naga hero, and nodded with satisfaction.

The opponent's combat power is definitely not low.

If one's own strength does not reach a certain level, even with the blessing of the 4-star Brilliant Crown, it is impossible to resist the siege of 8 high-level heroes for so long.

While thinking, his mind moved slightly.

The Scepter of Destruction under the earth surged away.

Li Er held the scepter and handed it to the opponent.

"You will continue to control the Scepter of Destruction. In the future, I hope you can become the fangs of my slightly exposed city and tear apart all enemies!"

The Naga King took it with both hands and spoke in a high voice.

"Your will is above all else!"

Lear smiled happily.

"In the future, you will continue to lead the Naga Army, stationed in the Land of Scarlet Carrion, and guard the pig farm for me."

With a fierce army in hand, I felt even more at ease.

The layout doesn’t have to be as cramped as before.

As one of the cores of his future plans, the pig farm must be garrisoned by an army.

Otherwise, if a wild monster suddenly rushes from the wilderness and kills all the pigs, the loss will be huge.

After the King of Nagas was successfully transformed, the number of level 15 heroes in Lear's hands reached an astonishing 8!

Plus the level 13 Flesh Slayer and the level 14 Two-Headed Ogre Chief.

There is also Kalanis, who has just taken control of a part of the tyrannical power and gained divinity.

The high-level combat power in his hand jumped to 11.

Compared with before, it is completely different.

This doesn't include the level 12 Scarlet Queen, and the barren tomb who is not good at charging from the front.

Both of them rely on their subordinates to cause huge amounts of damage, and their own combat effectiveness is not so critical.

However, as the strength increases, the enemies of Weilu City become more and more powerful.

Consider him a mortal enemy

Demigod - Lord of stink and flies.

The Grand Duke of the Abyss - a tyrannical monarch.

Neither of these two is easy to get along with.

Although they both fell silent for a short time, it is conceivable that the two of them must be planning how to take revenge day and night.

Once he takes action, it will be shocking.

Comrades still need to work hard.

Lear took a deep breath and turned back to his territory.

The next day, October 7th.

The territory was peaceful and calm.

He did not arrange any combat missions today, but asked the Scarlet Queen to continue hunting in the wilderness with the bee swarm.

He always felt that the energy reserves in the Scarlet Carrion Land were not enough to consume, and he felt empty without the corpses in his account.

Flying beings can come and go freely, and are very fast, so they are not afraid of any accidents.

On the other side, Kalanis rode a swamp giant-horned deer early in the morning and went with two big demons around the swamp to explore the lost heart of the tyrannical monarch.

There is still a part of tyrannical authority hidden there.

It has to be said that whether it is the heart of the evil god or the tyrannical power, its value is immeasurable.

No matter which one it is, it is worth investing a lot of resources to find it.

The only news currently known is that its heart is in a space sandwiched in the swamp.

The rules of the main plane are strong and stable, and the space is equally solid.

Some space mezzanines are hidden in areas that are difficult to peek into, and cannot be discovered at all without breaking the surrounding space.

In the end, Kalanis could only use the most unpretentious method. Let the big devil use the power of space to search step by step.

Although the silt swamp is hundreds of kilometers in diameter, it covers a large area.

But hard work will not fail those who work hard. If you search every area carefully, you will always find it.

And this matter can only be done by Kalanis herself, and outsiders cannot sense the aura of authority.

Others were busy, and Lear was not idle either.

Get started on some accumulated government affairs.

As the territory expanded, the number of people increased, and the stall became bigger, things in all aspects immediately became more numerous.

Fortunately, these days, Bain has begun to increase the manpower in various departments, and the administrative system has begun to operate.

He doesn't need to take care of some trivial matters. He is only responsible for some key decisions.

The process of handling government affairs also gave him a more detailed understanding of the progress of the territory.

After the farmland was harvested, a new round of sowing began. It is expected that the second batch of wheat will be harvested by the end of November or early December.

In terms of food, things are booming.

The first batch of chicks from the red-headed golden pheasant have hatched and are growing well.

It is expected that in two months, the chickens will grow into adult roosters that can produce wings.

At that time, the production of thorn arrows will no longer be restricted.

On the pig farm, the three-tailed pig cubs are inflating like balloons, the same every day.

It can grow to nearly 800 kilograms in one and a half months, so you can imagine how exaggerated it is.

For this reason, the staff of the pig farm had to apply for additional manpower, and at the same time began to expand the scale of colorful moss planting.

The dragon blood red fish fry have grown to palm length and are being distributed to new fish farms for breeding.

The number of seven to eight thousand fish greatly increased the scale of the fish farm.

The first batch of dragon blood red fish is expected to be produced in December.

There are also fry that are hatching in a steady stream.

It is worth mentioning that the giant pitcher plant brought back earlier grew to a height of two meters after more than a month of rapid growth.

Nectar production has begun inside.

Perhaps in a few months, we will be able to see the 4-meter-tall giant pitcher plant reappear.

By then, mass production of high-sweetness sugar will no longer be a dream.

The development in all aspects of the territory is very good.

In this way, two days later, the time came to October 9th.

The dozen or so people from the White Crow Chamber of Commerce have completely integrated into the territory in just a few days.

Brando thought he was well-informed, but he was still a little surprised by Weilu City.

For the first time, he felt that the territory established in the wilderness could be so comfortable.

Although the supplies here are very scarce, some basic necessities of life are hard to come by.

But other aspects are very rich.

First of all, housing. Each of them is assigned a residence, and there is no embarrassing thing of sleeping on the street.

And these buildings woven with vines are very magical.

Not only are they cool during the day and warm at night, but they can also regulate the humidity in the air, so that the house can be kept in the most comfortable state, and it will not feel damp because of being in the swamp.

What's more exaggerated is that these vines even have a strong sound insulation effect!

No matter how noisy the movement outside is, it can't be transmitted into the house.

It's simply a miracle.

This makes living in it extremely comfortable, and even Brando feels that it is not worse than the residence of the legendary wizard covered by magic circles all day long!

More importantly, everyone can enjoy these houses! !

Who can I go to for justice? !

Secondly, the food problem.

Although other supplies are scarce, there is no shortage of food here.

The territory will arrange the distribution uniformly, and every resident can eat hot food.

No one will go hungry.

Sufficient food and safe housing provide the most basic guarantee for the residents.

Then came his extremely surprising mental outlook.

All the people in Wei Lu City were in high spirits, full of energy and fighting spirit.

This was extremely abnormal.

Because even in Luo Lan City, the largest city in the North, there are still a large number of people who are weak, numb and depressed.

They are the bottom of society, and no one cares about their life or death.

But in Wei Lu City, there are no such people, and no such people can be found.

The two are particularly eye-catching in contrast.

This is not something that can be explained by the size of the territory. It's not that he has not been to other pioneering lords' territories.

But as long as there is a scale of one or two thousand people, the mental outlook of its residents will be similar to that of Luo Lan City.

He didn't take it seriously before, and he had already gotten used to it.

But now seeing the residents of Wei Lu City, it suddenly dawned on him that the residents of the territory do not necessarily have to be in only one state.

They can also be full of fighting spirit and energy.

After observing for a few days, he found that the root of this was that in Wei Lu City, you can be a person.

Instead of an oppressed slave!

Lord, the rule implemented on the residents is inclusive and open.

Residents are treated as people, not as goods and livestock!

This is incredible in other territories.

Residents are called residents, but in the eyes of many lords and nobles, they are cattle and horses of the territory, and their only mission is to work for the territory.

It is a great blessing to be given two meals a day and not starve to death. Do you still want to be respected?

What a joke.

In the final analysis, ordinary residents without power are treated as slaves by the upper echelons.

Being enslaved all day long, naturally, you can't feel the vigorous vitality.

In Wei Lu City, it is completely the opposite. Livestock have become people!

They naturally have the vitality that talents have.

In order to develop the territory, is it better to use residents as livestock or as people?

He looked at the positive working attitude of the crowd, and thought of other territories where severe punishment was needed to drive residents to work. He had his own answer in his heart.

Brendel's respect for Lear became stronger as he got to know the City of Weak Dew more deeply.

When he learned that every night, there would be swamp banshees teaching knowledge to all residents for free.

He felt his scalp tingling.

His inner sense of identity with the City of Weak Dew instantly reached an extremely high level!

What is knowledge?

It is a precious wealth monopolized by the great nobles!

He was born in a humble family and his family was poor.

He didn't know how much energy he spent to learn to read. The suffering and humiliation he experienced made him still angry when he thought about it.

But it was precisely because he learned knowledge when he was young that he was able to create the White Crow Chamber of Commerce step by step.

And he has been running it for nearly 20 years!

It is because he has benefited from it and tasted hardships that he knows the value of knowledge.

But now, as long as you are a resident of the City of Weak Dew, regardless of your status, you can sit down and study! !

That precious knowledge, like pearls and gold, was just open to everyone.

When Brando saw the Swamp Siren on the stage for the first time, explaining the course to everyone, he was shocked beyond words.

At this moment, he understood

why this territory has developed so well.

Because their master has a unique mind, vision, and courage!

If it were him, could he teach everyone knowledge for free instead of taking control of it himself and establishing a greater ruling advantage?

He asked himself, he couldn't do it.

People are selfish. Why can such precious things be easily learned by the common people below?

Then all the suffering he had suffered before was in vain?

After analyzing his heart, he understood the difference between himself and the master of the City of Dew.

This kind of mind and courage is not of the same level.

He couldn't even peek at the height of the other party.

And the drama performance after the lecture made him unable to stop.

It was the first time Brando had seen this kind of performance.

He was directly addicted to it.

He was so excited watching the play entitled "The Birth of a Hero" that he could hardly extricate himself.

I even thought that this was real.

All the things in the drama also gave him a clearer understanding of the City of Weirdo. It turned out that the territory had experienced so many difficulties and sacrifices at the beginning.

And in order to build and protect the territory, the great lord has silently paid so much behind the scenes!

After the drama ended, looking at everything around, he was immediately filled with intimacy.

It seemed that at this moment, he was also a warrior who grew up with the territory and experienced countless wars and hardships.

The strangeness and estrangement of the City of Weirdo in his heart were quietly broken at this moment.

From then on, the lectures and dramas every night became an indispensable program for Brando.

Not only him, but also a dozen people from the White Crow Chamber of Commerce quietly integrated into the City of Weirdo.

In the end, they could even hug and laugh with the half-elves around them while watching the drama, and curse the evil of the villains with the halflings on one side.

The cultural atmosphere established by Lear himself, with its powerful assimilation power, quietly integrated these dozen humans.

The gap between them and other races was eliminated, and they became true residents of the city of Wei Lu.

And this unique power will continue to play a role in the future. (End of this chapter)

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