Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 122: Make another profit (5800 words)

After the first set of armor was successfully launched, the next step was to enter the large-scale production stage.

The Frye people used all the knowledge they inherited in production, and the effect was undoubtedly excellent and amazing.

They not only forged it themselves, but also perfectly assigned the workers who participated in the labor to do what and how to do it.

Even the cave dwellers and the Delsa people, who did not know how to forge, operated freely in this system without idling and wasting.

Under the guidance of Brin, Lear visited the blacksmith shop from beginning to end.

He had an intuitive understanding of the whole process and a new understanding of the power of the Frye people, a race cursed by the gods.

The ore was smelted from the beginning to produce the first portion of crude iron, and then after a unique treatment, it had to enter the second and third smelting.

After the third smelting was completed, it was handed over to the ancient tree guardian for violent hammering to remove impurities.

After the hammering was completed, it was smelted again. The whole process involves dozens of steps.

The means used are also different.

There are not only physical hammering and furnace smelting, but also magic engraving and magic baptism.

Lear was deeply moved.

No wonder high-level weapons are difficult to forge, and even some small forces may not be able to produce them even if they get high-level ores.

There are too many knowledge points involved.

Simply smelting the ore and forging it into a weapon can only bring out the most basic characteristics.

The Frye people can bring the performance of the material to the extreme.

Now the 3-star level rock armor is just forged with ordinary iron ore, which can explain everything.

After the overall tour, Lear saw the evil ore piled up in the corner.

"How is your research on the abyss magic iron ore? Do you have any ideas for forging?"

When talking about this topic, Brin immediately became energetic.

For a blacksmith, high-level ore is the lifeblood.

"The Abyssal Iron Ore contains unique evil energy, which requires a special forging method to activate. I am still researching it."

"But it won't take long. Once this batch of armor is produced, it should be ready."

The tone was firm.

"My Lord, the army of the City of Wisdom will definitely use the strongest armor and the sharpest weapons. I promise you with my life!"

The successful forging of the Rock Heavy Armor gave this Frey man a better understanding of the knowledge inheritance in his mind.

He has strong confidence in how to forge high-level weapons.

Lier smiled happily.

Very good, this is the attitude of "who else but me" that he wants.

"Okay, I look forward to seeing the birth of new weapons!"

"After this, you can design exclusive equipment for the Night Elves and the Ancient Tree Guardians."

"At the same time, try to simplify the forging process and produce some armor that ordinary humans can wear. We need to trade with the outside world in the later stage."

The layout and operation are all done bit by bit.

Now start first, plant the seeds, and then continue to cultivate, waiting for them to take root, sprout, mature and bear fruit.

Brin readily agreed.

For the Frye people, forging is their life. This is not a job, but a way for them to enjoy it.

Then he seemed to have thought of something and said hesitantly.

"My lord, there is another question. Can you let the Banshee teach us some knowledge of forging?"

"Our lectures are rather boring."

With the development of the blacksmith shop, there are more and more people, and some workers who lack basic knowledge give him a headache.

So he thought about opening a few classes to teach everyone some basic forging knowledge.

At least he doesn't have to arrange people for training for everyone.

But the ideal is good, but the effect is very poor.

Compared with the swamp banshee who can make people enter the learning state instantly, his lectures are dry, not to mention outsiders, even the Frye people themselves can fall asleep when listening.

He only held a lecture once and never did it again.

It's really embarrassing.

Hearing this, Lear also became interested.

The City of Dew does not restrict this behavior, but encourages it.

It's just that due to personal limitations, not everyone is suitable to be a teacher.

"I'll let the Swamp Banshee come to the blacksmith shop to study for a while, or assist you in teaching."

"You should sort out all the knowledge you want to impart, and it's best to compile it into a book and record it in writing."

Brin immediately agreed happily.

After Lear finished speaking, he also fell into thought.

It seems that it is urgent to revise the teaching.

With the deepening of learning, the basic knowledge has basically been taught, and everyone has their own strengths and hobbies.

The effect is obviously better if various subjects are separated and focused on teaching.

Pig farming, farming, forging, tailoring, territory planning, etc.

These are all seemingly simple industries with deep knowledge.

More professional talent training is needed.

But there is also a problem-lack of manpower.

There are only three Swamp Banshees, and they are too busy to teach so many courses.

And they have to go to war with the army from time to time.

Lear thought about it.

Then teach general knowledge on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and teach special courses on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday?

This is also a way.

However, this has a prerequisite, which is that the swamp banshees need to learn and master this professional knowledge first.

But Lear has no doubts about the learning ability of those banshees after this period of contact. On Earth, it would be easy to get a perfect score in the exam.

They are magical beings, and sometimes they are unreasonable.

Coming out of the blacksmith shop, Lear called for Bain.

Ask directly.

"The high-intensity operation of the blacksmith shop will need to be maintained for some time. Are there enough manpower for other industries in the territory?"

The wrinkled swamp hero said solemnly.

"My lord, there was a lot of shortcomings before, but after the arrival of halflings and half-elves, the gaps have been made up."

There are more than 800 people, which is not a small number for Weilu City.

"Half-elves are smarter and are naturally close to nature. I have arranged for them to manage farmland and feed dragon blood red fish."

"Halflings are mainly responsible for making bows and arrows."

"These freed manpower are now arranged to work in the blacksmith shop."

People are scattered here and there, making arrangements difficult.

But overall, everything is going in the right direction.

Nothing went wrong.

"Are there any other problems in this regard?"

Bain hesitated.

"As I said yesterday, half-elves are a little proud and do not actively obey orders. They are also somewhat resistant to integrating into the territory. Currently, only the orders of the night elves are good to them."

Lear nodded.

It's impossible to tell the difference between the big and small kings.

Just take some time to tidy up.

"I will arrange this matter."

After that, he changed the topic.

"Next, education needs to be reorganized and subdivided into deeper education."

"Divide the current key industries in Weilu City and teach them separately. However, this requires sufficient knowledge reserves in the early stage. You can set up a shelf first. If you can return to Luolan City later, we will buy some with corresponding knowledge. Slaves of knowledge and books.”

"In addition, the weapons production personnel in the blacksmith shop must also be optimized. Those who are willing to work here will be given priority, and those who are not willing will be assigned to other positions."

"But this is our most important production project at present, and we must maintain a scale of 1,000 people."

"In the future, it will also be long-term."

It is not easy to carry out arms trade. Now, if we raise the industry and workers in advance, we can start it directly when there is an opportunity.

Bain nodded immediately and began to think about how to adjust.

After the territory expanded, the impact of every decision became greater and greater, making him more cautious.

At this moment, two Delsa people came excitedly.

"Lord, the three-tailed pig at Lord Bain's farm has given birth!"

Lear's eyes lit up.

It has been almost two months since I got the three-tailed pig, and now it has finally given birth.

"How many babies have you given birth to?"

"They are still giving birth at the moment, and it is expected that they will all be born until noon."

The Horn of Plenty has a heaven-defying buff that prevents life from being difficult to give birth to.

This gave him no worries at all.

"Let's go and see together."

As he spoke, he remembered something again.

"Call Ait!"

The two-headed ogre chief is an expert in raising three-tailed pigs.

He would carry this thing with him even if he ran away for his life.

Three-tailed pigs are related to the future strategic development of the territory. Their giving birth means that the scale is about to expand.

After the arrival of the two-headed ogre chief, Lear didn't waste any time and asked several of them to get on their unicorn horses and quickly come to the breeding farm.

At this moment, about twenty Delsa people had entered the pig pen and were busy going back and forth inside.

Nowadays, the pig pen is completely managed by these beings whose upper bodies are covered with feathers.

The people of Delsa are honest and obedient, making them very suitable for the great career of raising pigs.

Seeing Lear's arrival, the busy crowd hurriedly saluted, but in an instant they had to go over to deliver the three-tailed pig.

Lear looked attentively, and saw that the side of the pigsty was piled with soft hay, and at this moment, the wet piglets were carried on it.

In a large line.

In a short while, the mucus on the piglets will dry up, and then these pink, tender, white and fat cubs will stand up staggeringly and start to walk tentatively.

The whole process only takes about ten or twenty minutes.

16 sows gave birth to piglets at the same time.

One after another, people in Delsa were so busy that they never touched the ground.

There are more and more pups on the hay.

It is not until noon that the last cub leaves the mother's belly.

After counting, the busy Delsa people reported a data to Lear that surprised him.

"Lord, these three-tailed pigs have given birth to a total of 260 cubs!!!"

260 heads?

Lear immediately looked at the two-headed ogre chief beside him.

"Aite, is the productivity of the three-tailed pig so high?"

The two-headed ogre chief was also quite surprised at this time.

"Master, the three-tailed pigs usually give birth to about 10 piglets every day, and there will never be too many more!"

"Now, on average, 16 cubs are born."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face looked a little strange.

"Perhaps it's because in the swamp, the three-tailed pig can eat enough?"

Materials are scarce in the Broken Star Plane, and it’s hard for people to have enough to eat, let alone pigs?

On weekdays, I save as much as I can on feeding, and I won’t let the other person eat at all.

It's different now. As long as the three-tailed pig is willing, there is fresh colorful moss to eat at any time.

Lear nodded. Sufficient food was one thing, but the Horn of Plenty probably also played a big role.

But no matter what, the far-exceeding-expected litter size still made him quite excited.

This means that the expansion speed of the three-tailed piglets will be even faster.

"Distinguish between male and female."


Soon, the statistics were counted again, and there were 30 boars and 230 sows.

This huge difference in data made Lear feel strange again.

The two-headed ogre chief saw his puzzled look and explained immediately.

"My lord, the three-tailed piglets have been struggling to survive for a long time, and can only produce more piglets to increase their survival rate."

"And boars can mate with dozens of sows at a time, so after a long period of evolution, the number of females is greater than that of males."

"At most, there may be only one boar in several litters."

"Now it is considered a lot. It must be because the environment is good here that the number of boars has increased."

Good guy, there is such a saying?

Sure enough, the environment is different, and ordinary experience can no longer be used to infer.

But anyway, 230 sows, at the current efficiency of giving birth.

The next round will produce 3,000 pigs.

If the ratio of males to females is still the same, the number will soar to tens of thousands in another round.

If it continues, it will be hundreds of thousands.

In half a year at most, the farm will usher in an explosion.

By then, there will be more pigs than people.

Thinking of that beautiful scene, Lear was in a good mood.

We have to increase the manpower of the pig farm and prepare in advance.

Otherwise, there will be thousands of pigs in the next round of births, and it will be difficult to take care of them.

With the Horn of Plenty, the growth cycle of the three-tailed piglets has been shortened to one and a half months.

After the number increases, just feeding every day is a huge workload.

It is not easy to maintain a large pig farm.

"After the three-tailed pigs grow to the upper limit, they can reproduce. After giving birth, the sows only need half a month to recover and enter the next birthing cycle."

The two-headed ogre chief is still explaining the characteristics of the three-tailed pigs to Li Er at this moment.

He was deeply moved by what he heard.

If there were three-tailed pigs on Earth, the price of pork would definitely be cheaper than cabbage.

This thing is too amazing when it grows.

No wonder the legends about the sub-planes in the main plane are mostly linked to wealth.

Not only ordinary wealth, but also the wealth brought by biodiversity is also considerable.

While Li Er was thinking, he seemed to have thought of something and asked softly.

"Et, do the ogres in the Broken Star plane all raise pigs?"

The two-headed ogre chief had a little pride on his face.

"Of course, three-tailed pigs are our specialty!"

"If you don't know how to raise them, you'll be laughed at."

The materials in the Broken Star Plane are very scarce, and three-tailed pigs are the only source of meat.

Extremely precious, most ogres have to learn how to raise pigs from a young age.

Whether the pigs are raised well or not is even related to finding a partner to reproduce in the future.

This is an important matter.

Li Er's eyes lit up slightly.

So, the manpower problem of the pig farm can be solved!

"After the dark Naga is pacified, we will march into the Broken Star Plane."

The eyes of the two-headed ogre chieftain immediately lit up.

There was some excitement on his face.

"Yes, master!"

The bastard who stole the throne would never have thought that he was still alive, right?

Even more unexpected, he was given supreme power by the master, right? !

Level 14, a level he dared not even dream of, but now he has reached it.

And it is so powerful!

Feeling the mechanical limbs extending like arms behind him, his eyes were full of madness and heat.

He even had absolute confidence that even if he returned to the Broken Star Plane alone, he could take back his things and execute that damned traitor!

Li Er also saw the other party's excitement, patted his shoulder and said nothing more.

Once the cold-blooded cavalry is fully armed, they can go out.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

After the dark Naga is eliminated, the next step is to control the swamp godhood and hunt flying dragons.

Take it step by step.

After calming down, looking at the busy pigsty again, Li Er did not stay for long and returned to the territory with everyone.

After letting Bain go down to work, he looked up at the sky and began to gather the army.

There is still one piece of information refreshed on September 15th that has not been completed-

The swamp giant deer herd will stay 25 kilometers southeast of the territory for half a month to forage for the fragrant mushrooms that only grow in September every year. After taking the mushrooms, they will have a hallucinogenic effect and fall asleep for half an hour at sunset.

Intelligence value-3 stars.

Swamp giant deer!

He has been watching these lives for a long time.

He has been delayed in the ruins for ten days, and the deadline of half a month is coming soon.

He must be one step ahead and catch those swamp giant horned deer.

He encountered swamp giant horned deer twice in the swamp, but due to his lack of strength, he could only drool at the other party.

Especially the 4-star swamp giant horned deer king, which looks very much like the mount of the Elf King in the movie Lord of the Rings.

And the appearance is even higher.

The wetland lizardmen also have their own swift lizards to ride.

Now, he can only ride a unicorn, but these ordinary lives are useless in battle.

As the master of the City of Dew, he must get some mounts that match him.

There was no way before, but now. They should all be in his pocket.

Lear was in high spirits.

6 level 15 demons, the two-headed ogre chieftain, the flesh slaughterer, Hagus, plus the swamp banshee, bubble beast and 5 squadrons of cold-blooded cavalry.

After gathering the army, they set out without staying for long.

6 demons flew in the sky.

These evil creatures with dark red flesh wings replaced the scarlet wasps and became his eyes in the sky.

The forward speed was very fast, and the distance of 25 kilometers was crossed in more than two hours.

The swamp had been cleared several times, and a few fish that slipped through the net could hardly hinder the army.

When they arrived at a vast muddy land, the demon in the sky sent back accurate information to Lear.

Two kilometers ahead, a herd of deer was found.

Lear immediately became energetic.

He looked up at the sun that was beginning to tilt, and did not act impatiently.

He waved his hand and let the cute bubble beast beside him take him to the sky, and he observed it himself.

At the end of the sight, a herd of deer with giant curved horns came into view.

The horns of the other party were full of branches, which looked very majestic, and mottled moss grew on them, adding a little extra color to them.

The stripes on the body were like blooming plum blossoms, blooming one by one, very eye-catching.

In nature, the colors of most animals are either the same as the surrounding environment, which is convenient for hiding themselves and not being discovered by natural enemies.

Or the colors are particularly bright, so as to show hidden enemies that they are not easy to mess with.

Roughly estimated, the number of deer is more than 300.

At this moment, they are still very active and very vigilant.

If they force it, there may be a large number of escapes.

Looking around, in the central area, he found the particularly majestic swamp giant horned deer king.

But the moment he found the other party, he clearly felt that its body had become more majestic.

Opening the attribute panel and taking a look, he was surprised to find that the other party's level had increased from level 13 last time to level 14!

There is only one level left to reach its full potential.

The opponent is still getting stronger!

This speed is not slow.

But in a flash, surprise turned into joy.

Now there are 6 level 15 big demons here, even if the opponent reaches level 15, it can't turn the world!

Looking away from him, he found the scene where the deer were, with fist-sized red mushrooms growing.

Like a bunch of small umbrellas, covering a wide area.

Many giant deer drooled at the mushrooms, wanting to eat but forcibly holding back.

The ground was wet with saliva.

Li Er's eyes moved slightly.

Are these the fragrant mushrooms that can cause hallucinations?

After observing for a while, he let Bubble Beast control the bubble to fly a little further to avoid being noticed by the deer.

At the same time, he suppressed his temper and began to wait for the arrival of dusk and sunset.

This is the advantage of having intelligence support, which can safely wait until the opponent reveals his weakness.

Time passed slowly.

Finally, the sun began to sink into the swamp, and the colorful sunset on the horizon made the sky colorful.

The deer couldn't hold back any longer. No one knew which deer started chewing first. The deer started chewing.

The deer, who couldn't bear it any longer, started eating the red mushrooms around them.

They were as crazy as if they had been hungry for ten days or half a month.

All the mushrooms growing in this area were eaten up by the giant deer.

They didn't even spare the roots.

They obviously loved eating to a certain extent.

When the red mushrooms were no longer visible on the surface, the eyes of the deer began to collapse.

Soon, they slowly crawled on the ground and fell asleep.

In the blink of an eye, only the central area was left in the whole herd, and the 4-star giant deer king of the swamp was still holding his head up!

It's done!

Li Er's eyes condensed, and a strong excitement surged in his heart.

"Great Demon, Radina, you hunt the giant deer king first, don't let him run away!"

"Other troops, capture all the sleeping giant deer and bring them back to the city of Wei Lu!"

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