Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 118 Three pieces of special intelligence, exaggerated value (6000 words)

Lear gained a lot on his side, and on the other side, after Hagus led the team out of the ruins, he began to search for the halflings based on the information he gave.

The halfling is 35 kilometers south of the silt swamp, in a bush.

The lizardman hero left the ruins of the wetland without stopping and led the team directly to go.

Life that survives in the wilderness has its own unique way of identifying directions.

The Lizardmen rely on sensing the rise and fall of the sun and subtle magnetic field changes in the air.

Although there is an error, it is within the acceptable range.

Night elves are relatively simple and straightforward.

Orientation identification.

With a simple magic, you can immediately know the specific directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

Night elves ride on horned horses and move with the cold-blooded cavalry.

The speed of the cavalry was very impressive. Under their furious speed, they quickly came to the south of the mud swamp and found the bush.

As soon as he got close, sharp arrows whizzed out one after another.

Like a heavy rain pouring down.

A dense rain of arrows formed.

Hagus, who was at the front, stretched out his right hand and suddenly tightened it, holding an arrow aimed at the door in front of him.

Stare, stare ~

The arrow tail was still shaking.

The arrow shaft is as thick as a little finger and is straight, with a black bird feather at the end for stability.

There are some unique grooves on it, which looks very smooth.

The somewhat peculiar tapered arrowhead in front fits perfectly with the groove on the arrow shaft.

It looks pleasing to the eye, more like a handicraft.

The night elf leader beside her, Ishani, easily deflected the arrows aimed at her at this moment. Seeing this strange structure, she felt amazing.

The materials used for arrows are very common, but their manufacturing process is not.

Not only does it bring out the maximum characteristics of the material, but it also greatly increases its lethality.

The grooves on the top allow air to flow through the arrow, giving it greater acceleration.

The design is very clever.

Ding Ling Dang Cang~

In Haggis's observation room, there was a sound of metal collision behind him.

Turning around to look, the cold-blooded cavalry was enveloped in a hail of arrows.

But these level 11 ferocious cavalry only flicked away the arrows aimed at their heads in a symbolic sense, and didn't care about anything else.

Those arrows hit the scales, sparks flew out, and were directly bounced away by the arrows.

Not to mention breaking the defense, it is difficult to even leave a small white spot.

"There are halflings hiding inside. Drive them out."

"Don't endanger lives, don't kill people. These halflings are the ones the master wants."

Haggis waved his hand and ordered.

The cold-blooded cavalry behind them immediately filed in.

Although there were only 100 riders, it was like a thousand troops marching into formation, rushing into the bushes like a rushing torrent.

A moment later, frightened screams came.

Then clatter~

The bushes shook, and a group of strange beings fled out with fear on their faces.

They wore rough linen clothes, carried quivers on their backs, and held short hardwood bows in their hands.

The average height is only about 1.2 meters, which is almost the same as a six or seven-year-old child.

Everyone ran barefoot, which had thick cuticles that could not be pierced by ordinary stones or sharp thorns.

Halfling, level: 6, potential: 2 stars.

Is this a halfling?

Ishani looked at it with curiosity.

Finally, his eyes stayed for a long time on the simple gray short bow in his hand.

There was some surprise in his eyes.

Although the materials used for this short bow are very ordinary, like the arrows, the forging process is particularly brilliant.

Outsiders couldn't see anything, but she could spot its extraordinary features at a glance.

His eyes couldn't help but change.

Your Excellency's information is indeed infallible.

Thinking of that sacred and inviolable majesty, I immediately raised my head.

Now, they were obeying the orders of a majestic being.

This is glory!

The halflings who fled away from the bushes suddenly froze.

In front of them, hundreds of pointed-eared elves riding unicorns and holding long bows were drawing the bow strings.

Sharp arrows exuding faint magic waves were pointed at them.

For a moment, it was terrifying.

They smelled death.

Some of the timid ones simply lost their legs and collapsed to the ground, while some of them braved themselves to stand, but did not dare to make any move.

For fear of angering the army in front of him.

Most of the halflings were crying, and they could not imagine what crime they had committed to be attacked by such a powerful being.

It's the lizard cavalry again, it's the elves again

The cold-blooded cavalry quickly drove out all the halflings in the bushes.

The shrub is more than two and a half meters tall, with sharp barbs growing on it and a thorn-free area of ​​about one meter and two below, making it very suitable for halflings to live.

But the cold-blooded cavalry, covered with hard scales, didn't care about the sharp thorns attached to these shrubs.

A 3-meter-tall velociraptor can easily gallop inside.

After all the halflings were expelled, Ishani took a rough inventory and found that there were more than 300 people, all of whom were about 1.2 meters tall.

The night elf, who was just over 1.75 meters tall, stood in front of the opponent, and he had to lower his head to see his face clearly.

"We are the army of the City of Dew. The brave and great lord, Lord Lear, has set his sights here."

"Halflings, you have been named by the adults and decided to recruit you into the city of Weilu."

"Working for the City of Dew."

"Is there a problem?!"

Ishani glanced around with a somewhat cold look.

Her voice was tough and unyielding.

These halflings looked at the elves who were pulling the longbow and might release the bowstring at any time, and the cold-blooded cavalrymen around them, who were like beasts. They lowered their heads one by one and dared not say a word.

They were unwilling, but were you willing?

It has always been like this in the wilderness. The weak have no power to decide their own fate.

Seeing this, Ishani turned her head and looked at the wetland lizardman hero beside her.

"Lord Hagus, please escort them back."

"I will bring those half-elves back."

Hagus looked at Ishani with some surprise.

"The Lord said that the half-elves are not weak. Ms. Ishani, are you sure?"

For these later night elves, he still gave enough respect.

Although the cold-blooded cavalry is powerful, they have long-range firepower support, which can greatly alleviate the pressure they face, and even save lives at critical moments.

Ishani's eyes were a little proud.

"The blood of the elves is not obtained for nothing. Those half-elves can only obey!"

Since the night elves have become a member of the City of Wisdom and have been given so many spiritual plants as rewards.

Then she needs to make enough achievements to give back to the adults.

And only by showing her own value can she get more attention.

Hagus nodded after hearing this.

"That's it, the half-elf will be handed over to you."

He looked at the cold-blooded cavalry.

"Let's go back to the territory first."

Ishani slightly supported her chest to thank him.

The other party gave her a chance to make merit.

Then the troops were divided into two groups, and the night elves rode unicorns to the location of the half-elves.

Hagus first interrogated the halflings, and then found the tools they used to make bows and arrows in the bushes.

No one was rejected, and everything was emptied.

After everything was done, he was not vague and directly took 300 halflings back to the territory.

It took seven or eight hours to trek back to the City of Wisdom.

Bain was excited when he saw Hags returning with a large group of halflings.

Now the territory has turned into a wartime state, and all aspects need to keep running. It is a time when there is a shortage of manpower!

This group of people can greatly fill the gap.

At the moment, he did not hesitate to arrange accommodation for the halflings, let them put down their belongings, and then organize and disperse them.

Some were assigned to the area where bows and arrows were produced, and the other part was arranged in the blacksmith shop to produce armor.

No one was wasted.

The halflings who were originally uneasy saw that they were assigned to accommodation and then assigned to work.

Suddenly, the tension in their hearts eased a little, and in their spare time, they began to talk quietly with the Delsa people and the swamp people around them.

Carefully asked everything about the City of Weak Dew.

They didn't dare to say much about the cold-blooded cavalry, but the Delsa people and the swamp people were notoriously timid and fearful, which was very similar to their personalities.

They couldn't help but grow bolder.

But after a while, the halflings were a little confused and puzzled.

Because the news from the people around them about the city of Wei Lu and the ruler of this territory were all praises and compliments, without a single bad word!

Even if they had any doubts, they would be treated coldly, glared at, and almost slapped in the face.

This made these halflings confused.

Originally, they were prepared to be enslaved and exploited, but why did this territory seem so different in the end?

According to the Delsa people, this place is almost the same as their dream residence?

Is this true?

As the conversation deepened, the halflings became more and more nervous, because the people working with them were all knowledgeable and talked a lot.

After careful investigation, they found out that all of them knew how to read and write their own names!

Moreover, they knew not just one or two words, but thousands of words! !

This immediately made the halflings feel inferior and ashamed. To be able to master so much knowledge, wouldn’t they be the superior people of the city of Wei Lu?

This is precious knowledge.

It is as difficult as ascending to heaven to learn in the wilderness.

But when they were amazed, they were shocked to learn that the other party had learned this knowledge within this month.

And every night, as long as they were residents of the City of Wispy Dew, they could learn together.

Even they could.

The halflings were immediately full of disbelief.

Knowledge is so precious, how can lowly halflings like them learn noble knowledge?

And they can be taught openly?

How can there be such a good thing in this world?

They must be tricking them.

The halflings who didn't want to believe it and didn't dare to believe it waited until night. When they saw the swamp banshee who had returned to the territory a few days ago appeared and began to teach new knowledge to the residents, they trembled and found out.

What they heard today was actually true!!!

The good impression of the City of Wispy Dew in their hearts was raised to the extreme.

What kind of territory is this, it can actually teach precious knowledge to everyone!

Because of their size, halflings are often at a disadvantage in the wilderness.

They can only survive with the help of bows and arrows.

The bows and arrows in their hands were made with the little knowledge left. If they could master more knowledge, wouldn't they be able to make sharper and more powerful bows and arrows?

This made their desire for knowledge extremely strong.

For a time, not long after the class started, the halfling boldly raised his hand to ask questions frequently, becoming the object of everyone's attention.

In the past, the residents had passively accepted knowledge, but suddenly someone took the initiative to ask questions, and the questions were quite special, which made them feel quite novel.

It feels like a new door has opened.

From then on, a large number of people began to ask questions in the classroom, bringing the teaching to a more mature stage.

Late at night, the excited halflings returned to their assigned houses amid excited conversations.

At this moment, they were surprised to find that these houses could automatically adjust the heating and cooling.

No matter how hot it is outside, you will feel cool and comfortable as soon as you enter the house.

The emotion for this territory rose again in my heart.

Such a high-end residence can actually accommodate them? ! !

Do they deserve to live in this kind of house? !

Why do they feel like they are suddenly favored by the goddess of luck?

This kind of life is ten thousand times better than living in the wilderness in fear of being attacked by powerful enemies every day.

After experiencing the air-conditioned room, some halflings stretched their heads out of the window with curiosity, staring at the starry building in a daze.

Some of them took small bites of the fish they had secretly hidden during dinner. They were afraid that there would be no more fish tomorrow. After eating a few bites, they walked around the house a few times and stuffed them into a larger gap in the vines and hid them.

Those with a big heart fell into a deep sleep, but most of them were still reviewing the knowledge they learned today.

Suddenly, people below became noisy.

Many halflings immediately stretched their heads to look.

Amidst the starlight, I discovered that a group of elegant night elves carrying long bows were slowly entering the territory with a group of half-elves who also had pointed ears, but were of different sizes and sizes, and their appearance had declined.

Looking at it, the half-elves can be roughly estimated to number more than 500 people.

Somewhat surprised.

Judging from his appearance, he was just recruited to this territory?

Are those half-elves also favored by the goddess of luck?

24th, night.

The battle lines in the ruins still maintain their original state.

Lear waits for time to pass.

Early this morning, the information will be refreshed again.

Every time this time comes, he will have strong expectations.

But suddenly, there was a commotion ahead.

Turning around to look, I saw several bubbles flying across the sky.

Slowly fell to the ground.

Bubblemon quietly returned with Haggas and his mount.

After Haggis landed, he strode forward.

Hold your chest respectfully.


Lear was a little curious when he saw this wetland lizard man hero.

"How is the territory? But what happened?"

Haggis reported in a deep voice.

"Master, we have completed the two tasks you gave us."

"The halfling was found in the bushes to the south. Ms. Ishani took the people alone to bring the half-elf back to the territory."

Li suddenly became energetic.

"How many are they?"

"There are 310 halflings, and there are more half-elves, a total of 530 people."

After all, that’s 840 people? !

This is not a small amount for the city of Weilu!

Lear's mood instantly became lighter.

Now all aspects of the territory need manpower to maintain operations, and these more than 800 people are definitely a help in times of need.

"Are they willing to obey the arrangement?!"

"Halflings are kind and honest, so it's no big deal to arrange for them. Half-elves are a little proud, but the night elves can subdue them if they are here."

"But as a precaution, Ishani still led the army to stay in the territory."

Lear's brows widened.

"Are there any other problems in Weilu City?"

"Everything is working fine."

"It is estimated that in three days, the armor from the blacksmith shop will be ready for mass production!"

Haggis was also a little excited when he said this.

The blacksmith shop is currently producing 3-star level high-end armor!

And he saw how it was forged with his own eyes.

Even he, a level 12 hero, is looking forward to it.

This is definitely higher than the defense of your own scales!

Possessing a sturdy high-level armor and a sharp weapon is almost every warrior's dream.

There was no such condition before, but now, the territory has been forged in batches, and everyone can have a set! !

Lear was also in a good mood.

Once the armor is produced, the cold-blooded cavalry can immediately usher in a new round of enhancements.

If you wear 3-star armor and are fully armed, once the cold-blooded cavalry launches a charge, they will be crushed by a torrent of steel!

Heavy cavalry are absolutely dominant on land.

After chatting for a while, Hagas continued on to the front line.

Lear slowly waited for the time to move towards the early morning.

When the pointer crosses 12, a message immediately appears in the intelligence system——

[The intelligence system has been cooled down and the intelligence can be refreshed. Do you want to refresh it? 】

Lear was refreshed and immediately confirmed the refresh.

But unexpectedly, there were additional changes in this refresh.

[This refresh triggers the special intelligence mechanism, and only 3 pieces of special intelligence will be refreshed. 】

Special information? How special? !

He became interested. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

He held his breath and watched intently.

[1. The ruins you are in will experience space turbulence in 3 days. At that time, the terrifying space storm will blow away or destroy most of the things in the ruins. 】

[You can mobilize the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss to steal part of the original power of the ruins through the Scarlet Carrion Land and strengthen the Scarlet Carrion Land. ]

[After stealing, you can use the original power to devour the Abyss Demon Iron Ore Veins and generate 4-star veins in the Scarlet Carrion Land - Scarlet Demon Iron Ore Veins. You can consume flesh and blood to cultivate the veins. ]

[Note: Once the original power of the ruins is stolen, this area will collapse and be destroyed within half an hour. (Special, color)]

After reading the first special information, Li Er's breathing became heavy.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Can you mobilize the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss to steal the original power of the ruins? ! !

Can you also devour the Abyss Demon Iron Ore and form Scarlet Demon Iron Ore Veins in the Scarlet Carrion Land? !

This is fucking against the sky.

This is no longer a matter of gain, this is digging up the roots of the ruins!

The 4-star Abyssal Iron Mine can only be mined for a month at most.

Although the harvest is great, can it be compared to taking it away directly?

If he swallows it now, it will become his private mine. As long as there is flesh and blood, it can produce continuously. This is absolutely amazing! !

Is this special information?

This thing is completely worth 5 stars! !

Li Er looked at the second item in excitement.

[2. Even if the demon is enslaved, it cannot change its nature. The flesh and blood of the Abyss Grand Duke can be used to forcibly erase the chaotic soul in the body of the demon. ]

[But this process needs to be supplemented with the power of the Scarlet Carrion Land to maintain its life characteristics. ]

[After erasing its chaotic characteristics, the demon can be transformed into a lawful evil life, and it will absolutely obey your orders. (Special, color)]

Li Er only felt dry mouth.

Chaos and bloodlust are the nature of demons.

Almost no one can erase it.

Now, they can be forcibly transformed into lawful evil life, which is tantamount to reshaping their souls!

And with this operation, these 7 big demons can be subdued directly! !

This is a level 15 hero unit! !

What else do you want? Go for it, go for it!

Li Er's heart was beating faster and faster, and he looked at the last one in endless expectation.

[3. The flesh and blood power devoured by the Grave Guard has reached the limit of promotion, and only one trigger is needed to cause the other party to transform. ]

[Devour 50,000 souls of fallen demons, and use the original power of the ruins as the cornerstone, which can allow it to complete the transformation. At that time, the level of the Grave Guard will be raised to the same level as the Grave Guard, and the upper limit of the number will also be doubled. (Special, color) ]

This time the color special information is about the Grave.


The level of the Grave is 13, and the Grave Guard is 3 levels lower than it, just reaching level 10.

These days, the guards of the desolate tombs have taken on the most important defense tasks. The fearless ghosts have such fierce fighting power that even Li Er is amazed.

If they can be upgraded to the same level as the desolate tombs, and the number can be doubled. That will usher in an exaggerated improvement.

Li Er's heart is trembling.

This fucking special intelligence is too exaggerated, right?

In his opinion, these three pieces of intelligence are basically 4-star or even 5-star intelligence!!

Three at a time!!

Against the sky!!

His heart is surging.

He can't calm down the ups and downs and excitement in his heart.

At present, the first thing to collect from these pieces of intelligence is the 50,000 souls of fallen demons needed for the desolate tombs.

After collecting them, he will control the origin of the remains of the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss and the iron ore of the abyss, and then upgrade the desolate tombs, and then erase the chaotic nature of the great demon.

In this way, the benefits can be maximized.

After 3 days, space turbulence will appear, and he doesn't have much time left.

He couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he could stay like the space crack for a month, he could do it a few days later.

That way, the harvested flesh and blood would be more impressive.

He was not vague at the moment.

He gave orders directly, asking the army to start a bolder and more proactive attack.

At the same time, the location of the desolate tomb was moved directly to the edge of the scarlet rotten meat land, leaving the protection of the city wall, so that it could face the impact of the army of the fallen demons.

After the desolate tomb sat down, it immediately showed a brilliant attack.

Soul chains stretched out from the tomb, like the arms of the soul, and began to plunder the soul of the fallen demon.

The chains without entities can directly pass through the flesh and blood and imprison its soul.

Then pull hard, without doing other actions, you can pull the soul of the fallen demon into the tomb.

It is true that the main attack method of this tomb is the desolate tomb guard, but its own combat power is definitely not weak.

The eyes of the fallen demons were immediately attracted by the desolate tomb, and they began to rush up in waves.

But the stones on the desolate graves were all bodies that had been strengthened for who knows how long.

The sharp claws of the fallen demons could not leave any marks on them.

Instead, their souls were constantly being sucked out.

The scene looked like a moth flying into a flame.

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