Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 110 Three days later, a great leap forward, ruins appeared, humans?! (10,000 words long chap

After 300 wetland lizardmen pledged allegiance, Lear had enough troops available.

But in just a few days, he saw that these warriors were already somewhat disgusted with their low level.

It was a little funny to think about this. The growth rate of the City of Wisdom was too exaggerated.

So that his vision and requirements were also rapidly improving.

Two months ago, before leaving Loran City, these wetland lizardmen were precious treasures.

That night, Lear asked the queen bee, who had reproduced 50,000 scarlet wasps again, to continue to lead the team out.

At the same time, let her try to capture some living wild monsters back.

The number of ghost guards needs to be increased.

The scarlet queen bee has no means to capture souls, so she can only bring back living lives.

No one can go against Lear's will. The scarlet queen bee continued to go out hunting with 30,000 bee colonies and 10 bubble beasts.

As semi-undead life, the night has little effect on them.

In fact, because there is no sunlight during the day, it feels more comfortable.

As for the safety issue, those who encounter the swarm of bees should consider safety wherever they pass.

The most important thing is that flying life is very fast and efficient.

This is an advantage that ground life cannot envy.

At the speed of the swarm, it takes less than half an hour to fly out of the mud swamp and hunt in the wilderness.

Watching the swarm of bees leave, Lear was in a subtle mood.

The goblin ruins brought him more than just benefits. The scene of almost dying in the end also made him more vigilant.

The Grand Duke of the Abyss standing behind the Dark Naga was not sure enough, and he would not act so easily this time.

He was not interested in experiencing another gamble with his life.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. As the master of the city of Wei Lu, he only needs to work hard to develop the territory and accumulate enough strength to crush it when the time comes.

Time is on his side.

The first task now is to cultivate all the cold-blooded cavalry, so that the number of lizardman legendary soldiers with a level of 11 in his hands can be increased to 700.

Secondly, the weapons must be forged. Armor forging takes time, but weapons are necessary.

In the battle with the mechanical puppets, the weapons problem suffered a great loss, and he did not want to repeat the same mistake.

Then, the 1,000 upper limit of the graveyard guards must be filled.

At the same time, more divinity must be injected into the goblin ancient god in the next few days.

Maintain its abundant power and make it a trump card with enough weight.

They are all gods, and when they meet the Grand Duke of the Abyss, they can also counterattack.

After completing these things, it is time to take action against the dark Naga.

When the sky gradually dims and the stars twinkle, the residents pick up the small stools familiarly and start a new day of study.

After this period of emotional swallowing, the swamp banshee has already reached the upper limit of the potential level of 3 stars-level 12.

All aspects of the attributes have been greatly improved.

As a result, it is more and more comfortable to teach knowledge, and the residents can be pulled into immersive learning the moment the voice sounds.

Li Er looked at the crowd who listened attentively, thinking.

After training together to a certain extent, we can start special training.

Learn what you are interested in.

Raising pigs, chickens, and fish are all knowledge.

You can also let the swamp people teach territory planning and construction, and the Fry people teach forging skills. Interest is the best teacher.

Maybe we can cultivate more high-level talents.

And with the swamp banshee, there is no need to worry about the residents' acceptance.

Education, a large project that requires long-term investment, has become easy and simple because of the swamp banshee.

This world is really amazing.

The next day, September 17th.

In the morning, the scarlet queen bee returned with thousands of corpses. After unloading, she flapped her wings and continued to go out.

Semi-undead life does not need to rest at all.

The bubble beasts did not feel tired. They were not needed in the battle. They could rest in the middle and did not need to walk. They just needed to be carried by the swarm.

Lear was also very pleased to see this. With the swarm of bees, I don’t know how much effort was saved.

At that moment, he directly ordered the training of a new batch of cold-blooded cavalry.

Before the work was done here, the leader of the Frye people, Brin, came in excitedly.

After saluting, he said excitedly.

"My lord, I have perfected the research of the cold-blooded cavalry armor, and we can start forging today!"

Li Er's eyes lit up.

"So soon? Didn't you say it would take until the end of the month?"

Brin said happily.

"Yesterday, I obtained more knowledge inheritance, which happened to be about armor and weapons."

"After my verification last night, it can completely achieve the expected state!"

Li Er was very satisfied.

It is worthy of being a race cursed by the god of forging!

"Okay, then start forging immediately!"

"We will face many powerful enemies next. Strong armor and sharp weapons can reduce our casualties and increase our chances of winning."

Brin was also very excited.

After coming to the territory for so long, I finally made some achievements.

But in a blink of an eye, I hesitated again.

"My Lord, forging armor is different from weapons. This is a big project. We are far from enough manpower at the moment."

30 people, forging full body armor for hundreds of people, and also including armor for the swift lizards!

Even if we work day and night, we won't be able to produce so much by next year.

Li Er also has a headache.

The problem of lack of manpower has been bothering him for a long time, and it has always been a constraint.

But in the wilderness, just catching wild monsters is not suitable for recruitment.

He is murderous and cruel, has a low IQ, is full of ulcers and stench, and is full of rebelliousness.

The races that survive in the wilderness are no better than humans. Any one of their shortcomings can make people give up.

If they were all suitable for recruitment, it would be impossible for there to be so many races wandering in the wilderness.

Whose territory is not short of people?

"How many people do you need?"

Brin said solemnly.

"According to my calculations, the cooperation of 80 mire people, 200 Delsa people, and 300 wetland lizard warriors is needed."

"In this way, armor can be forged as quickly as possible!"

So, this requires more than 600 people?

Lear took a deep look at Brin, this was definitely a big deal.

But he didn't hesitate and nodded directly.

"Okay, you call Bain here right away, and I will coordinate with him to get enough manpower!"

Soon, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Mire Man came anxiously with Brin.

They were still talking while walking.

After seeing Lear, he bowed first and then said.

"Sir, if so many people are deployed, the development of all aspects of the territory will definitely have an impact."

Lear waved his hand.

"Just maintain the basic operation, and we can also call it back if there is an emergency."

"During this period, let's focus on casting armor first!"

When Bain heard this, he immediately responded without hesitation.

"Your will is above all else!"

In this territory, Lear is the only king, and his orders are iron laws!

No one can disobey.

Lear nodded slightly and looked at Bryn.

“Are there enough iron ores in storage?”

Brynn said softly.

"The cavemen have mined a lot during this period, and together with what they got back from the rotten centaur, it's enough!"

Lear nodded.

"Then go to the iron mine and recruit 400 cavemen back to cooperate with the blacksmith shop!"

"In addition, the Cyclops and the Ancient Treeman Guardian can also cooperate with you in casting."

Brin's eyes lit up.

With so much more labor force, his plan can be bolder.

"Sir, as a result, the size of the blacksmith shop needs to be expanded."

"Ask the Vine Fairy to do it right away, and complete the extended mission before this evening."

After communicating some details, all the resources in the entire territory were mobilized by Lear.

Only he has the authority to issue these orders.

Soon notices were posted on the town hall bulletin board that the blacksmith shop would be the center of this phase of work.

At the same time, orders were also issued to specific personnel.

When the residents heard that this was an order given by Lear himself, they all participated with great enthusiasm.

The city of Weilu started to rotate like a huge machine.

There is only one core around it - the blacksmith shop.

The Frye people who have the inheritance of knowledge are not timid at all.

Start directing and arranging various production schedules.

Smelting the ore, forging it for the first time, forging it for the second time, and forging it for the third time. Repeat the entire forging process a full 20 times.

Like an assembly line, after one process, it goes to the next process, and the next person continues manufacturing.

Dozens of stoves were erected outside the blacksmith shop.

Even the Cyclops and the ancient tree guardians participated.

The ancient tree guardian's tree roots bound a heavy hammer, and he smashed it down as soon as he lifted it up, striking the iron like crazy.

Those forging tables made of pure iron were banged and banged by these trees with exaggerated strength.

The picture is very impactful.

They are no less powerful than Earth's forging machines.

The Frye people are mainly responsible for the final forging and quenching process.

I didn’t participate in the previous steps, I was just managing and standardizing everyone’s operations.

It is not an easy task to get so many people running. It requires strong coordination and management capabilities.

Bane also had to step down personally to participate.

But the main person in charge is still Brin.

The knowledge inheritance of Fry people is not only forging, but also has the corresponding adjustment and coordination ability.

There was quite a bit of chaos at first, but as they became more proficient, it soon started running smoothly.

All resources were invested in it, and the results achieved were amazing.

I started busy in the morning and gradually entered an orderly production rhythm at noon.

In the early hours of the night, when the workers went back to rest, a large amount of steel that had been forged seven or eight times had been produced.

After more than a dozen processes, we can enter the final finished product stage.

But the city of Weilu at night was still not quiet.

A life that does not need to rest, or that only rests for a short period of time, is still busy.

The wetland lizard man only needs to sleep for three to five hours a day to return to full condition, and he is also working with a sledgehammer at this moment.

The guardians of the ancient tree people can continuously move for three to five months without rest, making them a perfect labor force.

If the space was not limited, we could only arrange for 20 ancient tree guardians to participate in the work, and even the hammers would smoke.

According to this work efficiency, it will not be too late for the first set of armor to come off the production line.

While things were busy here, the Scarlet Queen who went hunting in the wilderness also returned to her territory.

The other party gave Lear a big surprise and brought back thousands of living wild monsters. A group of dirty, disgusting earthworms.

It was only 1.2 meters tall, full of fishy smell, and its body was that of an earthworm, with two deformed and twisted arms growing on the top.

It would leave traces of unbearable fishy smell wherever it passed.

It was disgusting to look at it.

Seeing this, Lear asked the scarlet queen bee to take these earthworms to the scarlet rotten meat land.

Feed them to the desolate grave.

Out of curiosity, he followed.

After the earthworms were loaded and unloaded by the bubbles, they instantly fell into fear and wanted to flee.

The surrounding bee swarms forcibly drove them to the vicinity of the desolate grave.

Lear conveyed the idea of ​​letting it transform ghosts, and the desolate grave immediately responded with joy.

Then he began his own actions.

It was also the first time he saw the desolate grave devouring life. A translucent chain with a strong breath of death stretched out from the grave.

It extended directly to dozens of meters away and entangled the earthworms.

The earthworms wanted to struggle in fear, but the chain was a void energy without substance and could not cause substantial damage.

Huangfen pulled hard.


A screaming soul was pulled out of the body.


The sound of metal chains clashing rang out, and the soul chains slowly shortened, and the soul of the earthworm man was pulled directly into the tomb.

But realizing that his operation was not efficient enough, Huangfen simply extended 10 soul chains.

He began to intensively capture souls.

The souls of those smelly earthworms were devoured one by one.

The body without the soul fell directly to the ground. It looked like there was no damage on the outside, still normal, but there was no breath.

The scarlet power on the ground surged up and covered the earthworm body.

It was like concentrated sulfuric acid poured on flesh and blood.

Sizzling smoke.

In a few breaths, it turned into blood and merged into the ground.

Thousands of earthworms only strengthened the scarlet rotten flesh land a little.

After devouring a large number of souls, Huangfen became hungry and thirsty, and began to absorb the power of the scarlet rotten flesh land to a large extent.

The vast scarlet energy poured into it, making the surroundings glow with a faint blood light.


A shrill evil ghost scream suddenly sounded, like walking into an abandoned house in the mountains in the dark at dawn and suddenly hearing human wailing.

It was creepy.

The next moment, a transparent ghost slowly crawled out of the grave.

With two hands pressing on the grave, the body was extremely strong.

It seemed that something was pulling its body.

Just as it was about to crawl out, Ah~~ suddenly let out a sharp scream, and the body was suddenly pulled into the grave.

A crunching sound came.

The ghost suddenly lost its trace.

Before Lear could react, a large number of ghosts began to crawl out of the grave.

They were densely packed, as if they were climbing up from a mass grave.

From time to time, weak people were pulled into the grave.

Is this also a screening process?

This horrible scene made Lear frown slightly.

Soon, the first ghost to crawl out of the grave appeared.

After the other party completely broke free from the tomb, his body suddenly emitted a blue light. At the same time, a force surged from the tomb and poured into his body.

The breath of that ghost began to rise rapidly.

It was upgraded to level 9 in the blink of an eye.

The aftermath of the power did not dissipate, and a sharp sickle condensed in his hand.

At this point, the Graveyard Guard was officially born.

Then the number increased, gradually filling up to the upper limit of 1,000 Graveyard Guards.

And the power needed to transform the Graveyard Guard.

Most of it was obtained by devouring the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss.

This nearly endless energy source became the core of the Scarlet Carrion Land.

Li Er looked at the Graveyard Guards holding sickles, floating in the air, and filled with the breath of the dead.

He was in a very good mood.

These are all soldiers who can be resurrected.

The number of 1,000 is enough to roll up a wave of ghosts!


The next day, September 18th.

Li Er woke up to the sound of iron forging.

Looking at the busy territory, he was also looking forward to it.

However, judging from the situation, it will take a few days to see the finished armor off the line.

But once it is off the line, there will be dozens of sets, not just three or five sets.

This is the advantage of industrial mass production.

And this approach is more in line with the development of the territory.

There are so many people in the army, what use is it to rely on individuals to forge a few sets.

It is better to have a slightly lower level to ensure that everyone has it.

The source of standard armor is the same.

Today he did not stay in the territory to watch the army forging iron.

After inspecting the progress, he began to gather the army.

3-star intelligence-20 kilometers west of the mud swamp, there will be space turbulence today, which is caused by the collapse of ancient ruins.

It will also roll out a group of ruins explorers.

He is very interested in this.

First, there are 4 squadrons of cold-blooded cavalry and 150 night elves who have just been equipped with new arrows.

Next is the scarlet queen bee and 30,000 scarlet wasps.

Level 12 Hags, Level 13 Flesh Slaughterer, Level 14 Two-Headed Ogre Chieftain, three top combat forces all participated in the exploration.

10 Bubble Beasts, 3 Swamp Banshees, and also brought the Crimson Carrion Land.

In this way, a strong army has been formed.

It is entirely possible to launch a large-scale small-scale battle.

The territory is guarded by a cyclops, 50 ancient tree men, and 20,000 scarlet wasps.

The swamp has been cleaned up several times, and this force is enough to quell ordinary enemies.

If the enemy is strong, the scarlet wasps can also immediately transmit information and let the army return in time.

After the army gathered, Lear did not hesitate and directly ordered to march.

This time, Lear, the swamp banshee, and the bubble beast rode the same unicorn as the night elves.

In this way, there were no walking warriors in the whole army.

In the gallop, everything in front of them passed by quickly.

Two hours later, the army left the swamp.

The wilderness appeared in Lear's sight again.

Counting the last time to find the tree man, this is the second time to step out of the swamp.

The army left the mud and stepped on the dry and hard ground, and immediately felt different.

The surrounding air became dry, without the rotten smell that had always existed in the swamp.

The surrounding vegetation also became very different.

And as he left the swamp, Lear's greatly improved perception gradually disappeared.

The speed of magic power recovery also decreased.

The changes inside and outside his body reminded him that this was no longer his home ground.

After calming down, Lear told the army about the space crack and continued to move forward.

Only the night elves were a little surprised, and the others had long been accustomed to it.

When they stepped into the wilderness, the army was alert.

He sent 5 teams of cold-blooded cavalry to explore the way ahead, and the scarlet wasps in the sky also expanded the alert range.

After about 5 kilometers, the army sent back intelligence-the enemy was found!

Lear went there with some curiosity, but was slightly disappointed when he saw the specific enemy.

This was just a group of wild dog people with low IQ, and these lives feed on the feces of other creatures.

The fermented stench can be smelled from a long distance.

Level 6, no more than two squadrons.

If you encounter such an enemy when you just step into the swamp, you have to be careful.

But now.

The pungent smell made Lear unable to bear to look at it any longer.

With a thought, a scarlet rotten land of seven or eight meters opened in front of him.

Then he looked at the banshee who looked like a girl beside him.

"Let them go in by themselves."

"Yes, Master."

The banshee responded with her red lips slightly opened.

A melodious song immediately floated out.

Those wild dogs were stunned and walked quickly with slightly stiff steps.

They drooled and entered the scarlet rotten land directly.

The night elves could see through the gap that the flesh and blood inside had been opened, like the mouth of a giant beast.

Those wild dogs who entered were swallowed directly.

Death came quietly.

No abnormality was found until death.

Seeing this, Lear was touched.

Level 6, intermediate knight, in Loran City, he could be a reserve in the army.

In the slums where he lived before, such a person could be called a top figure, and neighbors would nod and smile when they met him.

Now, they are like grass, and can be dealt with with a wave of the hand.

This change in strength made him feel subtle.

All the efforts for development for so long have not been in vain.

Recover your mind and continue to move forward.

The magic map guides the direction, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

In the following journey, you will encounter several waves of wild monsters.

But they are not high-level and not worth conquering.

Kill them all and leave their bodies in the scarlet carrion land, and go back to feed the cold-blooded cavalry.

In this way, time passes quickly.

At noon, Li Er looked at the mark on the map and waved his hand to stop the army.

Find a high point, turn around and look around. This is an area of ​​weeds, and there are small vines everywhere.

Looking far away, you can see several earthen hills in the distance, blocking the view.

Nothing unusual was found.

"That space crack is roughly in this area. The army should be on guard."

At this time, he was still a little short of the 20 kilometers indicated by the intelligence, and he had not really reached that area.

He was about three kilometers away.

Sent scarlet wasps to guard the front.

He was not sure what kind of impact the space turbulence would have after it appeared.

For the sake of safety, it is better to stay away.

That space crack will be fixed for a month, so there is no need to worry that it will disappear in time.

The scarlet wasps spread out to four or five kilometers away, and if they found any unexpected situation, they would report it as soon as possible.

Lier watched all this silently.

From noon, waiting to afternoon, several hours passed slowly.

He still maintained his patience.

As the sun gradually moved westward, suddenly, a crisp sound of broken glass rang out.

Lier looked up at the space.

I saw exaggerated cracks extending at the end of the front sight.

It was like a mirror was hit, and spider webs were densely covered.

At the same time, the surrounding air rushed into the crack like a deflated balloon.

The crack gradually expanded.

After reaching a certain limit.


It suddenly broke.

Countless fragments scattered, reflecting the sunset.

The whole sky became colorful, with an indescribable beauty.

In a few blinks, the fragments disappeared quietly.

There was no trace.

Looking carefully, a huge crack appeared in the sky.

It's like someone broke the sky!


Bursts of dull sounds came, and in sight, the crack fell quickly, and then hit the ground directly.


The ground trembled.

Splashing dust all over the sky.

Lear's eyes narrowed slightly.



Set off immediately with the army.

At the same time, the scarlet queen was also asked to disperse the bee swarm further away to be on guard.

There was so much movement just now, and other people could not help but peep.

Under the rapid running, he quickly arrived at the place where the crack collapsed and fell.

It was a relatively low area, and the lush vegetation around it seemed to have been cut by a sickle.

Turned into crumbs.

There were large scratches on the ground, like a chopping board with meatballs chopped on it.

In the central area, a dark crack that is 30 meters long and more than ten meters high is twisting and crawling on the ground.

It's like a mirror is missing a piece.

It was pitch dark inside and nothing could be seen clearly.

Lear's eyes narrowed, and his mood fluctuated at this moment.

Finally appeared! !

"Queen Bee, send a swarm of bees to explore the path and eliminate dangers!"

The scarlet queen immediately let out a low scream.

The next moment, swarms of bees swarmed in



She is dying.

The severe pain from the wound on her body was stimulating Kalanis crazily.

She felt that the breath she exhaled was as hot as sparks, as if someone was burning her lungs with fire.

My legs were heavy and weak, as if they were tied with 50 kilograms of sandbags. Every time I lifted my feet, it felt like it was difficult and laborious to lift a city gate.

In a daze, she heard a voice with endless temptation whispering in her ear.

Give up, as long as you give up, everything will be over.

Your mother is already waiting for you in another world, and she will happily welcome your arrival.

Don't let that insignificant hatred torture you anymore.

It is impossible for you to complete your revenge. The person who killed your mother was not only the controller of the Tulip family, the high and mighty Earl, but also your father! !

You have already lost your mother, do you want to lose your father again? !

Go to sleep, everything will pass if you sleep.

His eyelids were heavy and he could barely see the road in front of him.

The blood flowing out of the dense wounds on her body caused her physical strength to be extremely exhausted.

Go to sleep.

Go to sleep. When you fall asleep, you can see your mother.

The whispers in his ears continued to ring.

Just when she was about to fall asleep completely, Kalanis suddenly turned her head and looked back, her eyes filled with red bloodshot eyes.

The sound is sonorous and powerful.

"Stand up your chest!! Don't let the pain in your body break your will!"

"The devil is still tempting us!"

"But - no one can cross our swords or cross our shields and defeat us!"

The sound is like a war drum, full of high fighting spirit!

Looking up, Kalanis was followed closely by hundreds of warriors wearing thick armor and holding steel swords.

It formed a long line on the long and narrow road.

At this moment, most of these warriors' steps were messy and their bodies were covered in blood.

Panting like a cow.

The ground beneath their feet was scorched black and exuded a thick smell of sulfur.

On the left is a cliff, which is so deep that you can't see the bottom, like a devil's mouth, capable of devouring all living things.

Two meters away on the right, there is a translucent energy shield.

Inside the shield, the abyss demons were salivating and looking at them with crazy and longing eyes.

His hands frantically slapped the energy shield, squeezing it into distortion.

The face is green, the sharp fangs are exposed at the corners of the mouth, and there are two thin devil horns on the head.

The gray-brown skin is like the dry bark of an old tree, covered with wrinkles.

There are only three fingers, but they are as sharp as daggers.

The joints on the body are covered with barbs.

It has a long tail that is waving constantly, and it exudes an extremely evil aura.

The Sinking Demon is one of the most common demons in the Abyss.

It is also one of the deadliest demons.

Their mouths are constantly whispering depraved words from the abyss, constantly seducing people's souls.

Once you can't bear it anymore, you will become a devil.

Low, evil whispers repeatedly struck these already scarred warriors.

In the team, a warrior whose chest was torn suddenly stopped, his eyes gradually blurred, he slowly approached the energy shield, and then plunged into it.

But before he could fully enter it, two companions behind him pulled him fiercely.

"Don't be fooled!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a terrifying force coming from his hand and subconsciously took off his hand.

The soldier was pulled directly into the shield.

The next moment, the surrounding demons pounced on him crazily, gnawing at his flesh and blood in the most brutal manner.

Internal organs and body parts were scattered all over the sky.

There was a bit of panic in the eyes of the two warriors, but they didn't look much, turned around sharply and continued to follow the team.

This damn dark place! !

If the space turbulence hadn't pulled them inexplicably, they wouldn't have encountered such a terrifying monster! !

With lingering fear in his heart, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the heroic and graceful figure at the front of the team.

Lord Kalanis

He murmured a few times, his eyes full of admiration.

They knew that the most seriously injured person in the battle just now was Kalanis.

But at this moment, she is still willing to stand in front and be the first to bear the temptation of the devil's whisper.

That unshakable will opened a way for the army to survive.

The other people who were teleported into this turbulent space at the same time were already dead.

Only they, led by Lady Kalanis, are still alive!

Without adults, they are no better than those who are eaten by demons.

His eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

Step forward!

They will never hold back Lady Kalanis!

But along the long road, there are still people who are constantly being seduced by demons and dragged into the energy shield.

There were also people who couldn't bear the temptations and couldn't accept the outcome of being directly eaten by demons, so they turned around and threw themselves into the deep cliff beside them.

After a long journey, less than half of the team of hundreds of people remained.

This road to death has come to an end.

A huge platform appeared ahead.

However, the front above is not the safe place as imagined - a semi-transparent shield blocks the front.

Behind the shield, hundreds of demons were looking at them longingly.

Many soldiers felt their bodies go cold when they saw this scene.

His eyes were filled with despair.

At this moment, a small team of warriors leaned against the shield around them and were pulled into it by the demon.

Everyone looked towards the front of the team, the heroic figure covered in scars but unyielding.

Kalanis clenched the slender, slightly curved sword in her hand.

His pale golden eyes held an unshakable determination.

There was no looking back.

The voice is always high.

"Ready to fight!"

Hold the sword tightly with both hands and stand it upright in front of your chest.

Take a long stride and pass through the shield ahead.

The soldier behind him was stunned for a moment, but then he was filled with determination.


Roaring and following in the footsteps of the heroes they led, they broke through the shield.

Although they only met each other halfway, they were even looked down upon at first because of their female status.

But after each battle, the adult had already convinced them!

Use courage, unyielding will, and a fighting spirit that will never surrender to make them follow you willingly.

Even if he died in battle, it was worth it to follow Lord Kalanis and die in battle!

Passing through the shield gate, we arrived at the huge and empty square.

Brutal, ferocious, exuding endless evil aura, the already hungry and thirsty demon rushed forward.

The smell of blood instantly became strong. The devil's whisper turned into a soul-piercing roar at this moment.

There are so many that they can’t be killed all!

One by one, the soldiers fell and died on the way to the charge.

As the spearhead, Kalanis faced the most powerful pressure and killed countless demons in front of her.

Swing the knife, swing the knife again.

Maybe ten minutes of fighting, maybe ten hours of fighting?

Time is blurred at this moment.

Just fight and fight again!

When she turned around to look again, there was no one behind her.

Followers, all killed.



Her heavy breathing made her swing the knife slower and slower.

The scars on her body are always filled with her blood, pale golden blood!

Although her bloodline gave her great strength, she hated the color.


The voice has weakened, but remains firm and unshakable.

Enemies can kill her body, but no one can break her will.


A demon's arm was suddenly torn off from his back, and the armor that was already riddled with holes was directly broken.

Kalanis turned around sharply and slashed with the sword in her hand.

Poof~ the body was cut off directly.

Blood splattered.

But this swing of the knife also exhausted the last bit of energy in his body.

With a thud, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

But at this moment, the demons around him stopped.

He looked at the human warrior in front of him with fear in his eyes.

Looking around, the demon corpses around him had piled up into a hill.

The blood has flowed into a river.

They couldn't imagine why such tenacious strength could burst out from that broken and scarred body.

A full hour!

The opponent fought for an hour in a near-death state! ! !

A demon took a tentative step forward in fear.

After confirming that he was not in danger, he finally couldn't help but roared and pounced on it madly.

That delicious soul is his! !

Kalanis looked at the sinking demons surging around her, her hands that were trembling uncontrollably, and she clenched the sword forcefully.

Get ready for the finale.


When the demon rushed towards him, his eyes gradually lost focus, as if someone had covered his eyes.

A kind and warm face appeared in my mind.

Child, come back when you are tired.


Sorry, I broke my promise.

I still couldn't defeat the Tulip family and kill that man.

Revenge, I may not be able to avenge it.

Eyes slowly closed.

His body could no longer hold up and he fell to the ground.

With only a slit left in his eyes, he watched the ferocious monster charging towards him.

There is no more waves in my heart.

At this moment, a strange-looking wasp with blood-colored spots suddenly came into view.

Then when someone other than her was about to fly up and bite her, the wasp suddenly turned around and flew towards the demon rushing forward.

The sharp tail needle curved and slashed across the neck of the fallen demon while flying at high speed.

Puff~ Blood exploded instantly.

The opponent fell down suddenly

But what effect can a single wasp have?

The moment this thought came to Karanis.

The sky was buzzing~ A muffled thunder-like sound suddenly sounded.

The next moment, the already dim light was silent again.

Countless wasps flapped their wings and came.

They rushed into the demons frantically, and their stingers were like sharp daggers, leaving exaggerated blood marks on their bodies.

And some wasps lying on the demons suddenly swelled like balloons.

Bang~ It suddenly exploded, splashing with highly corrosive liquid, corroding holes on the demons.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

Along with the attack of the wasp army, sharp arrows fell from the sky.

A large number of demons were shot through the head by arrows, and even the remaining strength was not reduced, and they were nailed to the ground.

The screams were endless.

What is this?

Karanis forced herself to hold on to a bit of strength and looked at the scene in surprise.

After the wasps in the sky, translucent ghosts holding sickles also joined the battlefield.

Those undead beings without physical bodies swung sickles, which did not hurt the demons' bodies, but made them wail miserably.

Then the body's breath suddenly stopped

Harvesting souls.

This was not over yet. A headless, horrible being with a body that seemed to be stitched together, holding a heavy battle axe, rushed into the demons.

The axe swung.

Those level 10 fallen demons wanted to resist, but they were violently chopped in half.

The flesh and blood exploded and splashed all over the sky.

No demon could stop his edge!

Behind the headless life, a more bizarre existence came into view.

There were six mechanical limbs growing on its back.

Those soft mechanical limbs, however, had extremely terrifying power, and they easily crushed those demons when they swung.

He killed his way out of a bloody road.

The fighting style is more terrifying than that headless life.

Who are these people? !

Kalanis couldn't understand how these lives could gather together.

But her weak body couldn't bear too much thinking. The strength she had to hold on to quickly faded, and her eyes slowly closed.

In the haze, she vaguely saw a young man riding a pure black unicorn, with a handsome face that looked like a sculpture of a god, elegant temperament, and majestic and solemn.

The other party's deep eyes looked with some curiosity.

"Master, this human is still alive"

Beside the other party, a strong and fierce lizardman cavalry bowed respectfully in front of him.

These powerful and weird armies are all subordinates of that boy? !

The moment this thought came up, he fainted completely.

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