Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 107 The First 5-Star Hero!! Goblin Ancient God (7600 words)

Sitting on the treetops, Lear was in a wonderful mood at the moment.

This time the harvest was too great.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was a takeoff.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered that he was busy exploring the flesh and blood of the Grand Duke of the Abyss before, and seemed to have forgotten to arrange to dismantle the energy core in the mechanical puppet.

He immediately asked.

The response below made him feel relieved. When he entered the mechanical head, the bubble beast collected all the energy cores.

Now, all the good things he found in the ruins were in his pocket.

In a carefree mood, he hurried on his way.

There was no conversation along the way. When it was dark, the army returned to the territory.

The residents who were busy preparing dinner all day were relieved to see the army return.

The battle this morning was really scary.

They were also afraid of any accidents.

In this world, their only reliance is the Lord.

The hard work in the City of Dew during this period has allowed each of them to have their own residence and their own life.

They had already regarded this territory as their home.

They could not imagine what would happen if they left the territory.

Perhaps disaster is not enough to describe it.

But soon someone found that the number of cold-blooded cavalrymen had decreased a lot.

And all the warriors had obvious scars and bloodstains on their bodies.

The broken weapons and torn scales were obviously after a fierce battle.

The eyes immediately rose with respect.

These are all heroes who fought for the territory.

And they are also enjoying the efforts of these warriors.

Under the respectful gaze of the residents, Li Er let the ancient tree guardian return to the point where he was stationed and take root.

At the same time, the legion was disbanded to let everyone rest freely.

These high-intensity battles, even the fearless wetland lizard warriors felt tired, both physically and mentally.

Lier went straight back to the city hall, washed up, changed into clean clothes, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't wait for him to rest for long, the corrupted Naga guarding outside came to report that Bain asked to see him.

After getting his approval, the hero of the swamp man came in stride after a while.

"Good night, sir."

He went to inspect the planting situation of the farmland in the afternoon. When Lear came back, he was not there and did not come to greet him.

Lear sat on the rattan chair in the office area, looking at the gray-haired swamp man, and said softly.

"Bain, sit down. Is there anything you need to report?"

Bain took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Sir, there is something wrong with the mechanical finger you brought back."

Lear raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"It seems to be a living thing."

Lear's eyes condensed, and he sat up straight subconsciously, staring at the other party.

"Living thing?!"

"Yes, just now during the transportation process, the two swamp men seemed to hear whispers from the broken finger."

He hesitated again.

"But I went to investigate and found nothing unusual."

Lear couldn't sit still. The origin of this thing was too exaggerated.

Once there was an accident, the impact would be too huge.

This treasure is already in his pocket, and he must not allow anything to happen.

He immediately stood up and went with Bane to the area where the ancient tree guardians were stationed next to the city hall.

These ancient tree guardians have become his treasure house.

Heavy and uncarryable treasures are placed here.

With these level 12 life guards, he is also at ease.

The three-meter-long giant mechanical finger is now placed next to an ancient tree guardian.

If there is no hallucination or other nonsense, then the mechanical finger must have something he has not discovered.

He strode forward.

Looking at the three-meter-long silver finger in front of him reflecting the metallic luster, his eyes were cold.

The spirit escaped and covered the entire finger.

In his perception, he could not feel the splitting of the synthesis of mechanical parts at all.

Instead, it was like flesh and blood, growing little by little from the mother's womb.

Its exquisiteness and complexity are amazing.

However, he carefully sensed it and found nothing.

It was as if there was nothing inside.

At this time, the two who heard the whispering swamp people were called over.

After getting Lear's approval, he immediately reported.

"Lord, just now when we were moving, we all heard a faint whisper."

"Although we can't hear what it is, we can be sure that it came from here!"

The two people's firm attitude made Lear know what was going on.

Staring at the mechanical broken finger.

Said in a deep voice.

"I know you are listening. Now I give you a chance to come out by yourself."

After the voice fell, the scene fell into silence.

After a few breaths, Lear saw that there was no movement, and his eyes became cold.

Pressed his right hand on the mechanical broken finger.

The next moment, the swamp godhood in his body emitted a faint blue light, and the sacred and inviolable pressure surged out.

Like a river rushing down from a high mountain, pouring into it.

Began to frantically clean up the mechanical broken finger.

Under the terrifying pressure.

The ancient tree man guardians around felt great pressure, their bodies were trembling, and the branches were shaking constantly.

The two swamp people who were close to them felt their legs weaken, and they crawled on the ground, humbly resting their heads on the ground to show their submission.

Only in this way could they barely relieve the fear in their hearts.

Under Lear's reckless pressure, he suddenly heard a light hum in his ears, as if someone woke up from a dream.

Then the mechanical finger suddenly exuded a unique pressure, squeezing out a gap in the divine power.

The next moment, a picture suddenly appeared in Lear's mind.

On a piece of land, countless mechanical parts piled up into a mountain.

On the top of the mountain, a body made of machinery, with only the head of flesh and blood, sat on the top of the mountain.

The face was about forty years old, a middle-aged man.

The breath he exuded was majestic, tall, and solemn, like the king of the empire, the ruler of thousands of armies.

The other party's eyes were closed, as if he had been sleeping for countless years.

The faint voice came from the other party.

Seeing this, Lear's mental power escaped, the divine nature turned, and the sacred and inviolable power surged.

Under the strong stimulation, the flesh and blood head on his mechanical body slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, it seemed that the sun was rising and the stars were flowing.

An indescribable ancient breath emerged in his heart.

"I can actually wake up."

An ancient, obscure language resounded in his mind.

Although he didn't understand it, he could understand its meaning.

Advanced language.

After the mysterious existence talked to himself, he slowly turned his head and looked at him. Lear could feel that his gaze seemed to have crossed space and time.

"Human, you have the breath of gods, but it is not stable enough. You should have accidentally gained the power of those hypocritical and dirty locusts."

The tone was calm, but with a bit of mockery.

It seemed that in front of the other party, gods were not worth mentioning.

Lear's eyes were slightly fixed.

"Sir, may I ask who you are? Why do you exist in this broken finger?"

How long has the goblin ruins existed? More than four million years!

In other words, this is an ancient life that has lived for more than four million years.

This long time span can make people's scalps numb just thinking about it.

"Who am I?"

On the top of the mountain made of mechanical parts, the mysterious existence showed a bit of reminiscence.

"You can call me by my name - Azaro, or you can call me the Goblin God."

Goblin God? ! !

This name? ! !

Lear's heart trembled.

What kind of existence would be called an ancient god?

He couldn't imagine.

After the other party finished speaking, he slowly stood up from the top of the mountain.

At this moment, countless mechanical parts in the illusory picture seemed to come alive.

They began to float up and respond to the mysterious figure.

The other party turned his head and looked around, as if he could easily see through the void.

His eyes were a little complicated.

"This is no longer the world I am familiar with. The rules have changed, and the people who control the rules are mostly different."

After speaking, he took a long breath.

"Human Lord, can you tell me your name?"

Lear said softly.

"Sir Azaro, Lear greets you."

The other party's expression became more lively after hearing this.

"Sir Lear, may the goddess bless you."

He said with a little hesitation.

"Sir, can you tell me if the goblins still exist?"

After the words fell, he held his breath and clenched his fists unnaturally.

As if he was a criminal waiting for the judge's verdict in the court.

Lier nodded.

"The goblins still exist, Sir Azaro."

The corners of the other party's mouth slowly curled up, revealing a bright smile on his face, and he laughed softly, which gradually expanded and turned into a wild laugh.

The mechanical parts in the shadow were also dancing at this moment.

"Gods, hypocritical locusts!"

"You still failed to destroy us in the end!!"


After laughing, the other party asked in a brisk tone.

"Sir, has the goblin empire been rebuilt now? Where is the most powerful goblin force?"

After a moment of silence, Lear said slowly.

"Sir Azaro, you misunderstood. Although the goblins have not been exterminated, they have also lost their heritage."

The smile on the other party's face stopped abruptly, and his eyes were instantly sharp.

"Lost heritage? Why do you say that?"

Lear mercilessly uncovered the bloody scar.

"After the defeat of the goblins, civilization was completely destroyed, and cultural heritage has been wiped out by the gods."

"Now the goblins are the lowest and most humble life."

"In the main plane, even a farmer can kill three or five goblins with a steel fork."

When the other party heard this, his face was full of disbelief.

How is it possible? !

How could the goblins fall to the point of being killed by farmers? !

Lear continued mercilessly.

"It's not just heritage, the gods have also worked together to wipe out all traces of goblins."

"There is no historical record of you, and there is no legend about goblins. Cultural heritage."

"Until yesterday, in my memory, goblins were still uncivilized, only knowing how to plunder caravans and rob livestock."

"Goblin civilization has disappeared."

A heavy punch hit hard.

The figure on the top of the mountain of mechanical parts, his arms trembled visibly.

Said with a hoarse tone.

"Civilization. Was wiped out?!"

The goblin civilization that was once so glorious that even gods had to prostrate themselves before it, was destroyed?!

He stared at Li Er in a daze, not saying a word for a long time.

To him, this news was no better than the shock of the goblins being completely exterminated.

Even if all the goblins were sacrificed, the civilization they left behind would be enough to glorify half of history!

Now, it's been erased!

"Those damn locusts!!"

"Everyone deserves to die!!"

Lear's eyes were dark.

"Sir Azaro, what were you responsible for among the goblins?"

The life on top of the mountain is still immersed in this information that he cannot accept.

The bottom voice said.

"I was once responsible for researching the cores of 12 mechanical demons, and the Goblin Empire was created by me and several partners."

What the hell? !

Those 12 machines that can kill gods were researched by the other party?

That is a machine that kills gods with a mortal body.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's outrageous.

Lear's heart trembled.

And also created the goblin empire? !

What the hell is this status?

What's even more exaggerated is that when the goblin civilization was completely destroyed, he was able to survive from the joint attack of the gods with such a unique method.

This is definitely an ancient giant.

Isn’t the title of Ancient Goblin God just made up? !

The ancient goblin god's expression suddenly changed at this moment.

"Why is my memory incomplete?!

"Why, how come all that research knowledge has disappeared?!"

He suddenly looked up at the sky, his tone filled with unspeakable anger.

"Those locusts disturbed the rules and erased the knowledge we inherited from the origin of the world!!"

"Damn, damn! How dare they?!"

Moving the rule lines means subverting and reconstructing some of the basic rules of the world.

This will lead to huge disasters and even attract attacks from those terrifying chaos beasts in the void.

The entire world could be destroyed.

Those damn bastards went so crazy in order to deal with goblins! !

When Lear heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Good trick from the gods!

No wonder the goblins ended up in this state.

This is absolutely rootless!

But this mysterious ancient goblin god was not blinded by his anger and quickly regained his composure after venting his anger.

He looked at Lear.

said in a deep voice.

"Lord Lear, can I temporarily stay among your trophies?"

"My strength has dropped to freezing point now. If I go out, I will definitely violate the rules."

"Those locusts will immediately know that I am still alive in the world."

Now, he cannot do without the mechanical severed finger and has no ability to do anything to Lear except to plead.

True wisdom and reason are to recognize where you are at the moment and what you need to do most.

Surviving without being discovered by the gods who hated the goblins was the core desire at this moment.

Everything else can be compromised.

He said with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"The heritage of goblins must not be cut off in my hands!"

"Even if they wipe out everything about the goblins, as long as I'm still alive, I can still rebuild civilization!"

Rebuild civilization! !

Lear took a deep look at the other person.

This confidence and broadmindedness are top notch!

At this moment, the intelligence system quietly emerged in his mind.

[You had a conversation with the unique soul hidden in the mechanical severed finger, and obtained more information about the goblins. You also obtained an additional piece of information - Azaro was the founder of the goblin empire in ancient times, the mentor of the goblin king, and the goblin. The only one among them who has become a god with his own power, has been guiding the goblins forward, and is respected as the ancient god by the goblins. 】

[Azaro knew the current situation of the goblins and what the gods had done to the goblins, and developed a strong hatred for the gods. If you are willing to take the other person in, you can gain their gratitude, and the other party is willing to use his knowledge to help and guide you. The City of Dew, but you need to feed the other party with 1 point of divinity every month to maintain their soul state. 】

[If you take in the ancient goblin god, you will also face the hostility of the gods. Once the other party's whereabouts are discovered, those gods who have feared the goblins will wipe out the city of Weilu at all costs. 】

Lear swallowed when he saw the information refreshed in his mind.

The founder of the goblin empire, the mentor of the goblin king, the only ancient god among the goblins who became a god by his own power, and the guide of the goblins.

This series of introductions made his mouth dry.

What the hell kind of boss is this?

Just now he was still doubting the authenticity of his words, but now it seems that the other party is being humble.

"Your Excellency Azaro, the City of Dew is willing to provide you with protection. But before recovery, I hope you will not leave the mechanical severed finger."

"The gods keep an eye on the goblins."

The ancient goblin god nodded slowly when he heard this.

"As it should be."

"During this period, if you have any questions about machinery and goblin technology, you can come to me at any time."

"Although those locusts erased the goblin heritage, they couldn't stop me from thinking."

This was said with confidence and certainty.

This is the self-confidence of the leader who once founded the goblin empire.

However, he hesitated after finishing speaking.

"But my current condition is very bad and I need to consume divinity to maintain it. I may only be able to wake up for three to five days a month."

Lear smiled.

"You don't need to worry, my territory has exactly what you need."

The consciousness exited his mind and looked at Bain.

"Go get Radina."

The swamp hero turned and went down.

After a moment, the Flesh Slaughterer strode over.

"My Lord."

The dull voice was a bit empty.

This headless divine life always surprised Lear every time he spoke.

He nodded slightly and pointed to the mechanical broken finger.

"Inject 1 point of divinity into it."

The Flesh Slaughterer did not hesitate at all, stepped forward, and pressed his hands on the mechanical broken finger.

The next moment, a terrible breath surged in his body, and it was madly infused into it.

In just a few breaths, the breath shriveled down.

Only 1 point of divinity on the panel remained.

But the other party can recover every day, so there is no need to worry about it.

The Goblin God was also a little excited when he sensed this.

Divine life? !

This territory seems to be much richer than what is seen on the surface.

That is divinity. As a former Goblin God, he knows better than anyone how rare this kind of power is.

"Sir Lear, thank you for your help."

Lear smiled happily.

The mood became better.

I thought the mechanical finger was the final harvest, but I didn't expect that there would be a bigger one.

He likes this kind of unexpected surprise.

After a moment, he seemed to think of something.

He took out the blueprint of the flesh-and-machine fusion technology obtained in the goblin ruins.

"Sir Azaro, I got this blueprint in the goblin ruins, but the inscription on it is too obscure and difficult to read."

"I wonder if you can teach us how to use it?"

Azaro, whose shadow appeared in his mind, looked down slightly and saw through the void directly.

"This is simple. It just needs to engrave some inscriptions that activate flesh and blood."

"The original intention of this technology is to integrate life and machinery into one to obtain more powerful power."

"But this requires mechanical limbs and flesh that can withstand mechanical limbs."

Mechanical limbs, carriers?

Li Er's eyes moved slightly, and he turned to the swampman hero.

"Bain, take someone to get the mechanical arm. In addition, bring the two-headed ogre chieftain here."

Mechanical limbs are ready.

Carriers are not lacking either.

The two-headed ogre chieftain was defeated and seriously injured in the last battle with the plague fly general. It has been more than half a month now.

There is still no sign of recovery.

This makes him a little worried.

And the other party showed the same signs of gradual decline as the scarlet queen bee before.

The last step of his transformation into a hero has become hopeless because of the severe injury.

Life is extinguished.

With the goblin ancient god, maybe he can try another way?

Soon, the two-headed ogre chieftain and the mechanical arm who were still sleeping were taken over.

Li Er looked at the two-headed ogre chieftain who was seriously declining and took a deep breath.

"Sir Azaro, can you merge him with the mechanical arm?"

The goblin ancient god looked at the mechanical arm with some emotion.

"I didn't expect that I could see a real, pure goblin creation now."

"Yes. These mechanical arms are made with high-level forging secrets."

"This ogre's physique can also withstand it."

"But before that, you need to wake him up, ask and tell him the next move, otherwise he will resist and the fusion will definitely fail."

Lear nodded, without hesitation, and the surging divine power on his body directly covered the two-headed ogre chief.

Under the shock of the terrifying power, the other party trembled and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he saw Lear, he said weakly.


Lear looked at the sturdy ogre and sighed.

He slowly told him that he was going to transform him into a cyborg.

The two-headed ogre chief heard this without any hesitation and nodded decisively.

"Master, I won't hold you back!"

For a warrior, the saddest thing is to lose strength and can only lie in bed and wait for death.

Moreover, he hasn't avenged his revenge yet, how can he fall here? !

Li Er nodded slowly.

"Hold on, this will be the beginning of your new life."

As he said this, he restrained his breath and lost the stimulation of divine power. The two-headed ogre chieftain fainted again.

"Sir Azaro, please start."

Seeing this, the goblin old god dispersed the shadow left in Li Er's mind.

After a moment, a unique power surged from the mechanical broken finger.

It directly covered the twelve mechanical arms in front.

Those mechanical arms melted and reshaped like candles encountering high temperature.

"Sir Li Er, what kind of mechanical limbs do you want this ogre to get?"

Lier looked at the mechanical arm floating in the air and turned into liquid, and was amazed.

Is this the power of the goblin old god?

For the first time, he intuitively felt the horror of this ancient giant.

With this ability, making any machine is not a piece of cake? !

Hearing the other party's question, he suddenly thought of the hose metal connected to the back of the mechanical puppet king before he was killed, and his eyes moved slightly.

There is a very popular villain in the Spider-Man movie on Earth. Doctor Octopus.

The octopus-like mechanical arm on his back left a deep impression on him.

When others were young, they wanted to be Spider-Man, but he wanted to have a mechanical arm, which was so cool.

And it was also very practical, not just a toy.

He decisively told the goblin ancient god his inner thoughts.

The other party was quite appreciative when he heard it.

"It's a great idea. The soft mechanical arm can exert more powerful power. And keeping its body can also allow it to show its original fighting skills."

When Lear heard that it was feasible, he immediately became full of expectations.

Under his gaze, the goblin ancient god controlled the metal that had turned into liquid and slowly wrapped the two-headed ogre chieftain.

At the same time, in the void, twisted and highly recognizable goblin inscriptions slowly emerged under the control of the goblin ancient god.

It was engraved on the two-headed ogre chieftain a little bit.

Then, the liquid metal directly merged into the other party's body.

This scene made Lear's eyelids jump.

The amount of metal fused into 12 mechanical arms was so huge that it was all integrated into the ogre's body.

Can it hold up?

Sure enough, the two-headed ogre chieftain who was in a coma also felt the extreme pain and wailed softly.

This was still in the state of sleeping consciousness. If he was awake, he would probably roar.

At this moment, the voice of the goblin god came.

"Sir Lear, there is not enough energy to transform it into high-level combat power."

Lear frowned slightly, not enough energy?

The energy is wrong, doesn't he have it?

The energy core dug out from the head of the mechanical puppet!

In the ruins, he has harvested a total of a thousand!

This is the energy source that drives the level 10 mechanical puppet, and the level is as high as 2 stars!

Let Bain go down and get it immediately.

A moment later, two bubble beasts came with bubbles.

There are energy cores inside, as crystal clear as rubies.

You can clearly sense the majestic energy contained in it.

If all are cast, the city of Wei Lu can be flattened.

After unloading it on the ground, Lear whispered.

"These energy sources are taken out of the mechanical puppets. Do they meet the requirements?"

"Yes, they are what we want, but we still lack a high-level one as an energy core."

Before he finished speaking, Lear took out the 4-star high-level energy core.

This was obtained in the first hall of the ruins.

The goblin god was silent for a moment, then said slowly.

"Your Excellency is quite well prepared."

He did not speak again after that.

Concentrate on controlling this transformation.

Those ruby-like energy cores emitted bursts of light, all of which poured into the body of the two-headed ogre chieftain.

The inscriptions that took shape in the void became faster.

The energy core of the star floated up and landed on the other party's forehead.

Then his flesh and blood melted like a candle, allowing the energy core to merge into his head.

Thousands of cores containing tremendous energy were all swallowed by the two-headed ogre chieftain alone.

The originally weak breath began to rise, and the soul breath like a candle was like a haystack being poured with gasoline. After being ignited, it quickly exploded and grew stronger.

Under its swallowing, those energy cores gradually changed from the appearance of red crystals to transparent.

The energy contained in them also dropped to the freezing point until it disappeared completely.

The breath of the two-headed ogre chieftain also soared to the critical point at this moment.



A metal soft limb as thick as an arm with a triangular front end, like a hose, suddenly pierced out from its back.

It slowly extended to a length of 5 meters.

Blood flowed along the soft limb.

Then the second, the third, and finally 6 mechanical limbs like octopus tentacles appeared.

All gathered below the shoulder blade of the two-headed ogre chief.

Suddenly, crack~crack~those slightly stiff mechanical limbs moved, and then suddenly stabbed into the ground, directly supporting the three-meter-tall two-headed ogre chief into the air.

At this moment, the two heads of the other party opened their eyes at the same time.

In an instant, a fierce and surging pressure like a dragon breaking out of its shell burst out.

It swept in all directions like a tsunami.

The residents in the territory trembled in their hearts and turned around to look in this direction.

Their eyes were full of fear.

Some of the timid ones even felt their crotches warm and full of water stains.

The two-headed ogre chief's eyes gradually brightened, and his expression gradually became lively.

Then he subconsciously turned his head to look at Lear, and the surprise on his face was beyond words.

"Master, I succeeded!!"

Lear laughed when he saw the other party being held up in the air by mechanical limbs.

Doctor Octopus!! He created it!

And it was a fantasy version of Doctor Octopus! Have you seen one with two heads? !

He also felt like his childhood dream had come true.

With full of expectations, he looked at it intently.

The other party's attributes appeared in front of him.

He only saw the first two status bars, and his breathing became rapid instantly.

Aite Redstone, Two-Headed Ogre Chieftain (Semi-mechanized Unit), Hero Unit, Potential: 5 Stars.

Hero Talent: Flesh Overload, Burning one's own flesh and blood, greatly enhancing one's own combat power, increasing all attributes by 200%, and mechanical limb attributes by 300%

Lear only felt dry mouth and tongue, and his heart was pounding wildly.

Almost jumping out of his throat.

What did he see? A 5-star hero? !!!

This is fucking going to the sky!!!

Fuck the shitty gods, the goblin ancient god, I declare that you are the only true god!!

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