Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 100 Isn't this a turret with endless ammunition? ! Ancient Treeman Guardian (4600 words

The leader of the night elves, Ishani, felt extremely complicated when she learned that she was going to be summoned.

I have been imprisoned in this building for more than ten days.

But she didn't have much hatred. Instead, as time passed, her mood became more subtle.

These days, none of the beatings, humiliations, threats or inducements she expected happened.

It was as if they had been forgotten and no one cared about them at all.

Not many people come to the city hall every day, and a few of them are in a hurry. At most, they look at them curiously and then turn around and leave.

What was expected did not happen at all.

This made the anger she had been holding in her heart release little by little, as if something had broken through her.

She originally thought that no matter how cruel and tortured the human lord was, she would grit her teeth and get through it, and she would never give in.

But looking at it now, it seems that this territory really doesn’t need them anymore.

This made her uneasy.

The survival rules of the underground world - when a person is useless, the only ending is to be abandoned or die.

No one cares about the garbage on the ground.

In the first few days, she and her companions thought it was just Lear's plan.

But as time went by, she discovered that they would really be ignored because this territory was becoming stronger at a terrifying speed.

It was so exaggerated that she often wondered if she was under an illusion.

The most intuitive ones are the fierce soldiers riding lizards.

She had calculated it in detail and found that there were only dozens of them in the beginning, and they could be seen at a glance.

But in just half a month, their number increased tenfold!

The area where cold-blooded cavalry is cultivated needs to pass through the city hall, and she can see it every time a new army enters the queue.

This also caused all night elves to witness the entire process of the growth of the cold-blooded cavalry.

The number of troops that almost suffocated them increased every day.

The wetland lizardmen who originally patrolled the territory were gradually replaced by lizard cavalry.

In addition to the military aspect, the speed of building construction in this territory also makes Ishani incredible.

New changes are happening every day. Half a month ago, it was empty outside with only a few buildings, but these days the buildings have become connected.

It looks a bit like a prosperous city.

What's even more exaggerated is that some unique beings with long reed-like hair are actually giving those vine buildings a unique spirituality! !

In the darkness above, spiritual plants that are extremely rare in the underground world can be mass-produced in this territory.

What's even more outrageous is that the hairy Delsa people who can be seen everywhere in this territory can actually live in this kind of building! !

What kind of inferior race are the Delsa people who deserve to live in houses made of spiritual plants? !

Even the lowest life, which they look down upon, lives a more comfortable life than they do, how can they be convinced in their hearts.

Even the quality of life they had before losing their territory was not as good as the lowest life in this territory.

That kind of strong contrast tortured them day and night.

The physical pain was bearable, but the huge gap revealed unintentionally was unacceptable to all night elves.

Witnessing the growing growth of Weilu City, various emotions have appeared in my heart.

He is no longer as arrogant as before.

Ishani took a deep breath, forced down the ups and downs of emotions in her heart, and walked out of the city hall.

When I came outside, my vision suddenly dimmed. A strong sense of crisis came to my heart, and the hairs on my body stood up.

He turned his head sharply and saw that not far away, a 6-meter-tall monster appeared in his sight.

The opponent had a huge one-eye on his head, and his aura was ferocious and violent.

Is that a Cyclops? !

She had heard about the unique life forms of these swamp tribes, which were very powerful.

But now, the other party is carrying some things under the command of the Delsa people.

"It's acting as a porter?!"

The tone was a bit incredible.

Hearing this, the soldiers escorting the night elves around him showed a bit of pride in their eyes.

"Yes, in Weilu City, Cyclops must also participate in the construction of the territory."

What about the legendary life?

Still have to crawl under the will of the Lord!

At this moment, tap tap~ tap tap~ a dull sound of footsteps sounded.

Two teams of cold-blooded cavalry were patrolling at the moment, passing by Ishani.

The three-meter-high velociraptor lizard, coupled with the wetland lizard man, has an overall height of nearly 4 meters!

Higher than a floor.

When passing by, a casual glance at the amber eyes of the Velociraptor Lizard made Ishani feel chilled.

She couldn't defeat these cruel beings.

Not even one-on-one.

I felt a strong sense of frustration inside.

There are hundreds of such warriors in this territory.

And it was cultivated within a few days.

This speed of getting stronger made her feel deep despair.

It was like being caught in a giant net, with no way to escape.

At this moment, my heart was full of regret. If I had known this, why would they go deep into this territory? !

This is simply not a place where they can peek.

In a complicated mood, Ishani met the master of this land.

Handsome, young, with eyes as deep as the stars, every move is filled with the majesty of a superior.

There is a sense of oppression when looking at him, and he will subconsciously look away.

This is an arbitrary ruler who has developed a unique leadership temperament in his high position.

She has only seen this temperament in the top lords in the underground world.

Take a deep breath, slowly support your chest, and bow with a respectful enough attitude.

"May the darkness favor you. Ishani greets you, respected Lord of the City of Weir."

The proud elf slowly lowered her head that was always proud.

Li Er heard the change in the other party's tone and said slowly.

"It seems that you have thought a lot these days."

"Yes, sir"

"Then wait until you think it through, and then come to me."

Li Er didn't say much nonsense and went straight to the point.

"I need the secret technique in your hands to cultivate the tree man guardian."

Ishani took a deep breath after hearing this.

If it was half a month ago, he would definitely use this to negotiate conditions.

But after witnessing the changes in the City of Weir, he no longer had this idea.

If they don't show their value, the other party will really get rid of them like throwing away useless garbage.

It doesn't matter whether they are in this territory or not.

"My lord, I am willing to serve you."

Hearing the decisive response of the night elf, Li Er nodded slightly.

"Yes, I like to deal with smart people."

It seems that the effect of imprisonment in the past few days is still very obvious.

"Do you need to prepare any additional supplies to activate the swamp tree people?"

"The blood of the night elves is the only medium for casting spells."

Isani's tone was a little proud.

But then she suppressed that bit of arrogance. In front of this human lord, her confidence was worthless.

"Okay, I have 12 swamp tree people, and I need you to cast secret spells. How many people are enough?"

Swamp tree people? Aren't they ancient trees?

The night elf hesitated.

"Revitalization can only transform trees into treemen."

"Swamp treemen are already living things, so our revitalization may not work."

She has never seen a life being revitalized. They are all living things, how can they be revitalized?

Lier smiled.

"Who told you that treemen can't continue to be revitalized?"

"Just listen to my arrangement. How many night elves are needed for 12 level 9 treemen?"

Ishani heard this and didn't hesitate, and said directly.

"Five teams!"

Lier nodded and looked at Baine beside him.

"Take five teams of night elves to the swamp treemen, and then call the green grass grandmother."

He didn't hesitate and took Ishani to the swamp treemen.

When he came to this area, the night elf leader was originally thinking about revitalizing, but suddenly turned his head and looked at a certain area after approaching.

Staring at the swamp tree in the front, a piece of roots wrapped into a cocoon below.

In it, she felt a unique breath of life.

The source of power it radiated made her feel great pressure. This was at least a level 13 life! !

If this life was released alone, more than a hundred of them would not be enough to kill.

How many things are hidden in this territory?

Such an inconspicuous place is prone to thunder in silence.

Her eyes became complicated again.

Soon, five teams of night elves were called over.

Four teams of cold-blooded cavalry were guarding them.

All their bows and arrows had been taken away.

Facing the fierce 11th-level soldiers, they had no ability to resist.

The night elves also knew the pros and cons, and did not make a rash escape.

When Yishani saw her people approaching, she suddenly came to her senses and immediately said in a deep voice.

"Follow me to use the secret method to activate the swamp tree man in front."

Without waiting for others to speak, she stepped forward and came to the bottom of the swamp tree man in the front.

A unique dark energy emanated from his body, and he chanted an obscure night elf spell loudly.

The next moment, the dark light emanating from his body gradually rose, covering everything around him.

At the same time, the five teams of night elves behind him also responded to his cheers at this moment, and their powers resonated with each other.

The next moment, all the night elves stretched out their right hands and engraved a unique rune on their foreheads with their index fingers.

The rune was written by hand, but it suddenly shone in the air like a golden sand.

Under the cover of dark energy, the rune broke away from the forehead and floated into the air.

It poured into the body of the swamp tree man in front with a unique dark power.

Seeing this, Li Er's mind moved slightly.

He looked at the green grass grandmother next to him.

"You will light the spirit for the swamp tree man immediately!"

The nine green grass grandmothers nodded in response, strode forward, and emanated a unique green energy from their bodies, covering the tree man.

The swamp tree man, who had originally had no reaction, began to stir with the addition of the green grass grandmother.

The surrounding magic power suddenly surged and poured into the swamp tree man's body.

A tide blew up, and the leaves rustled.

A twisted face suddenly appeared on the thick tree trunk.


They roared in pain.

They only felt that their bodies were being torn apart by the majestic magic power.

The activation of the night elves and the enlightenment of the green grass grandmother intersected and merged, and a very subtle reaction occurred.

The power dormant deep in the blood of the swamp tree man began to revive and grow.

Along with this, the already tall body began a new round of growth, rising upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The roots expanded faster, bursting through the ground, causing large cracks under the feet.

After a while, the night elves and Granny Green Grass both calmed down, but the magic tide around them did not stop, and the swamp tree people continued to grow wildly.

This process lasted a full hour.

When the ferocious magic power gradually dissipated, the swamp tree man had changed his appearance.

The height soared from 15 meters to 20 meters, and the diameter of the trunk exceeded 5 meters!

The bark is old, rugged, and full of wrinkles.

The tree canopy has also increased, reaching 40 meters in coverage.

The underground roots were like bamboo shoots sprouting from the ground, spreading all over the surrounding 50 meters, causing large spiderweb-like cracks to appear on the ground.

What's even more unique is that two twisted and special branch arms grow on the trunk.

It is more than 15 meters long and is strong and strong. Once it is swung, even cold-blooded cavalry can be overturned by it.

Lear felt quite relieved when he saw this. From the appearance alone, the swamp tree man had been greatly improved.

Looking at it intently, its attribute panel immediately appeared in my mind.

Ancient Treeman Guardian, level: 12, potential: 3 stars (level limit: 12)

Racial talent: The son of the earth can pull out roots and walk on the ground. When rooted in the earth, the defense is increased by 70%, and energy can be continuously drawn from the power of the earth to restore strength.

The Dark Soul can swallow the enemy's soul, with a chance to steal its power and gain additional skills.

Seeing this, Lear took a deep breath and couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

Level 12 has reached the full potential of 3 stars!

And also gained a new racial talent-Dark Soul.

This skill is not simple. There is a chance to gain additional skills when devouring the enemy's soul.

If you keep this for three to five years, you won't have twenty or thirty skills?

Although the level has reached the upper limit, the potential is still very high.

There is still a lot of room for growth! !

Next is its skills——

1. Root Binding (3 stars) When the roots with paralysis characteristics bind an enemy, it will cause weakness and all attributes will be reduced by 30%. As the time of being tied up, the attribute reduction will reach up to 99%.

2. Branch whip (3 stars): Swing the branch to whip the enemy, causing an additional 60% damage, and 3 times the damage to creatures less than 5 meters in size.

3. Living Stone Throwing (3 stars) can use tree roots to condense the surrounding soil into rock blocks, and throw them out with both arms. Throwing distance: 200 meters.

The first and second skills are both original, but the attributes have increased a lot compared to before.

The third skill is just acquired - stone throwing!

Is that what those two arms are used for?

Moreover, the stones it throws can condense on their own. Isn't this an attack machine that can produce its own ammunition?

No wonder they are called tree guardians.

The only pity is that the range is only 200 meters. If it can reach 2000 meters, it will be fierce.

In a good mood, Lear looked at the ancient tree guardian at the front and asked him to try out his new skill - activated stone throwing.

The Treant Guardian immediately responded.

Then under his gaze.

Twelve tree roots were violently pulled up, dancing like an octopus.

Then it was laid flat on the ground, and the tips of the tree roots exuded a unique magic power, and the surrounding soil began to gather rapidly as if it was attracted by a magnet.

In just three minutes, a giant rock was formed.

Its diameter exceeds 3 meters!

Immediately afterwards, the roots wrapped around the rock and then lifted it up very flexibly.

Two thick arms grabbed it and slowly raised it above his head.

The body also bent down at this moment.

After accumulating power for a moment, the huge tree trunk exerted force like a spring, and the terrifying boulder three meters in diameter behind him roared out.

A striking trace was drawn in the sky and suddenly fell on the empty space in front of it.



The moment it hit the ground, the boulder suddenly exploded, splashing large amounts of soil, and countless sharp gravels and debris splashed in all directions.

Covering a range of twenty to thirty meters.

When the dust cleared, Lear saw a huge crater revealed on the spot.

Although it is a stone condensed by magic, it is purely physical damage, and it is fragile and sharp.

Taking a deep breath, he turned to look at the 12 ancient tree guardians beside him with extremely happy eyes.

That’s awesome! !

With this destructive power, even if a cold-blooded cavalry survives a single shot, it will take half of his life!

Even if the enemy is wearing heavy armor, as long as he is within the rubble range, he will be severely damaged.

There is no way to avoid this kind of ranged damage, you can only resist it.

After the first boulder was thrown, the second condensed boulder was sent over by the twisting roots.

The arm of the ancient treeman guardian moved it directly, and the tree trunk began to accumulate strength.

After the second round was ejected from the chamber, the third round arrived.

All this made Lear feel excited, and what was even worse was that the empty roots began to condense into new boulders.

At this speed, the ancient tree guardian can continuously carry out throwing attacks!

This is fucking unlimited ammunition! !

Isn't this just cheating?

In the future, these 12 trees will be erected in the outer areas of the territory, which will be 12 inexhaustible forts.

Just when Lear was getting excited, the ancient treeman guardian in front suddenly stopped and turned to look in a certain direction.

"Master. I feel the breath of other swamp tree people."

"They are calling us."

Other swamp tree people? !

Lear took a breath.

What the hell, after you get promoted, will there be any side benefits? ! !

Hahaha, interesting, so interesting! !

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