Swallowed Star 2 Origin Continent

Chapter 80: Panic in the City Lord's Mansion

These Huyang guards were very nervous and terrified. Although the leader was an eternal true god, he was instinctively trembling with fear when he saw 139 super-large legion secret treasures. He was also afraid!

"What is our purpose in coming to Huyang City? Hahaha..." Among the many super-large legion secret treasures, one of the super-large plants laughed, and the terrifying sound waves generated by the rolling laughter swept these Huyang guards.

The Huyang guards were all thrown far away by the impact, and the leader was thrown away with the momentum, not caring about face at all.

"This time something big has happened! The comer is not kind!" While the leader was thrown away with the momentum, he also understood how dangerous Huyang City was facing, "Relying only on the Huyang Legion, it is not vulnerable in front of 139 super-large legion secret treasures! Such a powerful force came to kill, and was not afraid of Jiujiang Hou's deterrence. I'm afraid it was sent by the Food Country."

Anyone with a little knowledge can guess it.

The powerful force invaded a Chaos State without authorization, and the God Kings of the Yu Country would be furious! Actively invading the country will probably turn into dust within a day.

This is also the reason why the Xinying Sect could not find a base in the entire Origin Continent before! The entire Origin Continent has long been divided by various divine kingdoms and major forces.

Only the Xinying Sect, representing the Food Kingdom, invaded Jiujiang Chaos State, which represented the dispute between the two countries!

The City Lord's Mansion was in a panic at this moment.

"Not good."

"It's the Xinying Sect!"

"They are not friendly, I'm afraid they are going to attack the City Lord's Mansion!"

The divine incarnations of the leaders of the five major families gathered here, looking at the scene in front of them monitoring the entire city, and they also saw the power of the entire army of the Xinying Sect.

"The Xinying Sect had offended the Great Saint Jiuyuan, and the Great Saint Jiuyuan personally came to the Xinying Sect. The three Chaos Realm of the Xinying Sect used the formation to resist the Great Saint Jiuyuan. In that battle... one of the three Chaos Realm of the Xinying Sect was killed, and the other two escaped. Even now, they can only hide in the dark and dare not show up in the open." Mo Lixiao frowned and said, "Since then, the Xinying Sect has completely declined and even split."

The Lord of Huyang City nodded and said, "The Xinying Sect, after its decline, was recruited by Liuyin Hou and has been protected until now. They came here today, and Liuyin Hou must have been behind them!"

Liuyin Hou is one of the strongest Chaos Realm in the entire Food Kingdom. His growth path is a path of blood and fire, and also a path of dark disasters. He has never been afraid of strong enemies. Jiuyuan Great Saint didn't care about protecting the weakened Xinying Sect.

Jiuyuan Great Saint is a good-tempered person. If you don't anger him, he is unwilling to start a life-and-death battle.

"I have reported the news to the Marquis." The white-haired old man said on the side, "The Marquis asked us to hold on to the City Lord's Mansion first."

"Hold on to the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Only with the help of the City Lord's Mansion can we hold on for a while."

They all felt bitter.

The entire Huyang City is like a super-large mechanical secret treasure, and the core of it is the City Lord's Mansion! Even Xueyun, Yu Tianhu and others never thought of breaking into the City Lord's Mansion.

Relying on the specialness of the City Lord's Mansion, they can have the confidence to hold on for a period of time.

Outside the City Lord's Mansion... they have no confidence to resist the Heart Shadow Sect at all.

"Let the core of the five major families retreat to the City Lord's Mansion first."

"The Heart Shadow Sect is likely to start a war directly."

The five major families are panicked.

Even with the help of the City Lord's Mansion, they can only say 'hold on', because the strength of the two sides is too different.


Thousands of large flying boats are terrifying, and there are 139 super-large mechanical secret treasures flying in the air. The power makes the Huyang guards dare not approach, and none of the ten Huyang legions dare to intercept.

Huh! Huh!

Suddenly, two divine incarnations descended. They were the Lord of Huyang and Mo Lixiao.

At this moment, many super-large mechanical secret treasures all paid attention to them. Many eternal true gods and vast void true gods in thousands of large flying boats all looked over. This invisible pressure frightened the Lord of Huyang and Mo Lixiao.

"It is worthy of being a sect founded by the God King. Even if it has declined until now, there are still thousands of eternal true gods." The Lord of Huyang was secretly surprised.

He was not surprised at all. When the Heart Shadow Sect was intact, three Chaos Realm guarded it, and there were more than ten thousand eternal true gods. The foundation of the sect was three Chaos States. With the treasures left by the God King, it was deeply rooted. It was only later that it angered the Great Saint Jiuyuan that it split and declined.

Even so, all parties still did not dare to underestimate the Heart Shadow Sect.

Because the two Chaos Realm who fled outside might have a breakthrough in strength one day and no longer fear the Great Saint Jiuyuan. At that time, the Heart Shadow Sect will rise again.

"Everyone from Xinying Sect." The Lord of Huyang City spoke.

The three-eyed man flew out a flying boat, took the initiative to show up, and smiled and said: "Xinying Sect'Feng Yuqi greets Huyang City Lord, Commander Mo Lixiao."

"So it's the Lord of Xinying Sect." The Lord of Huyang City said, "Xinying Sect came to Huyang City with such a big momentum, what are you planning to do?"


The three-eyed man sighed softly, "My Xinying Sect has declined to this point. We have searched the world, but it is difficult to find the foundation of the sect. We came to Huyang City, just to find a temporary place to stay."

At this moment, 139 super-large mechanical secret treasures were overlooking Huyang City Lord and Commander Mo Lixiao.

No matter how pitiful the three-eyed man said, Huyang City Lord and Mo Lixiao did not dare to believe it.

Just asking for a place to stay, why so much momentum?

"Please ask the Lord of Xinying Sect to restrain his disciples and not affect Huyang City." The Lord of Huyang City said.

"I will do my best to restrain my disciples." The three-eyed man smiled and said, "I will not accompany you two, I still need to settle my disciples. After all, I have too many disciples in Xinying Sect, and it is troublesome to settle them."

After saying that, he returned directly to the large flying boat beside him.

The Lord of Huyang City and Commander Mo Lixiao looked at each other and could only temporarily disperse this incarnation of divine power.

Inside the flying boat.

The three-eyed man had a cold face and ordered by voice transmission: "Everything should be carried out according to the plan."


Thousands of large flying boats and many super-large mechanical secret treasures acted at the same time, with terrifying power.

"Master, I thought at the beginning that we should directly conquer the City Lord's Mansion with the force of thunder." An elder sent a voice transmission. At this moment, all the eighteen elders have already controlled the super-large legion mechanical secret treasures.

"A large city is built over countless years, and the core is the City Lord's Mansion. It's not that easy to conquer." The three-eyed man said, "Even if we conquer it, I'm afraid our Xinying Sect will suffer some casualties. Our opponent in this battle is not the hundreds of eternal true gods of the five major families in the City Lord's Mansion, but the army under the command of Lord Jiujiang."

"What the sect leader said makes sense." An elder agreed, "We must maintain sufficient strength. The stronger we are, the more Lord Liuyin will rely on us. And if we fight against Lord Jiujiang's army and lose a lot of strength, our status under Lord Liuyin will also be reduced."


The three-eyed man said, "Nine The most powerful army in Jiang Hundun Province is not in Huyang City, but in Jiujiang City. And Jiujiang Hou may also invite some powerful eternal true gods from other places in Yu State. So we must act with caution. "

"Master." A cold voice came, "In war, sometimes you have to strike with thunder and kill them. There is enough killing and deterrence to make the army under Jiujiang Hou really afraid. You don't want too many casualties among the disciples of the sect, but you can't be soft-hearted in the fight for the foundation of the sect!"

"My Xinying Sect has reached its current situation. We must be cautious and united." The three-eyed man was very troubled that the sect's strongest 'Heart Eye Elder' had different ideas from him.

"I just talked to the master privately." The heart eye elder said that he did not agree with the master.

According to his temper.

The City Lord's Mansion was destroyed as soon as possible, and he would rather pay some casualties and completely occupy Huyang City first.

Jiujiang Hou dared to send a large army? Then kill! Kill Jiujiang Hou until he hesitated, and kill Jiujiang Hou until he felt distressed!

As for the death and injury of the sect's disciples? For the future of the sect, it's all worth it!

"The two ancestors are on the side of the sect master. Well, although Feng Yuqi is a little soft-hearted, he is also devoted to the sect." Elder Xinyan could only bear it because of the instructions of the two Chaos Realm masters.


Luo Feng, who was in Menghua Tower, also received news one after another.

At this moment, all forces in Huyang City were a little panicked, feeling that the entire city might change drastically.

"The Xinying Sect army has come to Huyang City? There are 139 super-large legion secret treasures? There are thousands of eternal true gods?" Luo Feng was stunned when he heard it, and immediately called the servant beside him, "Luo Sa, let's go out and take a look."

"What happened?" Morosa was still eating meat, so he could only reluctantly stop and follow his master to fly out.

Mo Yu Qingyan and the owner of Menghua Tower also followed him out.


Flying high in the sky, Luo Feng looked from afar. Even though the entire Huyang City formation was affected, he could still break through the air and spy on the thousands of flying boats and many super-large legion secret treasures of the Heart Shadow Sect.

"What a big momentum." Luo Feng exclaimed, "It is worthy of being a sect founded by the God King. It has declined until now, but it is still so powerful."

The Heart Shadow Sect is a normal God King sect. At its peak, it was also a major force with countless disciples.

The Duan Donghe lineage, perhaps the ancestors thought it was too troublesome to train disciples, so they passed it down from generation to generation. The previous Duan Donghe died in the universe sea. Fortunately, Luo Feng inherited and continued the inheritance and became the 193rd Duan Donghe.

"The Heart Shadow Sect is here, Huyang City is afraid that the situation will change drastically." Menghua Tower Master was a little panicked.

"If they want to deal with it, they will deal with the City Lord's Mansion first." Luo Feng looked from afar, and suddenly his face changed, "Not good."

"Master, what's wrong?" Morosa asked, Mo Yu Qingyan and Menghua Tower Master were also puzzled.

"The Xinyingmen army is heading straight for the center of Huyang City. They are now occupying the caves in the 'Chaos Zone A'." Luo Feng said, "Go, go, go, hurry back, don't occupy my cave."

"Occupy the cave?" Morosa was shocked.

Luo Feng immediately took Morosa and Mo Yuqingyan on a flying boat and shuttled directly through the void to his own cave.

In the scope of Huyang City, it is not difficult for Luo Feng to shuttle through the void for a short distance.


At this moment, the central city lord's mansion of the entire Huyang City was in a panic, and the elites of the five major families had already retreated to the city lord's mansion.

"The Xinyingmen are coming?" Mo Li Feiyun and Diao Rongqi were also in the bustling core group of the five major families. The two sisters also looked outside and knew that the situation was bad now.

"Father, Senior Brother Gao Wu and others are ready to fight." Mo Li Feiyun was worried.

"Don't worry, the city lord's mansion is not so easy to conquer." Diao Rongqi comforted.

At this moment, most of the elites of the five major families, including the Huyang Legion and the Huyang Guard, retreated to the City Lord's Mansion, and only a few still guarded the three forbidden areas.

"This Xinying Sect said it wanted to find a place to stay, but now it is heading straight to the City Lord's Mansion." The white-haired old man looked from afar.

"Is the war going to start?" The leader of the Meiwu clan said worriedly.

"We can only face it now." The Huyang City Lord said.

As a branch of a big family, they came to Huyang City to enjoy themselves. Who would want to fight to the death?

But they dare not surrender when it comes to the dispute between the two countries.

On the side of the City Lord's Mansion, whether it is the eternal true gods of the five major families or the many eternal true gods of the vassal, there are only more than a hundred eternal true gods in total! Even with the help of the special features of the City Lord's Mansion, can they hold it? They are not fully confident.

Huyang City Lord, Mo Lixiao and others looked from a distance, and saw that the army of Xinyingmen was mighty, but they fell on the caves in the "Chaos Zone A" next to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Your cave belongs to my Xinyingmen."

"Move out quickly."

"This cave, our Xinyingmen wants it."

One cave after another was directly occupied.

Among them, the cave of the Zhu family occupies a very large area. It is a super-large cave ranked in the top few in Chaos Zone A, much larger than Luo Feng's small cave. At the beginning, they bought multiple caves together.

"Everyone from the Heart Shadow Sect, this is the ancestral land of my Zhu family." The patriarch of the Zhu family, Zhu Hu, came out in person, followed by five eternal true gods, all of whom were quite flattering and respectful, "My Zhu family is willing to offer treasures in order to keep the ancestral land."

"Ancestral land, so what?" Suddenly a huge golden eye descended, with a rumbling sound, the huge golden eye stared at Zhu Hu, making Zhu Hu tremble with fear, he felt the threat of death.

"Move away quickly, otherwise no one from the Zhu family will stay." The huge golden eye made a sound, "And what do you mean by offering treasures? Let me see, if the treasures are not precious enough, you don't have to move away, just die here."

The green secret patterns on the face of the thin old man Zhu Hu were a little distorted, and the five eternal true gods of the family behind him were a little angry.

"Okay, we'll move now." Zhu Hu could only endure it, not daring to disobey, and at the same time had to obediently offer the treasure.


"Whose cave is that?" A super-large legion mechanical secret treasure looked at Luo Feng's small cave.

"Uncle Master, that is the cave of Lord Luohe." A disciple reported.

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