Swallowed Star 2 Origin Continent

Chapter 163 Willpower, Breakthrough!

The soul-clearing liquid spreads naturally as soon as it enters the mouth, and naturally affects the soul.

"This..." Luo Feng was stunned.

Although he learned some of the functions of the soul-clearing liquid from his master, Luo Feng was still a little shocked at this moment! Although the Hunyuan Crystal Spirit Fruit is magical, it only increases the thinking speed by 20 to 30 times, and keeps the understanding at a very high level!

But the soul-clearing liquid is mainly for the soul.

It is a "cleansing" of the soul, cleaning away many distracting thoughts.

"In the infinite space of the treasure land, the will of those spiritual creatures is often polluted by the soul. I have washed away these pollutions and tempered myself again and again before." Luo Feng murmured, "But in fact, it is relatively easy to wash away external pollution. It is much more difficult to wash away one's own distracting thoughts."

"Before I came to the infinite space, I practiced the Great Destruction Refining Heart Method for a long time, which was to temper myself, but the progress was extremely slow."

"But this soul-clearing liquid can continuously cleanse one's own distracting thoughts during the duration of the soul liquid effect."

The soul is the core of a practitioner.

After the soul began to be deeply cleansed, Luo Feng realized the benefits of this state.

"I do have too many distracting thoughts."

With the help of the soul-clearing liquid, Luo Feng quickly sorted out his thoughts of endless years. These countless thoughts also constitute Luo Feng's consciousness. These thoughts are messy, and naturally the mind is also messy.

But the thoughts themselves are also a part of Luo Feng.

The so-called washing away distracting thoughts is not erasing! If it is completely erased, it means erasing part of the self.

Although erasing part of the self-consciousness is also a way of practice. But Luo Feng is unwilling to choose!

The real washing away of distracting thoughts is a kind of sorting!

Sort countless thoughts into different systems.

Some thoughts are distracting thoughts when practicing the origin of life, but they are also helpful when practicing the origin of destruction.

Some thoughts are the key to a stronger will of the mind. But it is not necessarily beneficial to practice.

Thoughts... There is no simple distinction between good and bad.

Even at a certain moment, the change of mental cognition will immediately affect countless thoughts. The past cleansing of one's own mind and the cognition of the mind were completely overturned in an instant.

Therefore, the further the spiritual will is, the harder it is to improve.

"The spiritual liquid seems to let me enter a higher level state, to observe my countless thoughts and re-cleanse my mind." Luo Feng initially cleansed his thoughts with the help of the spiritual liquid.

"Take a look at the "Disaster Beast Picture"."

The body far away in the infinite space opened the "Disaster Beast Picture" given by Emperor Ming.

Emperor Ming, the emperor who cultivated the Hunyuan bloodline, but his spiritual will was calm and very calm. There was no strong emotion such as wantonness and madness that was common in the Hunyuan bloodline system, and the other party's spiritual will was also the most terrifying Luo Feng had ever seen.

That was far beyond him, and undoubtedly beyond the will of the ultimate realm of the God King.


This black and red scroll slowly opened.

The dark and crazy breath that came to his face, Luo Feng saw a kind of disaster beast picture that he had never seen before.

"What is this?" Luo Feng only took a preliminary look and determined, "This painting corresponds to the fifth to tenth layers of the Three Thousand Void Tribulation Beasts Map."

The Tribulation Beasts Map sold outside, even if viewed together with the Void Map, can show the complete Three Thousand Void Tribulation Beasts Map.

But it only contains some shallow charm.

Although the 'Tribulation Beast Image' is more real, Luo Feng's understanding of it is also limited.

"This painting."

Luo Feng was shocked at the first sight.

Although it only corresponds to the six layers of the Three Thousand Void Tribulation Beasts Map, its artistic conception is many times stronger.

In a trance.

Luo Feng saw that weak Tribulation Beast, cautiously surrendered to a powerful companion, but the powerful companion let it fight for its life and hunt for food. But the last food was eaten up by the powerful companion, and not a bite was given to it.

At this moment, it was too weak and had to be protected by a powerful companion.

It learned to please the strong, learned to make friends, learned to hunt the weak, learned to eat secretly...

But its so-called companions, so-called prey, also want to hunt it. It survived one disaster after another, either by strength or luck. It is also growing rapidly.

Whether it is strength or mind, it is getting stronger.

"Weak robbery beast."

Luo Feng saw the robbery beast struggling the most. At this time, the robbery beast was too weak, and there were too many people who could kill it!

Being exploited by the strong, you have to endure it. Because if you are dissatisfied, you will be killed and eaten!

Prey may counterattack and kill it!

Death crisis is everywhere.

"Tempering yourself in the dark, whether it is the inner mind or the outer strength, is becoming stronger." Luo Feng glimpsed the method of spiritual will cultivation hidden in this picture.

This method of spiritual will cultivation is the greatest enlightenment of Emperor Mingguan's "Shadow of the Robbery Beast", and a method of spiritual cultivation created.

The robbery beast picture he passed on is only the most superficial.

It looks like a complete picture of the beast of destruction, but it becomes worse if you just pursue completeness.

A small part of the shadow of the beast of destruction has the deepest impact on Emperor Moth, and it is almost completely consistent with his own growth. He has the deepest understanding and keeps painting, and then he uses it to understand the method of spiritual practice.

He is willing to send the real core of the beast of destruction picture only to the practitioners he is optimistic about.

He was not wrong about Luo Feng. Luo Feng rose from a weak age and experienced life and death struggles again and again when he was weak. He can also understand that state of mind. Although it is not as cruel as the environment of the ‘beast of destruction’, he can already resonate with it.


Luo Feng's soul has been integrated into the painting, turning into a beast and experiencing the trials of darkness.

"When you are weak, sometimes there is no way out and you can only survive in death."

"Weakness is the original sin."

"Profit is eternal."

The experience of the robbery beast was darker and crueler, and it also hardened Luo Feng's heart.


Food country, Wuxiang city.

"Where did this Luohe come from? He doesn't have any ethnic group. The only people close to him are an old servant Luo Sa, a man named Yuan, and a disciple Mo Yu Qingyan." Ancestor Wuxiang thought, "Could it be? Some old guy reincarnated?"

"But I haven't heard of any old guy in history who mastered the three original avenues of life, destruction, and matter." Ancestor Wuxiang pondered, "In infinite space, he may also open up a fourth branch of the original avenue. ”

Ancient beings almost always focus on one avenue.

Cultivating three avenues at the same time? In the entire Origin Continent, such god-kings are very rare. Every one of them is a prestigious existence, and it has never been heard that any of them have fallen.

"If he's not reincarnated, he's really talented."

"He doesn't have any ethnic group. There are two possibilities. One is that he hides his identity and his own ethnic group. The other is that he comes from the three thousand original universes and the ethnic groups are all in his hometown." Ancestor Wuxiang speculated.

Although there are relatively few practitioners from the Three Thousand Original Universes in the Origin Continent.

But because everyone has climbed up from the bottom, they all have great potential. Among the ancient beings, there are many that came out of the primitive universe.

"Yuan, I live in Xiangjie City, right next to Luo He."

"Rosa and Moyu Qingyan are outside now..." Ancestor Wuxiang's eyes were cold, "An old servant and a disciple must mean something special to you. I will give you a small punishment for ruining the opportunity of the infinite space for your ancestors. , destroy one of your servants and one of your disciples. When your clan is discovered in the future, I will destroy your entire clan."

Ancestor Wuxiang has a strong murderous intention.

As a strong person in the first level of the God King who is not one of the two royal families, he had to pay countless prices and even consume some of his friendship with the leader of the Tiankun Kingdom to get this opportunity.

He was even willing to compensate, but Naluohe refused to give up and wanted to destroy his body and cut off his chances.

"Shadow Heaven Realm."

Ancestor Wuxiang immediately contacted the extremely mysterious force ‘Shadow Heaven Realm’ in the Origin Continent.

"Lookless God King, who are you going to deal with?" Shadow Heaven Realm responded.

Shadow Heaven Realm, the number one assassination force in Origin Continent! No one knows who its internal members are. They only know that the internal members of the Shadow Heaven Realm... once had an "emperor-level combat power" take action, and that time indeed alarmed the entire Origin Continent, making all parties aware of the horror of the Shadow Heaven Realm. .

Because the emperors and monarchs on the surface can only be found in the two ancient countries!

In the Shadow Heaven Realm, it is possible to dispatch an emperor-level combat power. Is this mysterious being one of the emperors or monarchs of the two ancient kingdoms? Or some other mysterious powerful person?

No matter what, this also confirms the status of Shadow Heaven Realm!

"The Great Sage Luohe has a servant, Luo Sa, and a disciple, Moyu Qingyan. I need your Shadow Heaven Realm to take action and kill these servants and disciples." Ancestor Wuxiang sent a message.

"Do we need to try to assassinate the Great Sage Luo He? Although he has a clone in Chudu, we are 50% sure." Shadow Tianjie said.

Patriarch Wuxiang asked: "What's the price?"

"He has a clone in Chudu. Naturally, the highest-level members will do it. He will need one thousand Chaotic Source Crystals or equivalent." Shadow Heaven Realm said, "Let me tell you in advance that we are only 50% sure. If we fail, we will not return the treasure."

"A Thousand Chaotic Source Crystals." Ancestor Wuxiang's heart trembled upon hearing this.

Is this the price that he, a first-level God King, can listen to?

"Just kill Luo He's servants and disciples." Patriarch Wuxiang said.

"His servant Rosa is from the realm of chaos. It takes 50 billion cosmic sand to kill him."

"His disciple Mo Yu Qingyan is the Eternal True God. As Luo He's only direct disciple, killing him would require 10 billion cosmic sand."

"Servant Rosa, he may be reincarnated." Shadow Heaven Realm said, "If you are willing to pay 500 billion cosmic sand, we can ask high-level members to take action and kill all Rosa's clones with a single thought."

"Of course, according to the rules of our Shadow Heaven Realm, all assassinations may fail, and all fees will not be refunded." Shadow Heaven Realm said.

Ancestor Wuxiang is not surprised either. Although Ying Tianjie’s words are not pleasant, he has always been very trustworthy in his work. The price is not expensive, and as long as enough benefits are given, Shadow Heaven Realm will definitely send enough force to assassinate him.

"No, just 60 billion cosmic sand." Ancestor Wuxiang said.

He didn't feel bad about the expense.

But 500 billion cosmic sand? Ancestor Wuxiang also had to weigh it up. With so much expense, he had plans to do it himself.

As a prestigious being, he also wants to save face! Specially use black hands to kill Chaos Realm and an eternal true god. He was embarrassed when word spread, so he asked Yingtianjie to do it.

In the shadow world, dirty work is not a concern.

"Please pay the 60 billion cosmic sand as soon as possible. Once received, we will take action immediately." Shadow Tianjie said.

At this moment, in the infinite space of the treasure land, Luo Feng was immersed in the study of the Tribulation Beast Picture, when suddenly the mark on the palm of his left hand flashed.

"Huh?" Luo Feng also noticed.

There is a message coming from the palm imprint, and his evaluation has been updated!

"Trialist: Origin Continent Luo Feng"

"Fighting with the God King-level secret method, the new avenue is rated as medium. 100 points of reward. You have not opened up a new avenue branch, and you still need to work hard."

"The body of the Chaos Realm has reached the Ultimate Will of the God King, and the evaluation of the mind will is superior. 10,000 points of reward. Your mind will is relatively good, please continue to maintain it after becoming the God King."

"The total reward points are 10,192.34 points."

When Luo Feng first realized the first God King-level secret method of the avenue of birth and death, he received 100 points of reward. After that, he realized more God King-level secret methods, but no more rewards.

"The Ultimate Will of the God King?" Luo Feng smiled. Obviously, according to the judgment of the infinite space, he finally reached the threshold of the Ultimate Will of the God King.

"The reward points are really high."

Luo Feng was a little surprised, a full 10,000 points.

After coming to the infinite space for so long, Luo Feng's reward for the mind will was 10,100 points, 100 points for the new avenue, and 22.34 points for killing native creatures.

A total of 10222.34 points were obtained.

Of which 30 points were spent on exchanging for the World Lifeform, leaving 10192.34 points.

"I have become much richer all of a sudden." Luo Feng felt that opening up the avenue and breaking through the mind and will were the best ways to obtain reward points. It was much more than killing native creatures.

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