Swallowed Star 2 Origin Continent

Chapter 161 The recognized path

In the treasure land ‘Infinite Space’, Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and flew. His flying speed was hundreds of times faster than when he first came to the Infinite Space. And this was just the normal speed of traveling.

“In this treasure land, all places with more native creatures are occupied. If I want to open up a territory for myself, I need to go to the most remote and desolate areas.” Luo Feng chose a direction and kept traveling.

In places with many native creatures, there may be hundreds of native creatures in one area, enough for multiple God Kings to occupy together.

In remote and desolate places, there may be only one or two native creatures in a large area. Because there are too few, it is only suitable to occupy alone!

The biggest danger of occupying alone is... encountering other strong invaders!

Luo Feng also cultivated for a hundred centuries under the protection of the Emperor Moth before coming out to venture alone.


"Luohe? This is the place of the royal family of the ancient country of Yanfeng. Please leave."

"This is the territory of the royal family of the ancient country of Leiting!"

"Hurry up and leave."

On the way, Luo Feng also tried to avoid places where some big forces were entrenched. When he touched some huge consciousness, he would be warned and expelled! He never met anyone like Emperor Moth who was willing to give a piece of land.

After flying for a long time, he finally arrived at the destination.

"Baiwu Lake!"

Luo Feng looked at the vast and endless lake in front of him, with mist floating.

"Baiwu Lake is extremely vast. In the earliest days, there were hundreds of native creatures here. The monarch of the ancient country of Leiting later occupied this place, causing the native creatures here to continue to decrease. Now there are probably only a handful of creatures in the entire lake."

This is a place that has been occupied by many forces. Because there are too few creatures and the area is too vast, the big forces look down on it. Only a lone traveler like Luo Feng can look down on it.

"Begin a comprehensive exploration of Baiwu Lake!"

"Life and death! Division!"

As soon as Luo Feng thought of it, he immediately split into nine clones, and the nine clones flew in all directions, carefully exploring and searching for local creatures in the fog.

In the infinite space, the nineteen origin roads are banned! To perform truly powerful tricks, you must open up new roads yourself.

Luo Feng has also been trying to open up the road of life and death for hundreds of centuries.

This practice is a leap forward! The speed is much faster than comprehending the origin of life and the origin of destruction.

There are many factors for this speed.

First, Luo Feng has already reached the peak of chaos on the two roads of life and destruction. With enough deep accumulation, they are merged into the "road of life and death", and the comprehension of the road of life and death is naturally smooth.

Second, Luo Feng believes deep in his heart that "life and death are one", which is the path that Luo Feng's mind has determined.

When he became the Eternal True God, Luo Feng comprehended the source of life and death.

The first move of the Chaos Realm that Luo Feng realized was a move that combined life and death - the sword technique 'Refine the Heart'.

It was just because there was no 'Origin of Life and Death' in the Supreme Rules. So Luo Feng temporarily put it aside and concentrated on comprehending the other two. After all, the Origin of Life and the Origin of Destruction both exist and can be comprehended and observed.

In Luo Feng's heart, these two Origin Roads are both basic and resources! In the end, they are all for himself to open up the 'Origin of Life and Death'.

"The Origin of Life and Death is indeed much stronger."

Because there is no clear Origin Road as a reference, Luo Feng is purely following his heart and began to integrate some of the insights of the two roads of life and destruction, and naturally he has also realized many moves in succession.

"I have been in the Origin Continent for about 160 centuries! This 100 centuries is the period of my deepest accumulation." Luo Feng is very clear about his progress.

The Origin of Life and Death is a fusion and evolutionary version of the two roads of life and destruction, which contains many advantages of both.

But its shortcomings are obvious. There is no clear road, which makes Luo Feng not know what the branches of the road look like. Now Luo Feng has realized many kinds of God King-level secrets in the ‘Great Way of Life and Death’, and his accumulation is even higher than that of life and destruction! But he has never mastered a branch of the complete ‘Great Way of Life and Death’.

Luo Feng can clearly see the six branches of life and the six branches of destruction, and has a clear direction.

Luo Feng feels that as long as he deliberately tries, he will be able to become a God King within a century.

But Luo Feng is very patient. He follows the guidance of the creator of the inheritance of "World Life Form"! With the training of understanding as the foundation, he continues to accumulate and accumulate until he naturally breaks through.

He does not deliberately pursue breakthroughs.

"The encounter of infinite space has made me comprehend the Great Way of Life and Death earlier."

"Obviously, the Great Way of Life and Death... is indeed more suitable for me than life and destruction."

Luo Feng had guessed this in his heart. After all, he originally believed that ‘Life and Death are one’, and it would be incomplete without anyone.

This hundred centuries of practice can also show that practicing the Great Way of Life and Death is a latecomer!

There is no clear secret method, no great way to comprehend! His strength in the Great Dao of Life and Death is stronger than the other two.

"This also proves that the path that suits you best is the fastest." Luo Feng thought, the God Kings usually focus on one Great Dao of Origin! There are very few who practice both.

Because every practitioner has his own spiritual cognition.

Some cognitions will deny some great ways in their hearts, and even hate some roads. Forcing to comprehend is naturally very inefficient.

Like the hermit, he has his own path. He was not tempted to control the original universe and face the Great Dao of the Origin of Life, nor did he make any attempts.

"I have found out."

Luo Feng finally finished investigating Baiwu Lake with the help of his clone skills. "In Baiwu Lake today, there are two god kings occupying some areas respectively. Outside the areas they occupied... there are also three native creatures, all of which are relatively far away. ”

"Two of these three native creatures are relatively ordinary, similar to the ones I fought before. The other one is very powerful. It resisted my Lianyuan Technique and was only slightly injured."

Of these three native creatures, one is strong and the other is weak.

Luo Feng is still very satisfied! He hopes to have more powerful spiritual creatures to sharpen himself.

"It's just the three of them."

Although the three native creatures were relatively far away, Luo Feng decided to occupy them all. "I will use the method of avatars to occupy the areas of these three native creatures respectively."

Luo Feng's true body and two clones have since dispersed, each occupying only one native creature.


Yanfeng Ancient Country, Fengzhang City, is also the ancestral home of the royal family, the Zhang Clan, and a large number of ethnic groups have thrived here from generation to generation.

"Hahaha, Brother Rosa, please."

"Yunge can become a Taoist couple with Moyu Qingyan, which is also the fate between our Zhang family and the great sage Luohe." In a huge palace hall of the Zhang family, the core senior officials of the Zhang family were here to entertain Morosa with a grand banquet. , Moyu Qingyan and the others.

In the hall.

The two chaos masters of the Zhang family all showed up. They sat at the main seat with Morosa. The three chaos realms were chatting and laughing, and they were very harmonious.

"This kid Qingyan is my master's disciple, and also my disciple." Morosa laughed, "From now on, Yun Ge and Qing Yan will become Taoist couples, and they can be regarded as half of my disciples."

Mo Yu Qingyan and Zhang Yunge were sitting at the bottom, and the two juniors listened obediently.

"It seems that the two parties had a pleasant conversation." Mo Yu Qingyan was also very happy when he saw this scene.

It was his first time to come to the Zhang family, and he was afraid that the Zhang family would disapprove!

But as a result, the Zhang family welcomed him very much!

Although Zhang Yunge is the main branch of the Zhang clan, there are countless royal clans after all. She is just one of the eternal true gods, and is inconspicuous among the tens of thousands of eternal true gods of the royal clan.

"I am not taken seriously in the clan." Zhang Yunge said in a voice message, "The fact that two chaos masters in the clan showed up this time is actually because of your identity."

The appearance of the Chaos Realm is a big deal.

As for the "Fengzhang Divine King", who has the highest status in the Zhang family, he is a god king after all. There is no need for him to get involved in the matter of two juniors at the eternal true god level becoming Taoist couples.

Even if the Great Sage Luohe becomes the God Queen, he will truly become a dominant being! There is no need to be too flattering to Fengzhang God King. Being able to take root in Yanfeng Ancient Kingdom, Fengzhang God King also has a background.

"Qingyan, we will be a family from now on, come and have a drink." Zhang Yunge's father was also very enthusiastic. He was an ordinary eternal true god, and his status in the clan was far inferior to those of the eternal true gods of the law lineage. But today, he is very beautiful! Even the two Ancestors of the Chaos Realm are friendly.

Moyu Qingyan is not arrogant at all.

He is self-aware!

The second master devoted all his efforts to guide him, and he became the True God of the Void. Later, with the help of the resources of Master and Second Master, he adopted the bloodline cultivation system and became the eternal true god.

In terms of cultivation, he really has no potential. He can achieve his current status simply because he is the only disciple of Master and Second Master. What's there to be proud of?

Zhang Yunge also smiled when he saw this scene.

She identified Moyu Qingyan as a Taoist. She was in charge of royal family business when she went to Xiangjie City and saw Moyu Qingyan for the first time. Moyu Qingyan was flattered by all parties and had a very high status in Xiangjie City.

Later, she often got along with him, and she found that Moyu Qingyan was very simple, and she gradually fell in love with him.

Cultivation to the Eternal True God. She had no Taoist companions in the past, which shows her thoughts. Without a suitable one, she would rather practice alone forever.

The same goes for Ink Jade Qingyan! They both chose the Taoist couple after meeting the Eternal True God.

In the treasured land of 'Infinite Space', the apprentice is about to get married, but Luo Feng, the master, is focused on practicing. He is currently sitting cross-legged on an island in a lake, performing the Great Destruction Mind Refining Technique to eliminate the pollution in his own mind.

"The stronger the psychic creature, the more contaminated it is."

Luo Feng could feel the impact on himself. Even if he tried to comprehend the Great Dao, mental pollution would interfere again and again.


Suddenly, a wave of consciousness touched Luo Feng's spreading consciousness.

"This is my territory, leave immediately." Luo Feng's consciousness conveyed the message.

"Your territory? I have killed this native creature ancestor dozens of times! It has always been my territory." That spiritual will also reached the second level of the God King, and a huge figure in yellow robes stood in the distance in the air , looking at the island from a distance, with a sneer, "It turns out to be the Great Sage Luo He! You are a transcendent person in the Chaos Realm, and you dare to compete with me for territory? If you don't want to die, get out!"

Luo Feng looked at him and his eyes became cold: "Then let me see how capable you are at the first level of the God King in this infinite space."

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