102 – Sudden Return (3)

Kim Soo-hwan looked around at them while letting go of her flying attack.

‘The power of prosecutors. Sorcerers magic. The agility of the assassins is all quite high, but…’

Although it would be normal for such strong people to pull themselves out the moment they gathered.

Kim Sou-hwan was well aware of that, but instead of running away, he took a step backwards from her.

‘They have no tricks… No enlightenment.’

Once again, the blue sword river slowly rose from his sword.

A fresh blue sword flame bursting out of the sword.

The sword steel that appeared according to a strong will quickly cut through the laws of reality and turned into a miracle.

The magic that overturns all directions and the sword flame inflates and rotates towards the sword.

As it was, the blue sword flame was scattered in all directions.

Kwakwa Kwakwa!

Huge blows collided and a vast roar rang out.

Like a well dug under the road, every time they collided, they collapsed with impact and collapsed buildings.

Quad Deuk!

Every time Kim Soo-hwan swung his sword while blowing his coat, the women split apart without being able to resist properly.

Users of the hypnosis app tapped the app after recognizing the immense heat and boundless depth of energy felt beyond the sword flame.

Already, a look of dismay was clearly visible on his face.

“What… It doesn’t make sense that a person can be this strong… Could it be that he’s a human who signed a contract with the demons?”


As Kim Soo-hwan swung his sword in a great rotation, sword flames rose like a wave and covered his surroundings.

Women screamed and burned with just that simple outburst of power.

As beautiful women continued to die, the hypnosis app users crumpled their faces.

“Just once. Just once. Create a chance.”

“”Yes. My Road.””

The women rushed at Robert, talking like machines.

The space was occupied by assassins who ran as if lights were on and off, and swordsmen wielding swords that were too large to be called swordsmanship.

Huge stems wrapped around their feet as they stopped while cutting them apart.

“That’s disgusting.”

Shoot ah.

The moment when Kim Soo-hwan’s sword drew a circle and escaped.


A woman with black wings stamped her foot down.

The body of the woman clinging to the top swelled up like a balloon and burst.


Kim’s eyes were sunken as she escaped, wrapping her body in her qi.

“Did you sign a contract with the demons?”

“That guy… How did he survive that attack…”

No matter how skilled a swordsman is, it is impossible to block an attack that has been constricted to this extent.

If each woman awakens the power of the demons, if you think that she will have firepower comparable to that of superhumans.

Quaang. Bang. Kwaaang!

It was not difficult to understand how absurd the result of the swordsman blocking it was.

In front of my eyes, the swordsman was looking up at me with a nonchalant face, not enough to kill their women in one blow.

The moment he took a step forward toward me who had flinched.

Two pairs of wings extended from the backs of the women next to me and moved forward.


Along with their shouts, black waves came out from the horns on their foreheads and began to strongly press the space.


Realizing that Huturu was not the opponent, they ended their lifespan and used the power of demons.

Approaching him who was immobilized for a while, I picked up my smartphone.

“I don’t usually hypnotize men… It’s an honor to know.”

“And be afraid… I will torture you for the rest of your life for killing so many Tsubomi and my women.”

The moment I raised my faintly trembling hand and put it in his eyes.

{Beep. System error.]

[Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error.Error.Error.Error.Error.Error.Error.Error.]

Red letters filled the hypnosis app.

[Hypnosis failed.]

[Reason for hypnosis failure: The opponent’s hypnosis application level is overwhelmingly higher than the user’s hypnosis application level.]

“What…? No way… No way…”

Goldenly, the women next to me took me and moved to the back.

I said in a trembling voice to him who cut down the women who were rushing at him.

“Status…Status window…”

[Name: Kim Soo-hwan]

[App Level: 999]

[HP : 2200/5000]

[MP : 1000/7500]

[Exclusive Skill: ???(LV.9) ???(LV.9) ???(Locked)]

[Title: Porter of the ntr warrior party. s*xual desire that transcends time. Let’s kill the great monster. Returner ……. ]

[Comprehensive evaluation of the app: ■■■ ■■ ■ grandma attacking ■■■■■■■■■Crazy Bird■■■■■■Meet and run away■■■■■■■■….. (Evaluation cannot be read)]


Curses came out of my mouth as I was being carried away by a woman.

“That bastard was also the owner of a hypnosis app. For some reason, he was filthy strong…”

“Besides, what kind of hypnosis app level is 999??.”

Suddenly, that man became scared.

I couldn’t even imagine how much I’d messed around in that world.

Hypnosis apps level up when you satisfy your s*xual desire or set up achievements.

Completing achievements through quests will give you a lot of experience, but for yourself, it’s about committing a crime against the British princess, Irelle.

‘Even if I complete several special quests, such as committing a crime in front of the whole nation, I think I’ll barely get over 300… What the hell is that guy…’

“If the porter of the hero’s party harasses the hero and ntr the heroines around him, the level would be like that…”

“No. It makes no sense at that level just to harass the hero.”

“Couldn’t it… Have destroyed a dimension in the fantasy world and returned to Earth…”

Goosebumps ran through his body.

A man who destroyed a dimension?

From noble mtl dot com.

No matter how much you rape women and torture men around you.

He was a wicked man who was astonished at himself, living for the pleasure of making the women who rejected or pushed him miserable.

I tried to strengthen the women once again to get away from him.

[Remaining points: 11]

There are not many points left.

“You lost 15,000 points just for trying to hypnotize that guy??”

When you think that you will never pee in the direction of Korea again.

“Master, it’s dangerous!”

All the women left around threw themselves in front of me.

All the beautiful women twisted their bodies in the opposite direction and spurted blood.

I stared blankly at that scene.


She screamed in excruciating pain.

“Cuckoo… My… Cuckold!!!!!!!!”


The area between the legs was insanely hot.

It hurt.

I felt a sense of loss.

The woman who survived her amputated arms picked me up and ran again.

To get away from that man.


Every time my body was shaken, it hurt more, so I cried and screamed.

“No… I’m sorry… It’s dangerous if we don’t keep our distance even now…”

My head turned white from the pain, and soon I lost consciousness.

———————————————– ————————————-


I woke up in terrible pain.


As I moved, the tremendous pain in between the dashes overcame me.

After writhing in pain for a while, I turned my head with difficulty.

I could see the shabby wooden ceiling full of dust.

Looking at the condition of the dust and objects piled up around it, it seemed like it was an abandoned house a long time ago.

And next to me, the woman who carried me was lying down.

Seeing him lying down like that even after he got up, he seemed dead.

“Please… Can’t you… Can’t you…?”

With a hand shaking from pain and fear, I grabbed the bloody pants dance.

Close your eyes and pull down your pants a little.


Unreasonable pain hit my body.

The blood and ooze hardened and stuck to the wounds and clothes.

Without thinking about that, the moment I lowered my pants for a moment, I touched a big wound and I lay in pain for a long time.

Tears flowed as I watched the blood flow again.

Have you ever been so sick in your life?

Have you ever been so miserable?

I couldn’t believe this reality that I couldn’t even check if the peppers were running because it was so painful.

Trembling in pain, I spoke into the hypnosis app.

“I… Am in so much pain right now… Heal me… Help me get revenge…”

“As you suggested last time, I’ll give you my soul… Please…”

Although the devil has suggested it several times before.

All of them were rejected with a single knife.

The devil was too ominous to look at, and my intuition whispered.

If you sacrifice your soul, it will be more painful than dying.

However, to get out of this situation, I needed the power of the devil.

Would my earnestness work?

Black demons gathered over the hypnosis application.

In the darkness, as if it were night, a demon with multiple horns stared down at me.

It feels like being on trial.

It seemed that if I wasn’t what he needed, he would push me into hell at any moment.

[You will offer your soul?]

I frantically nodded at the devil’s words.

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