Ye Qianfan:"Do you have stones?"

Xuanxuan:"Brother, you are finally here! Do you still have [flint]? Help me!"

Ye Qianfan:"Yes! If you don't have much wood, you can exchange it all with stones."

Xuanxuan:"Great! Thank you, brother, thank you, brother! Brother, you are such a good person. My campfire is out, and I always feel like there are eyes staring at me. It's really scary!!"

Ye Qianfan: It's set up, just click on the transaction

【Flint -1, Stone +10]

Ye Qianfan had just posted it, and the deal was done immediately.

And at this moment,

Ye Qianfan's private chat page had dozens of messages almost at the same time.

And it was increasing every second.

【Private chat channel】

"Boss, do you still have flints? Help me! The fog has already entered my hut. I feel creepy. Help me!"

"Brother, I have some stones and dry grass here, can you exchange them for flint?】"

"I have wood, do you have flint? I can exchange 12 wood for you, or you can exchange vines for me, I still have a lot."

"There really is a ghost in the fog. Please lend me a piece of flint. I promise to return it after I use it!!"


Countless messages almost filled up Ye Qianfan's private chat page!


In the morning, when I was trading [Flint], you two ignored me, but now I'm making you unable to afford me!

Before, the seller chose Ye Qianfan, but now it's the other way around.

Ye Qianfan chooses the seller.

From a bunch of private chats, he found the top eight with the most generous trading conditions.

Ye Qianfan sent private messages to these people individually:

"Trading channel in seconds! Be quick and get it!"


Ye Qianfan posted the trading conditions they proposed one by one on the trading channel.

【Flint -1, Stone +10, Wood +5】

【Flint -1, Vine +12】

【Flint -1, Saury +3】

【Flint -1, Excellent Armguard Crafting Diagram +1】



Ye Qianfan sold all the other 19 pairs of flints (including the flints that were hung up earlier) except for the one pair he kept for himself.

The last eight pairs of flints were exchanged for a lot of good things.

【Stone 10, vine 12, saury 3, bamboo 20, wood 12, dead grass 20, excellent arm guard production diagram 1]

It's a great harvest!

Even tomorrow's breakfast is settled, it's really great!

But this is normal.

When Ye Qianfan was trading, the number of people in the regional chat channel kept dropping. Now there are only 912 people left, and nearly a hundred people died!

These people should have failed to relight the bonfire after the fog fell, and died soon.

The more this is the case.

The more panicked the remaining people who failed to light the bonfire!

So they all tried their best to take out all their wealth and exchange flint with Ye Qianfan.

Although it was just a pair of flints, it actually saved their lives!

Of course...

I hope they have enough fuel to last until tomorrow morning.

As for the rest of the people, Ye Qianfan is not that great. It is impossible for him to save everyone by himself!

Besides, this is a world of survival of the fittest. Who can control who?

And there is one more thing.

In fact, the game does not completely leave them no chance of survival, it just depends on whether these people know how to fight for it.

At the beginning of the game, everyone has two items in their hut.

Although they are inconspicuous, they are actually very useful!

The most obvious one is……

【Dry wood*2: can be used to make fire.

This means that the game leaves people a way out from the beginning.

Even without flint, these people can also light a campfire by drilling wood, bowing wood, etc.

But they didn't notice it, or they couldn't do it.

Then naturally, it's not others' fault.

【Water purifier production blueprint: Stone 20/3, Wood 52/3, Charcoal 3/3, Bamboo 20/1】


【Stone - 3, Wood - 3, Charcoal - 3, Bamboo - 1]

A flash of golden light!

A primitive water filter with three barrels connected appeared in front of Ye Qianfan.

Three half-meter-high barrels were connected to each other, connected in the middle by a thin bamboo, and each barrel was filled with stones and charcoal.

【Water purifier: Filtered water is the safest and most reliable drinking water, and it also has a light mountain spring flavor. It is a very good water purifier.】

【Durability 10/10, charcoal is a consumable. Please replace it with new charcoal after the durability is consumed! 】


It's quite scientific.

The products produced by this system actually know that charcoal is a consumable.

It seems to be quite reliable. Let's try and see how much fresh water a water purifier with a durability of 10 can filter.

Ye Qianfan poured all 1L of sewage into the water purifier without hesitation, and then placed the bucket at the filter port at the end. Not long after, the water began to flow out"drip by drip". The originally dirty water, after a certain amount of filtration, became extremely clear fresh water.

【Bamboo cups 10 pieces: Bamboo 19/1】


【[Bamboo Cup +10]

Ye Qianfan made ten bamboo cups and filled them with a cup of water.

There was no other way, as they were not sold individually. So Ye Qianfan could only make ten at a time. Anyway, the extra ones could be sold to others, or used as tableware like bowls!

"It tastes really good!"

The filtered water has a light sweet smell of spring water.

It is very similar to the Nongfu Spring that was first sold, a little sweet!

But the current Nongfu Spring is not good, not to mention a little sweet, it is good if it does not have a strange smell.

After eating and drinking,

Ye Qianfan was about to go to bed.

But this bed...

Ye Qianfan had just sat on the straw bed when he was stabbed by a pile of dead branches and almost had his butt rotted!

"How can I sleep on this bed?"

"And according to the weather forecast, it will be minus five degrees Celsius tonight. With this broken bed, I am afraid that if I am not stabbed to death, I will be frozen to death!"

Can the bed be upgraded?

Ye Qianfan just had this thought.

A red exclamation mark immediately popped up in front of him!

In fact, these upgrades can also be seen in the upgrade tree of the magic book, but Ye Qianfan has the ability to prompt, which is naturally more convenient!

【A simple pile of straw: This bed is made of a pile of straw and dead branches. It can only be regarded as a place to sleep, but it is definitely not comfortable!】

【Level 1 bedroom: Get rid of the simple straw pile and have a soft wooden straw bed. A good sleep can help you recover faster. Construction conditions: Wood 49/4, Dead grass 20/20, Vine 20/5】

【Wood - 4, Dead Grass - 20, Vine - 5】

【Upgrade Successful! 】

Even if there are no materials, you have to find a way to get some back.

Moreover, with ready-made materials, Ye Qianfan naturally did not need to make things difficult for himself. He quickly upgraded the simple straw pile into a soft straw bed.

A golden light flashed.

A bed made of dry straw appeared in front of Ye Qianfan.

It looked quite thick, about ten centimeters thick, and it felt very soft, not inferior to an ordinary mattress at all.

Ye Qianfan lay on it, and fell asleep in a daze.

Take a nap.

He glanced at the time on the magic book, and it was already early in the morning. Time passed so quickly!

The temperature outside the wooden house has dropped to 0 degrees.

If there is only a bonfire, but no wall to block the cold wind at night, he can hardly imagine how cold it would be!

Ye Qianfan sank into the thick straw bed and felt that the temperature was just right.

Although he was not so sleepy anymore, he didn't want to leave the warm quilt at all, so he continued to sleep well!

Stretching, Ye Qianfan felt that if there was another soft pillow.

That's even better...

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