"Those who can collect ore and are strong, stand up!"

Ye Qianfan gave an order.

Another 15 people stood up. These 15 people were relatively strong among the people.

There were even two big muscular men among them. Ye Qianfan took a look at their attributes.

【Citizen (No. 016): Gender: Male】

【Special ability: Lift weights, lift weights, lift weights!】

【Loyalty: 60%]

What kind of special ability is this?

His only ability is lifting weights, no wonder he has so many muscles.

【Citizen (No. 008): Gender: Male】

【Special abilities: Mining, logging, sex……】

【Loyalty: 60%] What the hell is this special ability? Is he going to open a duck shed?

But his other two abilities are pretty good.

As for the other 10 citizens,

Ye Qianfan found that they were relatively thin among the citizens, and they didn’t seem to have any special abilities.

But in order to make sure that no talent was missed,

Ye Qianfan still asked,"Is there anyone who is good at tracking prey, or surviving in the wild?"

""My Lord, my family is a hunter family. I have been hunting with my grandfather since I was a child... Eh? Do I have a grandfather? Strange, why can't I remember who my grandfather is?"

Citizen No. 015 was confused.

Because his personal consciousness was eliminated, he didn't remember his family or who he was, but he remembered his skills.

So there was a memory conflict effect.

It's like a memory mosaic...

They remember some things very clearly, such as skills (hunting, hunting, tracking prey, etc.).

But as to where these skills came from and why he had these skills, his brain would have a mosaic effect, causing him to not remember.

"Okay, if you can't remember, forget it." Ye Qianfan waved his hand and said,"You have a very good ability. I will give you the name Hunter Five, and you will lead the hunting team!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Liewu knelt on one knee to express his gratitude

【[Citizen No. 015-Hunter Five: Loyalty +10]


Four more people stood up, one of whom said that he was good at identifying plants, and another said that he was good at surviving in the wilderness.

Ye Qianfan assigned the citizens who were good at surviving in the wilderness to the hunting team of Hunter Five.

As for the one who was good at identifying herbs, his number was exactly 003, and Ye Qianfan gave him the name of Medicine Three!

After some investigation, Ye Qianfan directly divided the 40 people into 8 teams, each with 5 people.

After that, he named the teams according to the attributes of the captains of each team.

Medical Team One: The female citizen with the captain number 011, who is good at being a surgeon.

Ye Qianfan found a few people with nursing or tailoring experience to join the Medical Team One.

Service Team Two: The captain is a female citizen with the number 022, who is good at being a housewife.

Ye Qianfan asked several women who had experience in pet feeding and were good at housework to join and form a team responsible for the housekeeping of the villa.

The so-called housekeeping of the villa is mainly responsible for sanitation, pet feeding and other chores.

Medicine Team 3: The captain is a male citizen with the number 003, who is good at identifying herbs.

Ye Qianfan found those with strong survival ability in the wilderness to form a special medicine-seeking team!

Team 4: The cook team, responsible for everyone's diet and a series of kitchen affairs.

Hunting Team 5: The captain is a male citizen with the number 015, who is good at hunting. Ye Qianfan handed over the demon No. 001 to him to form a special hunting and land reclamation team.

Stone Team 6: The captain is a male citizen with the number 26, who is good at gathering and logging, mainly because of his strong strength. He is responsible for collecting various stones to prepare for Ye Qianfan's subsequent upgrade.

Guard Team 7: The captain is a male citizen with the number 007, who is good at staying up late to cultivate immortals. His main skill is that he is very hardworking and can stay up late.

Ye Qianfan handed over all the remaining male citizens with no special skills to Guard Team 7, which formed a professional guard team responsible for guarding the villa, similar to the profession of security guards.

The guard team works in two shifts and is mainly responsible for protecting the safety of the lord's territory.

Team Wood Eight: The captain is a male citizen with the number 008, who is good at felling trees and has great strength. He is responsible for felling trees and collecting various types of wood to prepare for Ye Qianfan's subsequent upgrade!

"Thank you for the name, Lord!"

Everyone knelt down.

However, since it was still night time, many of the people in the territory had already begun to doze off, except for Wei Qi's cultivation group.

Ye Qianfan thought about it and felt that it was not appropriate for so many people to live in his villa.

This would become a refugee camp.


Ye Qianfan opened the upgrade tree again, and indeed saw the upgrade content about the lower level of the villa, as well as the content of the villa expansion.

Thatched hut - wooden house - stone house - two-story villa - manor (Lord level) - not unlocked

【Two-story villa: Those who really know how to enjoy life will build a private villa. In addition to having a large private space of 400 square meters, you can also have a small outdoor garden. In foggy weather, it is a happy thing to lie in the sunny garden and bask in the sun!】

【Manor: Only those who become lords can build buildings of this level. When you have subjects, you will find that the small two-story villa can't accommodate so many people. It's time to build a larger space to facilitate more subjects to enter!】

【PS: After upgrading, you can also build hot springs, gardens, fountains, pet parks, libraries, banquet halls, conference halls, and residential areas for residents.……】

(Unlocked: After upgrading to Manor (Lord Level), you can view the next level)

【Manor (Lord Level) Upgrade Conditions: High-level Stone 470/1000, Mud 380/10000, High-level Wood 115/1000, Vine 328/2000, Glass 93/200, Spirit Stone 217/200, Earth Beast Core 1/200, Fire Beast Core 6/100, Water Beast Core 2/100, Gold Beast Core 2/50, Wood Beast Core 0/50, Wind Beast Core 2/20】


After seeing the introduction of the manor, Ye Qianfan was really at a loss.

No wonder he had to upgrade to a lord before he could build it. With so many high-level materials, if it weren't for his men, how long would it take for one person to dig out so many things?

Wood and other things were understandable, but this mud required 10,000, what kind of concept is that!

Ye Qianfan felt that he was going blind just by looking at these data!

These required conditions were too harsh!

Thinking of this, Ye Qianfan decided not to consider upgrading the manor for the time being.

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