[Intermediate Spirit Pet - Firebird White Eagle - Hatchling (30%): A fire-type bird spirit that can fly with fire. It can be cremated the moment it is attacked and become a ball of fire! Unless the opponent has water or ice magic, it cannot be attacked!】

【Status: Loyalty 100%, Eagle Eye status increased to 30 minutes (with night vision effect), flying speed +100%, special ability - cremation】

【Fire Feather 1000, can be collected!】


The white eagle flapped its hairless wings desperately.

Then, every pore on its hairless wings burst into flames!

The flames burned more and more fiercely, and burned more and more vigorously!


The next moment,

Ye Qianfan discovered that a flame appeared on the wings of the white eagle!

Then it fluttered and flew up, looking like a burning firework in the night sky, so beautiful!


The white eagle screamed happily.

After it flew several circles in the air, Ye Qianfan found that the flames on its body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and it felt like it was gradually dimming!

Not long after.

It was probably a few minutes!

The flames on the white eagle's body became weaker and weaker, and finally went out completely! The hairless eagle originally wanted to flutter and land, but without the wings made of flames, its hairless wings could not support its weight!

So, it fell directly from the air in an instant!


""Bang, bang~"

The white eagle fell miserably.

It even bounced several times on the ground before it turned into a meat ball and rolled twice on the ground before finally stopping!

Daji and Ye Qianfan stood on the balcony, holding their foreheads, looking as if they couldn't bear to watch.

When the white eagle just broke out of its shell, Ye Qianfan remembered that it had to be fed a lot so that the white eagle could grow quickly.

Could it be that this white eagle that was reborn from the fire also needed to be fed again?

Ye Qianfan decided to go down and see how the white eagle was.

If it was okay, he would stuff some food into it! Anyway, the firebirds were all immortal, and it was just a fall from a height of ten meters, so it should be okay, right?

Go back to the room and put on clothes.

Ye Qianfan was just about to go downstairs, but he saw the naked Daji squatting by the stairs, sniffing at the downstairs.

Daji's expression was full of doubts, as if she had discovered something special downstairs!

This made Ye Qianfan a little curious, and he was about to go downstairs to check.

But the naked Daji was following him on tiptoe!


It's fine for him to be a grown man without clothes.

But for Daji to be a little loli, this is too immoral!


In this strange foggy world, he is not sure if there is something peeping at them from the other side of the fog.

Or some game players have some special abilities... such as clairvoyance.

What if they sneak a peek at Daji's treasure?

"Daji, go back to bed and wait for me!"


Daji shook her head vigorously, looking unhappy.

Although Daji had evolved into a real little Lolita, Ye Qianfan had no clothes for it to wear. He could only wait and go to the market to find out if there were any suitable clothes for little Lolita.

As for its original skin, it had been blown up!

At this time, the body of the skin was still on Ye Qianfan's bed, and it was completely unwearable.

After all, Daji suddenly grew from 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters, and her parts also developed horizontally, and even expanded greatly, so those small clothes naturally burst!


At this moment,

Ye Qianfan suddenly heard a sneeze downstairs!

What the hell is this?

The stupid bird Baiying is now falling in the garden, and no one knows whether he is dead or alive.

So it is definitely not Baiying!

And Daji is beside him, so the one who sneezed naturally cannot be Daji.

As for his last pet, it was a worm!

Who the hell has ever heard of a worm sneezing!

So there is only one truth!

That is... there is someone downstairs!

""Damn it!"

Ye Qianfan's heart thumped violently, and just as he was about to rush downstairs, he saw Daji transform into a beam of light and leap down the stairs. She was so fast that even Ye Qianfan couldn't see clearly!

"Damn it! Daji, come back here!"

Ye Qianfan shouted hurriedly.

Compared to the fact that there were people downstairs, he was more concerned about his pet being seen naked by others!

How could this be possible!

That was his private property!

Ye Qianfan also rushed downstairs.

But when he rushed downstairs, he saw the scene in front of him, which made him gasp!

Because he guessed wrong!

There was not one person downstairs at all, but... a group of people!

And there were men and women among them, and everyone was dressed very modernly.

They also had some strange things on them, such as broken stone axes, animal skin backpacks, and some people were holding torches.

But from their dress and appearance, they looked more like game players!

How did this group of people cross the poisonous thorns and sneak into his villa?

And so many people rushed into the villa, it was impossible that there would be no movement!

Oh my God!

Who can tell me what is going on!

"Who the hell are you all?" Ye Qianfan quickly pulled out the sharp dagger from his waist, pointed at the group of people and said,"Why are you in my villa?!"

"Greetings, Lord!"

Dozens of people immediately knelt down on one knee in front of Ye Qianfan and said in unison:"We are your subjects!"


Ye Qianfan was confused.

He turned his head to look at Daji, and found that Daji had transformed into a beast-eared girl again, and all the parts of her body that should not be exposed were covered with fur. She was very smart!

Daji turned around the feet of these so-called leaders at this time, but did not show any attacking behavior!

This made Ye Qianfan even more confused.


Ye Qianfan finally found red exclamation marks above the heads of these leaders!

【People: The private property of the lord! You can order people to cultivate the land, mine stones, collect herbs and other physical work, and people cannot refuse! Loyalty: 60%】

【Lords must not abuse their subjects excessively. Once subjects are abused, their loyalty will drop! (Excessive hunger, overwork, forcing them to perform inhumane acts……)】

【PS: If the loyalty is lower than 50%, the people will flee; if the loyalty is lower than 20%, the people are likely to fight back. 】

These people... are actually his people?

How did they become his people?

Didn't I just take a nap?

What on earth happened in this world?

Ye Qianfan was confused.

But after he knew that these people were harmless, he didn't go into it any further. Anyway, he would find out after studying them slowly. On the contrary, I don't know what happened to the silly White Eagle now?

Ye Qianfan walked quickly towards the garden.

The moment he walked out of the gate of the villa, he was shocked by the red exclamation marks all over the floor!

He never thought... after the explosion of the red dragon, he actually left him so many good things!!

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