
As soon as Ye Qianfan went out, prompts appeared in four directions.

【East: A group of uninvited guests have come to the dwarf pines. The nightmare rats not only have terrible claws and teeth, but they are also very agile. If you want to be their enemy, you should also be careful of their mental attacks, which can make you fall into a nightmare and eventually die in the nightmare or be eaten by them!】

【South: After the acid rain, a lot of trees died. You can easily cut down a lot of wood! In the trunk of a tree, there is a silver treasure chest. Can you find it?】

【West: There is a cat sleeping soundly with its white belly spread out under the tree, but don't be fooled by its appearance, in fact, its true form is a catwoman, very dangerous! But if you are sure to tame it, it can also bring you unexpected benefits!】

【North: Due to the acid rain, the animals are all hungry and are all out looking for food! If you place a trap in the grassland today, you may have some luck.���You may get a lot of gains, but remember to change the bait more often! 】

Looking at the prompts of the four directions, Ye Qianfan was a little entangled.

Which direction should he go first?

There is a group of nightmare rats in the east, which sounds difficult to deal with. Ye Qianfan decided to deal with them last.

According to the order of importance,

Ye Qianfan sorted the four directions and put the traps in the north first!

After all, the landlord's surplus food is not much, and now he has only one piece of lightning leopard meat left. As for the blood of the lightning leopard, he can't drink it, so he can only use it to temper weapons!

Tempering weapons?!

Ye Qianfan had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

If axes and daggers are considered weapons, then bows and arrows are also considered weapons, and can arrows also be tempered.

Wouldn't it be much easier for him to shoot those nightmare rats at that time?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianfan decided to wait until the traps were put away, and then take the time to temper a few arrows to see how it works!

Just do it!

Prepare the bait for the trap, insert the dagger into your waist, and pull it out at any time.

Then light a torch, and Ye Qianfan stepped into the fog.

Today's fog is indeed quite thick!

Once you step into the fog, Ye Qianfan can't even see his feet when he looks down. He can only see a white lower body. He can vaguely see that his shoes are golden, which are the wind shoes stripped from the female thief's feet.

Waving the torch in his hand, the fog was dispelled!

I have to say.

Wearing these wind shoes, the effect of walking is still very different.

Ye Qianfan feels that the speed of moving forward is more than twice as fast as usual, and there is also a feeling of relaxation.

For example, it's like the difference between jogging a hundred meters when you are in a super good mental state and walking home with heavy steps after staying up all night without enough sleep!

Before putting on this pair of shoes, Ye Qianfan didn't know what lightness was.

But after putting on this pair of shoes, Ye Qianfan felt that he could fly!

It's twice as fast as usual.

Ye Qianfan came to the prairie. After yesterday's acid rain, the original prairie had turned into a withered and decaying state, and it seemed that it would die at any time.

【This is not a suitable place to place a trap, please go east!】

【This place is not suitable for placing animal traps, please go a little further south!】

【This is a good location. If you place it here, you will have unexpected gains today!

After trying several times ,

Ye Qianfan finally found the right location!

After placing the trap, Ye Qianfan was about to return when he suddenly saw the system prompt!

【Ten meters to the left, a bronze treasure chest has just been refreshed! 】


Such good luck!

A bronze treasure chest has suddenly been refreshed.

Ye Qianfan's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked to his left.

Ten meters is only ten steps away, but when Ye Qianfan walked ten meters to the left, he was dumbfounded!

Because in front of him, there were two bronze treasure chests that looked exactly the same!

Didn't the system prompt that there was only one bronze treasure chest?

Could it be that... the system also makes mistakes?

Or did another one just refresh, wouldn't that be double the luck!

Just when Ye Qianfan was about to step forward to open the box, the red exclamation mark appeared again.

【Two treasure chests, are you surprised? One of the two treasure chests is fake and the other is real. Guess which one is real and which one is fake!】


There is such a thing.

Ye Qianfan was speechless.

He decided to pull out an arrow and give it a try. Anyway, it would be okay even if the treasure chest was shot in the wrong direction.

A bronze treasure chest is not that easy to damage!


Draw the bow and shoot!

The bronze arrow shot straight through the bronze box, but the bronze box did not react at all!

It seems that this one should be the real bronze box!

Ye Qianfan was overjoyed.

He quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to open the box!

【Guessed wrong! This is a ferocious scary box. Its full teeth can bite off your hand that is stretched out to it! And its long tongue can easily roll you into the box, making you a new nutrient for the scary box! 】Damn!


Qianfan didn't expect it.

This scary box is so fierce!

The box body was shot through by his arrow, but the scary box can still hold it and has no reaction at all!

How to do this?

Judging from the arrow just now, the outer defense of the bronze treasure box should be very strong, so it can only be broken from the inside.

If it breaks from the inside...

Ye Qianfan thought about it and there was only one way.

First use resin to stick the scary box, and then use fire to smother the scary box to death inside!

It works! It works!!

Ye Qianfan nodded repeatedly, very satisfied with his wit.

Then, he took out some resin and softened it with a torch, and then poured it directly around the scary box. In order to ensure that it was well sealed, Ye Qianfan also took a branch and evenly coated the opening!

I have to say.

This scary box is quite calm!

No matter how Ye Qianfan poured resin on the lid of the box, or how he poked it with branches, it didn't move. It looked like a real treasure chest.

If it weren't for the system, he would have really fallen for the trick of this treasure chest thief!

After applying the resin.

Ye Qianfan sprayed some water to make sure that the resin was completely cooled and solidified.

He then pulled out a bunch of withered weeds, spread them all around the scary box, and easily lit them with a torch!

This time!

The scary box finally lost its composure!

"Bang Bang Bang~"

""Dong dong~"

The scary box began to struggle desperately.

It seemed to want to open its mouth, but its mouth had been tightly sealed by Ye Qianfan and could not be opened at all!

In desperation, the scary box could only tap dance!

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