Although the number of Ice Gall Kings only accounts for one tenth of all the Ice Galls, the number of Ice Galls brought back by these two great magicians is too much! There are more than 60,000 Ice Galls, and there are more than 6,000 Ice Gall Kings in total.

If the people are allowed to open them slowly, how long will it take to open them all? And now he is anxious to make a three-piece set of self-heating so that other leeks can help catch Ice Galls and make another wave of money!

Naturally, he can't waste too much time, so Ye Qianfan spoke again:"Two big guys! Although you didn't lose or win this game, the main reason is that the time was incomplete and interrupted, so you can't tell the winner!"

"Right! Otherwise I will definitely win!" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan immediately agreed.

But Jiudianxing immediately counterattacked:"I think you are dreaming, if you didn't make such a big fuss and let me catch you from beginning to end, you would definitely be the loser!"

"Pah! You have only a few lousy tricks, what's the use of comparing with me?……"

"I'm a banana guava you XXOO……"

Seeing that the two had started fighting again, Ye Qianfan hurriedly stopped them and said,"Two great magicians! I, your little brother, have a better idea now!"


"What method?"

The two looked at Ye Qianfan at the same time.

But Ye Qianfan smiled and said:"It's actually very simple. It was not because of lack of time that the two of you couldn't decide the winner before! Now let's not count the time, just count the number!"

"How to calculate?"They asked at the same time

"It's very simple. I have six thousand Ice Gall Kings!"

Why did Ye Qianfan make sure the two people had the same number of Ice Galls before?

Of course, it was because at this moment, the key point was to let these two strongest tools continue to work for him!


Ye Qianfan directly divided the six thousand Ice Galls in the two backpacks into two piles and said:"Two great magicians, here are two piles of Ice Galls, each with a total of three thousand! Whoever takes out all the fire beast cores first will win!"

"This is fair!" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan nodded with satisfaction.

But Jiudianxing frowned and looked at his apprentice and said,"Why? I don't think it's right! I just collected the ice gall and you want me to open it. It feels like a worker……"

"Master, I believe in your strength!" Ye Qianfan interrupted Jiudianxing again, and even whispered in Jiudianxing's ear deliberately:"Master, I have left you nearly a thousand thin-skinned and short-thorned ones that are easy to open. You will definitely win this time!"

"Oh? Really?"

When Jiudianxing heard that he could beat the lamp god Sheng Nanyuan, he immediately threw away his wrong thoughts.

Then, under the instigation of the lamp god Sheng Nanyuan, the two started a new round of competition!

"Just wait and see, I am just average at catching ice gall, but I am definitely an expert at opening it!" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan started bragging again,"I used to be called Shengnan Executioner!"

"Hehe, I am also known as the Star Picking Saint Hand!"

After cursing, the two of them quickly opened the ice gall again.

The great mage is worthy of being the great mage. They both have their own methods. Those ice galls with long thorns flew up one by one. When they fell again, they had separated the meat cores and fell into the two barrels in front of them!

As the speed of the two of them became faster and faster, Ye Qianfan could hardly see their hand speed.

It really deserves to be the old unicorn arm that has been trained for hundreds of years!

He watched the wooden barrels where the beast cores were placed. The number of fire beast cores increased sharply. Ye Qianfan squinted his eyes and smiled. He took a handful of fire beast cores and directly made the remaining 40 sets of three-piece sets.

In the cafeteria, after finding a stool to sit down, Ye Qianfan continued to open the regional channel

【Regional Channel]

Ye Qianfan:"Another forty three-piece suits have been delivered!"

"Boss, you are finally here!!"Qingci Mo Ran said happily:"I just saw several pieces of snow moving outside. I have been watching for a long time. There must be ice in it. I am waiting for the boss's self-heating clothes!"

"My god, it’s so warm!!!" Fang Zuer sent a kissing expression and said,"It feels like the embrace of Mr. Ye, ah! I’m already intoxicated!"

"Hehehe! Big Brother's coat actually fits me so well. I've never been able to buy clothes that fit me on Taobao before." Ma Baoguo said,"It's weird, my body is really too strong! Big Brother's coat looks so handsome on me. From now on, please call me Daniel Wu!"

"Bah! I think the person upstairs is just a fat guy, so he can’t buy clothes on Taobao, right?"The player Chen Hao complained!

But as everyone was laughing and complaining, the remaining 40 sets of self-heating clothes of Ye Qianfan were exchanged in an instant.

Most people had already gone out to work, and Ye Qianfan watched the number of ice galls in his backpack increase!

At this time...

Chusi suddenly said:"My Lord, the ice gall meat has filled all our containers. Should we put it in the warehouse, or what should we do with it?"


Ye Qianfan glanced at the two great magicians who were still frantically opening ice gallbladders, touched his chin and said:"I remember there seems to be a recipe for cold-resistant soup, which is to boil ice gallbladder meat, snow monster meat and magma pepper together. You can make this for everyone to eat!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Chusi nodded, took the ice gall and was about to go to the kitchen to make a cold-resistant soup...

Ye Qianfan stopped her again and said,"By the way, please make another 90 servings, I plan to sell some!"

"Okay, Lord."

After Ye Qianfan finished his instructions, he immediately went to the regional channel and shouted again:"Everyone! In order to thank you for catching ice gall in such cold weather, I will provide you with a bowl of cold-resistant soup! Only five���With one ice gall, you can enjoy a night of warmth. It will be on the shelves in ten minutes, so stay tuned!"

"Wow! I want it, boss, I want to order one now!"Player Luo Wanqing signed up immediately

"I want one too!"Player Wei Feng signed up

"I also +1"


As soon as the news was released, dozens of people had already made reservations.

Not long after, the two great magicians had opened the two piles of ice gall, which were as big as a small mountain. Unexpectedly, Ye Qianfan didn't have to cheat this time, and the two of them tied again.

Ye Qianfan was naturally happy. After all, how could he not be happy when he thought that he would have another excuse to trick the two of them into working (competing) tomorrow?

As the two great magicians finished opening the ice gall, countless ice gall meat was continuously sent to the kitchen.

About a few minutes later... countless cold-resistant soups were also continuously sent to the cafeteria.

Ye Qianfan picked up a bowl of cold-resistant soup, scooped it up and took a sip. The moment the warm soup entered his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up!

……The following does not count the words...

Special thanks to the character summons of the big boss Niu Dehua of the Zhatianbang, the flowers for the update, the ending 666, Xiu'er and other gifts!

Today I will add one more chapter for all the big bosses who have been giving me rewards (although I want to add a lot, but the author is really clumsy, so I can only type one more chapter), and it will be sent out later!

In addition: I sincerely thank all the big bosses who have been giving me rewards and support, the list is attached in the comment section!


The author has something to say:

Thanks to Zhatian for helping Niu Dehua、ZENG@TAO、The otaku who looks for books everywhere, Zhang Laoyao of the Zhatian Gang, the salted fish king of the Zhatian Gang, Xiao Moqin, Yan Ren, Zi Han Sirong, Gu Ying, Ka::::, (the clone of the leader of the Zhatian Gang) Yuanmen, Bai Tianyuan, Night Tour in the Misty Rain, Yeyun, Guai Duoduo, Ling'er who loves to eat coconut-flavored water chestnut cake, the monk who used to be in the temple on the mountain, Yuze, the Hades - the Blood Ghost, Qi Lin of the Ninth District, 02.

The Eternal God, the user name 43603659859872, Mengze, Xu Que of the Zhatian Gang, Ming Yuetian who loves to eat seafood noodles, xxx, Princess Yaoyao of the output flow, Jing Jiaming who loves to eat fried crispy tofu, Ma Chao - Pikachu, a gift from Macabacca!

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