
"Ye boy!"

The two great magicians came to Ye Qianfan in the next second, and then rushed to say:"Help us count and see who has more ice courage and who has less ice courage!"

"No problem!"

Ye Qianfan nodded, and then the two great magicians waved their hands.

They separated the ice galls they had brought back, and each of them put a pile. This time it really looked like a mountain. After all, thousands of ice galls piled together looked really scary!

"Humph! See, I have much more than you."

The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan said proudly while guarding his own Bingdan Mountain.

And Jiudianxing was naturally unwilling to be outdone:"You are originally a mist, and mist is almost the same as fart, so you have no eyes, and I don't blame you! Who has more and who has less, just let my apprentice take a look and you will know."

"Bah! Since you said he is your apprentice, this guy will definitely side with you! If we let him help us count, then I will be the one who suffers!"

"Haha, it's your fault that you never say good or bad with your lousy mouth. Do you blame me for not having any disciples?"

"You old bastard……"

The two men had barely said three sentences when they started arguing again.

Ye Qianfan scanned the ice galls brought back by the two great magicians. The two hills were roughly the same size, so it was hard to say who would win or lose.

"Lord, what are you going to do with so many ice galls?"

The attendants looked at the two ice gall hills with some concern. The countless spikes like ice cones made people's scalps numb, not to mention they had to count them.

But Ye Qianfan smiled and said,"The mountain man has his own ingenious plan!"

"But the two magicians seemed to be unwilling to give in to each other, and even felt that it was unfair for you to help with the statistics. What are you going to do?" Mr. Bai, however, was standing aside, rubbing his hands with shining eyes and said,"How about I do the statistics?"

""Get lost, I'll do it myself!"

Ye Qianfan would not let Mr. Bai, a profiteer, do the counting. After all, this ice gallbladder is worth a thousand dragon coins.

If Mr. Bai secretly swallowed a few hundred of them, Ye Qianfan would suffer a great loss.

"So how do you plan to gain the trust of the two magicians?"

Mr. Bai raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Qianfan with a smug look on his face, as if he thought that Ye Qianfan would never be able to think of a way to count the results of the two magicians' competition in a fair and just way!

"Ha! I know what you are up to, I advise you to forget it!"

After saying this, Ye Qianfan walked straight to the middle of the two magicians and said,"You two, I have a very simple way, and it is absolutely fair and just!"

"Oh?" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief:"You are not going to count them one by one? I am afraid you can't finish counting them even if you count till dawn! I don't have the time to accompany you!"

And when Jiudianxing saw that Sheng Nanyuan didn't believe it, he immediately contradicted him and said:"My apprentice is really talented. Tell me your method and let this old man listen! It won't always think that its crappy IQ is the best in the world!"

"I don't believe this guy has a way. I know at a glance that he is definitely going to fool people again! If he just says a number at that time, what's wrong, you go count it yourself?"

"Stop slandering my disciple! Just because you are not good enough, do you think that everyone else is not good enough?"

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so for the Nine Points Star, the object of the rebuttal of the Lamp God Sheng Nanyuan is his comrade-in-arms, so it doesn't care whether Ye Qianfan has any solution or not.

Anyway, the momentum cannot be lost!

"Oh, did I slander him? How many people did this guy fool in the treasure land before? Don't you know it?" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan retorted:"I think even you were fooled by that kid, right? Otherwise, why would you be willing to help it instead of staying in that damn place to guard the door?"

""None of your business is my business!"

As soon as the lamp god Sheng Nanyuan mentioned this, Jiudianxing's face immediately fell.

At this time, Ye Qianfan also remembered this matter. He had not asked the scarecrow how he tricked Jiudianxing to help.

According to Jiudianxing's arrogant appearance, it didn't look like he would ask for help.

What's more... at the level of Jiudianxing, what else could he lack?

Its magic power is stronger than everyone present, and its status is also top-notch. Even if it wants to find someone to change back to its original form, it is probably much easier to stand still than to run to Ye Qianfan's territory to find someone.

So this made Ye Qianfan feel very confused. Why did Jiudianxing agree to help him?

"Brother Scarecrow!"

Ye Qianfan used his spiritual sense to communicate with the Scarecrow:"How did you trick Nine-Point Star into helping me?"

"It's very simple. The scarecrow smiled and said,"I know his daughter and promised to go to the first city to find his daughter after I remove the magic in a year, so he agreed to go with me."

"How do you know its daughter?"

Ye Qianfan was a little surprised. After all, the scarecrow was badly abused by the nine-point star.

He didn't see any possibility that the nine-point star and the scarecrow knew each other.

"The scarecrow said proudly,"When I entered the door through the teleportation array, I saw the name engraved in the middle of the door! It said"Dedicated to my dear daughter Xiao Qi", followed by a long string of surnames. Because her surname is rather strange, it reminded me of a beautiful woman I met when I was in the main city before!"

"So you just heard of him?" Ye Qianfan was shocked by the scarecrow's audacity and said,"You dare to agree to help Nine Point Star find someone? Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to find him and will be torn into pieces by Nine Point Star?"

"We’ll talk about it later. I wasn’t in a hurry to help you deal with people then, hehe!"

The scarecrow smiled shamelessly.

Ye Qianfan naturally couldn’t self-destruct at this time, so he pretended not to hear it, looked at the two magicians, and was about to tell them his own ideas.

Unexpectedly, the two magicians didn’t know what they were arguing about, and Nine Stars suddenly said:"What if my apprentice can really come up with a fair and just method, what are you going to do?"

"How should I know what to do?" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan put his hands on his waist and retorted:"You can ask this kid yourself what to do!"

"That's fine!" Nine-pointed star suddenly turned his stone head and looked at Ye Qianfan and said,"Disciple, tell me yourself, what do you plan to do if you win?"

"I don't want much, I just want these ice gallbladders."

Ye Qianfan took over the conversation with a silly smile.

The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Qianfan, thinking that this kid must have another conspiracy, but he couldn't think of anything strange about him, so he simply nodded and said,"Okay! Aren't they just a few ice gallbladders? There are quite a few fire beast cores in them, they are a little more delicious, and they are worth a little money, I agree generously!"

"I'm not as stingy as someone." Nine Stars raised his head proudly and said,"I will give these things to my little apprentice for free, regardless of whether we win or lose!"

"Hehe, you are generous, you are the most generous in the universe, okay!"

After the lamp god Sheng Nanyuan complained about the nine-point star, he looked at Ye Qianfan and said,"Okay, tell me! What is your absolutely fair and just method!"

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