To the south of the villa, there is a towering tree! In the 50-meter fog-free area, Ye Qianfan could only see part of the tree roots and some leaves and branches that had fallen down. As for how big and how tall the tree was, Ye Qianfan couldn't tell at all!

Moreover, the width of the tree roots was so huge that...

Ye Qianfan had always thought that his villa was built on a mountain. Who would have thought that this mountain was just the roots of a towering tree!

As for how big its trunk was, a large part of it was hidden in the fog, and no one could see it clearly!

【The towering magic tree: a variant of the spruce, in order to obtain sunlight in the foggy world, it desperately grows until it grows out of the foggy layer! There is another secret inside the magic tree, which cannot be seen for the time being!】

【PS: If one day you can climb to the top of a big tree, maybe you can get a glimpse of the secrets of the foggy world!】

"How difficult is it to climb a tree?"

Ye Qianfan snorted!

After all, with his current agility and strength, he may not be sure of other things, but climbing a tree is not too difficult.

However, Mr. Bai, who was standing aside, shook his head and said,"It turns out that the branch of the magic tree fell on you. It seems that my vision for site selection is not bad, hahahaha! But Lord Ye, if you want to climb this magic tree easily, it is not that easy!"

"Magic tree branch?" Ye Qianfan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously,"What do you mean?""

"In the new era, countless animals and plants have mutated, and this magic tree is also a product left over from that time. Its height is unpredictable and unobservable, and it is known as the magic tree on the clouds."

Mr. Bai explained:"This magic tree can be found everywhere in the foggy world. The capital of the foggy world is built around the magic tree, and that one is known as the main body of the magic tree, but in fact, no one knows whether it is the main body."

"But I have seen many branches of magic trees all over the world, such as in the wilderness and in the center of Tianhu Lake!"

"I have been to all of these magic trees, except the one in the center of Tianhu Lake, and I am always shocked every time I see them.……"


Ye Qianfan became more and more confused as he listened, so he simply interrupted Mr. Bai and said,"Let me interrupt for a moment! Mr. Bai, can you tell me first why the magic tree is a branch of the magic tree?"

"It's a bit difficult to pronounce. The magic tree is a branch of the magic tree, hahaha!" Mr. Bai laughed for a long time, but found that no one paid attention to him. He coughed twice awkwardly and covered up:"The reason why they are called branches is that they are all just one tree. As long as you walk into a magic tree, you will find that the levels of each magic tree are the same."


Ye Qianfan was stunned when he heard it. How the hell did it become a game mode?

Wasn't it agreed to be a new world?

All of a sudden.

Ye Qianfan felt a little confused.

Because Mr. Bai was talking about the old and new worlds, the eras, the branches of the magic tree, and the levels, which made people more and more confused.

This magic tree branch, in particular, feels like a game port. Although the access points are different, as long as you enter the server, everyone is together again.

And what level, it feels like passing a game.

For example... if you are a man, you go down a hundred floors.

This magic tree game, it is clear that if you are a man, you go up a hundred floors!

Ye Qianfan couldn't help but ask:"So this foggy world, is it a game?"

"What is the game?"

Mr. Bai looked at Ye Qianfan with a puzzled look on his face, but he obviously didn't dwell on this question for too long, and said directly:"Yes! It's a level. There is a light capsule fruit on the branch of each magic tree!"

"When you walk in, you can enter the other dimension through the light capsule fruit."

"And this different space is connected, and you can meet people from other branches of the magic tree in it, so we believe that all the magic trees are actually branches that grow from a big magic tree, or even split from it!"

"Wait! I have a new question."Ye Qianfan continued to ask:"Where did this magic tree come from? It feels like it is no longer a plant that can be evolved. It is more like some kind of intelligent creature from another world, right?"

"That's right, the magic tree is not something from this world."Mr. Bai smiled and said,"It was a magic seed that fell with the rain of spirit stones during the first year of the disaster. These magic seeds will parasitize on some big trees, causing the big trees to mutate, and then become what they are now."

""Demons from the sky?"

The more Ye Qianfan listened, the more shocked he was.

He found that as a corner of this foggy world was revealed, it gave him more questions.

Not to mention where these demons came from and what they came to this world for, but the most terrifying thing is that these demons seem to have some kind of intelligence, and are some kind of creatures with wisdom.

Or to put it another way, it is more like a computer or a game, an existence similar to artificial intelligence.

Otherwise, where do the levels come from, and where are the connections?

These things...

For the natives of this world, they may not understand.

But for Ye Qianfan, who came from the high-tech era of the earth, this concept is very clear to him.

The so-called levels are games.

The so-called branches of the magic tree are actually nothing more than connections!

As for whether it is a spiritual connection or a direct physical connection, Ye Qianfan is not sure.

In fact, up to now... he is not sure whether he has only come through in spirit or in body!

"Anyway, no one can explain what this thing is. The only thing we know is that as long as you can pass the test of the magic tree, you can get a lot of rewards, sometimes material, sometimes directly affecting the spirit or the body."Mr. Bai explained:"So every year, countless magicians or warriors go to the branches of the magic tree, trying to pass higher levels and get some benefits."

"Will you die in the level?" Ye Qianfan asked again

"Of course!" Mr. Bai smiled and said,"But since people who can run around to the branches of the magic tree are usually not too poor, they will prepare items for escape in advance. For example, [Transmission Scrolls that Ignore Barriers] and some other survival magic weapons, survival items, etc., the casualties are also limited!"

""I see!"

Ye Qianfan nodded, but he gave up the idea of taking the risk of going to the magic tree.

Before he was sure what the magic tree was, he didn't want to go in rashly. Who knows if he would be parasitized by something.

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