Since the cooperation has been reached, Mr. Bai is not stingy. He began to instruct the people:"Pick the big ice galls, and then pick out the ice spikes with red luster on the surface to deal with. These are the ice gall kings, and they usually can open fire beast cores!"

""Yes, Mr. Bai."

All the people responded and began to sort the ice galls.

Those without fire beast cores would not be eaten and would be sold. Those with fire beast cores would be opened. While collecting fire beast cores for the lord, he could also enjoy a feast of ice galls!

"Mr. Bai, why do you think this ice gall is so strange?"

Ye Qianfan picked up an ice gall with a red luster on the surface, and cut it open with a knife. There was indeed a fire beast core inside.

But this ice gall is obviously made of ice shell, and it is a creature living in the snow, how can it have a fire beast core?

"Are you referring to the fact that it is a fire creature?"

Mr. Bai put on his black dragon leather gloves, peeled off an ice gall and said,"In fact, this kind of creature with different appearances is not uncommon in the entire Misty Continent. It is said that���Directly related to changes in living environment"

"I remember reading an article written by Yi Nansheng, a wise man in the field of biological research. He found that this ice gall is actually very similar to a creature called fire gall. Both its appearance and its body structure are very similar."

"Therefore, he believes that the original body of this ice gall should be a fire gall living in the magma, but because the fire gall experienced a volcanic eruption, it was ejected from the volcano to the ground."

"Some of the fire gallbladders survived after mutation."

"Therefore, there are so-called ice-gut creatures. In order to adapt to the new environment, they have a thick layer of ice shell, but their original core cannot be changed. Therefore, they have a fire beast core and an outer ice shell."

"These creatures with completely opposite inside and outside have another general name, called chaotic creatures!"

"It's really interesting!"

Ye Qianfan heard this and took another bite of the ice bile meat.

The ice bile meat was hot, with a faint sweet taste and a melt-in-the-mouth texture. It was really delicious.

"That's not right."

At this moment, Ye Qianfan happened to see a leader's torch passing by the ice gall, scaring countless ice galls so much that they shrank into ice spikes. So Ye Qianfan had another question:"If this ice gall is a fire creature, why is it afraid of torches?"

"This question is a bit complicated.

Mr. Bai fell into recollection and said,"But I remember that the wise man Yi Nansheng seemed to have explained that there is a layer similar to a conversion layer between the inner and outer layers of this chaotic creature. When the fire energy passes through the conversion layer, it will become ice. After the ice shell absorbs energy, it can also pass through the conversion layer and become fire."

"But it is precisely because of this transformation layer that they have lost the ability of their outer shell to come into contact with fire creatures without being harmed."

"In other words, these ice galls can no longer return to live in the magma, because their shells are afraid of fire!"

"It turns out that there are people in this world who study evolution like Darwin."After listening to Mr. Bai's words, Ye Qianfan felt that this foggy world was really not simple.

"Who is Darwin? Mr. Bai wondered.

"A great god in my hometown who specializes in studying animal evolution."Ye Qianfan made a fool of himself, and then he remembered the things about the foggy world before, and began to ask Mr. Bai:"You said before that the magic wine was a product left over from the period of spiritual energy revival. Can you tell me about it now? About those things in the old times"

"Of course, it's not a secret anyway."

Mr. Bai pondered for a moment before speaking:"It is said that more than a thousand years ago, the foggy world was not what it is now. It was a green world, or a blue world, but it was definitely not the foggy world it is now."

"Suddenly one day, a huge spiritual stone began to fall from the sky, which is the stone we now use as energy."

"These stones actually came from outer space, and then these spiritual stones brought great changes to the earth."

"It is said that people in the old days seemed to use something called electricity, or something called scientific power. I don’t remember the details, but I have seen it in some literature."

"Then, because of this spiritual stone that fell from the sky, all the things in the old world became unusable."

"It is said that this spiritual stone also caused drastic changes in the world. The year when the spiritual stone fell from the sky was called the first year of disaster in the literature. Tsunamis, wildfires, earthquakes and even various plagues appeared everywhere."

"With the onset of various disasters, the creatures that originally lived in this world began to become extinct in large numbers!"

"But with the emergence of the disaster, some creatures and plants not only adapted to the existence of this spiritual stone that fell from the sky, but even mutated, becoming powerful and aggressive!"

"This new change is divided into the first year of the new life by history."

"This new year lasted for almost two or three hundred years. Not only did animals mutate, but many plants also became aggressive creatures, and even spiritual intelligence was born. The most famous of these were the tree spirits and tree men, two types of plant people."

"As the world undergoes earth-shaking changes, some old humans begin to awaken various strange superpowers, such as vision or partial body mutations, etc.……"

"But it is said that in the first year of the new life, human beings actually had an extremely difficult life!"

"Because countless new creatures appeared in this vast���The original balance of creatures was broken, and because the energy sources of the old world could not be used, humans were driven to the point of near extinction by those powerful new creatures!"

"Until a great hero appeared among humans—Youzhi!"

"The supernatural power he awakened was magic, and he became the first magician in the human race. Not only did he awaken magic, he even taught the humans who had managed to survive, so that everyone could learn magic together and fight against those new creatures!"

"This era is called the rebirth of mankind and the first year of magic!"

"With the beginning of the first year of magic, humans gradually used magic to counterattack those new creatures, gained some habitats, and built the first city. It was the first city belonging to humans after the beginning of the entire new era!"

"This city is the heart of the misty world, the first city!"

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