"Hmph! Shut up!"

The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan waved his hand, and the scarecrow immediately stopped making any sound.

This surprised Ye Qianfan and he asked,"Great Mage Sheng Nanyuan, can you hear it talking?"

"I can hear it talking, what's so strange about that?" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan looked at Ye Qianfan with disdain and said:"The language of communication between all realms is a skill that magicians must learn. Even those wandering merchants in the wilderness know it. If I can't even do this, how can I have the face to live in this world?"


Ye Qianfan was a little embarrassed and quickly changed the subject:"By the way, that great magician Sheng Nanyuan, can you turn it back into a human?"

"No way!"

The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan shook his head directly and said,"This was done by the witch of the wilderness, right?"

"Right!" Ye Qianfan nodded, and tried to use provocation to help the scarecrow:"Isn't the Great Mage more capable than the last Witch of the Wilderness? Why can the Witch of the Wilderness do it, but you can't?"

"Bullshit!" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan said angrily:"How can a mere wilderness witch compare with me! When I was studying magic, I didn't even know where those wilderness witches were!"


"Don't try to provoke me, it doesn't work on me!" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan glanced at Ye Qianfan and said,"If you want to know the reason, I'll tell you directly!"

"Because magic is not what you imagine. You can't change anything you want."

"The core of magic is actually similar to alchemy"

"For example, if I want to use a fireball technique now……"

As the lamp god Sheng Nanyuan spoke, a fireball instantly appeared in its misty hand, and the fireball was getting bigger and brighter.

In the blink of an eye, the fireball in Sheng Nanyuan's hand had surpassed the fireball spell condensed by the white eagle. There was even an illusion that a small sun was rising from Sheng Nanyuan's hand!

Could it be...

Is this the strength of the great mage?

Ye Qianfan took a breath of cold air in shock, because he was actually almost two meters away from the lamp god Sheng Nanyuan, but he could even feel the scorching heat brought by the fireball in Sheng Nanyuan's hand!

It was like there were a hundred bathroom lights shining on him, making people feel full of burning!

Not only that...

This fireball also gave people a huge sense of pressure.

Ye Qianfan had no doubt that such a fireball would be able to collapse the entire stone chamber if it was directly hit in the stone chamber!

Although Sheng Nanyuan hadn't thrown the fireball out yet, Ye Qianfan was already worried... where it was going to be thrown.

But the next second.

Ye Qianfan once again felt the horror of the great mage!


The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan just snapped his fingers lightly.

Then the fireball in his hand, which was like a small sun, disappeared directly in front of the two people, as if it had never appeared!

"For example, if I want to use a fireball technique now……"After the lamp god Sheng Nanyuan finished his performance, he continued to ask:"Where do you think the fireball in my hand came from?"

Ye Qianfan replied:"Of course it comes from the condensed fire element!"

"That's right! This fireball is condensed from the fire element in the air."The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan continued to explain:"In other words, the fireball does not appear out of thin air, but needs to be condensed."

"This is the same as the principle of equivalent exchange in alchemy!"

"No matter what it is, it will not appear out of thin air, nor will it disappear out of thin air. If they disappear, they are merely exchanged!"


Ye Qianfan seemed to understand and said:"What does this have to do with the scarecrow? Could it be that its body was also obtained through an equal exchange?"

"That's right!"

The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan said:"Its body did not disappear out of thin air, but the Witch of the Wilderness exchanged its original body with the scarecrow, so its body became the body of the scarecrow, but it also gained some characteristics of the scarecrow!"

"For example, as long as the soul is not destroyed, the scarecrow can be immortal."

"The scarecrow also has the characteristic that it doesn’t need to eat or drink!"

"Then it will never change back?" Ye Qianfan said with regret for the scarecrow:"But I remember it said that the witch promised that as long as it stayed in the garden to watch over the garden for ten years, it could change back to human form and gain freedom!"

"Yes! It's still the principle of equal exchange."The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan said:"Since the wilderness witch promised an equal exchange for ten years, then after ten years, it can naturally get its body back through the contract."

"Is it okay even if the physical body is gone?"

Ye Qianfan wondered.

In addition to wanting to help the scarecrow, he actually wanted to understand the world, magic, the principle of equivalent exchange, etc.

"The body cannot be gone."The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan said:"When the wilderness witch exchanged his body with the scarecrow, his body was already stored in a special space."

"We call this space a realm, or the realm of all realms!"

"If your ability is strong enough, or if you become a great astrologer like the big fool at the door, you can use your ability to calculate which realm your body is hidden in, and then tear open the void and retrieve it from the realm where your body is stored!"

"It's a bit difficult, but it sounds interesting."Ye Qianfan nodded and said,"In other words, in this world, as long as your level is high enough, you can do anything you want?"

The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan nodded and said,"In theory, this is the case."

"Since the Grand Mage is so awesome……"Ye Qianfan asked curiously,"How did you become like this?"

"Could you please stop bringing up irrelevant issues?" The lamp god Sheng Nanyuan's wound was exposed, and he immediately became furious and said,"Are you leaving or not? If not, I'm going to sleep!"

""Let's go, let's go, I'm leaving now!"

Ye Qianfan stopped talking nonsense and directly opened the door to the Shadow Guard's stone chamber.

At the same time, he took out the magic book and glanced at the time on it...

It was two o'clock in the afternoon!

He had spent so much time without realizing it. There were still two hours left and it would be dark soon.

Although he had a great magician by his side, he was not sure whether the great magician could protect him, so Ye Qianfan decided to quickly deal with the matter of the treasure land and then go back quickly.

But just when he was about to take back the magic book, he noticed the symbol of [Regional Channel] 99+. Did something happen again?

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