"Chu Si, notify all the people to gather together!"

Ye Qianfan called Chu Si.

Chu Si, who had been serving Ye Qianfan, immediately stepped forward and said,"Yes, Lord, please wait a moment! I will go find the leaders of each group now!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Ye Qianfan waved his hand, and then he took out two spells to study.

He had learned the red, yellow and green color change spell in advance, but after learning, although he had the relevant spell operation method in his mind, he had tried several times before, but it had not been successful.

He thought it was because he couldn't use this spell, just like other people couldn't use the fireball spell.

Unexpectedly... this spell actually has a mystery hidden in it!

【Learn twelve pigment color changing techniques!】


【Pigment color-changing technique: It is a matching spell for the red, yellow and green color-changing technique. Those who have not learned the pigment extraction spell cannot change the color successfully. 】 (Gold pigment color-changing technique: Hold the gold in your hand, extract the gold element while using the red, yellow and green color-changing technique, and you will succeed!)

(Green pigment color-changing technique: Catch moss or green frogs, or people who have been cuckolded, in your hand, extract the green element while using the red, yellow and green color-changing technique, and you will succeed!)

(Red pigment color-changing technique: Find a person or animal at random, cut open its aorta, put your hand into its wound to extract the red element, and use the red, yellow and green color-changing technique at the same time, and you will succeed!)

(Yellow pigment color-changing technique: Catch a group of experienced drivers, stuff them into a welded car, you are responsible for driving, and then use the red, yellow and green color-changing technique at the same time, and you will succeed!)

(Blue pigment color-changing technique……)

【PS: Why do you think I made so many kinds of pigments separately, and didn't integrate the pigment spells into the red, yellow and green color-changing spells? It's because I can make a lot more money from the matching, hahahaha! ——Big profiteer Chen Heguai】

Ye Qianfan rolled his eyes after reading the messy spell conditions above.

The contents of the color-changing spells above are written randomly.

In fact, the key is to find items of corresponding colors and extract the pigments inside. The principle is quite simple. Among all the instructions for the pigment color-changing spells, it is obvious that only the content of the gold pigment is real and effective! As for the others, you can tell that this person named Chen Heguai is making up nonsense!

As for why he is making it up?

God knows!

"My Lord, here we come!"

""My Lord, is there another invasion?"

After the witch incident last night, the people were a little sleepy. Too many things happened in one night, causing them to not get enough rest.

But Ye Qianfan had no choice!

Because it was about to dawn, he had to finish these things before dawn and must not waste time on exploration!


Ye Qianfan had another very important thing to do today!

That was to go to the 'treasure land'. Even if he didn't want to go, he couldn't, because he was fooled by the treacherous stone man and signed a magic contract!

【Magic Contract: When both parties agree on something, the contract is automatically established, and the person who breaks the contract will be severely punished! 】

Ye Qianfan has no doubt about the validity of the contract in this world!

So... he doesn't dare to test his life!

And there is another very important point, he doesn't know how big this"treasure land" is. He doesn't even know how long he has to stay in it, so Ye Qianfan has to leave enough time to go to the treasure land!

"I'm going to change your clothes first!" Ye Qianfan said:"The combination of your clothes and helmets is really too ugly!"

""My Lord, aren't these all sent to us by you?"

Liewu looked aggrieved.

But the big fool Mu Ba looked at his clothes, then at his dragon bone knife, scratched his head and said,"I think it's pretty good! Red and green, like flowers, very beautiful!"

"You fool!"The doctor poked Mu Ba's head and said,"You have a green hat on your head, do you think it's good?"


Mu Ba was poked on the head, but he was not angry at all. He even grinned happily!

The doctor shook her head and planned to ignore him.

Ye Qianfan glanced at the two of them, raised his eyebrows, and then continued:"Let's not waste any more time. Anyway, I'm going to change the color of you all, and the purpose is to make you look more handsome!"

"Let you go out, and as soon as the enemy sees your armor and helmets, they will know that you are from my territory!"

"Let them feel disheartened before the battle even begins!"

""Your Excellency the Lord is wise!"

All the people in the territory raised their swords and cheered.

However, Mu Ba was below, quietly asking the doctor,"What is the Lord saying?""

"If you don't understand, just support him and shout that the lord is wise, and don't worry about anything else!"The doctor rolled her eyes and said,"Anyway, no matter what the lord shouts, you shout it's right, no matter what the lord says, you shout that the lord is wise!"

"Got it, thank you doctor!"


The other people in the area looked at Mu Ba, the big fool, sideways. They couldn't understand why the smart doctor only liked this piece of wood!

They were no worse than Mu Ba, and Mu Ba was obviously a blockhead!

"Since we want to achieve the effect of making the enemy panic when seeing it."

Ye Qianfan was too lazy to pay attention to this pair of dogs and continued:"Then the color of our team's armor must be bright and sexy!"

"I'm going to turn you all into Oscars!"

"A golden hat, golden armor, and a shining silver sword, let me ask you, are you handsome?"


The people raised their weapons and cheered again.

In fact, the color is not important, what is important is the green helmet. Except for the big fool Mu Ba, who else wants a green helmet?

Although the saying goes: If you want to live a decent life, you have to have a little green on your head!

But damn... they don't even have a woman!

Seeing this green, wouldn't it be even more irritating!

"Balabala... blah blah……"

Ye Qianfan followed the requirements of the color-changing technique, holding the gold nugget in his hand, waved the magic wand and began to chant the spell.

As the last word of the spell fell, a golden light shot out from the top of the magic wand and touched the red armor of Hunter Five!

The next second!

Hunter Five's originally red armor, at this moment, directly turned into a golden dragon armor!

This made the other male leaders envious!

But it's not over yet!

Ye Qianfan continued to touch Hunter Five's helmet with the wand!

The next moment...

Hunter Five's helmet also turned golden!

"Saint Seiya!"

""So cool!"

No one knew who took the lead in shouting.

At this moment, all the male subjects rushed to Ye Qianfan and said,"My Lord, I want one too!"

"I'll go first! I want to be handsome too!!!"

"My Lord, please give me a new skin first. I dream of becoming Seiya!"

"Come one by one, why are you in such a hurry!"

Ye Qianfan quickly used the magic wand in his hand to continuously point at their armor and hats.

He found that the most interesting thing about this spell is that as long as you don't stop, you can keep brushing the skin until... the gold nugget in Ye Qianfan's hand completely loses its color and turns into a piece of white metal!

【Platinum: The metal that gold turns into after losing its color!】


Ye Qianfan was stunned when he saw the hint of gold in his hand.

What was going on? Isn't platinum more precious than gold?

This gold faded... and it actually faded to a new level!!


PS: I wish you all a happy Children's Day, forever youthful, beautiful, tall, rich and handsome, never having to earn money yourself and spending it freely!

Then, are you going to give me some Children's Day gifts when I am still a child?

For example, a cup of milk tea, two cups of milk tea, three cups of milk tea, etc.……


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