
At this time.

The pheasant that was locked in the trap by Ye Qianfan envied the white eagle for having food and drink.

So it made a clucking sound, and deliberately turned around in the cage, making some noises to attract Ye Qianfan's attention.

Ye Qianfan turned his head and took a look, and immediately understood.

This pheasant was probably hungry. Yesterday, it had entered the trap by mistake and had nothing to eat.

Now it has been locked up for a whole night, and it is so hungry that it is"cuckooing".

Ye Qianfan glanced at the food in the warehouse.

There was still a piece of roasted rabbit meat.

But Ye Qianfan was reluctant to give a piece of meat to a chicken. Besides, chickens shouldn't eat meat, right? He searched again, and found only a handful of nuts.

They were all pine nuts, pistachios and the like, unroasted hard-shelled nuts. They looked unpalatable and were also troublesome to eat.

Ye Qianfan threw a small handful to the pheasant to prevent it from starving to death


The pheasant with colorful feathers was very happy. After turning around in place, it actually stuck out its butt!


A white egg rolled out from the chicken's butt.

Ye Qianfan's eyes lit up.

He kept this hen yesterday just to prevent the meat from becoming stale, but he didn't expect to get such an extra reward.

Not bad!

If he can find some tomatoes later, he will have tomato scrambled eggs to eat!

Ye Qianfan was overjoyed.

He put the eggs into the warehouse and rewarded the hen with some nuts.

Let it eat well so that it can lay more eggs!


After eating the delicious barbecue, Ye Qianfan burped.

After cleaning up, it was almost eight o'clock in the morning. It was time to start work again!

The sun gradually rose, and the fog around the wooden house dissipated quickly. Ye Qianfan saw through the window that the scenery around the house gradually became clear.

He opened the door and took a breath of fresh air!

As soon as he walked out of the door, the prompt flashed as usual

【East: Outside the Misty Forest, there are many trees. If you are short of wood, it would be a good place.】

【South: The Lightning Leopard had a life-and-death battle with the monster in the fog, and now it is licking its wounds. If you want to take action, today will be a good opportunity. Near the Lightning Leopard, there is a lucky treasure chest, which contains what you want!】

【PS: Although you have a rusty axe, there is a high chance that you will be injured. If it is a long-range weapon, your chances of winning will be greater.】

【West: 50 meters away from you, there is a bush with a beehive in it. The honey is sweet, but be careful of bee attacks! You can consider using fire attack, resin + poisonous thorns is a good combination!】

【North: Yesterday's acid rain caused serious injuries to the small animals, and the probability of catching nothing when setting traps today is also very high. 】

Ye Qianfan glanced at the prompts in the four directions.

It seems that although the acid rain yesterday brought a lot of benefits to Ye Qianfan, it also had bad effects.

For example, the small animals in the grassland were unwilling to leave their nests because of their injuries.

So even if he sets up traps, the probability of catching nothing is very high.

In this case.

Ye Qianfan decided not to waste time and set traps in the grassland.

The focus of today's exploration.

He decided to put it on the lightning leopard in the south and the beehive in the west! The lightning leopard in the south, through the system's prompts, Ye Qianfan learned that the lightning leopard was seriously injured. If Ye Qianfan uses a rusty axe, there is a certain chance that he will beat it, but it seems that he will also be injured.

However, Ye Qianfan also noticed that the prompt mentioned that if there is a long-range weapon, his chance of winning can be greater.

After Ye Qianfan upgraded the tool bench last night.

It is already possible to forge bows and arrows. Maybe he can see if he can get a long-range one back and go to the wild again?

Ye Qianfan came to the tool bench

【Level 2 tool bench: can make double-edged axe, stone axe, short bow, arrows, rattan armor, cotton clothes, intermediate backpack, primary arm guard……】

【Shortbow: Can attack prey within a range of 50 meters. Beyond 50 meters, the accuracy is insufficient. Production conditions: rattan 32/2, animal tendon 0/1, bamboo 19/1】

【PS: Remember to make arrows. Arrows: Bamboo 19/1, Feather 0/2, Bronze 110/1】

The moment he saw the arrows.

Ye Qianfan understood that bronze was used to make arrows.

And the consumption is a bit high. One arrow requires 1 bronze. I don’t know if the arrows can be recycled, otherwise the consumption of bronze is a bit vomiting blood!

The tendons and feathers are not enough.

Ye Qianfan thought about it, and then set his eyes on the hen.

The hen, who was eating nuts happily, was frightened by Ye Qianfan’s eyes and took N steps back. She looked at Ye Qianfan in horror, with an expression of what do you want to do!

【Hen: can lay one egg per day. Decomposed to get: 2 pieces of chicken, 1 portion of eggs, 10 down feathers.

No feathers?

It seems that the chicken's feathers should be substandard.

Ye Qianfan sighed and had to turn his head and look at the white eagle.

The white eagle was frightened and took a step back, because the master's eyes were too scary!

【Common Spirit Pet - White Eagle (80% underage): A master of hunting and tracking, its claws have extremely powerful attack power and can easily kill a goat! Food: Meat, anything with spiritual energy】

【Status: Loyalty 100%, slightly frightened!】

【PS: When the white eagle reaches adulthood, it will replace its feathers again. 】


Ye Qianfan saw that the white eagle's prompt had changed.

Its adulthood had reached 80%, so it seemed that it would be able to upgrade if it ate some good food.

Ye Qianfan thought about it and threw a spirit stone to it.

Anyway, he got 36 spirit stones this time.

And he could collect more spirit stones by selling water next time, so he was not short of them.


The white eagle's expression lit up.

It stared at Ye Qianfan with its bright eyes.

With a look of joy on its face, it seemed to be asking Ye Qianfan if this was really for it to eat.

""Well, it's for you, eat it!"

Ye Qianfan responded.

The White Eagle just approached the spirit stone, swallowed it into his mouth, and began to eat it with a crunch.

After the White Eagle swallowed the spirit stone, the White Eagle suddenly trembled all over, and his head actually began to grow another half a meter!

This time, the White Eagle became more than one meter tall.

It's almost catching up with the Eagle Brother in The Return of the Condor Heroes. I wonder if the White Eagle can become a riding pet after it grows up?

The kind that can fly!

What a pity.

The new reminder of the White Eagle quickly dispelled Ye Qianfan's idea.

【Primary Spirit Pet - White Eagle: A master hunter with powerful claws! Temporarily unridable, requires an elemental riding device to be ridden!】

【Status: Loyalty 100%, Eagle Eye status increased to 10 minutes!】

【Feathers 1000, collectable! 】


Ye Qianfan immediately collected all the eagle feathers on the ground.

All the materials for making arrows are ready, and now all he needs is a tendon.

It's really contradictory.

If he can kill the lightning leopard, he will definitely have the tendon, and he can also get some animal skins and other things.

But Ye Qianfan made the short bow for the purpose of killing the lightning leopard.

If he can't kill the lightning leopard, he can't get the tendon...

If he can't get the tendon, he can't make a short bow!

This... is simply a perfect closed loop!

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