
Mr. Bai took off his black gloves and said,"My Lord, you can speak now!"

"I just detected the fluctuation of magic power around, so I guessed that these witches in the wilderness had a backup plan, which made it difficult for you, Lord, to speak. Please don't mind it!"

"I don't mind, why would I mind!"

Ye Qianfan waved his hand, looked at the exclamation marks all over the floor and said:"I just want to ask, is the invisible eavesdropping bug that Mr. Bai just killed valuable?"

"It's quite valuable!" Mr. Bai looked at Ye Qianfan meaningfully and said,"Why? Does the Lord also keep this thing?"

"That's not the case, there are just a lot of them running into my house, so I thought, I should catch a few and sell them!"

Ye Qianfan looked at the red exclamation marks all over the floor.

When he heard the word"valuable", his eyes suddenly lit up!



"Many of them ran into your room?"

Mr. Bai heard this and his heart sank."No way, it's impossible. This thing is colorless, tasteless, silent and has no trace. How did the Lord discover its existence?"

"Even I have to rely on this magic wave detector to find it!"

After saying that,

Mr. Bai immediately took out a... purple frog from his arms?!

【Magic Wave Detection Frog: It has a very good detection effect on some invisible insects, especially invisible eavesdropping insects! It is the third generation detection frog newly cultivated by the Grand Mage Blue Beyond, and is very popular with the military!】

"Then... is it reacting now?"

Although Ye Qianfan couldn't see the whereabouts of the invisible eavesdropping bug, the red exclamation marks all over the ground were just like the marks of the invisible eavesdropping bug, and he was afraid that he would go blind!

【Invisible Eavesdropping Bugs 99th Generation: By constantly selecting the larvae with the best concealment ability, and then feeding them with various concealment and odor-eliminating plants for a long time, they grow into the best invisible eavesdropping bugs! Then they breed with the best invisible eavesdropping bugs, and after countless generations of selection and cultivation, the most valuable invisible eavesdropping bugs 99th generation are cultivated!】


Mr. Bai looked at his magic wave detection frog, then at Ye Qianfan and said,"If it finds an invisible eavesdropping bug within a range of 20 meters, it will immediately turn in that direction, open its mouth and stick out its tongue!"

Ye Qianfan heard this and also looked at Mr. Bai's purple frog.

But this thing, at this time, looked very calm, as if it was a stone sculpture!


Ye Qianfan looked at the red exclamation marks on the table, which were almost crawling to the frog's mouth!

This is either his eyesight is bad, or this frog is blind, oh no, this frog is useless!

"If... I mean if!" Ye Qianfan asked again:"If it is an invisible eavesdropping bug that even this magic wave detection frog cannot detect, then... it will be more valuable?"

"That's impossible!"

Mr. Bai shook his head and said,"My magic detection frog is the latest model, the latest detection frog!"

"Even the latest invisible eavesdropping bug of the 12th generation can be easily detected, so how could there be something that it cannot detect!"

"If that thing really exists, I'd be willing to buy it for 10,000 dragon coins each!"

"Are you serious?"


Ye Qianfan's eyes sparkled!!!

"It must be real. After all, this thing is unlikely to appear for the time being, and ten thousand for one is too little!"

Before Mr. Bai finished speaking, Ye Qianfan had already stretched out his hand to him and said,"Lend me your gloves, and give me something to hold these bugs, and I promise to catch hundreds of thousands of dragon coins for you!"

"How is it possible?"

Mr. Bai didn't believe it at all.

But he still handed the black dragon-patterned gloves to Ye Qianfan, and took out a glass jar and said:

"I'm telling you, even with the magic wave detection frog, I can only kill it by feeling. Do you still want to catch it?"

"I think you are kidding?"


"You will know soon whether I am kidding or not!"Ye Qianfan rolled up his sleeves, put on the dragon-patterned gloves and said,"Just prepare the money!"


Ye Qianfan stretched out his gloved hand and rushed to the ground quickly!

Sure enough, in the place where the red exclamation mark appeared, although he could not see it, he could always touch something with a hard shell but soft underneath.

That thing was only the size of a fingernail, and the smallest one was probably only the size of a soybean!

The size was very small!

But... the exclamation mark was bigger than them!

So Ye Qianfan caught it easily, picking up one at a time!

Not long after... the glass jar that Mr. Bai gave him was almost full!


Ye Qianfan slammed the jar on the table in a domineering manner and said,"Give me the money!"


"This... this... how is it possible!!"

Mr. Bai's narrowed eyes almost popped out of their sockets and he said,"My magic wave detection frog has no reaction at all. Are you trying to trick me with an empty jar?"

After that

, Mr. Bai took out some powder from the gem storage ring on his finger and sprinkled it evenly on the surface of the jar.

【Magical Revealing Powder: Pollen extracted from the Revealing Flower is a powder that can make invisible objects visible, but it is not suitable for large-scale spreading. After all, the price is too high, and the rich can't afford such a waste! 】

From the prompt, Ye Qianfan saw what the light yellow powder sprinkled by Mr. Bai was.

And as these light yellow powders fell on the transparent bottle!

Ye Qianfan saw it...

In the glass bottle, countless snails of different sizes appeared, crawling slowly.

The shells of these snails are almost transparent, and on their bodies, there is a kind of scale similar to that of chameleons. When it comes into contact with the color near human skin, its insect body will also turn into the same color!

And their color change speed is even several times faster than that of chameleons. Almost the moment they move past, they change color immediately.

It's no wonder why you can't see them!

It's really a bit difficult to catch!

"Oh my god!"

"These...these are all invisible eavesdropping bugs!"

"And it's not even the latest 12th generation, but a product of an unknown generation. Look at its soybean-sized size, it's much smaller than the 12th generation, and the latest magic wave detection frog cannot even detect it!"

"Oh my god, I'm going to get rich!!"

Mr. Bai was immediately upset!

Ye Qianfan smiled and said,"Well... Mr. Bai, I suddenly don't want to sell it anymore!"

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