Ye Qianfan didn't know until he saw it, and he was really shocked!

When he was in the Tourist Inn before, he thought that the consumption in the Mist World was a consumption concept that you could buy a lot of good things with a few dragon coins... until he saw this list of goods.

He realized... that the guys in the Tourist Inn were just a bunch of poor losers!

Just like the difference between consumption in Shenzhen's urban villages and consumption in Shenzhen's central area, the lowest price of the goods on this list is 50 dragon coins, and the high-priced items even exceed tens of thousands of dragon coins!

For example, the Cyclops that was locked on the cart before was priced as high as 500,000 dragon coins.

And the price of the sea banshee is as high as 100,000 dragon coins!

I can't afford it!

But... but it's not a commodity that Ye Qianfan can't afford...

There are still a few things in the list of goods that Ye Qianfan is particularly interested in, and at the same time, he can afford it!

【Teleport Ticket (Fake): Two copies, tear open the red fixed-point ticket first, and carry the blue teleport ticket with you. When you go out for adventure or travel, just tear open the blue teleport ticket when you want to return, and you can immediately return to the location designated by the red ticket! Price: 1000 Dragon Coins

【Soldier Upgrade Voucher (Fake): You can upgrade your soldiers or subjects to level 2 soldiers. PS: Upgrade based on talent, cannot be specified! Price: 1000 Dragon Coins

【Skill Book: Primary Treatment (Fake): Can treat minor injuries, and any wound no longer than the length of the little finger can be healed instantly. Price: 5,000 Dragon Coins

【Life Potion - Restored to its original state: Non-disabling injuries can be instantly cured. This is the pinnacle work of the healing master Wuming! Price: 10,000 Dragon Coins

【Magic Recovery Potion: This magic recovery potion is extracted from the blood of a black dragon. Just one bottle can instantly restore a great magician who has exhausted all his magic power! It is the most popular potion in the entire magic world. It is a must-have in war, but the price is a bit expensive! Price: 50,000 Dragon Coins

【Condensation Magic Cup: This is a very convenient condensation cup, and it has a built-in filtering function. No matter where you go, you don't have to worry about having no water to drink! PS: The condensation speed is a bit slow, and the condensation speed will also change according to the local water element content. Price: 2000 Dragon Coins

【Air Bread: This is a bread that is truly condensed from air, but it is extremely delicious in both texture and taste. The best thing about it is that after eating it, it will definitely not make you gain any weight! It is the most popular delicacy in the witch world, and it is also the favorite of those who want to lose weight! Price: 50 Dragon Coins

【Dark Cloud: This is a dark cloud that actually gathers above your head. As long as it is held by a thin thread, it will automatically follow you. This is definitely the best sunshade for sun-shy beauties, so some people also call it the Dark Cloud Umbrella. Price: 2000 Dragon Coins

【Alarm Bird: As long as you feed it at a fixed time every day for three consecutive days, it will scream non-stop until it wakes you up. If you fail to wake it up, it will fly over your head and peck out your eyes! Price: 1,000 Dragon Coins

【Self-heating warm coat: This is a self-heating coat, the fur is made of high-grade snow monster fur, absolutely warm! It is the most popular product in winter, and its supporting products also include gloves and shoes! PS: The fur color can be customized] Price: 1000 Dragon Coins

【Self-heating warm suit: including self-heating warm coat, self-heating warm hat, self-heating warm pants, self-heating warm gloves, self-heating warm shoes] Price: 4500 Dragon Coins

【Wizard Cloak: This is an ordinary cloak, but once you put it on, everyone will think you are very handsome! Special effect: Charm +20% Price: 5000 Dragon Coins

【Wizard Hat……】

There are so many things that it can be said to be a mobile store.

But when Ye Qianfan saw the word"fake" behind the skill book sold by the merchant, he immediately understood it!


So everyone is selling fakes!

As long as there is a Putian product, there will be thousands of Putian products!

Sure enough... there are not only him, but thousands of profiteers in this world!

But he doesn't care about other things, but the teleportation voucher and the troop upgrade voucher, the preliminary treatment book, and the life potion are all things that Ye Qianfan wants very much, especially the life potion, which is almost a life-saving talisman!

As long as it is not a broken hand or foot, it can be healed instantly!

This instant blood recovery function... is simply a life-saving material that is essential for battle!

It's the price...

When Ye Qianfan saw the five-digit price behind the life potion, he could only swallow his saliva silently, feeling that he was not a profiteer enough! He only earned more than 10,000 dragon coins in one night, which is not enough to spend!

Now he has only 10,552 dragon coins on his body. He must be frugal!

Without the money to buy a life-saving talisman like a life potion, he could only settle for the next best thing and buy a teleportation ticket!

Unfortunately, this teleportation ticket is not an original, otherwise Ye Qianfan could have copied it in large quantities!


Everyone is a profiteer!

But fortunately, Putian products are priced well, only one thousand dragon coins are needed!

So Ye Qianfan plans to buy two [teleportation tickets (fake)] first, and as for the remaining more than 8,000 dragon coins, all of them will be used to buy [arms upgrade tickets (fake)], because his subjects are too weak. Even with high-end equipment, their combat effectiveness still cannot survive in this foggy world.

Ye Qianfan does not ask for high combat effectiveness, as long as their combat effectiveness can reach the level of stone men or red-hat goblins.

That's enough!

"Lord, how did you choose?"

Mr. Bai had finished eating the barbecue. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and asked with a smile:"If Lord, you don't have anything you like, I still have some good stuff for sale. Of course, the price is not very cheap!"

"Forget about the others!"

Ye Qianfan smiled and rejected Mr. Bai's proposal. After all, if he came up with a better list later and he was jealous but couldn't afford it... wouldn't it be like watching an Apple phone launch conference, with an excited heart but an empty wallet?

Why torture yourself?

"I just want two teleportation tickets and eight troop upgrade tickets!" Ye Qianfan said, and suddenly asked:"I wonder if Mr. Bai will accept this?"

Ye Qianfan saw that the merchant's goods sold duplicate scrolls, so he took out a few of his duplicate scrolls to try!

Maybe someone would accept them?

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